Date: Nov 09, 2021 1:50 pm Title: Chapter 1
Yes, I'm thinking a restraining order may be in Michael's future after all. How does he really think that Brian is going to change his mind after everything he's done. Michael is not playing with a full deck. It's just a shame that Brian had to suffer in losing most of his friends and family; that is not right.
Date: Mar 08, 2020 10:18 am Title: Chapter 1
reading the stories again
Date: Dec 10, 2018 1:12 am Title: Chapter 1
Michael should have been sued for the shit he pulled. I hope Ben comes to his senses. I was disappointed with Ted, he could have put a stop to this whole mess.
Date: Aug 01, 2018 1:58 am Title: Chapter 1
Of course Brian is The Monster and Michael is the Angel.
Deb, Ted, Mel taking Michael's side is not surprising but it must of hurt Ted when he realized that Michael never chose him?
And Mel will use any excuse she can to get back at Brian despite the fact that she is playing the game of One Upmanship by herself against herself, Brian is so busy growing his business, loving Justin and Gus that he doesn't have time to play her stupid games.
And Deb will never put anyone above her son no matter how many times he may hurt Brian, Justin or her.
Ben is either going for sainthood or love really is blind?
Date: Jul 13, 2017 6:18 am Title: Chapter 1
Michael is a bastard..lovely fic..thank u.
Date: Feb 02, 2017 6:30 pm Title: Chapter 1
I hope Ben will find out that Michael went to the show.
Date: Jan 27, 2017 9:48 am Title: Chapter 1
He still doesn't get what he did wrong. He must be completely crazy. That's the only explanation.
Date: Dec 20, 2016 6:35 pm Title: Chapter 1
I can't believe Ben puts up with Mikey's obsession... he HAS to see it