Date: May 01, 2017 11:14 am Title: Safety Features can really Suck.
What a chapter!
The WASP's battle was hot! Too bad Tucker wasn't here; I bet he would have been all turned on by Jennifer.
I could imagine how Lindsey felt when Brian met Justin and she had to hear them having a short, but hot moment.
The kids are adorable; poor Gus, having such a mother can't help feeling right.
Carl and Deb: verbal and physical righter of wrongs.
Date: May 01, 2017 10:52 am Title: Chapter 37
A little bit scary, but hilarious on some parts (the end for example).
Justin's speech in the car was full of truths and he got the arguments she couldn't fight. The last line is my favorite: “Shut up, I’m enjoying my honeymoon.” I yelled, hitting the trunk.
The bitch can't escape now.
Date: May 01, 2017 9:43 am Title: Chapter 36
What a day and night! Full of firsts!
What a wedding gift Justin got!
So happy for Jennifer: Tucker was smart for proposing when the close family was gathered.
The wedding was simple and straight to the point: they wanted to get married and they just did that.
As for the diamonds on the rings: it seems out of character to me; I think they both would have rings, but simple ones, as they wanted a simple wedding, nothing fancy. I don't see them wearing diamonds.
Date: May 01, 2017 1:36 am Title: Safety Features can really Suck.
Tada! Brian found Justin. Lindsay's on her way to jail and maybe her mother will be joining her. Superb chapter.
Date: May 01, 2017 12:32 am Title: Safety Features can really Suck.
I'm so glad Justin was okay. I know Brian, Jen and the kids were very worried. Poor Gus thinking Justin wouldn't love him anymore because his mother is a whack job.
The scene on the trunk was hot! I'm sure Lindsay hated listening to them get reacquainted.
Date: Apr 30, 2017 11:13 pm Title: Safety Features can really Suck.
Glad Justin was rescued quickly. Amazing how Nancy and Lindsay are cut from the same delusional cloth. Thanks for updating so quickly - don't know how you have the time.
Date: Apr 30, 2017 10:48 pm Title: Safety Features can really Suck.
YES!!!!!!!! The bitch is in jail at long last! And Nancy should have a cell right next to her. I cheered aloud at Jen telling that condescending bitch off. Then I gave a standing ovation when Debbie smacked the FIRE out of Lindsay! Deranged, dishwater dirty Dumbasses! Looks like the Entitled Express is FINALLY leaving the building.
So glad that Justin was able to make the call and restrain Lindsay until Brian and Carl got to him. Furthermore, thankfully someone + the security cameras both at the loft and the market confirmed that Lindsay knew exactly what she was doing. Can't wait to get the full list of charges from Chicago too!
Please send that bitch to jail, not the psych ward....WHEW!! What a chapter!! Looking forward to the next installment!
Happy Writing and HUGS,
Date: Apr 29, 2017 11:10 am Title: Chapter 37
Justin, I think you let her grab you so you could kick her ass. Nice job by the way. You did better than Mikey and Miles.
Date: Apr 29, 2017 10:39 am Title: Chapter 37
Go Justin! I'd like to drive that car off a cliff with her still in it. I hope he drives to the police station and delivers her with a great big bow.
I know Brian is freaking out right now. Please let Justin get in contact with him soon.
Date: Apr 29, 2017 7:30 am Title: Chapter 37
Good for Justin.
Date: Apr 29, 2017 5:24 am Title: Chapter 37
Loving that Lindsey is getting hers
Date: Apr 29, 2017 5:04 am Title: Chapter 35
OMG!!!??? Did they find Miles? Is he okay? Seriously, could Michael be any dumber? Even I know if someone rushes into your home saying I've been with you this whole time, you've gotta ask more than 1 question.
Date: Apr 29, 2017 4:14 am Title: Chapter 37
Michael couldn't take her, but Justin did. Boy Brian is going to be pissed that Lindsay kidnapped his baby.
Date: Apr 29, 2017 2:25 am Title: Chapter 37
So glad Justin got her in the trunk. Now he needs to call Brian so they can find him. Lindsay needs to go away- get help
Date: Apr 29, 2017 2:14 am Title: Chapter 37
Yes!!! Justin Stuffing Lindsay In The Trunk Where She Can Scream Herself Horse!!!
Got scared when Brian left Justin in the loft while he went to get the kids after finding out Lindsay kicked Michael's Ass (Kinda Enjoyed That lol), now they can put the crazy lady away for good of course still have to deal with Michael and his delusions.
Loved the way Justin handled Lindsay by telling her that she wasn't even good for a repeat with Brian or a substitute for Justin, without Gus as her golden ticket Brian wouldn't give her the time of day.
Wonder if she will try to accuse Justin of kidnapping her?
