Date: Jan 07, 2017 8:26 pm Title: Chapter 9
I actually thought for sure Ben was able to talk some sense into the whiner, ugh
I think what makes me the happiest is seeing Brian and Mel get along so well... even joking with each other... he even seems to share things with her that he normally wouldn't
Date: Jan 07, 2017 7:53 pm Title: Chapter 8
I'm actually proud of Lindsay for her speech too!
Ben needs to reign in his partner... all too caring Michael is a pain in the ass! lol
Date: Jan 06, 2017 8:33 pm Title: Chapter 7
Even not an anti Miley and he just bugs me (thank you) he doesn't have to be trying to break them up for me to not like him lol
Date: Jan 06, 2017 8:25 pm Title: Chapter 6
Blake is awesome.
I'm really enjoying Brian and Mel joking around
Date: Jan 06, 2017 7:21 pm Title: Chapter 5
I'm actually giddy right now that they are monogamous lol
Date: Jan 06, 2017 6:53 pm Title: Chapter 25
WOAH!!!!!!!!! Daph and Hunter??!?!?! OK......didn't see that one coming in a million years! The gang's concerns are definitely plausible. I think though, that anything Michael may say about it will be negated, not just by the gang, but by Deb. Deb definitely won't stand for Michael pulling that BS expecially when it concerns one of her "grandbabies" and Daph who she likes. Great that the whole gang will be there though to support.
Loving Mel and Lindsey in this. They seem to have a fantastic relationship. Strong and healthy. Good to see. I admit I always enjoy a good anti-Linds and/or Mel, but I also like to see them in support of each other and of B&J. Having them go up against Michael is always fun too. Their combined intellect is no match for Michael. Excited for them both on the "magical sperm" (that was hilarious!)
Lovely and wonderful chapter!!!!
Date: Jan 06, 2017 6:40 pm Title: Chapter 24
I get the impression that if we were to rap our knuckles on Michael's head, we're hear an echo. *sigh* Like I said before, he's all black and white, no happy medium. Everyone needs to put it out there bluntly..."We don't want or need your advise or opinion" Stop beating around the bush. Michael however, will only hear what he wants, not what's actually being said. He is his own worst enemy. I can't blame Ben at all for wanting this separation. He's at a road block and no matter what he tries to say, Michael just isn't hearing it. Such a shame. I was really hoping that Michael would come around. Perhaps he will sometime, but will it be in time? He doesn't realize that he still hold Brian to a certian standard, and that is why Brian, Justin and teh girls want to move. Good move on Ted's part to keep himself out of it. That if Michael wants to talk to the girls, then HE needs to make those motions, not Ted or anyone else. And what does he think is going to happen? He may have his rights, but does he do anything? Does he contribute properly? Ugh....just want to shake some sense into the guy. And now what is Deb's reaction going to be? Will what Justin said to her previously stay with her or will she run off at the mouth again?
Not sure about Justin doing Rage again, especially now. I guess we'll have to see what comes of all that.
Our boys are baby and house prepping. Brian has come a long way. Comfort over style. Good for him.
Great chapter!!
Date: Jan 06, 2017 6:39 pm Title: Chapter 4
I REALLY like Brian and Mel getting along and I love his idea... even with Lindsay in the mix lol
Date: Jan 06, 2017 6:24 pm Title: Chapter 25
I didn't expect that one🙄🙄but Hunter is a good guy to be having a relationship with Daphne..So i think that's the reason why Daphne didn't kick the whiny's ass bcoz of Hunter..Can't wait for the dinner night,it should be exciting..🤗🤗
Date: Jan 06, 2017 5:50 pm Title: Chapter 24
Well i guess Michael can't really be able to be what Ben wants him to be..Maybe it's better for them to take break from each other for awhile..I just hope Debbie won't come to his rescue againðŸ˜
Date: Jan 06, 2017 5:39 pm Title: Chapter 3
Oh I hope Em can keep this secret.. but making him get Teddy to spill was funny
really, Michael has not manners... not even telling the girls they are coming early? How does Ben not make him let them know? ugh
Date: Jan 06, 2017 5:32 pm Title: Chapter 2
I'm glad Ted did the right thing and gave them the heads up... i don't hate the idea, but i think Mel is looking at it and going about things in such a rushed and messed up manor at this point.
Date: Jan 06, 2017 5:24 pm Title: Chapter 1
Love the intro chapter... the reflections from each of them (except Justin)
did not see that mel would be the friend who wanted the baby... from the summary, I wasn't even sure which guy was the one... I figured Daphne asking Justin or Lindsay asking Brian again...
can't wait to read more... write quickly please... lol
Date: Jan 06, 2017 12:21 pm Title: Chapter 23
Who are you and what have you done with Mikey?
on a serious note, could you please stop writing the most sweet and romantic words I've ever read? I want to live in you stories. When Emmett said he was waiting for Drew to move, oh, it was so swee! And Em and Justing talking about Brian was perfect. I like my boys happy.
