Date: Apr 26, 2017 11:23 am Title: Chapter 35
WTF?!?! Where is Miles? Oh, I didn't like Him, but I also didn't want him harmed. I wanted Mikey harmed.
Lindsay has snapped or has she? She made me back to Mikey and didn't kill him. Hopefully she finally made a mistake and they can pick her up.
Thank goodness their rich, because it is so time to move.
Date: Apr 26, 2017 11:17 am Title: Chapter 34
Bam, bitch go down!!! I'm applauding Bruan's restraint. He has years of pent up Mikey mess he could have taken out of his face! I'm sure Horvath would have seen it except he only has eyes for Deb, lol.
Date: Apr 26, 2017 10:28 am Title: Chapter 35
Oh my goodness. Now it's Cynthia's fault. Lindsay is so crazy! I can't believe she broke in and destroyed their bedroom. I'm glad she didn't get a chance to destroy any paintings. That would have killed Justin.
I agree with Brian, they need to still get married. They can have a big party later. It's what is important and she shouldn't ruin everything.
Date: Apr 26, 2017 4:15 am Title: Chapter 35
The step that gives Justin the right to act against Lindsey: she did take it and more!
Michael is in for big trouble.
Date: Apr 26, 2017 12:15 am Title: Chapter 35
OMFGGGGGGGG!!!!! What the..... LAWD HAM TURKEY!! These two inept idiots take the damn cake!!
First, Lindsay has not only gone socio, she's gone PSYCHO for real!! I don't think she would have worn gloves because it doesn't fit her profile. She would have wanted for Justin to know she was in his house (Criminal Mischief), despite that she performed a B&E. The fact that she was in Mikey Jr's house adds an assault charge to the mounting charges. The only good thing is that she ran to Michael which will make him an accessory after the fact! Yeah... my obsession with Law & Order is working overtime here, LOL GET THAT BITCH!!!!
As for Michael, how delusional can he be or get??!!! NO ONE depends on him for ANYTHING except to be a PAIN IN THEIR ASS!!! I'm glad that Ben gravitated to Kevin instead of that ever-jealous, loud-mouth schmuck with no life of his own. Well no matter because Lindsay is about to lead him to Bitch-Boy Central aka the Big House with Bubba and Bruno as his tour guides.
Looking forward to MORE!
Happy Writing and HUGS,
Date: Apr 26, 2017 12:07 am Title: Chapter 35
OMG. I can't believe the lies that Lindsay is making up and that Michael's buying into them. I hope Kevin tell Brandon what Michael said. Where does Ben fit into this story?
Date: Apr 25, 2017 11:48 pm Title: Chapter 35
OMG!!!??? Did they find Miles? Is he okay? Seriously, could Michael be any dumber? Even I know if someone rushes into your home saying I've been with you this whole time, you've gotta ask more than 1 question.
Date: Apr 25, 2017 5:12 pm Title: Chapter 34
Glad Brian got to see Deb and talk to her about what could happen if she really wanted to make things right again with Justin and Emmett.
Glad also that Brian made his point with Michael, even if it ended with his fist.
It would be fun to have a billboard saying "The mad WASP will get caught".
Date: Apr 25, 2017 3:50 pm Title: Chapter 34
You made my night! You caused me to sleep with a smile. visualizing Brian smashing in Michael's face was just lovely! lol. Definitely needed and a long time coming. the guy just doesnt; know when to keep his mouth shut does he? He thinks the world should revolve around him and his wants and needs. Gawd, people like that...I just have no time for.
My heart kind of broke a bit for Deb. That she needs to explain to Michael that she's looking after her own needs rather than his. the fact she needs to do this to a "man" in his 30's is just pathetic and oh so sad.
I am glad though that Brian didn't excuse Deb's previous behavior. That he was honest with her and didn't shoulder the blame.
Unbelievable what Lindsey did. she must know that she'd get found out. Now what? I really hope that nobody is in actual danger because of her. I do think she's beyond teh scope of sociopath and deep in the area of psychopath! I get the feeling she's going to get kind of scary. As long as she only does harm to herself, that's all good with me.
Date: Apr 25, 2017 3:25 pm Title: Chapter 34
Someone needs to get out the big nets and capture the twin twits!!
I can see Brian taking out billboard space with that quote. Wouldn't that make Lindsey's WASP got totally bat-shit crazy. LOL!!!
Date: Apr 25, 2017 10:29 am Title: Chapter 34
Michael's lucky all he got was punched. I would have kicked his ass. I'm so tired of him. I'm glad Debbie is finally allowing herself to be happy and not have Michael be the center of her world.
I'm so happy that our guys are getting married. I do hope Emmett doesn't go too overboard. They just want something simple.
Date: Apr 25, 2017 3:46 am Title: Chapter 34
MY OH MY I soooooooo LOVE it when Michael gets hit!! I actually leaned forward to the screen yelling 'HIT HIM AGAIN BRIAN!!' LMAO! I really wonder how he thinks that he fixes anything for anyone since anytime he has a hand in anything it gets screwed up beyond repair. If he put half the effort into running his measly store as he did in minding other people's business, he might actually achieve something more than being the 'Asinine Asshole of Liberty Avenue.' Underachieving idiot!
