Date: Aug 03, 2023 2:49 pm Title: ALL IN 2: LOVE and WAR
Day One of the competition and Lunfsay is already failing.
Lindsay really is her own worse enemy because she thinks she is so clever but she is still trying to work out how to get out of a wet paper bag.
Michael is lucky Melanie cams along when she did or he would be penniless but he will end up that way eventually anyway because he is a an idiot.
Wonder why Daddy called?
So Melanie knows about Lindsay's extracurricular activities makes you wonder what else Ms. Marcus knows and if she has proof??
Lindsay must be looking forward to the day she had to apply paint to Michael's body? lol
On that day Michael should have an excellent breakfast and lunch with Eggs, Sardines, Onions, Garlic, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Steak, Beans all those good yummy foods everything a model needs to look their best on camera roflma

Date: Jul 06, 2023 4:49 pm Title: ALL IN 2: LOVE and WAR
Well, Lindsay is up shit creek without a paddle – at least right at the moment. And Michael better be very thankful Mel intervened, or he would be flat broke. When Deb returns his wallet, I hope she gives Michael a firm shake to wisen him up. Hopefully, she tells him how toxic Lindsay is, and he better not let her continue to talk him out of his money. She’ll have to tell him that Mel caught her just in time as she planned to take everything in his wallet. Because there is no more money coming.
Whoa, I’ve just had a thought... did Michael have his pin number on the bank slip? Unless he used something like his birthday or Brian’s birthday... but then Lindsay could figure that out. That witch will look high and low for his wallet when he’s asleep, and then clean out his account.
It also looks like Michael’s gonna have to camp outside, until Lindsay gets back there. Since she has to clean up her station, it could take her a while. Talk about a dumb doofus.
I enjoyed Mel getting a select few words into Lindsay, so she’s aware Mel knows all about her penchant for extramarital affairs. Lindsay should know that EVERYBODY else knows now too. So when she sees and hears the laughter, she might have to wonder if she’s the butt of the joke.
I’ve so enjoyed all these updates. Thank you so much.

Date: Feb 23, 2023 9:46 am Title: ALL IN 2: LOVE and WAR
Rereading again and I forgot yo comment about what Michael saw in the parking lot.
Craig Getting Drilled By A Man!!
Looks like Daddy Dearest has some Serious Explaining To Do!!
And Ewww!!!
Who is Craig's lover?
I seriously hope when Lindsay has to use Michael as her model he had a big breakfast or lunch and he ate onions.
Judges opinions and scores should be Quite Interesting lol
Author's Response:
LOL!!!! All I'll say is that money makes for strange bedfellows, quite literally! {Evil laughter}

Date: Sep 17, 2022 11:11 am Title: ALL IN 2: LOVE and WAR
Yeah, right: Mrs. Lindsay Kinney, manager of Justin Taylor, Artist. Laughing my fool head off! Regardless if she would have completed the whole assignment, I think she might still have received a ZERO... or a ONE... for effort! God, she's gonna be laughed off stage on national TV... I can't wait!
Thank you so much for putting the time in for all these updates. I just wish I felt better to get them all read. (Gonna try to today!)
Date: Aug 24, 2022 7:04 pm Title: ALL IN 2: LOVE and WAR
Lindsay and Michael both need to get off the delusional train lol. Thanks for the update.
Date: Aug 20, 2022 4:44 pm Title: ALL IN 2: LOVE and WAR
Is there a word for more delusional than usual? Land of Denial come take your missing queen home. Mrs Brian Kinney indeed. HAHAHAHAHHA!

