Date: Feb 22, 2018 1:28 pm Title: Chapter 7
I don't like Henry. Can't he just vanish?
Author's Response: Not yet. lol
Date: Feb 22, 2018 1:18 pm Title: Chapter 6
Henry sure had an impact on Justin. I only hope it wasn't a serious one.
Author's Response: Not likely to be serious.
Date: Feb 22, 2018 12:26 pm Title: Chapter 5
I think they handled Bree really well. Parents should always stick together. I hope the new Kinnetik will be successful soon.
Author's Response: Bree's a handful, but so are her parents.
Date: Feb 22, 2018 8:08 am Title: Chapter 4
In my experience a lot of kids that age act out. They try to test their boundaries. That knowledge doesn't help the parents though.
Author's Response: There will be a lot of testing in the future.
Date: Feb 21, 2018 7:26 pm Title: Chapter 3
Poor Bree. It must be really hard for her to understand that Patrick couldn't go with them. I think John calling Cynthia was a great move.
Author's Response: Bree and Patrick have always been inseparable.
Date: Feb 21, 2018 6:52 pm Title: Chapter 2
I'm so glad they found a solution even if it's only temporary. They need each other.
Author's Response: They do need each other.
Date: Feb 21, 2018 9:30 am Title: Chapter 1
I don't know who I should feel more sorry for, Brian, Justin or Bree.
Author's Response: LOL Pick one.
Date: Jun 26, 2017 3:53 pm Title: Chapter 1
Poor Little bree ....great start.
Author's Response: LOL Thanks.
Date: May 14, 2017 10:02 am Title: Chapter 24
Glad the boys made it home from NYC in one piece. Now to the 'Mommies' question. TAG
Author's Response: That's the next thing.
Date: May 14, 2017 6:13 am Title: Chapter 20
Uh oh - the inevitable question from Bree asking about her mother... just goes to show how bright she is that she's asking while so young. TAG
Author's Response: Bree is too smart for her own good sometimes.
Date: May 13, 2017 6:46 pm Title: Chapter 18
I can definitely see Brian allowing himself to be talked into doing Halloween by his daughter and then totally loving it. I'd love to do Greenwich Village on Halloween - so jealous. TAG
Author's Response: Yes, Sabina has done that and loved it.
Date: May 09, 2017 8:43 am Title: Chapter 9
Oh, the 'My Fair Lady' tribute chapter! Lol! I'd forgotten about that. TAG
Author's Response: I guess you could call it that. LOL Thanks.
Date: May 09, 2017 8:43 am Title: Chapter 9
Oh, the 'My Fair Lady' tribute chapter! Lol! I'd forgotten about that. TAG
Author's Response: LOL!
Date: May 08, 2017 2:02 am Title: Chapter 1
Oh my, what a dismal homecoming. Poor Brian! The solution, of course, is that that all have to go back to NYC with Brian. Lol. TAG
Author's Response: That might be the solution. LOL
Date: Apr 09, 2017 11:53 am Title: Chapter 24
So we have yet another holiday with all the family together. Than Bree has to ask about her mother and Patricks. How will they answer.
Author's Response: That's the question. LOL
Date: Apr 08, 2017 3:55 pm Title: Chapter 23
New York was fun but it's good to be home.
Author's Response: Always.
Date: Apr 08, 2017 3:40 pm Title: Chapter 22
It was a good Thanksgiving even if Gus and John and their families couldn't attend.
Author's Response: ;)
Date: Apr 08, 2017 1:29 pm Title: Chapter 21
Stacy has the world by the horns. Hopefully Michael will be on his best behavior, but his view of how life should be is scewed.
Author's Response: Michael is always a little out of step in our stories.
Date: Apr 04, 2017 2:10 am Title: Chapter 20
Brian is the type of boss I would love. Little girls ask difficult questions.
Author's Response: LOL to both.
Date: Apr 04, 2017 1:53 am Title: Chapter 19
This Sunday was unusual but Brian sacrificed so his family could be happy.
Author's Response: Doesn't he always!
Date: Apr 03, 2017 6:41 pm Title: Chapter 18
A Rageon Halloween. Couldn't have been more perfect.
Author's Response: :)
Date: Apr 03, 2017 6:20 pm Title: Chapter 17
Having Joan there is a great idea of John's.
Author's Response: Glad you think so.
Date: Apr 03, 2017 5:58 pm Title: Chapter 16
Justin is willing to give up his art, but Bree and Brian won't let him.
Author's Response: Of course they won't let him.
Date: Apr 03, 2017 5:49 pm Title: Chapter 15
I have a feeling that help will be on the way shortly. What a nasty way to end up! Glad that Stacy is becoming a part of the team. The apartment was the clincher.
Author's Response: Things will get better.
Date: Apr 03, 2017 5:40 pm Title: Chapter 14
N'rgy is on it's way.
Author's Response: Yes.