I'm so happy that Brian let Deb take the blame for her son's spoiled behavior. He told her everything she did to stifle his manhood, never allowing him to reach mental maturity. And yet even as he did that, he encouraged her to live her own life and not be stuck in Michael's stinking thinking. Did I mention that I cheered when he hit the dumbass? Yes? Well it bears repeating!!! I'm still cheering, btw!
As for Lindsay, I'm with Justin... why is that crazy bitch still loose?!!!! She's another one who needs to get her cuckoo clock cleaned with a mighty fist! Again, I'm voting for Cynthia or Jen to do it. There has to be some action that the gallery can take to keep her from entering. Also, since her suggestion that Justin wanted to cancel his show wasn't as well-received as she probably hoped, the gallery should hire armed guards before and during the show. I wouldn't put it past Lindsay to burn the entire building down to keep Justin from achieving what was impossible for her to do. But then again if she does, they won't have to worry about admitting her because Ms. Jealousy will be convicted for arson. Lawd Ham Turkey, Star you have created one helluva double-edged sword where Lindsay is concerned. And I LOVE it!!!
Happy Writing and HUGS,
Date: Apr 25, 2017 3:44 am Title: Chapter 34
Michael and Lindsay don't see how they are. Wonder what would help them? Truth serum?
Date: Apr 24, 2017 4:28 pm Title: Chapter 33
Pretty impressed that Justin went to his mother first. While he's not expecting miracles, or for instant healing, he's taking steps. good on him.
So Lindsey.......holy shit she's scary! I'm kind of waiting to see what you have up your sleeve, but I'm also very nervous! She seems to be cut from the same cloth as Lynette and Nancy. All three are freaks!!! Ron finally growing a pair makes me wonder if it's a matter of too little too late.
I know Deb wants a relationship with B&J. I know she's screwed up a TON!! I wonder what will happen if push comes to shove though. If Michael really gets in the shitter, will Deb begin again to cover his ass, or will she REALLY understand that he needs to look after himself.
Date: Apr 24, 2017 10:30 am Title: Chapter 33
Whoa Alex, that was a quick second diagnosis. Not sure Lynette is messed up, she might be mixed up. Lindsay is a bag of mixed nuts. Ron was funny, finally laying down the law.
Hopefully, he can talk sense into her. If not, commit her on a psych hold. If she could fool a doc for 72 hours she's the pyscho Alex says. Then the only solution is get a gun, dundundunhhhh...
Date: Apr 24, 2017 2:49 am Title: Chapter 33
The whole sociopath angle is very interesting. I've never seen that done. Kudos. TAG
Date: Apr 23, 2017 10:09 pm Title: Chapter 33
I can't wait for the wedding. :)
Wow. That house is full of crazy people. We need to get them all locked up and quickly.
Date: Apr 23, 2017 9:42 pm Title: Chapter 33
What a nest of nutsos! WASP on the outside, but garbage gone bad in the inside!
Date: Apr 23, 2017 9:07 pm Title: Chapter 33
And now we join this episode of the Dumb and the Desperate already in progress...
WHEW!!! House of Horrors is RIGHT! I think Nancy shares Lynette and Lindsay's ailment as well. That kind of dysfunction has to be genetic. It seems that the only 'sane' person in the house is Ron. And yet the fact that he stayed with Nancy even makes me question his mental stability...SMH They all need a padded cell with a happy shot in the ass!
Glad that Brian and Justin are moving on with their plans! I worry about what Michael will do when he finds out though. No doubt if Deb knows, Dummy is bound to find out and will either try to ruin it himself or alert Lindsay to have her do his dirty work for him. Again, SMH at these insane idiots! Any way Michael and Lindsay can be locked in the same cell within the nut house?
BTW... Justin's trying to have Lindsay's life? Who wants a life or failure, regret, mediocrity and inepititude? He's already succeeded far more than she ever will simply because he's intelligent, determined, a great parent and has a lucrative career which is about to become even more so with his paintings. What does she actually have that he could possibly want? He's not only living his life but doing it his way, not looking for approval from anyone. She certainly cannot say the same!
Happy Writing and HUGS,
Date: Apr 23, 2017 8:22 pm Title: Chapter 33
You almost have to feel sorry for Lindsay being raised in that household. And angry at Ron for letting Nancy get away with it. Frankly all three of the Peterson women need to be in treatment. Let's hope the marriage goes off without a hitch. What am I thinking. This is your story, there is bound to be a hitch.
Date: Apr 23, 2017 6:23 pm Title: Chapter 32
Miles really should see he doesn't have a chance to get Justin, but a big one to lose his job. I love the way Justin handled the news about Lindsay and how Brian wanted to sin before the wedding...
Date: Apr 23, 2017 6:00 pm Title: Chapter 31
Like Mel, I feel sad about Ted and Blake; but they have new partners and seem happy.
I hope Cynthia reported Lindsay being in Chicago.
Date: Apr 23, 2017 5:00 pm Title: Chapter 29
Oh, that's not good: Lindsey knows where to go now!
Date: Apr 23, 2017 11:20 am Title: Chapter 32
I hope they are able to keep the kids away from Lindsay. She really has lost her damn mind. Poor Trina, her father is so stupid. He's going to lose his job.
A wedding...or two? :)
Date: Apr 23, 2017 3:34 am Title: Chapter 32
Looks like Miles is going to be looking for another job. At least Charles is watching the kids until Emmett returns. Just how does he plan to find Lindsay?