Date: Dec 28, 2022 9:07 pm Title: A Thanksgiving Twist
This was great!! And I loved the drama with the car accident added in as well. As sad as the whole incident was, it brought everyone together. And I really like Brian and Mel's relationship. I love how they aren't sniping at each other, but actually get along. And I was so happy to see Brian propose again to Justin. Will there be another sequel to the story? I sure hope so.....
Date: Dec 27, 2022 11:33 am Title: Contortions
This was a great story; now I'm off to read the sequel!!!

Date: Dec 08, 2022 7:54 pm Title: A Thanksgiving Twist
I have just seen that my comment (deleted ) showed as question marks. It was supposed to be hearts, I love this story!
Date: Nov 24, 2022 8:20 pm Title: A Thanksgiving Twist
Great story. Loved it,
Will we get to see if there are any repercussions from Hobbs right before a Valentine's Day wedding?

Date: Nov 24, 2022 7:03 pm Title: A Thanksgiving Twist
My emoji retelling for chapter 9 (I got the chapter number right this time!):

Date: Nov 24, 2022 1:56 pm Title: A Thanksgiving Twist
Loved it. Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving ????????
Author's Response:
I'm thrilled you enjoyed the finale, Becky :) Thank you for leaving a comment.
Happy Thanksgiving to you!
~ Karynn

Date: Nov 23, 2022 6:36 pm Title: A Thanksgiving Twist
My emoji retelling for chapter 7:
Author's Response:
FYI, for anyone who sees this review, the link leads to the comments, and Linda's retelling, for chapter 8.
Linda, thank you very much! <3 I love your emoji renderings.
~ Karynn

Date: Nov 21, 2022 6:25 pm Title: A Thanksgiving Twist
My emoji retelling for chapter 7:
Author's Response:
Thank you, Linda <3 I'm thrilled you're sharing your emoji retellings.
~ Karynn
Date: Nov 20, 2022 8:06 pm Title: A Thanksgiving Twist
Omg it was so hard to get back into the chapter after I read the alarm but. I had tears rolling. Then I'd think about Brian and the spinster. So funny.
With Drew's attitude about Emmett, Brian's dig better have hit the right spot.
I still think the way Ted and Leo get along is hysterical.
Yes let Stan donate to the center. Blake will be shocked and overjoyed. He deserves it too.
Author's Response:
Tears of laughter about the alarm, right? Then tears of sorrow about the ongoing PTSD? Hobbs really did a number on both Justin and Brian.
Will Emmett still be available when Drew finally turns 21? Emmett's not going to just sit around and wait.
Yay! I'm glad you like Ted and Leo as friends. (The challenge for me would be to write a story where they don't get along.)
Stan may be my favorite OC (even including Tricky Business).
Thanks for the comments, Sherry <3 They're greatly appreciated.
~ Karynn
Date: Nov 20, 2022 5:57 pm Title: A Thanksgiving Twist
Loved it…glad Brian put Drew in his place…Emmett definitely deserves better…you’d think by now he’d have turned 21.
Author's Response:
I just don't know about Drew... There was always one thing or another that kept him from turning 21.
Thanks for commenting, Becky <3
~ Karynn

