Date: Sep 10, 2018 7:42 pm Title: Chapter 1
Such a wonderful story. I have another user name on LJ, and you answered a response to a 'Getithere' post I made. Thank you for providing me with such wonderful stories for me to read. This was AWESOME! You did a good job. And yes, this is how it should have gone down in canon. I can't believe it was never questioned in canon. But I suppose that would have changed the view on Mikey being the-boy-next type he was portrayed as. So thank you for your view on this episode. Do you think you will be starting a new story soon? There are so many awesome Plot Bunnies I would love to see written. Your writing is so good. Thank you for sharing them with us.
Hugs, Cathy
Author's Response:
Date: Jan 31, 2017 8:05 am Title: Chapter 1
Great little 'What if'. Very romantic. I especially liked Brian's thoughts that they were just 'on a break'. Lol. Great job. TAG
Author's Response:
I really think that is how Brian saw it. I don't think he could ever think of them as being over. Glad you liked this.
Date: Jan 30, 2017 1:07 pm Title: Chapter 1
MUCH better course of events!!!!my favorite part was the slap lol
Author's Response:
Deb would have slapped him for that comment.
Date: Jan 30, 2017 11:15 am Title: Chapter 1
The way it should have happened!!! Anytime the little Mealymouth Mitch gets his just desserts is a celebration in my book!! Thanks for giving me another great reason to break out the Beam- even if it is a little after 6am! LOL
Author's Response:
I couldn't see Justin not demanding to know what had happened. They all should have known that it had to be something serious for Brian to hit anyone, even that weasel. Try drinking after work, then you can just go to bed. ;-*
Date: Jan 30, 2017 5:23 am Title: Chapter 1
Love your version because this is the way it should of been with everyone finding out what really happened.
Looking forward to more of your stories.
Author's Response:
I just wanted a better ending for the story.
~Lorie <3
Date: Jan 30, 2017 5:15 am Title: Chapter 1
Loved it...thank u for posting...ðŸ˜
Author's Response:
Glad you enjoyed the story.
Date: Jan 30, 2017 3:15 am Title: Chapter 1
How i wished this was what happen in the series,i really thought they didn't do anything to correct that part of the story,they just continue to another episode thinking Brian is the a"""""e he's always been.But with your witty and brilliant mind,I thank you for filling the gap of my imagination of 'if only your version'was inserted on the series itself,it could be a better season they had..
Loved it,i can see them together happily together now..Great job Lorie,and keep up the good work..Thanks for sharing!ðŸ˜
Author's Response:
April Danielle,
There are a lot of episodes that could be redone, but then there would be no angst in the show. I could not understand no one, especially Justin, not demanding to know what Michael had done for Brian to hit him.
Date: Jan 30, 2017 3:00 am Title: Chapter 1
Thank you, thank you. You finally let the cat out of the bag and turned the course of the story to its rightful conclusion.
YumYum, The episodes where Brian and Justin are apart are the hardest ones to watch. They belong together. Thanks ~Lorie
Author's Response:
Date: Jan 30, 2017 1:07 am Title: Chapter 1
You know me anything BJ forever, so I simply love this.
Author's Response:
Thanks. To me, they just belong together.
Date: Jan 29, 2017 10:56 pm Title: Chapter 1
Oh man how I wish this had happened on the show...everyone should have not just assumed the worst about Brian.
Author's Response:
I hated the way that happened on the show. I really wanted Justin to ask him what happened.