Reviews For Having My Baby
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Reviewer: emac66 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 04, 2017 10:03 pm Title: Chapter 22

LOL! Mel adn Brian are both going to confiscate Justin's books in the near future. LOL.

I never thought in a million years that Daph would be the one to get through to Michael. Will wonders never cease! Good to see though, for both Ben and Michael's sakes, and Hunter too. It's going to be a long convo I'm sure, but one that's a long time coming. We'll have to see if he keeps it up. Will he actually derail when the girls actually move or will he be the supportive friend/father. I mean least NY is closer than Toronto.

Well done!! I've been checking back to wait for updates. It's kind of mind numbing at work right now so this was a very welcome reprieve.



Reviewer: emac66 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 04, 2017 6:49 pm Title: Chapter 21

FINALLY!!!!!! Finally Deb seems to have gotten a much needed clue! So glad that Justin took the opportunity to really tell Deb a few necessary truths. It seems like she really listened this time. I can only hope that she sticks to it. Hard hapbit to break, and I'm sure she'll have a few slip ups, but hopefully Carl and others around her will rein her in. 

While Lindsey is getting some much needed "parentl acceptance" from Jen, Mel seems to have really softened towards Brian and seriously considering his feelings. That was a very nice and touching scene. Naturally they had their own way of communicating, without seeming to be emotional, but I do believe each were touched and a new budding realtionship can really begin between these 2.

Go Emmett! YAY! Relationships really seem to be blossoming and strengtheneing all round, except of course for Ben and Michael. Will michael finally get a clue like his mother seems to have? Highly doubt it. He's too driven by his own wants and needs. Really wondering if he's going to go through with this trip to New York or if he stops mid way remembering Ben's words. Again, highly doubtful. Looks like there is much angst to come for these 2. Ben and Hunter will have to take steps out on their own for a time anyway. Not sure if Michael will ever mature enough to see what's what.

Great chapter and as usual, can't wait for more!!



Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Jan 04, 2017 3:21 am Title: Chapter 21

So much happening.  Debbie realizing that she need to stop helping Michael.  Mel worrying about Brian, now that's something.  Drew and Emmett getting back together!  Good thing Deb didn't call Em, I think he's going to be too busy.

Reviewer: blossomlegs Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 04, 2017 1:19 am Title: Chapter 20

Hope Ben can find someone who really will care and love him, along with Hunter.

Mikey really needs to get dropped off a cliff, and be alone, to really see how selfish he is. Deb really needs a wake up call, think Carl needs to look or someone else.

Fantastic update, thanks for sharing.


Reviewer: BellaDonne Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 03, 2017 10:35 pm Title: Chapter 20

**Tapping on the screen** Hey you, Michael are you deaf?? stay home and work on Ben.  No one wants you around except Ben.  And as Brian said it would be the first thing you've done right in 7 years! Ugh!!!

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Jan 03, 2017 9:35 pm Title: Chapter 20

I can't get over how Michael doesn't think he needs to tell his business to anyone, but everyone should tell him and Debbie before they decide to do A-N-Y thing.  And somehow it's everyones fault but theirs.  How can Mikey fix his marriage when he doesn't think there is a problem.  Carl told Debbie straight out what was wrong and she rejected it.  Looks like Mikey is not the only one who ends up alone.

Reviewer: April_Danielle Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 03, 2017 9:32 pm Title: Chapter 20

Good for you Brian,you no longer manipulated by your so called best friend!!Why don't you just cut him out from your life for good,maybe you and Justin will have peace for once...

Yaaap.the whiny brat is on the way to his own simple as stay home,he can't even manage to do that??He's almost 40 with a brain of a toddler...

Can't wait for the next chapter..

Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 03, 2017 7:59 pm Title: Chapter 20

Gee WHIZ!!! No one can buy Michael a damn clue! What a pathetic little troll he is! I'm glad that Brian FINALLY called Michael on all of his bullshit regarding the major break-up of him and Justin. Michael knew every single ounce of what Justin was feeling but instead of being a true friend to Brian, he chose to put his bid in to make them break up. People often ask me of the core reason why I can't stand Michael. Well there they have it straight from Brian's mouth in to Michael's deaf ears. Selfish Sot!