Date: Nov 18, 2022 6:37 pm Title: A Thanksgiving Twist
eureka1 is my favorite author, so I've been having fun replicating (sort of) each chapter in emojis. I can't post them on KD because they don't display right, but I will post a link to each chapter on AO3 in case you would like to check out my "emoji reviews" in the comments. The emojis don't replace the story (they couldn't) but I hope they enhance it a little.
Chapter 6 emojis:
Date: Nov 18, 2022 12:02 am Title: A Thanksgiving Twist
I am really enjoying this story. I love Together and recognized it immediately. The timing is a little scary though. After I read Big yellow , I watched the news to see cadets mowed down. So sad. Keep the good stuff coming.
Author's Response:
I'm thrilled you're enjoying this story! :) You're the first one to comment on this chapter, here or on AO3.
You're right about the timing... it is kind of scary and freaky. It certainly shows that you don't have to be driving all that fast to critically injure or kill people :( It appears that the driver who mowed down the cadets wasn't drinking, but I don't see how he could've missed seeing them in the road, especially with the reflective vests (and I think they were accompanied by escort vehicles?). I have to wonder what motivated the driver; it seems like more than a tragic accident.
I'm not sure how many times I've read Conzieu's stories. It must be in the double digits by now. "In His Kiss" is my favorite, closely followed by the sequel, "Together." The only other authors I can immediately think of whose stories I've read that many times are Julesmonster, Wren, and Mackenzie Blair ("Taking Care" is my go-to comfort story). Xie should probably be in there too.
Thank you for commenting <3 It's greatly appreciated.
~ Karynn, aka eureka1
P.S. The next chapter will be up on Sunday.

Date: Nov 17, 2022 3:57 pm Title: A Thanksgiving Twist
eureka1 is my favorite author, so I've been having fun replicating (sort of) each chapter in emojis. I can't post them on KD because they don't display right, but I will post a link to each chapter on AO3 in case you would like to check out my "emoji reviews" in the comments. The emojis don't replace the story (they couldn't) but I hope they enhance it a little.
Chapter 5 emojis:
Author's Response:
Thank you! <3 Five times over ;)
~ Karynn

Date: Nov 17, 2022 3:56 pm Title: A Thanksgiving Twist
eureka1 is my favorite author, so I've been having fun replicating (sort of) each chapter in emojis. I can't post them on KD because they don't display right, but I will post a link to each chapter on AO3 in case you would like to check out my "emoji reviews" in the comments. The emojis don't replace the story (they couldn't) but I hope they enhance it a little.
Chapter 4 emojis:
Author's Response:
Thank you! <3
~ Karynn

Date: Nov 17, 2022 3:54 pm Title: A Thanksgiving Twist
eureka1 is my favorite author, so I've been having fun replicating (sort of) each chapter in emojis. I can't post them on KD because they don't display right, but I will post a link to each chapter on AO3 in case you would like to check out my "emoji reviews" in the. omments. The emojis don't replace the story (they couldn't) but I hope they enhance it a little.
Chapter 3 emojis:
Author's Response:
Thank you! <3
~ Karynn

Date: Nov 17, 2022 3:52 pm Title: A Thanksgiving Twist
eureka1 is my favorite author, so I've been having fun replicating (sort of) each chapter in emojis. I can't post them on KD because they don't display right, but I will post a link to each chapter on AO3 in case you would like to check out my "emoji reviews" in the comments. The emojis don't replace the story (they couldn't) but I hope they enhance it a little.
Chapter 2 emojis:
Author's Response:
Thank you! <3
~ Karynn

Date: Nov 17, 2022 3:47 pm Title: A Thanksgiving Twist
eureka1 is my favorite author, so I've been having fun replicating (sort of) each chapter in emojis. I can't post them on KD because they don't display right, but I will post a link to each chapter on AO3 in case you would like to check out my "emoji reviews". The emojis don't replace the story (they couldn't) but I hope they enhance it a little.
Chapter 1 emojis:
Author's Response:
It was so nice of you to share links to your emoji retellings, Linda. (You were even kind enough to check first if I was okay with it, which, of course, I was.) Thank you! <3
I'm blushing at being your favorite author. What a huge compliment!
~ Karynn