Damn That Was Scary and Heart-Pounding and So Worth The Wait!!! :)
Date: Apr 29, 2017 2:13 am Title: Chapter 37
WHOA!!!!!! What an action packed chapter!! First, is it wrong that I'm glad Michael got his ass kicked, even if it was by PSYCHO-broad?! It was long overdue in my opinion. Maybe his head hitting that table will FINALLY knock some damn sense into him. But then again, maybe not since he was still asking for Brian at the hospital.
As for Justin, LAWD HAM TURKEY that man is DANGEROUS!! He may have been nervous but he didn't show any fear to that crazy bitch. I usually don't condone violence between a man and a woman but Justin grabbing that bitch by the hair and shoving her in the trunk was NECESSARY! Now hopefully he has his phone or is able to get hers and call the police to have the Bitch-at-large captured at long last. She has certainly racked up at least 2 assault charges, a Breaking and Entering charge, 4 charges Criminal Mischief (Justin's studio, the Bedroom, the Loft and Michael's action figure which is probably worth a good hunk of change), and now a Kidnapping charge. Even if they get her nutty ass in psych ward, she is STILL going to jail for the kidnapping! YES!! Justin should call the cops immediately and have them come to pick her up so he can get on with the Honeymoon. And hopefully Michael will be standing trial with her! Yeah, there is NO sympathy here for that pathetic mongrel!
My heart is still pounding!! Great Chapter!
Happy Writing and HUGS,
Date: Apr 29, 2017 2:09 am Title: Chapter 37
Michael should be mortified getting his ass beat by a woman.
Justin proved that he is not a poor little whipping boy.
He slayed her with a vivid description of what he does with Brian. He finally got her to stop but she made a fatal mistake by opening the door.
She needs a padded room with a straight jacket.
Date: Apr 28, 2017 6:11 pm Title: Chapter 36
What a perfect wedding for them. I honestly never really saw them having a big fancy wedding. This was just right. Just the necessary people attended. I was actually nervous that somethign was going to happen. was so happy that it didn't.
Glad that Miles is going to be OK, but hopefully he learns his lesson.
I also hope that they are able to figure out where Lindsey is quickly. Will Michael annoy her enough that she attacks him like she did Miles? Oh the possiblities are endless.
Can't wait to see what happens now. I get the impression that the desparate duo's heads are going to spill around much like Linda blair's did in the Exorsist. lol. They're going to go comletely batshit crazy! I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!
Am ready for teh next update now!! lol
Date: Apr 28, 2017 10:18 am Title: Chapter 36
That was perfect! They didn't need a big wedding just the kids. And what a wedding night. It definitely got a few degrees hotter in here. ;)
Date: Apr 28, 2017 4:01 am Title: Chapter 36
I'm loving this. I started it a few days ago and then I read, and read, and read some more. It escaped my notice that the fic was incomplete. I wanted to cry when it came to an abrupt end. I was nowhere near ready.
I'm excited for the new chapter and now sad that it's gone.
Thanks to Kinnetik Dreams for posting there was an update. i would not have known otherwise.
Anyway, I really like this fic. Thanks for writing and entertaining me.
Date: Apr 28, 2017 12:44 am Title: Chapter 36
The wedding was beautiful. And the honeymoon just what they wanted.
Date: Apr 28, 2017 12:29 am Title: Chapter 36
Yay that got married. And go go Jen. Thank you so much for this update. Looking forward to the rest. Thank you for sharing with us.
Date: Apr 27, 2017 11:41 pm Title: Chapter 36
Nice intimate wedding and start of the homeymoon.
Thank you for updating. I'm not the only one being impatient for the next chapter.
Date: Apr 27, 2017 11:26 pm Title: Chapter 36
YAY!!!!! They are finally MARRIED!! The wedding was beautiful! Liberty Avenue surely will be abuzz with the news of the nuptials and of course, the Dumbass-tic Duo will finally come out of hiding, heads spinning and channeling their inner-Linda Blair. I can't wait for the next chapter!!
Happy Writing and HUGS,
Date: Apr 26, 2017 3:43 pm Title: Chapter 35
Holy SHITBALLS!!!!!!!! OMG..OMG..OMG!!!!!! I was completely on edge reading this last night. Man alive! She's really scary now! She was freaking me out before, but now she's gone completely off the rails! Thank goodness she dodn't do anything to Hannah's room. Both B&J would be hard pressed not to kill her. Also happy that his studio had an alarm in it. what about Miles?!? Hopefully he'll be ok. anxiety for this story is now officially off the charts!! And now she's off to Michael's...He has no idea just what going on, and how far off Lindsey has really gone. Will he continue to work with her? what happens when he finds out what she did? My guess is that he'll see it as something that Justin deserved. However, what will happen if he's charged with Aiding and abetting?Hmmmmmmmmmm.
Only resolution to my anxiety will be an update. LOL.
Again, holy shitballs! This was seriously an incredible chapter!! I really was freaked out reading it. (3 times)