Ted and Blake are to face everything so they can at last buried the bones that haunt them to face their enemies and with their heads held high, back of steel and No Fear they will destroy any and all who try/tried to Crush Them.
Date: Aug 09, 2019 12:58 am Title: IN or OUT: BOOK II: CHAPTER 10: EVERYBODY PLAYS THE FOOL
thanks for the update

Date: Jul 26, 2019 4:23 am Title: IN or OUT: BOOK II: CHAPTER 10: EVERYBODY PLAYS THE FOOL
You are a beautiful writer.
I agreed with every analysis points.
Micheal character was never an ideal type as Qaf writers tried. He always was an immature & needy, totally clingy. Ben loved him, still Ben has to stoop low to be with him. Can't be said same for Michel.
Hope the guys clipped his mouth, so his Screeching get shut. Let Michel keep fuming. Did he hear about Yuri having his pea balls ripped out by Sunshine.
Loving your stories. More please. Hugs â¤
Date: Jul 25, 2019 1:58 am Title: IN or OUT: BOOK II: CHAPTER 10: EVERYBODY PLAYS THE FOOL
You are doing such a great job in having the characters realize how bad Michael was for them. Another great chapter with Ben. I hope he finds happiness. I jsut envy you your ability to crank out a chapter so quickly. It takes be forever.

Date: Jul 24, 2019 8:02 pm Title: IN or OUT: BOOK II: CHAPTER 10: EVERYBODY PLAYS THE FOOL
Wonderful, just wonderful. I see the path that these chapters are taking and I feel like a puzzle is being completed. Each one tells the how and why of what Michael has done and it is fantastic. You, my friend, are so talented. To be writing one story is amazing, but to have others plus ideas is incredible. Fantastic writing as always.

Date: Jul 24, 2019 7:04 pm Title: IN or OUT: BOOK II: CHAPTER 10: EVERYBODY PLAYS THE FOOL
Ben's finally come to terms with understanding what Michael is really.

Date: Jul 24, 2019 6:46 pm Title: IN or OUT: BOOK II: CHAPTER 10: EVERYBODY PLAYS THE FOOL
Everything Ben said about Michael and Deb is so accurate and just proves how selfish and self-centered they both are to everyone around them.
They are extremely happy when their puppets are dancing to their tune but the second one of them tries to snip their strings then they bully them back into suppression and all is right once again.
Michael needs his mommy until she is of no further use than she is an Embarrassing, Moronic, Waste of his Time.
Deb is like that with Michael one second he is more precious than gold until his demands get in the way of her happiness Then he is an Asshole, Little Shit, Brat.
They all fell for Michael and Deb's machinations because they really didn't want to believe that the people who accepted and loved them were actually disgusting soul-sucking demons.
The Little Mermaid reference is quite accurate.
When Deb and Michael look in the mirror they are their vileness but ignore it for the reflection they believe they are which is of two loving people who are accepting and honest to the people they allowed into their lives.
While Justin, Blake and Drew see their true selves that no amount of fake niceness can hide and that is why Deb and especially Michael want to gone or submitting like everyone else.
Brian, Emmett and Ted were blind because they found acceptance while ignoring the conditions placed on them by two selfish people who really don't love anyone including themselves.
Love is a word they can say but never understood the concept without asking first "What's In It For Me?".
That is why they will Never be Happy!
I Once Was Blind But Now I See
Thanks For the Update 😃

Date: Jul 24, 2019 6:22 pm Title: IN or OUT: BOOK II: CHAPTER 10: EVERYBODY PLAYS THE FOOL
Okay... saw the new chapter come up in the corner of my computer, and had to quit writing in order to read. (writing something Time's Up inspired.)
Anyways, this was a good, deep introspection chapter. Ben is learning and realizing a lot about the whys and reasons he took up with Michael in the first place, and where he made his mistakes. In reality, I think everybody in real life might learn something about ourselves if we sat back and did that.
Thanks for the heads-up on who Ellis is. And THANK YOU for containing Yuri! I presume Michael showed Yuri a picture of God Brian, and Yuri threw caution to the wind. But it's also nice to know Yuri was a problem before all that happened. Now we just have to learn Ethan's consequences. However will he pay his child's support now? *hehe*
I have to wonder who all heard the screech this morning that was directed at Barry... BTW... how soon do we get the confrontation between these eight men? That should douse Michael's hopes of being in Brian's bed.
HUGS ~Cathy â¤ï¸

