Date: Apr 29, 2022 6:49 pm Title: Barefoot Blond
Love the pink polish and all the pictures
Author's Response:
I love reading all your comments. This was a great story to write. We had so much fun with the RV trip arc and finding all those pics. I'm glad to see you're enjoying it! TAG

Date: Apr 29, 2022 6:09 pm Title: Barefoot Blond
Brian in an RV park priceless

Date: Apr 29, 2022 4:39 pm Title: Barefoot Blond
Justin just got his first sex education class !

Date: Apr 29, 2022 3:15 pm Title: Barefoot Blond
I want the RV...it has everything !

Date: Apr 29, 2022 2:50 pm Title: Barefoot Blond
That beautiful RV IS stolen....how far will they get before they are caught? Love the pictures

Date: Apr 29, 2022 2:11 pm Title: Barefoot Blond
Crap...Brian is going to loose his business...

Date: Apr 29, 2022 1:42 pm Title: Barefoot Blond
OK Justin is adorable,but you know that. I love how you add pictures to the story so we get to peak at our boys !

Date: Apr 29, 2022 11:39 am Title: Barefoot Blond
Of course Sunshine was gorgeous....Brian is a goner Poor thing !

Date: Apr 29, 2022 11:03 am Title: Barefoot Blond
Justine know nothing and must have had a scary Mother

Date: Apr 28, 2022 6:44 pm Title: Barefoot Blond
If I had been drinking anything it would have come out my nose.....loving this

Date: Apr 28, 2022 6:13 pm Title: Barefoot Blond
Justin is just too adorable and Brian is well and truly fucked !

Date: Apr 28, 2022 5:49 pm Title: Barefoot Blond
Laughed so hard I scared my sister AND my neighbors !
Date: Jun 17, 2021 2:08 pm Title: Barefoot Blond And Befuddled
What a wonderful, feel good story. I loved it from start to finish, I especially enjoyed Justin's "lost adventures" and how protective Brian was of his boy. Justin's outlook on life was refreshing. I do hope you will continue with another sequel in the future. BB & BBB were a joy to read. Candy
Date: Apr 21, 2021 8:18 am Title: Barefoot Blond And Befuddled
Loved the story. Though I would have perferred a little more Barefoot Boy and less Triston. Watching (reading) the adventures of Justin often brings a smile. The interaction between Justin and just about anyone (everyone) is fun to read. I bet it is fun to write. Bareftoot Bouy is a wonderful character, and I do hope to see more of him in the future. DavidR
Author's Response:
Thank you, David. Not surprisingly, the Tristan chapters were so much harder to write. This Justin really is a special character. Thanks for reading! TAG

Date: Apr 20, 2021 7:42 am Title: Barefoot Blond And Befuddled
Angsty, funny, cute.... I loved it Tag! >>Cat🥰
Author's Response:
Thank you! And thanks for reading! TAG
Date: Apr 20, 2021 2:16 am Title: Barefoot Blond And Befuddled
Excellent final chapter thank you
Date: Apr 19, 2021 4:56 pm Title: Barefoot Blond And Befuddled
"The Final Chapter"
I always have such bittersweet feelings reading those words... especially at the end of such a great story.
I am always excited to read whatever inspires you next. But I do hope this universe does make a comeback. This is such a great pairing and there's so much more to explore... Like who exactly are the Grabley's?
Thanks for another great adventure!
Author's Response:
You caught that little teaser, huh? You never know when that next installment might need to get written... Thanks for reading and all your thoughtful comments. TAG
Date: Apr 19, 2021 3:59 pm Title: Barefoot Blond And Befuddled
good one, thank you
Author's Response:
You're welcome. Glad you enjoyed it. TAG

Date: Apr 19, 2021 12:49 pm Title: Barefoot Blond And Befuddled
I'm glad you are unable to finish this. I want to know what's in the box.

Date: Apr 19, 2021 12:36 pm Title: Barefoot Blond And Befuddled
Yay! Justin got found. Can't wait until Brian meets the Boss.

Date: Apr 19, 2021 12:07 pm Title: Barefoot Blond And Befuddled
Will Stan's coming clean help Justin? Who last I heard was on a bus? I'm glad that Brian at least knew that Stan wasn't his Justin.

Date: Apr 19, 2021 11:55 am Title: Barefoot Blond And Befuddled
Justin shouldn't be allowed to try to go home by hisself.

Date: Apr 19, 2021 7:05 am Title: Barefoot Blond And Befuddled
You just like your so much you dont want to.end them. Looking forward to knowing what Justin finds out.
Author's Response:
It's true. I do have trouble ending my stories sometimes. Lol. TAG
Date: Apr 19, 2021 1:19 am Title: Barefoot Blond And Befuddled
That Justin would care and standup for Tristan and Hunter says so much about what a wonderful person he is.
Author's Response:
That just how Justin is. 😊 TAG