Date: Aug 19, 2022 7:11 pm Title: ALL IN 2: LOVE and WAR
Justin Did goid with his choice in models and his attention to detail for the category they were given He should get some excellent points for what he did.
Lindsay is just making friends where she goes and her comments about Drag not being art wasn't condescending, rude or tasteless at all.
Lindsay making more of a spectacle of herself I a competition she isn't even qualified for is not surprising her she wants everything to be catered to her, thankfully no one cares whay she wants but her frustration will look great on camera for the whole world to see and comment on every episode.
That pinch face, trying not to throw a tantrum look, along with her trying not to stop her foot will look so to the viewing audience.
Let's see if Lindsay makes to another challenge or episode?
Thanks For The Update
Date: Nov 25, 2021 6:24 am Title: ALL IN 2: LOVE and WAR
I read the first story and am now all caught up on this one, which I am totally loving, by the way. I very much hope that you continue with this one; I'd love to see how everything moves along and Lindsay and Michael get their much-awaited comeuppance!!
Date: Nov 21, 2021 2:45 pm Title: ALL IN
Loved it!! Michael, not so much, but Brian and Justin totally. They are finally together and starting their life. Michael needs to finally get a clue that he is no longer Brian's best friend and get a life of his own and leave Brian and Justin alone. I have a feeling he is in for a very rude awakening!!
Date: Feb 08, 2021 5:51 pm Title: ALL IN 2: LOVE and WAR
reading it again and hoping for an update
Date: Nov 02, 2020 6:56 pm Title: ALL IN 2: LOVE and WAR
What if Lindsay's parents were willing to give her some money but she had to sign a contract that says that she had to payback every cent they have given her since she left college and she had to sign it quickly before the cameras start rolling so she doesn't get to read it?
Maybe Lindsay also signs that since she can't interfere with Brian, Justin and Miranda that she has to payback every cent Brian ever lent her going back to before Gus was born and so does Michael?
And that since Michael went to Kinnetik he gets fined $150 and each time he violates order it keeps going up.
Plus maybe Ron and Nancy talk to Brian, Justin and Mel which helps them decide to join in paying back Lindsay for her embarrassing actions while also being happy away from her and Lynette is in charge of making sure every cent is paid back with interest.
Just the thought of Michael taking off his clothes is Disgusting and yet just think of all the pleasure Lindsay will have being so up close and personal with Michael.

Date: Apr 21, 2020 9:09 pm Title: ALL IN 2: LOVE and WAR
Ha ha ha, Craig! You are killing me with this surprise!
Michael really doesn't understand how Brian's sexuality works and what he needs/likes.

Date: Apr 19, 2020 7:55 am Title: ALL IN 2: LOVE and WAR
Lindsay and Michael are going to be so disillusioned. I hope Michael will find a way to get into the building I would like to see him do the model for Lindsay he will moan so much!

Date: Apr 18, 2020 1:40 am Title: ALL IN 2: LOVE and WAR
I first have to say, I LOVED Cutting Edge... I don't have enough fingers and toes to count how many times I have seen that movie... and now thanks to you, I'll probably have to rewatch it (it's been a while)... I can still hear her sing-songy voice "toe pick"... as he falls flat on his - keister. (I did not like the sequel though.)
Do you realize I had to stop reading and bleach my brain of the images Michael was putting in my head?! You really should be ashamed of yourself... Even now, when I close my eyes, I'm seeing those HORRID images. If I have nightmares tonight... you, my dear, might get a nasty message.
Then, we went on to Miss Delusional, Lindsay... Christ what a woman! HER HUSBAND?? I loved the 'tuna' reference to her though. When is that woman going to learn?? She is continually put in her place, yet she fails to learn. At least she was good for a few chuckles... her thinking she will beat Justin in the competion... is absolutely hilarious! But the fact that all of them, even Brian, was looking at her and laughing... how can she STILL think Brian wants anything to do with her? And she doesn't even have Gus anymore to use as a bargaining chip... yep... delusional...
And Michael's 'Superman' wallet, is about to have cash depleted... AGAIN!! I'm really hoping he doesn't manage to get back into the building. But, if word has gotten around about the lack of Lindsay's expertise to the models, will she even be able to pay one of them enough to sit for her?
And, OMG! Craig Taylor! Michael should just go interrupt 'daddy' and ask if he has a key card he could use... AND... Just how old is this artist he's engaging in 'hide the salami' with?
Thanks for this whole brain bleach chapter. I bet you were laughing the whole time you were writing this!
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Apr 17, 2020 8:05 pm Title: ALL IN 2: LOVE and WAR
The mother shows she not only can handle self entitled idiots. She also taught her son well.
Date: Apr 17, 2020 7:41 pm Title: ALL IN 2: LOVE and WAR
Go Deb! 🥰

Date: Apr 17, 2020 6:50 pm Title: ALL IN 2: LOVE and WAR
Love me some Leda.

Date: Apr 17, 2020 6:23 pm Title: ALL IN 2: LOVE and WAR
Cheryl can afford to dress anyway she wants she has Class which Lindsay could never achieve on her best day which she won't be having anytime soon.
I so wanted Cheryl to hit her but Lindsay would've died with glee so instead helping Justin shine on every competition would be better and funner.
Lindsay like Michael couldn't beat Justin if he was Dead dumb and blind which thankfully he is not and never will be, Lindsay has as much talent as she does brains so this first competition should be fun.
I do hope Michael will get back k in time cause Lindsay should enjoy the perfume wafting from Michael's body as he models for her and his dulcet tones will be so soothing to ears for hours.
Lindsay and Michael really do share the same brain to bad the hamster left for greener pastures and the pea is actually a shriveled dried up raisin lol
Craig with one of the male contestants moaning in the garage?
Michael should've stuck around maybe he can get some pointers on how to please a man heaven knows he and Lindsay could use them because they can't please anyone especially Brian Aiden Kinney.
Brian wouldn't sleep with Michael if he shot gold bricks out of his Ass!
And never sleep with Lindsay again if her snatch was the way to Narnia!
Brian got Paradise in his Sunshine!!
Thanks For the Update 😃

Date: Apr 17, 2020 6:11 pm Title: ALL IN 2: LOVE and WAR
Shame Lindsay thinks she's important to anyone. Michael seems to be in the same boat. How does he manage to get back into the building. How stupid to leave his phone and wallet where Lindsay has access to them.