Date: Jul 24, 2019 4:57 am Title: IN or OUT: BOOK II: CHAPTER 9: DON’T WANNA BE A FOOL
You are Amazing! So fast. sending *hugs💗
Love every moment. Ben reaming michel another one. Him looking in mirror, feeling free. Ben deserves better than Micheal. Don't know how Debbie will react? aside from blaming others rather herself & her 35 years old infant. "Like Mother Deb, Like moron Micheal." Screeching, whining together.
Thankyou for Wonderful update.🙂
Author's Response:
Thanks so MUCH! I'm glad that you are continuing to enjoy the story! There will certainly be MUCH screeching and whining for them to do in the coming days.
Date: Jul 24, 2019 2:04 am Title: IN or OUT: BOOK II: CHAPTER 9: DON’T WANNA BE A FOOL
Wonderul scene between Michael and Ben and so happy that Ben kicked Michael to the curb. so happy to see everyone finally realizing how manipulative Michael actually is.
Author's Response:
Thank you so much, Sandy! This continues to be an amazing experience to write.

Date: Jul 24, 2019 1:55 am Title: IN or OUT: BOOK II: CHAPTER 9: DON’T WANNA BE A FOOL
Oh Yes! Another Update! You are on FIRE!!! Please don't get doused!
You Go Benjamin Bruckner. Keep looking at the handsome mug and physique of yours! I really do hope during your last book: MOVING ON-One Year Later, that Ben is in a wonderful relationship with a super HOT STUD! (Brian's taken... but plenty of men in the sea of bodies.) hehe... Take That Michael. Ben deserves it for all the horrendous years he has put up with Michael.
Michael... Michael... Didn't he specifically say in the last chapter he had to fix things with Ben? You don't scream at someone the minute they open the door, shaking papers at them, while trying to hit them with them. WRONG FIRST IMPRESSION!!! Did he think he could bully him into submission? I see when that did not work, he tried the innocent boy routine.. sorry Michael. And do heed Ben's warning... EVERYBODY IS FED UP WITH YOU!!! AND YOUR MA!!!
Speaking of Deb, if she has a mountain of boxes... hmm... if it's ONLY supposed to be what Michael came into the marriage with... should there be that much? I hope that there where specific instructions on what all to pack. I hope he wasn't holding a storage facility anyplace. At least if there was anything hidden within safes or anything in the store... that should be discovered. I take for granted that Michael had a list drawn up what was his when they got married? you were actually quite meticulous when detailing every single fucking one of those toys... Now what will Michael do?
Oh! I wanted to ask you... I can't remember the guys name right off... but someone was going to be watching Michael... (this was the counselors talking right after they got on the island.) Who was the guy supposed to be? Just someone who worked for them? Security? Was it the big dude that delivered his papers to him? And if this guy is watching him... how was he able to get Yuri to deliver the message? I thought of all this last night after reading your other update.
Keep Writing! Loving It!!
Cathy â¤ï¸
Author's Response:
Hey Cathy! You're going to have to wait for the answers to your questions, but I will tell you that Ellis was instructed to watch and inform, not intercept. We'll be hearing more about his role in things a little later on. I'm so glad that you are continuing to enjoy this story!

Date: Jul 24, 2019 1:42 am Title: IN or OUT: BOOK II: CHAPTER 9: DON’T WANNA BE A FOOL
Great chapter. Love that Ben stood up to stupid. I always liked Ben and really didn't like that he was stuck with Michael in the series, but it was a good storyline. So happy that you are doing so many updates on this story. You know how much I love it and your writing. Fantastic.
Author's Response:
Awww, thanks Darling!
Date: Jul 23, 2019 11:43 pm Title: IN or OUT: BOOK II: CHAPTER 9: DON’T WANNA BE A FOOL
How many more chapters of this story till it's finished
Author's Response:
Hello Amy,
Currently, Book I is finished, and Book II is still in progress. They will be followed by two more Books, all written within this one fanfic. That said, I'm really not sure yet. I don't write/ outline like most other authors do beyond a pretty primitive premise. This allows for much of the story to occur organically, as if you're watching real life happen, or living it through the eyes of the characters themselves. It's the same type of format I follow with all of my other work as well. If you'd like, you can certainly start on Book I and read straight through to where we are in the story now. I'm pretty certain that by the time you visit the last posted chapter, there will be more of the story posted.
Thanks so much for your inquiry. It means more than words can say!

