Date: Mar 04, 2017 1:01 pm Title: Chapter 6
I'm not sure how to feel. I guess since he did it anyway, and they did it with him, all is well that ends well? Personally, I would have gone with Horvath or a one night stand.
Date: Mar 04, 2017 11:22 am Title: Chapter 7
Ha ha ha the boa was so much fun as well as Mel birthing like a cow in a farm!
Date: Mar 04, 2017 6:10 am Title: Chapter 7
LOL! I can't stop laughing! I now have tears running down my cheeks.
Date: Mar 04, 2017 5:50 am Title: Chapter 7
This always makes my day😀😀😀
Date: Mar 02, 2017 5:57 pm Title: Chapter 6
Delirious this list of potential donnors!
Date: Mar 02, 2017 5:17 am Title: Chapter 6
YAY! You wrote my bunny! I love it! This is so great and fits in perfectly with your series. MM is so far into denial but Justin won't let that stop him! Thank you so much for writing this into your series! It's fantastic!
"They've asked anybody who has a swimmer, I mean they even started to look at Carl." I tell him. Yes!
You know, like Mel's IQ in the egg would like drop as MM's swimmers raided the gates. Hahaha!
I love this series. Looking forward to reading the next chapter!
Date: Mar 02, 2017 5:03 am Title: Chapter 5
‘The Real Lives of Babylon' Ha! Sounds like a lot of fun!
Brandon's vienna sausage! I don't think I would want him at my party! Hope Jennifer doesn't ask him to perform at Deb's bachelorette party. LOL
"SEE, I KNEW SUNSHINE'S ASS IS A TEN." Deb yells so helpfully. - Even covered up it's a 10.
Run, Justin, run! LOL
Date: Mar 02, 2017 4:49 am Title: Chapter 4
I always thought Michael made Gus seem like a grown up, too!
The slide escapade! Having Mikey's face in his ass just might traumatize Justin! And then Justin's face in Emmett's crotch could get him killed! Yikes!
Love that Justin was able to get Brian to just break loose and have some fun!
Date: Mar 02, 2017 4:41 am Title: Chapter 3
Ted trying to follow Justin's description of sex with a girl is hilarious! I can actually see the confusion on Ted's face.
I agree with Brian - Justin was definitely devious when he figured out Brian's plan.
I love Ted!!! "Do you really worry about that, I mean we are talking about Justin. You know the conversations that seem to start out with one thing then wander off into what-the-fuck-land."
I think maybe Brian's got him this time!
Date: Mar 02, 2017 4:21 am Title: Chapter 2
Obviously Justin is allergic to normal, it makes him itchy. LOL
I agree with him - a normal Justin surely is a sign of the apocalypse!
Poor Jasper! He just needs to learn. And I believe Justin is willing to teach him! LOL
OMG he ran off the cliff! (Okay, I have to admit that sounds like something I would do running from a snake except I would probably drown.) Then he becomes King of the Cliff! Ha! Perfect!
A picture of Brian in Justin's ‘Kiss It' pants and kitten slippers would be priceless!
Love Brian's technique at getting Justin back to 'his' true ‘normal.'
Ha! Mikey fainted!
Off to read more again!
Date: Mar 02, 2017 1:07 am Title: Chapter 6
You have to feel sorry for the baby. Michael should have, wait this is MM were talking about here. Of course he not going to be sensible. The poor kid is going to be like super smart and super lazy.
Date: Mar 02, 2017 12:00 am Title: Chapter 6
You are some kind of twisted, thank you.
Date: Mar 01, 2017 6:51 am Title: Chapter 5
Soo much fun..liked it.
Date: Mar 01, 2017 5:18 am Title: Chapter 5
Delirious and delicious!
Date: Mar 01, 2017 1:19 am Title: Chapter 5
Omg Justin you need a leash. Lol Brian is funny anticipating him and still falling got his ploys. That's lol!! I can't believe, gosh it's a good thing reputation is unimportant to this Brian.
Date: Mar 01, 2017 1:10 am Title: Chapter 4
Brian, that's just cruel sending all those pictures. Poor Justin can't be responsible when his man is out playing. How funny that jealousy is a motivator, go get your boo, Baby.
Grace on a water slide? Not possible just ask YouTube.
Youre hysterical and this is too cute!!!
Date: Feb 28, 2017 11:02 pm Title: Chapter 5
Now that was a funny suds and duds.
Date: Feb 27, 2017 2:15 pm Title: Chapter 4
Finally. Does this mean we get Justin back the way he is normally?
Date: Feb 27, 2017 8:37 am Title: Chapter 4
Hahaaa MM must be in heaven having been kissed by Sunshine...I wonder what Brian's reaction??payback's a bitch right Bri??
Date: Feb 27, 2017 5:09 am Title: Chapter 2
I soo like this *like* really like this...u r like amazing u know like awesome...lols.
Date: Feb 27, 2017 4:58 am Title: Chapter 1
Omg...that was too funny...i had to stop reading cause i was laughing soo much...dear...god i love it...thank u for posting another great was a surprise for me..
Date: Feb 26, 2017 3:17 pm Title: Chapter 2
Lol Why, why walk in on a couple? He is trying to see Brian bpnaked and got much more than he bargained for. Haha, ha.
Oh, no this is going to be craycray. But they are married now so, the will need to find a balance. Lol. This is hysterical.
Date: Feb 26, 2017 12:29 pm Title: Chapter 3
I hate to say it but it looks like boring Justin is winning.