Date: Feb 16, 2020 2:40 pm Title: ALL IN 2: LOVE and WAR
Excellent: I can see Michael going up and down until Lindsay realizes why he hasn't come to report. Too dumb, both of them.

Date: Feb 16, 2020 11:51 am Title: ALL IN 2: LOVE and WAR
Interesting chapter. Lots of kissing. None for Mikey and Lindsay I note. Thanks for the translations, I was going crazy.

Date: Feb 16, 2020 9:37 am Title: ALL IN 2: LOVE and WAR
Nice to see this update and in addition we learn a few pieces of foreign languages! I can't wait to see what you're going to do with these two idiots. I hope Michael gets stuck in the elevator forever! But hey it would be less fun without him.

Date: Feb 16, 2020 4:35 am Title: ALL IN 2: LOVE and WAR
Well, my dear, this was a pleasant surprise to see this updated. Thank you!
I read reviews trying to reacquaint myself, and when I came across the one regarding Rita Montgomery, and I seemed to be the only one commenting that she was DEAD... That in turn, had me scanning the entire story. Which I did find, yes she's dead. Anyway... now I'm REALLY reacquainted with the story. (Not a bad thing... as it's most enjoyable.)
I loved how all the foreign languages were spoken. That ought to cause a distraction, as part of Lindsay's brain will constantly be trying to dissect what they are saying.
I guess I understand Miranda reminding Lindsay of her contract... but hell... they could have been rid of her once and for all. But, on the other hand, the story wouldn't be nearly as entertaining.
With Michael stuck on the first floor the elevator stops at, and him not allowed back downstairs, how is Lindsay going to compete without a model? She hasn't procured one yet. I'm trying to remember if she has to pay one. She has no money... hmm... If you have no model, thus not be able to compete, won't she be out? OOH... I KNOW! She can ink herself!
Will Michael get arrested for unlawful entry? That will eat up a little more of his money. And hopefully, it's on his person, and not left downstairs for Lindsay's usage.
And... so, what if, Brian and Justin snuck away for some romper room footsie, why did the twin twits feel the need to stop it? They must realize that they do that - all. the. time.
Well, I would say everybody... gay, straight, or indifferent, was probably hot and heated in certain parts of their bodies after the two Brian kisses that he exhibited. Mr. Public Display. I can just picture him kissing Cheryl with everything in him, just for the shock effect. LOL...
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Feb 16, 2020 1:45 am Title: ALL IN 2: LOVE and WAR
OMG! Having Justin, Daph and Cheryl along with their models speaking in different languages during the competition is Genuis!!
It will have the rock in Lindsay's head shattering trying to figure out what they are saying while trying to perform the task set.
I guess Stacey can understand a few words of French but Creole will have her scratching her Ass to jumpstart her brain. (Lindsay and Michael u understand that feeling since they have no Ads and theirs haven't worked in years)
It is just so sad that Michael won't be able to model for Lindsay for this first task but I am sure with her expertise she will be able to make do with the Professional Models on hand, I mean she is such an Accomplished Artiste with years of World Renowned Recognition.
Wonder if Michael getting arrested for trespassing will make a small, medium or large dent in his wallet, plus won't it just be wonderful listening to him whine about having to shell out more money on live tv??
That kiss between Brian and Cheryl was Damn Hot for a platonic kiss Miranda might need a few hours to remedy her situation lol
Lindsay is beyond pissed with that display of friendly affection especially since I doubt Brian kissed her when he nailed long, long, long ago.
Just think of the Twitter comments she is going to get about looking old enough to be some of those models grandmother 😂😂
Brian and Justin are going to have enough time to release some tension before going downstairs to find out what the first challenge is and the time needed to complete it.
Yes Rupaul can see what Lindsay is but No I won't see it until it is way too late.T
I get the feeling their are going to be a lot of viewing parties happening for every episode.
Thanks For the Update 😃
Date: Feb 16, 2020 12:38 am Title: ALL IN 2: LOVE and WAR
thanks for update. Love the bashing