Date: Nov 15, 2022 7:49 pm Title: A Thanksgiving Twist
Love all your references to what a loser has always been…
Author's Response:
It's more on Debbie this time :P
~ Karynn
Date: Nov 14, 2022 2:32 pm Title: A Thanksgiving Twist
Thank g-d Gus is okay, along with the rest of them. Tomorrow they rest and recoup.
Leo Brown is a sweetheart.
Author's Response:
(That "um" isn't in regard to Leo Brown. There's something about him I really like. I don't think he was homophobic; Brown was quite receptive to Brian's initial campaign proposal, and the 'new market' it would appeal to.)
Thanks for commenting, Sherry <3 I hope you continue to enjoy this story.
~ Karynn
P.S. Chapters 5 and 6 are up. The next chapter will be posted on Sunday.
Date: Nov 11, 2022 3:13 pm Title: A Thanksgiving Twist
Mel's right, Brian did good. Justin, the font of knowledge. Nothing makes Lindsay happy if she doesn't control it. Making a play for Brian? So funny.
Jr, what a riot. Pumpkin brains everywhere.
Author's Response:
Yay! I'm so pleased you enjoyed this chapter, Sherry :)
JR really is a terror. She's going through teething and the terrible threes (which may just be an extension of the terrible twos) :D
The next chapter will be up on Sunday. (FYI, the story takes place over three days in 2007, including Thanksgiving. Each day, which is loosely a story arc, consists of three chapters. I'm posting every other day within a day/arc, and then I'll take a two-day break before I start posting the next arc.)
Thanks for commenting :)
~ Karynn
Date: Nov 10, 2022 10:48 am Title: A Thanksgiving Twist
Sweet chapter even if Brian was inept at pumpkin carving.
Author's Response:
Thank you for commenting! I'm thrilled you enjoyed this chapter, Sherry :)
For a first-timer, Brian's doing really well at pumpkin carving. He just needs practice.
~ Karynn
P.S. Chapter 3 is up!
Date: Nov 10, 2022 7:35 am Title: A Thanksgiving Twist
Little chatterbox Gus. Must dream in dollar signs.
Brian gets too lost when his mind wanders.
Author's Response:
Mercenary, seven-year-old Gus is fun to write. He's having a blast with his dads.
Haha, never fear, Justin's always there to help Brian find his way back :D
Thanks for commenting, Sherry!
~ Karynn
Date: Nov 09, 2022 9:35 pm Title: Contortions
OMG! From hot sex to hysterical in the blink of an eye. Good old Deb and her casserole.
Carl interested in what Stan was doing? No way could either him or Deb try any of his positions even if they wanted to. Makes my head hurt Ha!
Justin imitating Michael, yeah Justin knows exactly how Michael will react if he brings a signed flyer for him from Stan.
These were all great stories,
Author's Response:
I'm laughing just thinking about the effect that casserole had :P No wonder Brian avoids it like the plague.
Carl and Debbie would have to go to the ER if they tried any of Distorto's moves :D
I'm thrilled you enjoyed Contortions, Sherry :) Thank you for commenting.
~ Karynn
Date: Nov 09, 2022 5:17 pm Title: Contortions
Funny how Mel and Brian get along when Lindsay isn't around.
Gus is too cute. That vacation jar is going to fill up pretty quickly. With Brian, Mel, even Deb visiting.
Brian,no "emotional entanglements"? Really? Does Justin sound familiar? Forty-eight hour reunion?
Author's Response:
Thank you for taking the time to comment on Contortions, Sherry! <3 It's much appreciated.
That vacation jar is going to spill over soon, it'll be so full :D
Justin is the exception to Brian avoiding emotional entaglements... Like Debbie said back in 2.06, Justin made it under the wire. (It happened earlier than 2.06, of course.)
~ Karynn

Date: Nov 15, 2021 3:44 pm Title: Contortions
Oooh, I am really enjoying this. I love little toothless Gus, aw.
Author's Response:
Your comment has me beaming :)
I hope you also enjoyed the second and third chapters, even though Gus isn't in them. Toothless Gus will return in the sequel, I promise :) I'm working on it now so it doesn't get away from me. I'd hoped to have the sequel up this year, but I just couldn't make it happen. Next year for sure though!
~ Karynn, aka eureka1