Date: Dec 19, 2016 3:34 pm Title: Chapter 24
wow... Lindsay wanted $40,000 to go to Europe with her family that doesn't even accept her? and expected Brian to pay for it of course, but feed him lies to try and get it! ugh
Date: Dec 19, 2016 7:32 am Title: Chapter 25
Honestly i'm crying right now:(i feel sorry for Gus,while he's talking to the lady,feels like real..What in the world is happening that the girls never noticed their kids were suffering???!!!I hope Gus recover from the trauma and just live like a happy kid just like most kids around...
Well done Brian supporting Mel for the sake of the kids and making an effort to be friends..🤗🤗🤗
Date: Dec 19, 2016 7:15 am Title: Chapter 24
Poor Gus...Well i guess Mel is on the right tracks now...Atleast it's not that late that she woke and realized what her kids is going through because of her and the cunt of a wife she has..
Date: Dec 19, 2016 5:10 am Title: Chapter 25
Looks like Gus won't be worrying so much. Like the way you solve it.
Date: Dec 19, 2016 1:30 am Title: Chapter 24
Fantastic updates! Just hope it completely goes to shite for Linz and Mikey, with as little upset as possible for Jenny and Gus.
Love all of Justin's family, especially Ryder. Hope Ryder and Ben really hook up, it looks like they both need each other for love and security.
Thanks for sharing, looking forward to more!
Date: Dec 19, 2016 1:30 am Title: Chapter 24
Loving this. Hope Gus manages to get through this. Nice to know more about Jenny's acct. It was nice that Mel had set one up.
Date: Dec 18, 2016 8:53 pm Title: Chapter 23
Where did the money for Jenny's account come from? Love that Ryder is after Ben and Brian has a great idea for a house.
Date: Dec 18, 2016 8:36 pm Title: Chapter 23
YES, I love the idea of Ryder getting a house within walking distance so the family is still together but still have privacy! and the pool in the middle is great!
Date: Dec 18, 2016 6:27 pm Title: Chapter 22
OMGAWD!!! Please say that Drew chased him down to the Liberty Diner and Michael left a trial of pee behind him? rofl
Lindsay and Michael should have taken Jennifer up on her offer because now it has been rescinded and they are going to regret their hasty decision.
Daphne has permission from Brian to go full tilt Reigning Hell on them and the press is going to love the spectacle. (The Petersons are going to have to leave the planet because this is going to be BAD!!)
Lindsay bringing Craig into this will backfire especially if he testifies Daphne is going to rip him apart (I wish I could be there for that :)).
Ben mourn your lose for the next ten seconds then spend sometime with Ryder, he will make you forget Michael ever existed and make Ben see Heaven lol
Can't Wait For The Next Chapter!!
Date: Dec 18, 2016 4:22 pm Title: Chapter 22
I can't believe Lindsay is so stupid she thinks she can win... and Michael is just pathetic... I keep trying to think of another word since I use pathetic a lot, but it is really the word that seems perfect for him
Date: Dec 18, 2016 4:05 pm Title: Chapter 21
Happy to see Ben finally wanting to move on, not just physically, but emotionally... it was NEVER his fault with Michael... just glad he finally sees it, and at least has some fun with Ryder!
Date: Dec 18, 2016 3:19 pm Title: Chapter 22
No fair, I'm confused. What is Lyndsay up to? Did she try to steal from Jenny and what does Jenny have that's worth stealing? Next chapter PLEASE!
Date: Dec 18, 2016 3:05 pm Title: Chapter 21
I love where this is going. Gus learning he can be a kid and Ryder hopefully finding a lover in Ben.
Date: Dec 18, 2016 12:37 pm Title: Chapter 22
Oh! That was good. Let Drew catch him ,please.
Date: Dec 18, 2016 8:57 am Title: Chapter 22
So Lindsay are you ready to walk in the blazing charcoal because that's where you're headed specially now that you pissed Justin off that much by contacting the sperm donor,not to mention a more pissed off Jen??!!!!And let's not forget the sharky Daphne,you really don't know what hit you when the time comes..😆😆😆😆
Hahahahaah i can picture out Michael while running away from Drew...who wouldn't with the size like Drew has,you should be running to the hill..😆😆😆😆
Date: Dec 18, 2016 4:23 am Title: Chapter 21
YES Ben!! Grab that CLUE and Ditch the Mitch!! Michael wasn't worth the effort it takes to tear off a piece of toilet paper let alone trying to build a life with. I feel sorry for Ben that it took years instead of mere hours for him to get the fact that Michael is a spolied rotten little troll who lives in his head and has absolutely no heart. I'm happy that Mel has gotten the same clue about Lindsay.
Every chapter I like Ryder more and more. He's down-to-earth and so genuine that even children with severe trust issues flock to him. I hope he becomes Ben's knight in shining armor too. He's already doing a wonderful job with Jenny and Gus.