Date: Jul 23, 2019 11:38 pm Title: IN or OUT: BOOK II: CHAPTER 9: DON’T WANNA BE A FOOL
Hello Benjamin James Bruckner Welcome To The First Official Day Of The Rest Your Life!!
Ben served Michael before Michael could serve him (Or Poison Him, AHole Coward!!) so Ben owns the store legally and now all Michael's toys would look good on display at auction for some True Collectors to buy and cherish on the internet so Michael can watch as they all slip through his fingers one by one.
Did Ben's lawyer happen to find a hidden bank account with Michael (Barf!) Kinney on it?
I don't want Michael to even have lint in his pockets so like the Count of Monte Cristo said "Take It All" but do leave him his spider man underwear cause no one would want that and his clothes would look good in a fire pit😄
Yes Ben sees Michael for what he really is and that lesson is one he will never forget and it will teach him to look beyond the cover to find out what the full story is.
Is there any thing in the mountain of boxes at Deb's that could be used to further seal Michael's fate?
The House is shaking hard Michael and you will be buried under the rumble where you belong😆
Thanks For the Update 😃
Author's Response:
All I can say is that you know me soooooo VERY well, Blue!
Love and HUGS,

Date: Jul 23, 2019 11:36 pm Title: IN or OUT: BOOK II: CHAPTER 9: DON’T WANNA BE A FOOL
I have to admit to checking several times a day for an update on this story. I am so looking forward to Mikey and Deb being cut lose. Thank you.
Hey Phyllis! I find myself just as engrossed as you are. And I'm on tenterhooks about how this all plays out just as much! Deb is going to remain the wildcard for awhile yet, considering that everyone else is cutting Michael loose. It's going to be interesting to see what happens when she has to really pay attention to who and what Michael really is. Will she see the similarities between the two of them? Or will she continue to overlook the obvious in favor of companionship, even if it's from the brat she birthed over thirty years ago? Hmmm, questions, questions, and more questions! ~Nichelle
Author's Response:

Date: Jul 23, 2019 5:00 pm Title: IN or OUT: BOOK II: CHAPTER 8: GIVING UP IS SO HARD TO DO…
Michael seriously doesn't see that his house of cards is not just wobbling anymore a huge earthquake is heading his way and the fallout will only be catastrophic for him and Deb who is already seeing that her world is falling apart but is refusing to admit that it is her fault.
I wish I could work up an ounce of sympathy for Deb but that shipment has been delayed because I don't care what happens to her anymore, like Michael She has coasted on Brian's popularity and money for way too long while using everyone to cater to Michael and her demands, it is time they both learn that Payback isn't just a Bitch but she is a Queen who is going to serve them both royally exactly what they deserve.
Yuri should be cowering in the corner somewhere sucking his thumb or else he should be leaving the island or reprimanded to kitchen duty under close supervision until Everyone has left the island.
Tino and Darius should for in a fiery plane crash but no point killing the innocent to punish them so perhaps transporting drugs could see them put away for life and punished in prison where they belong.
Michael isn't crazy he is just controlling, lazy, greedy and very entitled and that means he will never win cause yes he does have a brain but he was born without a heart or compassion for anyone besides himself.
He loves and hates Brian for being everything he isn't but he believes that without Brian around he is invisible and easily forgotten (Hello Deb!), He also hates Justin to the point of wishing him dead cause Justin really is the other half to Brian's heart and soul a position Michael could never fill because Brian doesn't settle mediocrity.
Neither does Emmett and Ted which also pisses him off everyone else achieved greatness by fighting and working for it, Michael just expects it because he is standing next to them and that is why he will always be miles behind.
Even Ben is was above Michael but he got blinded for awhile and now that he is free he is never settling for mediocre again.
Can't Wait For The Next Chapter!😀

Date: Jul 23, 2019 12:18 pm Title: IN or OUT: BOOK II: CHAPTER 8: GIVING UP IS SO HARD TO DO…
All widdle Mikey's plans are falling apart. Debs still in denial.

Date: Jul 23, 2019 7:59 am Title: IN or OUT: BOOK II: CHAPTER 8: GIVING UP IS SO HARD TO DO…
Wow, you can really write Michael as the nasty, conniving rat that he is. Never did like him and now I can really hate him. Terrific chapter and wonderful writing.

Date: Jul 23, 2019 6:14 am Title: IN or OUT: BOOK II: CHAPTER 8: GIVING UP IS SO HARD TO DO…
Thats right. Micheal will be left with nothing. Out of 3 main cast, Hal's character is only, who is total Immature, Clingy, Whiny, Irresponsible. Being nice never sits him. You did justice writing all characters.
Hope Tino+other idiot get crashed into ocean deep & Michel to hear how Yuri got reaped a new one by Justin (Mini-Rage).
Micheal disgusting fantasy of palm spring (want to wring his neck with Deb's apron). like it when Mikey get served. He & Deb deserves it. Making nice with Ben will not help. Brian is better without them. Like chapter title, Mikey thinking concerns me. Him hell bent on rid of Justin by any means, still knowing he could Not Win.
Curious for more. ☘

