Date: Apr 06, 2017 8:22 pm Title: FIRE and ICE: Chapter One
I hope they will be able to meet Blake's grandfather and sister and that it will change their mind in a good way.
I think, deep down, Michael wants his friends' couples exploded so they can be single again and live like they did years ago. He is unable to grow up: too many responsibilities, too boring!
It's good Mel is trying to help them; she opened her mind and her eyes.
Date: Apr 06, 2017 8:03 pm Title: THE WIFE or THE MISTRESS: Chapter One
The positive thing in this is that the "others" have been able to meet and share their pain, concerns and get to better know each other.
Date: Apr 06, 2017 7:46 pm Title: IN or OUT: Chapter One
Ben is seeing quite clearly, although he doesn't know why Michael acts the way he does. When Justin is in the neighborhood, Michael is jealous of what he has with Brian.
Date: Apr 06, 2017 7:19 pm Title: STAYING or GOING: Chapter One
I really love this story: it's real life, then hard to read and we only can hope you will lead us to better days, for almost everyone!
Emmett is such a good man.
Date: Apr 06, 2017 6:52 pm Title: BEFORE I LET GO: Chapter One
Whoa!! What a start! I remember this plot and I'm happy you decided to work on it.
The pain is palpable for almost all friends, and some of the counselors. I bet the one dealing with Michael will have to be very patient.

Date: Apr 06, 2017 6:07 pm Title: FIRE and ICE: Chapter One
I stumbled upon this when I first woke up. Then I had to stay in bed and read for a couple of hours. What a unique idea. I'm digging it.
After I made myself stop reading to try and be productive, I gave up and went back to finish. Now, I'm caught up. Holy smokes. Looks like you've done it again. I'm hooked.
Since I am not now nor have I ever been a Michael fan, you hit the nail right through his dumb little head. You pegged (so to speak) Michael just the way I envisioned him both on the show and in fan fic. FABULOUS
I'm looking forward to seeing who stays together and who doesn't and why.
Thank you
Date: Apr 06, 2017 6:03 pm Title: BOOK I: THE MESS WE’RE IN
Yeah, a new set of stories!!!

Date: Apr 06, 2017 3:13 pm Title: FIRE and ICE: Chapter One
Having someone to talk to might help them. I hope so.

Date: Apr 06, 2017 3:07 pm Title: THE WIFE or THE MISTRESS: Chapter One
It's good that Blake has Drew to back him up. The moment Ted said Michael didn't mean anything by it was the moment he blew it with Blake. We all know that Michael did mean something nasty.

Date: Apr 06, 2017 2:15 pm Title: IN or OUT: Chapter One
Poor Ben. I always felt he and Michael never really fit. Michael had a way of changing depending on the partner he was with at the time. If it doesn't revolve around him he doesn't care.

Date: Apr 06, 2017 1:28 pm Title: STAYING or GOING: Chapter One
Love this chapter. It puts some things into prospective. Especially love Em's message to Justin.

Date: Apr 06, 2017 1:16 pm Title: BEFORE I LET GO: Chapter One
It looks like Michael is the cause for them all being ordered into counciling. The answer seems simple, get Michael out of the picture. But how to do that without making him sympathetic? If you put him in a coma, the only thing that would accomplish is having the others worry about him with the exception of Justin, Blake and Drew.

Date: Apr 06, 2017 12:40 pm Title: BOOK I: THE MESS WE’RE IN
Wow, you have this all planned out. I look forward to chapter one.