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Reviewer: cullengirl08 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 15, 2023 8:46 pm Title: Chapter 25

Aw, I was so sorry to see this story end!! As much as there was a slow build up for Brian and Justin to meet, once they did, it was full speed ahead. I kind of think I like this version better than the original! And what I also loved was Justin and Brian not listening to any of the family's comments about them; they just let them have their say, but ignored them nonetheless.

Author's Response: Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed this version.

Reviewer: sfscarlet Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 22, 2017 4:07 am Title: Chapter 25

Truly loved this AU.  Brian's friend's are a pain, not believing that he can have a realtionship, but I loved the way you got them together and how Brian decided he was ready for Justin in his life.

Author's Response: Thanks so much. I love your comment. The believing part is the hardest.

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Dec 16, 2017 5:48 pm Title: Chapter 25

This was Almost but not Quite perfect.  You did a great job and I think this would have worked even better than the original which wasn't perfect either.  I was glad to see that Brian was getting more involved with Gus and Melanie was for it.  Now I just hope there is no NY in their future.  Great job!

Author's Response: Thanks so much for your continuing comments. I'm pleased you enjoyed this story.

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Dec 16, 2017 5:26 pm Title: Chapter 24

Gus is truly smart.  I see an art opening in Justin's future.

Author's Response: You would be correct.

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Dec 16, 2017 5:07 pm Title: Chapter 23

Yay, it's getting to the point where Brian's almost ready to admit he cares!  I hope they do meet with Gus and talk Lindz into using Gus for school since Abe would get him teased.

Author's Response: That's always the hardest part for Brian.

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Dec 16, 2017 4:50 pm Title: Chapter 22

I agree with Justin.  'Fuck all Brian's so-called friends'  Justin's sure to get the job because he's good.  Now Ted and Cynthia are there KinnitiK is sure to go far.

Author's Response: Brian's "friends" are so often the source of the problem.

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Dec 16, 2017 4:32 pm Title: Chapter 21

Brian finally got Cynthia.  Should have nabbed her up years ago.  Love how he picked Justin up again.  

Author's Response: Brian's life is coming together.

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Dec 16, 2017 4:25 pm Title: Chapter 20

Things are going great so far.  Keep it up.

Author's Response: Are you hopeful?

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Dec 16, 2017 4:17 pm Title: Chapter 19

Okay, Saturday is gone and Sunday is going the same way as Saturday.  So what happens when they have to go to work?

Author's Response: We shall see.

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Dec 16, 2017 4:09 pm Title: Chapter 18

Yes, yes, yes.  It was going so perfectly then Justin said I love you and it seemed to go to shit.

Author's Response: You know how Brian is about the "L" word.

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Dec 16, 2017 3:54 pm Title: Chapter 17

Let's hope Justin is dressed correctly.  Haha.

Author's Response: Right!

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Dec 16, 2017 3:13 pm Title: Chapter 16

So we have Justin working the diner and living with Deb.  Is that an improvement?

Author's Response: Good question.

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Dec 16, 2017 3:03 pm Title: Chapter 15

Damn Craig and damn Jennifer for backing him.  Brian could use Justin's artistic talent.  

Author's Response: Got to keep them apart a little longer. lol

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Dec 16, 2017 2:56 pm Title: Chapter 14

Well you have us wanting the next chapter to see how you fix Justin's predicament and get him and Brian together.  You were so close.

Author's Response: That's why this story is called 'Almost But Not Quite'.

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Dec 16, 2017 2:46 pm Title: Chapter 13

I am so disappointed in Ted.  He ruined Brian's night.  Mikey is on my shit list too.  Shame Emmett couldn't have been more friendly and not let on about the Brian they think they know.  At least Brian knows where to find Justin.

Author's Response: Poor Ted, he never was very with it until he started working for Brian.

Reviewer: Tagsit Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Dec 16, 2017 11:37 am Title: Chapter 1

Love this story - excited to read it again! TAG

Author's Response: Thanks so much.

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Dec 16, 2017 4:28 am Title: Chapter 12

Darn, Brian didn't remember.  Let's hope Babylon jogs his memory and nothing bad happens.

Author's Response: Let's hope so.

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Dec 16, 2017 4:19 am Title: Chapter 11

It took 4 years, maybe 5 but they finally meet again.  It certainly could have gone this way.

Author's Response: Thanks, I'm glad you find it credible.

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Dec 16, 2017 2:48 am Title: Chapter 10

Well at least Mikey didn't show up to spoil Brian's orgasm.  And Justin didn't get hit with a bat.  Win/win.

Author's Response: Some of the silver lining of them not meeting.

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Dec 16, 2017 2:39 am Title: Chapter 9

So Justin is going to the prom and Brian didn't get the job in NY.  Sad.

Author's Response: You got it.

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Dec 16, 2017 12:46 am Title: Chapter 8

Things are looking better.  Brian has a client and two of Justin's pictures sold.  Hehe, Brian doesn't recognize his own eyes.

Author's Response: Hopefully things are improving.

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Dec 16, 2017 12:40 am Title: Chapter 7

Brian not only missed seeing his son, he missed meeting Justin.  Shame.

Author's Response: Yes, maybe things would have turned better if they had met.

Author's Response: Yes, maybe things would have turned better if they had met.

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Dec 16, 2017 12:28 am Title: Chapter 6

Poor Brian, even worse poor Abe.  

Author's Response: LOL Definitely!

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Dec 15, 2017 11:56 pm Title: Chapter 5

Darn Kip won.  I hate that, but it's realistic since Justin wasn't there to save Brian.  Does Justin go to Dartmouth?  He'd do well if he did.

Author's Response: One little change has major implications.

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Dec 15, 2017 11:13 pm Title: Chapter 4

Darn, things are going from bad to worse.

Author's Response: Exactly.

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