I really appreciated Brian's talk with Ben. While they both understand Michael, it is taken from different perspectives- both scorned and hurt in their own ways by the thoughtless actions of a whiny weasal out to take everything and give back nothing. I think Brian telling Ben what made him fall for Justin also shed a little more light on why Ben isn't feeling remorse. Again, Michael isn't worth the price of a number 2 pencil. Brian's reaction to Justin bussing Mark on the cheek was incredibly funny. If I was Justin, I probably would have done the same thing and promised a lap dance for later since Mark managed to prevent DUMBelina and TweedleleDUMB's entry to the club. HA! Let the FUN begin!!!!
Happy Writing and HUGS,
Date: Dec 18, 2016 3:17 am Title: Chapter 21
Ben it's a good thing you finally realized that you need to move on and have some color in your life in the form of Ryder..I'm loving Ryder every time. .ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜And Brian can be a real talker when he wants to and a very convincing one too..🤗😙
Date: Dec 17, 2016 5:09 pm Title: Chapter 20
Lindsay is pathetic and petty... such a good and loving friend is so quick to throw his past -key word PAST- in his face
Date: Dec 17, 2016 11:22 am Title: Chapter 20
Well Dumbelina and TweedleeDUMBass strikes again!! SMH! Michael complaining about where Jenny is staying is laughable. Meanwhile he is still running around like a chicken with his head cut off, trying to get someone to take care of him. HIM!! A long-since-supposed-to-be-grown ass man! I'm so glad that Brian, and everyone else including Mel, sees Michael for the Moronic Mistake he is. If ever there was one time Deb should have swallowed...
Same is going for Nancy Peterson's spoiled, idiotic and unreasonably arrogant get Lindsay. This tricking trollop never ceases to amaze me with her unmitigated gall and sense of entitlement. Threatening a successful gay man with his past when he's been married for the last five years with two children in addition to the child she's been using as a prize calf is the height of desperation and stupidity! Did I mention that Brian is GAY and therefore has no interests in the dried up, over-used, lazy, over-indulged, classless and tasteless prune that Lindsay is. I mean really Lustful Lying Loose-lips Lindsay GET A GRIP on reality. I would venture to bet that Brian doesn't even have so much as a parking ticket let alone has done something that couldn't be chalked up to being a single wild and free man before he met Justin. I really am looking forward to her abject humiliation along with Michael's. You know how I love to punish them and you do a fabulous job of it!
I think Mel is wising up. That talk with Ben really has done some good and now she is going into all of this with her eyes wide open. Furthermore, I'm especially glad that she followed Daphne's advice and obtained a lawyer. Not only was it an extremely smart thing to do but it shows a willingness to negotiate to everyone's benefit. In the wake of Lindsay's departure, I'm happy that Brian offered his shoulder. It has to be hard seeing the pointlessness of a life spent with the wrong person. I think shedding the tears now in the privacy of Brian's conference room, even if it's with a reluctant support system in Daphne and Justin, will give Mel some much needed relief and renew her resolve. I wonder if she can put Lindsay out of the house despite the fact that the mortgage is in both their names. I doubt that with Lindsay luxurious spending with the stolen child support money and emotional blackmail (because that's how I look at what she's done to Brian and Mel), she would have put aside the money to help with the mortgage. Perhaps Justin will by the house after all, this way Mel is able to dissolve any 'assets' she and Lindsay might have had in common without having to wait forever and six years for the house to be refurbished and sold. If Justin buys it, I'm sure that with a few mods Jennifer or another RE Agent will sell Muncher Mansion in no time.
Love the way this is unfolding!!
Happy Writing and HUGS,
Date: Dec 17, 2016 4:23 am Title: Chapter 20
I can't get over tweedle dee and tweedle dum. They don't have a leg to stand on yet persist in thinking they can win. Against Daphne? I think not.
Date: Dec 17, 2016 4:06 am Title: Chapter 20
Why do people in Glass houses always prefer to throw stones when the other side has boulders to crush their little house?
Lindsay is about to get burned taking this to court I hope Mommy and Daddy help so they can sit in court and find out the games she played to keep Brian focused on her, they will be so proud to hear what she has done and how she used her child over and over again.
I feel bad that Gus has to go through this but he has Brian, Justin and Justin's family to help him through.
Mel is finally being smart and putting her children's needs first.
Brian tricking Michael so he could get him out of the way was funny and appropriate considering Michael's stupidity.
Daphne is about to have fun and Lindsay should be scared about what Daphne knows?
Wonder if some press will be in the courtroom? :)
Date: Dec 16, 2016 6:31 am Title: Chapter 19
Oh Lindsay you're on,prepare to face the wolf or shark of a lawyer called Daphne!!You really don't know what you're about to find out when you pissed off Justin and with his family behind,you're digging your own grave..Can't wait for the meeting in Kinnetik..I think Mel woke up from her slumber of always pleasing Lindsay finally!!
Date: Dec 16, 2016 5:35 am Title: Chapter 19
Mel's looking better. Lindsay is going to be in for biiiiigggg trouble. Please, Matt, don't tell Justin what Brian said. I'd hate to see him sleeping without his favorite pillow.
Date: Dec 16, 2016 3:49 am Title: Chapter 18
Justin has a very interesting family.
Date: Dec 16, 2016 3:48 am Title: Chapter 19
I'm proud of Mel, and not at all surprised by Lindsay unfortunately