Date: Sep 14, 2023 10:34 am Title: Epilogue
Just finished, sorry I stopped my reviews just had to keep reading ! I loved how well it was written. So much drama and fierce love .

Date: Aug 28, 2023 5:40 pm Title: Chapter 5
You describe Justin,'s paintings beautifully!

Date: Aug 28, 2023 9:10 am Title: Chapter 3
This is so sad, great writing

Date: Aug 28, 2023 8:33 am Title: Chapter 1
This a very sad and stupid Brian
Date: Jul 12, 2021 5:56 am Title: Chapter 1
Love this story so much....it was one of the first fanfics I read. I just read it for the second time and although there are parts that break my heart and parts that make me want to scream with anger...I think it’s the most honest any writer has been about the characters...all of them and how they really feel about Brian and how badly he was treated by his “best friendsâ€.
Thanks for writing the story and hope one day you will continue it. Would love to know more about Melanie and Ron.

Date: Apr 11, 2019 12:30 pm Title: Chapter 1
I had forgotten how absolutely amazing this story was, but the proof is in my return to read this again. This is the equivalent of the book you cannot put down, and several times I have been reading it still at 3am on a work day! I have no doubt at all that I will return to this again and again in the years to come, and in that regard a sequel would be awesome. A "for all time" favorite.
Date: Feb 09, 2019 3:54 pm Title: Epilogue
Love it. wish you write more
Date: Feb 08, 2019 7:15 pm Title: Chapter 44
what is with Justin, he should not be jelous of Chris, he sure srewed around enough and walked out of Brian a few times. I wish Brian would love Chris
Date: Feb 08, 2019 3:15 am Title: Chapter 39
Ted and Melani deserve that and mutch more
Date: Feb 07, 2019 4:15 am Title: Chapter 22
with friends like the gang and Debbie who needs enemys
Date: Jan 02, 2019 5:22 pm Title: Epilogue
Once a year I find myself drawn back to this superbly written story! Just finished reading Timeless for a third time and it is still my all time favorite story! In my book, it’s a Masterpiece!! The emotion is still palpable, the way the characters are written is so different, even knowing the outcome doesn’t make it any less enjoyable. What some readers may have missed is that this is a Brian story as seen through the eyes of the writer, it was her story to write and tell. Justin and the others were passengers on her story train, and after taking time to read most comments, to some degree I feel the criticism is why a sequel was never written. Sure we all need to have thick skin at times during our life but when you take time to put your heart and soul into something, I’m sure it can be discouraging. I do think it’s ok to voice opinions but if the story isn’t your cuppa, then don’t read. I apply that rule to each and every story I read, and I’ve read hundreds! Can
Date: Dec 22, 2018 5:26 am Title: Epilogue
I don’t know how to worship at your alter... to express my absolute enjoyment of this novel. It’s a fully complex mystery packed full of real life bigotry and love.
it always hurt that these promising characters where just left to die on the page of bad scripts. They had so much potential that was never even slightly developed. It’s almost like Cowlip hated them. But you saved them. Thank you for that.
Im going to have to go back and read it again. I tend to read to fast when i’m In love with my adventure. It always requires a second... even a third reading.
Thank you 🥰
Date: Nov 01, 2018 5:09 am Title: Chapter 1
Just finished reading this, which I have been doing on and off for some time now. The only other time I read this was way back on MW around 2011. It left me raw and open. It left me with a resound sense of peace at the ending. Although, more information about what happened with Melanie would have been nice. I was appalled at her and Ted in this story. But I Loved It. Sure, there were areas that were hard to read. The true horrifically story started with Brian's capture, and the subsequent brutalizing of Brian. How truly amazing that Brian hung on through it all, in order to inform them of Justin's danger. Only something Brian Kinney would be able to do. Yes, definitely a hard read. And to think he was safe towards the end, only to be shot again... Just Wow!
When Brian fell in love with McClaren and pushed Justin away, I felt my heart break a little. I'm aware a lot of readers came down on you for that, and in my eyes that was wrong. It was your story to tell. But you righted that wrong by the end, and Brian and Justin came together and admitted they loved each other; had always loved each other. My heart swelled and the tears flowed.
I checked out your pinterest page. I loved the photo's btw... But I wish there would have been a way for you to put names to the photo's, so we knew who was who. Absolutely gorgeous men, all if them.
Anyway, thank you for this wonderful story. Even if bits and pieces fade over time, the story itself, remains in your heart and mind. It's one I will never forget.
It's... Timeless.
XOXO ~ Cathy
Date: Jan 10, 2018 2:04 am Title: Epilogue
I have just finished reading Timeless for a second time, if there was any doubt before there isn’t now, it is my all-time favorite QAF story!! I found it so compelling that after reading it for the first time a few months ago, I was drawn right back in, a true testament to the depth of the writing skills of the author! Cynical stayed true to the original characters, give great insight into who Brian was beneath all of the layers of “what you see,” showed the vulnerability of Justin being so young and how his lack of life experiences colored how he saw things and how he reacted, introduced us to many new characters to love. The use of vivid descriptions to set a scene was pure creative genius, it was like being taken on a visual vacation and dropped right into the setting!! The way a mood, a feeling, love, anger was infused in the eyes of the character left no doubt as to what they were conveying! The author also has the ability, in the middle of angst laden chaos, to deliver one line zingers that took me from crying buckets to literally laughing out loud “You must be so proud…you fucked a Boy Scout.”
Oh, I want to retract my original statement that I wouldn’t want a sequel, who am I kidding…I would love one! I have since eaten crow (and humble pie) and would love nothing more then for this amazing adventure to continue. There are so many chapters that could be written; How our boys adjust to their lives together after all they have been through, does the house become a palace or a prison, how does the extended family deal with the new Brian, do they go back to their old ways of how they treated him, does Brian step back into being CEO at Kinnetik, what happens to Linz/Sharon, Hillard/Keller, Cynthia/Mathis, do they find happiness together, what happens to dear “sweet” Melanie, always want more Gus, would love a little(ok a lot) of McClaren/Liam hot togetherness, does McFed come back to try and stake a claim to Brian(without success)if so how would our little pitbull Justin handle it. I can only imagine!!
I know a lot of time, energy & research goes into writing an epic story like this, so if the itch ever strikes you to write a sequel, I hope you scratch it! I will forever be a faithful fan and reader!! Candy
Date: Oct 27, 2017 12:23 am Title: Chapter 1
I LOVED this story! It has everything I enjoy; first it was long which gave me a chance to get to know the characters in depth as you wrote them, especially the addition of the new ones. The way you added details & nuisances, they were so vivid it was like they brought the story to life, with the different scenes playing live in my mind. The drama, the twists, the turns, and the angst at times brought me to full blown tears. For me, the story was first and foremost about LOVE, enduring love, self-discovery, forgiveness of oneself and of others. It has quickly become one of, if not my all-time favorite story! As to whether I would have liked to have seen a McClaren sequel, not really...especially if it meant more drama & trauma for our boys! I hope someday you find the inspiration to write again, especially about our boys, you have a special gift! Candy
Date: Oct 08, 2017 5:39 pm Title: Epilogue
I llove the story. Will there be a sequel?
Date: May 17, 2017 10:41 pm Title: Epilogue
This was just amazing! I found it by compete accident and you had me hooked from the start. I couldn't stop reading it. I love the way you write and I happily await your next one.
I love Ted and hated that he was such an asshole in this story but I could understand why and totally see it happening. Great job! Bravo! More please....

