Date: Aug 30, 2017 1:25 am Title: Chapter 1
Thanks for not writing a middle, I would have puked all over my phone!! ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
Author's Response:
I would have puked all over my cat who was laying on my desk in front of my keyboard while I wrote this.
Writing a middle was just too disgusting to even think about.
Date: Apr 03, 2017 3:56 pm Title: Chapter 1
Good call on the editing... I was getting seriously worried where your story was going... but perfect ending... glad Brian told Justin about the horribleness and dumping out the liquor was funny!
Author's Response:
Brian wasn't willing to chance Justin ever trying to do anything like that again. One nightmare about almost touching the weasel is enough for anyone.
You should know that weasel will never get near Brian in anything I write. Wouldn't want to puke on my keyboard or my cats (who think they need to be on the desk when I write).
Date: Apr 03, 2017 3:24 pm Title: Chapter 1
Ha!! Your just as evil as TAG....Love it!
Author's Response:
Thank you for the wonderful compliment. TAG is one of my favorite writers. I'd love to be as good as she is.
Date: Apr 02, 2017 3:24 pm Title: Chapter 1
That was great.. thank u.
Author's Response:
Happy you liked this.
Date: Apr 02, 2017 9:35 am Title: Chapter 1
That was a terrible nightmare. No more fruity drinks for Brian!
Author's Response:
It would have been more involved, but the thought of Brian and weasel having any kind of sex just creeps me out.
Brian will run if anyone tries to give him anything with fruit and alcohol.
Date: Apr 02, 2017 4:08 am Title: Chapter 1
You scared me for a moment! So glad that was a nightmare and can't blame Brian and Justin for never going with the 'fruity' drinks again! Ha! Well done!
Author's Response:
You should know that I would never subject Brian to the fate of doing anything like that (I can't even mention the word) with the whining weasel. Makes me shudder to even think about it.
Date: Apr 02, 2017 3:07 am Title: Chapter 1
Made me laugh. I knew it had to be a dream (nightmate) because I know you would never put them together. I enjoyed it very much.⚘
Author's Response:
I think almost anyone that has read my stories would figure that out quickly. The thought of them together is just gross.
Glad you liked it.
Date: Apr 01, 2017 10:52 pm Title: Chapter 1
April 1st strikes again.
Author's Response:
I could never write those two together any other way.
Date: Apr 01, 2017 9:02 pm Title: Chapter 1
And thanks for taking my challenge! TAG
Author's Response:
I wasn't going to, but this just popped into my head.
Date: Apr 01, 2017 9:01 pm Title: Chapter 1
Lolololol! Total nightmare. Happy April Fools Day. TAG
Author's Response:
Glad you liked this. That is DEFINITELY a nightmare