Reviews For Pain Management
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Reviewer: coleamber Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 26, 2019 9:42 am Title: Pain Management

Just love it.. off to the next one

Reviewer: coleamber Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 25, 2019 4:20 pm Title: Pain Management

Darn Michael and the rest of the so called family

Reviewer: coleamber Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 25, 2019 1:06 pm Title: Falling Off The Cliff

Love it, grat story, off to next story

Reviewer: coleamber Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 25, 2019 12:03 pm Title: Falling Off The Cliff

I hate Lindsey, that bitch

Author's Response:

I am not a Lindsay fan.

Reviewer: coleamber Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 25, 2019 1:45 am Title: You'll Always Be Young and Beautiful

good one

Reviewer: coleamber Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 25, 2019 1:33 am Title: Guilt Management

Love it, thank you

Author's Response:

so glad you enjoyed the story - thanks for commenting

Reviewer: coleamber Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 24, 2019 8:57 pm Title: Guilt Management

fucking Debbie

Reviewer: Tagsit Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 20, 2018 2:27 pm Title: Pain Management

I know I’ve said this before, but I just really love the premise of this story. I can see Brian leaving Justin on as his medical proxy even after the end of the show. I can also see Brian spiraling out of control after Justin leaves. It’s all just SO perfectly in character. In my mind this is canon for post-513. Thanks again for writing. Off to read the next story. TAG

Author's Response:

I am so glad you love the story.  In my mind this made perfect sense, Brian making Justin his proxy even though he pushed him off the proverbial cliff.  Brian has always loved Justin and could not leave him alone.  Justin was tired but still loved Brian.  This seemed a canon way to do it.

Reviewer: Tagsit Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 15, 2018 8:10 am Title: Pain Management

Great cliffie here! Lol. TAG

Author's Response:

When I first wrote this story, it was for a QAF challenge.  I don't even remember which one.  I wrote the first 50 pages and posted it.  Little did I realize that I was supposed to post finished pieces-  but the first 5 or so chapters constituted the story.  I think it did have an ending but left the reader wanting more.

Reviewer: Tagsit Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Apr 15, 2018 2:24 am Title: Pain Management

Love the way you start this one. TAG

Author's Response:

Thanks-  it is pretty gut wrenching-  I wanted to grab the reader.  This was my first really long story in the fandom-  and see how it ended.  lol

Reviewer: Tagsit Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Apr 15, 2018 2:00 am Title: Falling Off The Cliff

Finished this again - I think it’s my 4th time. Just love how you detail the way their stubborn pride gets in the way of their happiness. Off to read the next story! Thanks for writing! TAG

Author's Response:

Warning-  there are a few inconsistencies-  ( I'm sure you know) but I love this series-  this is my favorite set of stories that I ever wrote.  So glad you chose to read it again.

Reviewer: Tagsit Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Mar 20, 2018 8:01 am Title: Falling Off The Cliff

I’m in the mood for something long & angsty so I’m gonna read this whole series again! Yay! Here goes! TAG

Author's Response:

Tag,  Sorry I did not see this earlier.  So glad you chose my stories to reread.

Reviewer: cookiebun Signed [Report This]
Date: May 18, 2017 4:36 pm Title: Pain Management

perfect ending to this bit... can't wait to dive into the next one :) 

Author's Response:

Thank you for all your comments- they are really appreciated.  I love this story - one of my favorites-  sorry it took so long to respond and of coursse by the time I responded, you have finished the story- but I want you to know comments are the nectar for fanfic writers and I cherish each one - thank you

Reviewer: cookiebun Signed [Report This]
Date: May 18, 2017 4:31 pm Title: Pain Management

wow... they are so in sync, they almost screw up at the same time lol

Author's Response:

frightening isn't it

Reviewer: cookiebun Signed [Report This]
Date: May 18, 2017 4:22 pm Title: Pain Management

I think Justin is right that brian should give it a little more time before that big of a decision,but I love hearing it lol

Author's Response:

AFter all "its only time"

Reviewer: cookiebun Signed [Report This]
Date: May 18, 2017 3:56 pm Title: Pain Management

both are so worried and both walking on egg shells... they just need to communicate!!!!

Author's Response:

Talking is hard for both men-  Brian doesn't like it and Justin is afraid to piss Brian off

Reviewer: cookiebun Signed [Report This]
Date: May 18, 2017 3:49 pm Title: Pain Management

I totally get Justin's apprehension at Brian mentioning monogomy... but just the idea is fantastic! :) 

Author's Response:

Justin realizes that Brian and he need to do their relationship for awhile- but I agree - monogomy is huge

Reviewer: cookiebun Signed [Report This]
Date: May 18, 2017 3:37 pm Title: Pain Management

wow... Brian is the one bringing up monogomy as a potential option???? that's HUGE!

Author's Response:

Brian is ready to show Justin ( his prince ) again-  but Justin is smart

Reviewer: cookiebun Signed [Report This]
Date: May 18, 2017 1:45 pm Title: Pain Management

Daphne is a good friend. I know Justin is nervous about Brian but determined to make it work :)

Author's Response:

Daphne is pro justin and Brian - she supports them and thinks they will work it out

Reviewer: cookiebun Signed [Report This]
Date: May 18, 2017 12:07 pm Title: Pain Management

Michael can't help himself sometimes, I'm glad Ben is able to remind him and Mikey is at least trying 

Author's Response:

Ben is a great influence on Mikey but Mikey should be an update by now, not need reminding

Reviewer: cookiebun Signed [Report This]
Date: May 17, 2017 9:53 pm Title: Pain Management

at least Vic gets Brian to work on things lol

Author's Response:

I like using Vic

Reviewer: cookiebun Signed [Report This]
Date: May 17, 2017 9:45 pm Title: Pain Management

I'm a little surprised at how upset Justin gets so quickly... Brian would do so much worse before... he got drunk, yes not a good thing, but walking out doesn't help either... that's the go to Justin uses just like Brian uses his liquor!

Author's Response:

They have a way to go to work on the communication skills-  it is still hard for them- they haven't been back togheter for long

Reviewer: cookiebun Signed [Report This]
Date: May 17, 2017 9:37 pm Title: Pain Management

the system seems to be working well... for now! lol 

Author's Response:

they can work together when the family isn't interferring

Reviewer: cookiebun Signed [Report This]
Date: May 17, 2017 9:28 pm Title: Pain Management

at least at the end Jennifer notices boundaries (even if Debbie doesn't)... but she continues to question everything Justin does! ugh

Author's Response:

She wants to protect Justin but he needs to be independent

Reviewer: cookiebun Signed [Report This]
Date: May 17, 2017 9:15 pm Title: Pain Management

well, they are creative, I'm sure they'll find other ways to have sex... 


I'm glad Drew was able to help and he knew not to make a big deal of it too :) 

Author's Response:

Sex is the key to their communication- they will find a way

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