Date: May 03, 2017 5:29 am Title: Epilogue
I absolutely loved this story, even better this 2nd time around. Very moving.

Date: May 02, 2017 3:18 pm Title: Epilogue
The fact that Justin never notice is disquieting. The fact that he finally gets what Brian has been trying not to tell him with Cedric's help is amazing. That Ted had the nerve to come back and say what he did makes me angry. Plus we never learn what became of Melanie. This story is action packed and emotionally draining and one of the best fics and there are many that I've read.

Date: May 02, 2017 2:50 pm Title: Chapter 60
Since the beginning someone has tried to destroy Brian. Justin who loves Brian is still not seeing him clearly. McFed is realizing that he has also fallen in love with Brian. He'll have to live with that knowledge. Brian loves Justin but not enough to keep him trapped if he felt Justin was. And Cedric is very, very smart. Shame Justin didn't hear McClaren's speech. You said everything in it showing that McClaren saw Brian and not just what everyone seems to think Brian is. Ted doesn't seem to see that by letting the men who tried to kill Brian he lost Brian's trust. So Ted was dealt with. I almost wish he hadn't signed. We still need to know how Melanie is settled. Plus you must tell us that Brian does come back.

Date: May 02, 2017 6:17 am Title: Chapter 59
Ted thinking he did a good thing. I wonder if Justin kills him? I would because of Ted Brian was placed in danger. Now we go after the bad guy and McClaren and Liam together! Monty finally gets his just deserts. Now if only Melanie gets hers.

Date: May 02, 2017 5:33 am Title: Chapter 58
Things are looking bad and Teddy has been so stupid. I was starting to worry but then you brought Cedric back into the story. Everyone showed up just in time. But the story doesn't end here.