Date: Jan 06, 2017 11:49 am Title: Chapter 22
I guess Daphne speaks Mikey. He seemed to listen as she reminded him to listen, lol.
I can't imagine Justin as a distance father and wanting caress makes my point.
Date: Jan 06, 2017 11:17 am Title: Chapter 25
Ummmm.....Hunter and Daphne? Not sure how I feel about that one.
Date: Jan 06, 2017 10:08 am Title: Chapter 25
Love it Hunter and Daph. Mikey is going to blowup. Nice that all the family will be their to show their support for Hunter andDaph.
Fantastic, thanks for sharing!
Date: Jan 06, 2017 4:19 am Title: Chapter 25
Ahh, so that's who Hunter was texting. Love it. And everyone is going to the dinner to protect both Hunter and Daphne. No greater love -
Date: Jan 06, 2017 12:55 am Title: Chapter 24
Oh dear. I thought Michael was a little strange but I was willing to roll with it. Now he's back to his normal self, which while fun is irritating because it's like dealing with a two year old.Maybe they can get Jenny Rebecca to explain it to him?
Date: Jan 06, 2017 12:43 am Title: Chapter 23
Emmett and Drew are going to make it. Michael is acting out of character but if he keeps it up he and Ben have a great shot of making their marriage work. I hope he can.
Date: Jan 05, 2017 10:17 pm Title: Chapter 23
There really is no grey area for Michael is there. It's black or white, nothing inbetween. No wonder both Ben adn hunter are so weirded out. Hopefully he's able to gain some balance somewhere along the line. It's kinda of freaky they way he's talking. It almost seems disingenuous. it seems Emmett and Drew are going to move to NY now. the group is splitting up and moving forward. I think it will be healthy for all involved really, even if some of them don't see it. *cough cough* Michael *cough* so what happens if Carl and Deb move? Think they would? I mean he is retiring. Oh the next while is going to be interesting that's for sure! Hopefully Michael and Ben actually talk soon.
Date: Jan 05, 2017 6:12 am Title: Chapter 22
So Mickey finally got a clue??but i wouldn't expect it to last longer it's Michael we are talking here.i just wish Daphne kick hiss ass first for what he said about Justin years ago but maybe she doesn't know about it.?
Ahahaha Justin planning everything about the baby that isn't conceive yet is just adorable and cute much to Brian's amusement.🤗🤗🤗
Date: Jan 05, 2017 3:17 am Title: Chapter 22
This is such a cute verse. Looks like Mikey , Linz, Deb or Mel are going to be to anti?! Brilliant writing as always.
Thanks for sharing, looking forward to next update.
Date: Jan 04, 2017 11:36 pm Title: Chapter 22
Good for Daphne!!! Finally someone gets a broom and sweeps out the cobwebs where Michael's mind should have been! I've always noticed the difference between Michael’s brand of 'friendship' and hers. Both are in their best friend's corners but for significantly opposing reasons. At first, it was Michael waiting for something that would never in a gazillion years happen. But even after Ben came along, the friendship- such as it was- was never put into it's proper perspective by Michael. Daphne is Michael's polar opposite as friends go and so was able to lay it all out there and help Michael see his assholery from the place of an equal title, regardless that Michael is older and should know better. I'm glad that she FINALLY got him to see reason- even if it is short-term. It's progress! As for her 'boyfriend'.... Hunter has indeed found himself a gem IF it's Daphne he's been texting. What a pair!
As for Justin.... LOL! What a neurotic little nerd he's becoming and they haven't even gotten to conception yet! He better not turn into another Michael or Mel, Lindsay and Brian might tar and feather him. I think it's just nerves and excitement for the possibility right now but mayne it's better that he gets it all out right now. Please tell ke he doesn't get any As for Brian, his dry humor provides the perfect foil for Justin’s overzealousness. Calm, cool, collected and conniving if necessary when dealing with Justin, lol. He knew just when to tell Justin 'No' about the cameras!
Happy Writing and HUGS,
Date: Jan 04, 2017 10:53 pm Title: Chapter 22
What an interesting chapter. I can't believe that Daphne finally got through to Mikey! Hope it works out. The text could have been from Michael and not from a girl friend. Bet that would surprise Ben. Justin is so funny and I agree that the camera might be a good idea. I need one to keep an eye on my mother. LOL.