Date: Jul 23, 2019 5:02 am Title: IN or OUT: BOOK II: CHAPTER 8: GIVING UP IS SO HARD TO DO…
Okay, while reading the first part, I wanted to strangle the person responsibe for writing such filth... can't be a loosy-goosy for Brian. I've been watching porn... *Shudder... Shudder*
Okay, now I have the giggles... scratch that, I'm laughing hysterically... so bad it's hard to type.
Okay, five deep breaths later...
SOMEBODY better be at the plane to meet Tino and Darius... like the frickin police or FBI! I'm certain they will have copius amounts of Meth on them, with plans to take a hold of Blake, and possibly Ted and Emmett. They aren't going to play nice by Michael's rules and just get Blake!
Michael is a nut job! Of the worst kind! MY HOUSE! MY BRIAN!! God, please find a padded cell for him. As for Debbie, I KNOW I should feel a little sympathy for her, but you know what??? I DON"T HAVE A SYMPATHETIC BONE IN MY BODY FOR THAT WOMAN!! The old saying: "you reap what you sow" ... that's right Deb ... live with your mistakes!!! You were told time and again... WARNED time and again... Nope, you and Michael can live on the streets for all I care. And as for Michael playing nice to Ben... good luck! That ship has SAILED!!!!
Ooh... now you have left me riled up!!! If that is what you were hoping for, you accomplished it in spades! But anyway, thanks for the update!!!
Still luv ya,
HUGS ~Cathy â¤ï¸
Date: Jul 23, 2019 4:40 am Title: IN or OUT: BOOK II: CHAPTER 8: GIVING UP IS SO HARD TO DO…
Micheal is off the deep end.
I do not feel sorry for Deb
Date: Jul 21, 2019 1:36 pm Title: STAYING or GOING: BOOK II: CHAPTER 10: 7 LIVES EXPOSED/ IF ONLY YOU KNEW Part 3
thanks for update
Date: Jul 20, 2019 3:29 am Title: STAYING or GOING: BOOK II: CHAPTER 10: 7 LIVES EXPOSED/ IF ONLY YOU KNEW Part 3
Another wonderful chapter I could feel the love between them as they were making lov- great writing. I enjoyed reading about Justin and Brian's history and the thought process regarding Ethan. Hope your RL is going well and you have more time to update soon. Just love this story. I love that they are seeing through Michael's machinations and are ready to ignore him for time with each other.

Date: Jul 19, 2019 5:34 pm Title: STAYING or GOING: BOOK II: CHAPTER 10: 7 LIVES EXPOSED/ IF ONLY YOU KNEW Part 3
Oh Wow, what a wonderful powerful chapter and let's not leave out HOT!!! So happy this was just the two of them and no one trying to break them apart. I have loved this story from the beginning and I have to say I love it even more after this chapter. Fantastic writing. Can't wait to see what you have in mind for all of them Please don't make us wait too long. LOL
Author's Response:
So HAPPY to know that you are still enjoying this story, Marilynne. It's intense in a way that I have to handle in increments, otherwise I would never get anything else done...LOL I really do love delving into the psyches and motivations of my characters in this way. It's a rare gift for a writer to have this kind of look into their characters (strangely, that even includes my least favorite one of the bunch LOL), so I feel very fortunate to be able to bring this to you all.

Date: Jul 19, 2019 5:25 pm Title: STAYING or GOING: BOOK II: CHAPTER 10: 7 LIVES EXPOSED/ IF ONLY YOU KNEW Part 3
Brian and Justin are finding a way to reconnect just need to continue to write the letters and talk to banish the fear that still lingers.
Justin had to go through the drama of Ethan to truly understand what loving someone means and what it means to be loved in return for your imperfections.
Ethan like Michael is expecting someone to take care of and praise him while they are just the maid and arm candy to show off.
Neither one understands love because they don't really want it they just want the spotlight on them 24/7 and they will destroy anyone or anything that takes the attention away from them and that insatiable greed and narrow-mindedness will always b there downfall. (Hello Deb That Means You Too!!)
Perhaps Justin is afraid to tell Brian he is ready to do it raw too?
Maybe he is ready to have kids but is afraid of Brian's reaction especially after losing Gus?
So many things Brian and Justin are still afraid to say out loud but they will get there and soon the space between will be filled with love, laughter and total trust.
Thanks For the Update 😃
Author's Response:
All I will say to this comment is WHY THE HELL AREN'T YOU A WRITER?!?!?! The way you are able to pick the thoughts right out of my head is ASTOUNDING!
Love You!