Date: May 03, 2017 12:09 am Title: Chapter 15
I love Hunter's character in this story. He's amazing and he should know it.
I hope Gus will be okay with having more siblings. It's always tough when you are the oldest and have to learn to share your parent's affections.
Date: May 02, 2017 11:04 pm Title: Chapter 15
I liked this chapter, you put Hunter in front made him see what good is is to others.
Thanks for all the hard work in put into these stories.
Date: May 02, 2017 10:51 pm Title: Chapter 15
So that last little bit almost had me in tears. Man worded that so beautifully! It was so emotional. I am soooooo glad that Hunter was able to hear all that and understand how great he is. How important he is to those around him. He's really seeing what remarkable possibilities lie ahead for him.
Interesting conversation between justin and Mel. Like Mel said, it seems teh student has supassed the teacher. He spoke truth to Mel. Hopefully she didn't just hear it, but actually listened. We all want to protect those we love, but by going overboard, we don't give them them opportunites to screw up and learn, or to blossom and grow. I think Lindsey will be able to really make a mark for herself in this new job. definitely something better suited for her than as Justin's assistant.
What a wonderful chapter!!!
Date: May 01, 2017 5:28 pm Title: Chapter 14
Hunter is so impressive in this. He's all grown up and really setting up a terrific life for himself. (& Shelby) Hopefully shelby will also learn to accept his own abilities. It seems he has a real talent. Hunter handled Lindsey in the best way possible. She didn't intent to come across so bitchy I don't believe. She was simply hurt by being looked over for a position she felt she thought herself good for. Justin definitel ymade teh right decisio nin hiring Hunter, and he was able to make Lindsey undertand Justin's reasoning. The fact that Justin was still trying to involve Lindsey shows that he sees she has talent, but doesn't want to involve her in his own business.
Date: May 01, 2017 1:10 pm Title: Chapter 14
All's well that ends well. And this chapter is no exception.
Date: May 01, 2017 10:37 am Title: Chapter 14
I'm glad that Lindsay apologized to Hunter. He didn't deserve her anger that he got the job over her.
I can't wait for Gus to be with the guys. Good idea to have Rachel on standby for when they need some time alone.
Date: May 01, 2017 9:11 am Title: Chapter 14
Hunter is all grown up and has a huge sense of how to deal with Lindsay's state of mind. He's gonna be good at his job because of that and also because he has seen Brian and Justin's relationship for quite some time now.
Lindsay can't miss this opportunity: she won't have another one anytime soon.
Michael is really mature here: he can honestly talk about his love for Brian and not seems needy anymore.
As for the magical duo, they are mature, but also very playful and can't get enough of each other, especially when they know they won't be together for some time.
Date: May 01, 2017 3:18 am Title: Chapter 14
Hunter is a real gem! I liked the way he handled Lindsay. Hopefully she will get out of her pity party and start to design a life for herself. Justin is really giving her an opportunity to reinvent herself; she better take it!
Brian and Justin are always HOT and thankfully Rachel understands them. Maybe it's because their passion is so pervasive in a wholly wonderful way that one cannot help but feel and honor such a rarity. I can't imagine that someone as uptight as Stephen or Lindsay could accept it with the good grace that Rachel does.
Looking forward to MORE!
Happy Writing and HUGS,
Date: Apr 30, 2017 7:32 pm Title: Chapter 13
Michael the mother hen: hilarious, but I could see him do as his mother does.
The doll is also funny, especially when Brian takes it.
Lindsay should get spanked, slapped, anything that will make her ideas "straight".
Date: Apr 30, 2017 9:59 am Title: Chapter 13
You tell her Jen. I'm so glad Gus gets to see Brian and Justin in London.
Date: Apr 30, 2017 6:41 am Title: Chapter 12
It's nice to see Brian/Hunter's relationship evolving, as well as Justin/Hunter's one.
I find Brian more and more open to people that are not that close to him yet.
Date: Apr 30, 2017 1:16 am Title: Chapter 13
Love how you have everyone being. So different yet so good.
Date: Apr 29, 2017 10:57 am Title: Chapter 12
Yay Ben!! Yay Mikey! Nice job taking up for your son. Lindsay even if you are right, why would you go to his parents? I wonder if we are looking at some Linds Hunter moments on the horizon?
Date: Apr 29, 2017 10:48 am Title: Chapter 12
Who knew Justin and Hunter would become as close as they have. I'm so happy about that. Hunter deserves all good things.
Date: Apr 29, 2017 4:28 am Title: Chapter 12
It's so nice that Hunter is being the assistant. I'm sure he'll be great!
Date: Apr 29, 2017 3:14 am Title: Chapter 12
Wonderful Chapter! I am really looking forward to Justin and Hunter working together. He may have to tell Lindsay to get off his balls a time or eighteen (same with Michael's inherent nosiness) but it will all be worth it. I love that Justin was honest with Hunter in why he was perfect for the job. I really hope he will begin to see himself the way Brian, Justin, Cynthia, Rachel, Ben and even Michael sees him. GO GET'EM HUNTER!!!
Looking forward to MORE!
Happy Writing and HUGS,
Date: Apr 27, 2017 4:17 pm Title: Chapter 11
Michael is very nice and mature now! What a change!
Date: Apr 27, 2017 3:42 pm Title: Chapter 11
I liked this chapter a lot. Michael showed some serious backbone. Was supportive of justin and the decision he made regarding work. He didn't support Hunter simply because he's his son, but because of his accomplishments. He didn't coddle Lindsey's jealousy or give excuses. When it came down to it, he stood strong for his family, and walked away when he felt he couldn't handle the conversation anymore and allowed Ben to continue.
Nicely done!!
Date: Apr 27, 2017 1:08 am Title: Chapter 11
I'm so happy for Hunter. He deserves a chance and things to go right in his life. He does understand things like Justin. I think it's a perfect match.
Now Brian is dreaming about the twins. Can't wait for them to become a reality.
Date: Apr 27, 2017 12:13 am Title: Chapter 11
OMG!! I'm so HAPPY that Ben and Michael lit into Lindsay! How dare she dismiss Hunter like that?! And for no other reason than the fact that she is jealous out of her mind. This is the one time that Michael not having a filter worked for me!
Brian's dream with his future darlings was just too endearing! I honestly can't wait to see that prophesy fulfilled. One Justin was and IS more than a handful but three of them??? LMAO! I see a bottle of "Just for Men" haircoloring in Brian's future. Talk about getting gray hairs!!!!
Wonderful Chapter Star and looking forward to the NEXT!
Happy Writing and HUGS,
Date: Apr 26, 2017 11:08 pm Title: Chapter 11
Those twins just keep showing up. Lindsay put her foot in her mouth, but Michael has done that too, so he does understand. Lovely chapter.
Date: Apr 26, 2017 11:12 am Title: Chapter 10
I liked Rachel. How do you train someone to be perfect without whips and chains? I hope Hunter can handle all of the anticipating and codling. Oh, and he needs to handle a disappointed Lindsay.
And a general... Awww. Cuz this is sweet.
Date: Apr 25, 2017 9:38 pm Title: Chapter 10
Justin was more than generous with Michael, he better really appreciate him from now on.
I love the painting series.
Date: Apr 25, 2017 8:58 pm Title: Chapter 10
Hunter accepted. No surprise there. And Ted let all the cats out of the bag. So now Mikey's going to Tibet once he finds out where it is.
Date: Apr 25, 2017 8:34 pm Title: Chapter 10
The 5 paintings are key pieces/moments of their lives, sad or happy. Great idea to have that in a show, then back to their home.