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Reviewer: aglaja5 Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 19, 2016 4:58 pm Title: Chapter 20 - Zen and The Art of Twink Maintenance

Finally! The last part was so beautiful ant I have the feeling Brian's got it this time!

Reviewer: aglaja5 Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 19, 2016 4:04 pm Title: Chapter 19 - The Reverse Bashing

Everything has a reasonable - I'm not complaining. I liked the discussion between Brian and Ben. Hopefully Brian finds his way back - not just to the future but also to Justin. Warmest regards!

Reviewer: aglaja5 Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 19, 2016 3:13 pm Title: Chapter 16 - Operation Convince Craig - The Justin Variation

And again, very funny (ecpecially the “Rose-affair) and also hot! I haven’t mentioned it so far, but I like your sex-scenes J

Reviewer: aglaja5 Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 18, 2016 7:28 pm Title: Chapter 15 - Operation Convince Craig

This was so much fun to read – the couch scene is so great – I couldn’t stop laughing. With every chapter I fallen more and more in love with your story and I really like your writing style. Well, here in Germany it's getting late and - besides work - I haven't done much except reading your wonderful story - as I said before I just couldn't stop. So, thanks again! I'm so glad that there are people who are just as addicted to Brian and Justin as I am and who are furthermore so talented in writing such stories! Warmest regards, a.

Reviewer: aglaja5 Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 18, 2016 4:17 pm Title: Chapter 13 - Who Is This Guy?

I had to admit you were definitely right. This version of Brian doesn't fit. But, this is still so crazy, frightening. All the ways and the things he tries, he is just doing it because of his deep love for Justin. And still I am so excited which way it will continue....

Reviewer: aglaja5 Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 18, 2016 2:57 pm Title: Chapter 12 - Getting Back to The Living

Hi! Altough you are right that this Brian is maybe a little bit too vulnerable I liked this chapter because of the deep trust and love between them. It reminds me of the 4. season when Brian finally is able to accept his vulnerability and let Justin take care of him. Now I need a little break, but I'm back soon, because I am so curious! Warmest regards!

Reviewer: aglaja5 Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 18, 2016 2:28 pm Title: Chapter 11 - How To Ruin a Perfectly Good Funeral

Hi again. So now after work I just couldn't resist reading further. Hell, this is so frightening. So good written, because I can feel Brians despair. To imagine this could really happen. Again and again. Terrible! I'm suffering with him. Ending up in this hospital, crazy. And then thanks, because it's still also funny. How he thinks about a safe word. And then again just one thought: Justin. Awesome! Now I think I can't stop, I have to know how it develops. Thanks and warmest regards! a.

Reviewer: aglaja5 Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 18, 2016 5:09 am Title: Chapter 9 - Murder, Anyone?

Hello again! Another two great chapters. It's a very awesome mix beween funny moments, sadness and despair and happiness. Great. The conversations with Michael and Debbie are just so funny! You have made my morning hours! Thanks! Warmest regards, a.

Author's Response:

Yep! Killing Craig off seemed like a great idea at the time . . . LOL. Read on and you'll see how that turned out for Brian. So happy to have made your morning! TAG

Reviewer: aglaja5 Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 18, 2016 3:48 am Title: Chapter 7 - Crazy Happy Day's Disastrous End

Hi! This is my first review altough I have already read some of your wonderful and amazing stories. So far my favourites are "Fiery nights" and "Smoldering". I apologizes for haven't given you reviews for these stories because they are amazing, wonderful written, funny, hot, cute, exiting, awesome... This time I have to stop myself from reading at the point where Brian gets this burger, get registered and now I'm writing this. It's again such a wonderful story. I was having such a good time the last hour, laughing so much. I love your writing style. It's great! Thanks for sharing this wonderful ideas and thoughts! I am so curious how it'll proceeds so now I'll go on reading. Warmest regards, a.

Author's Response:

I'm honored to be your first review. Thank you for reading all my stories. I DID have a lot of fun writing this one - I had so many ideas of ways to torture Brian in this one. But never fear, there are always happy endings somewhere along the line. Happy reading and welcome to Kinnetik Dreams. TAG

Reviewer: Enohvee1875 Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 11, 2016 3:58 pm Title: Chapter 21 - The Prince and The Palace

Wow!  I loved it. this story was Groundhog Day only 10x better. You really put Brian through it in this story.  Kudos to you....

Author's Response:

Thanks. Glad you liked it. I had a lot of fun torturing Brian in this one . . .  LOL. Thanks for reading. TAG

Reviewer: WhiteSnowFox Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Jul 11, 2016 7:18 pm Title: Chapter 14 - A New Plan

So I read this story before, when you first posted it on MW and I was still a lurker, and I didn't say anything, but now that I'm reading it again I kind of feel like I have to.  As a mormon, I have to speak up about the erroneous statements on the LDS church.  Now, everyone's entitled to their own opinions, and this is your story so you're free to say anything and everything you want, but they're kind of wrong. 

The church's stance on homosexuality isn't really closed minded.  In fact, gays are WELCOMED into services and invited to participate in church activities.  One of my closest friends at church is gay and he comes every sunday with nary a thought from any other members or the leadership.  Additionally, the church has passed no direction on how members should treat gays or gay equality.  Does the church consider it a sin?  Yes, but lets be honest its a church so how much can you expect?  But members were told to follow their own judgement when Prop 8 was up for voting in California, as well as the passing of gay marriage and that the church would not condemn any decision they made if they voted one way of another.  And I for one proudly voted for equality knowing it wasn't something I needed to hide from my church leaders.  For a church, I find that very open-minded.  The church encourages its members to be loving and non-judgemental, as well as allows its members to make their own decisions - there are other churches that do far worse things. 

Additionally, the church's opinion on marital sex is not to restricted to making babies.  While it's true Mormons have a lot of children, it's not as if sex is forbidden if you're not planning a baby - tell that to my brother when he and his wife had a shocking discovery last week.  There are even marriage prep classes offered by the church that discuss a healthy marital sex life (aka, an active one).

Also, while I'm sure it's happened that people have been disowned for marrying out of the faith, it is a very, VERY, extreme and rare thing to happen and not a tenet of the faith to only marry other Mormons.  In fact, no one I know has any sort of history in their family of that happening - and trust me, when you're Mormon it's a small world. Everywhere you go you meet someone who already knows someone you know or are related to them in some way.  They suggest it, merely because multi-faith marriages can be rough when one parents wants to raise children in one faith and the other in another faith, but it is by no means forbidden.  When it does happen, these are actions of individuals, not of the church.  The church's most basic tenet is that of 'family forever'.  The goal is for families to be together as one loving unit - not parents shunning their children.

Well...this got way longer than I intended.  I guess I just needed to put these things out there because I'm tired of so many false rumors about my church. I don't mean to sound aggressive or argumentative, and the last thing I want to do is bicker about religions or whatever.  But my church is important to me - just like treating everyone with love and respect is important to me so I kind of felt like I needed to say something.  Anyways, all that being said, this is one of my favorite stories.  I really do love it, and basically anything that you write - you're amazing.  :)

Sorry for the long rant.


Author's Response:

First of all, let me apologize for offending you. That wasn't my intent - not at ALL! I really only used the fact that Craig was raised in the LDS church as a plot device to fuel my story. I really did not research it to make sure my facts were correct. I based what I wrote on a personal experience I had several years ago with a man I met who was a Mormon. We all know that one bad apple doesn't mean that a whole religion/organization is bad so if I generalized because of that encounter, I'm sorry. Please forgive my callousness and thank you for educating me more about your religion! TAG

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