As for Deb.... I'm so happy that Carl put his big ol' flat foot down and gave her one of the ultimatums she needed to be able to let Michael go. It was high-time that someone forced her to see that the whiny brat needed to be weened from her boob long ago. He forced her to choose between Michael and herself. And the petulant PITA didn't help matters with his own entitled attiude. Perhaps she will stay in this vein... well hope springs eternal in that quarter!

As for Ben, I'm glad he told Michael that if he showed up in NY there would be nothing to fix in their relationship. Honestly, I think they are about 7 years too late to even try. Ben never should have gotten involved with someone who needed to be led through life in the first place. By the way, I am so PROUD of Ted, giving Michael the business straight-no chaser! Even if the Whimpering, Whiny Weenie-boy Wuss didn't listen, he can never said that he didn't know how Ted really felt. He heard it, even if his brain refused to process the words. 

I really do hope that Mel and Lindsay move forward with plans to move to New York! Deb and Michael need to back off and go design their lives. Perhaps if they spend time trying to fix their own messed up existences, they will be too busy to fuck up the others. 

Great Chapter and looking forward to MORE!

Happy Writing and HUGS,


Reviewer: emac66 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 03, 2017 7:53 pm Title: Chapter 20

WEll...this was a most interesting chapter! I mean WOW! So much happening here and so many possible repercussions.

So Michael inadvertantly over heard Brian and Mel. That was definitely not all good. At least not for him. At least he's in the know now. Adn boy o boy is he pissed! Naturally he goes running to mommy, who in turns takes it upon herself to say what everyone needs to do. They need to figure out that there's a difference between helping and interfereing. Michael is completely incapable of taking responsiblity for anything! I mean he's actually blaming Emmett for the whole fiasco! 

Carl is a champ! Yowza! He certainly put Deb in her place. Let's hope that a starting off point for her to really face reality. That what she wants everyone to do doesn't matter. that their lives are just that...theirs and they need to do what's best fro them, not for everyone else.

Ben too was showing just how serious he was. Michael I really think believed him. He did turn teh car around. I'm a bit worried though. He's all concerned about Ben not leaving, that he "needs" Ben, but why does he? What's behind the need? 

Brian telling things like they are to Michael was excellent! Loved it all. So many htings that needed to be said finally were. Brian was incredibly honest here and it was really breathtaking and brutal. Of course though, Michael doesn't listen, adn only hears what he wants to hear. and now.......he's off. Once agan, acting without thinking. Will it occur to him that Ben may not be there when he gets back? 

the anticiaption on this one is going to be killer until the next update. An incredible chapter.



Reviewer: wellreadbunny Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 03, 2017 7:36 pm Title: Chapter 20

Michael really is the dumbest man alive. Please tell me Brian called just to rev him up. Will Ben really leave? Only you can tell.

Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Jan 03, 2017 7:19 pm Title: Chapter 20

Stupid Is As Stupid Does<SMH>

Michael deserves exactly what he is about to get and if Deb doesn't wise up and pull her head out of town sad she can share her home with Michael because they will be left behind.

Reviewer: April_Danielle Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 03, 2017 3:36 am Title: Chapter 19

Why Brian and Justin still helping Ben to work it out with the whiny brat?Why they can't just let the immature suffer and living a horrible lonely life alone,after all it's all his doing driving them all away from him!!He can go to his mother well see either Debbie would wake up too and realize that she should let her son grow up or they both live a miserable life together alone..

Reviewer: emac66 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 02, 2017 11:37 pm Title: Chapter 19

While I get why Hunter did what he did, from a parently point of view, I'd be furious and scared shitless! He just shouldn't take that burden on himself. Ben and Michael need to figure it out for themselves. Hopefully he's all sorted out now. I also hope that Ben listens to justin. Brian actually gave more of an explanation than I expected him to. Good on him. Justin also backed it up with his own words which pretty much summed up Brian's.

While I felt bad for Emmett, perhaps it's a needed lesson for him. Fun gossip is all fun adn games and is harmless, but he needs to learn to curb it sometimes. (possible plot bunny for another story?? Have always wanted to read something like that.) He truly means well, but intentions aside, he really does talk before he thinks sometimes.

Wonder what's happening back in the Pitts right now since Ben and Hunter are in NY? Is Michael realizsing anything? Is Deb? Will either of them learn?

thanks for this!!



Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Jan 02, 2017 11:23 pm Title: Chapter 19

You have Michael pegged.  Shame that Ben is going to give him another chance.  Frankly I think Hunter would be better off with just Ben.  Afterall how many times does Hunter have to correct Michael?

Reviewer: wellreadbunny Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 02, 2017 11:21 pm Title: Chapter 19

I'm glad everyone knows what Michael's problem  is, but I worry that talking won't solve it.

Reviewer: emac66 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 02, 2017 9:57 pm Title: Chapter 18

First off, I'm terribly sorry for not reviewing in forwever. I pretty much stayed off line during the holidays. I was on enough to read a bit in the evenings, but that's it. I had 10 days for glorious "me" time, where I spent it with my daughter for the most part.

AS for this story....As usually you are brilliant. Loving it. I can't remember the last time I wote anything, but, either way, it's a terrific story.

It's amazing that Deb just doesn't see how she's enabling Michael. Everyone needs to fix him or fix the situation, or fix his and Ben's relationship, or fix his and justin's realationship. I think everyone sees it but her. (and Michael of course) for her sake I hope she does at some point.

Am really really really glad that the boys as well as M&L are looking into moving to New York. They are right on the money when they talk of everyone being involved in their relationship. I think it's best for all involved that they do this. Let's face it, shit is seriously going to hit the fan when everyone finds out, or rather when Deb and Michael find out, but it's for teh best. (and more importantly, it's going to be delicious to read what you do with them all! )

Definitely looking forward to more.



Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Jan 02, 2017 7:21 pm Title: Chapter 18

Debbie getting so involved with Mikey's life makes it easy to see why Mikey is so involved with Brian's.  And Michael being so concerned abut Justin working on the comic so 'he' can benefit is just so wrong.   Poor Jen.  Trying to talk to Debbie is like...trying to talk to Michael.  One track mind. 

Reviewer: April_Danielle Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 02, 2017 11:24 am Title: Chapter 18

Seriously though when's Debbie would wake up to know not put herself in the middle of her son's problem?even after she learned that the whiny brat is bugging Justin not to apologize but to demand about the comics but still she set her mind to fix the problem which her son cause like it's that simple and going to Jen for help no less?If what happen reverse for her son,she would tear the gang upside down or all liberty avenue just to let who said it pay..Not to mention of what her reaction could be when she learn too that the girls are not coming back to the Pitts..?

Reviewer: Jazzepoet Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 02, 2017 11:08 am Title: Chapter 18

All I can say is Bravo Jen and Ben. Debbie better start taking heed to what's been said.

Reviewer: OBabyRN Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 02, 2017 8:01 am Title: Chapter 18

Yay Jen!  Good chapter!

Reviewer: April_Danielle Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 01, 2017 7:41 am Title: Chapter 17

Really Deb can't see through her son's stupidity and as usual coming to the rescue and expect Brian to help the whiny brat over Justin?When she's gonna learn not to coddle her immature son everytime he's in trouble??

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Jan 01, 2017 3:42 am Title: Chapter 17

Justin is taking this better than I would.  If things had been reversed Michael would have been screaming at the top of his voice.  Deb expecting Brian to interfer is not helping and poor Emmett feels bad for having opened his mouth.  But it needed to come out.  Michael gets away with too much. 

Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Jan 01, 2017 3:07 am Title: Chapter 17

Michael  and Debbie is the reason why moats were invented they really don't like to listen  and they only hear themselves, perhaps they should  be locked  in a room to listen to each  other for the rest of their lives??

If they keep pushing they aren't going to like what gets pushed back.




Reviewer: Jazzepoet Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 01, 2017 2:27 am Title: Chapter 17

All you need to do is ask Mikey Deb....or maybe Ben would be the better option.

Reviewer: Jazzepoet Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 31, 2016 1:49 pm Title: Chapter 16

Okay, now I am all caught up here....First let me say that I'm not too hot on the idea of Mel having a child with Justin. Don't get me wrong they would probably make pretty strawberry blond children together, I think it's the fact that the circle is a little too tight. However, this is a great story and I love how everyone is expressing what their needs are. Micheal needs to understand that none of them owe him a damn thing. He is not their keeper and should back off before Ben ends their marriage. And I really feel for Justin for having to find out the way he did. But now that he knows, I can't see him taking it easy on Mikey.

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