Date: Jun 07, 2020 11:43 pm Title: Chapter 14
read it again
Author's Response:
Personally, I haven't re-read this one in ages. I'll have to do that! 😉 TAG
Date: Jan 10, 2019 12:05 pm Title: Chapter 14
great. Love EM

Date: Jan 12, 2018 12:18 pm Title: Chapter 14
And so we come to the end. Sigh. May I hope it was happily ever after?

Date: Jan 12, 2018 12:07 pm Title: Chapter 13
Justin needs to cooperate a little bit more. Surely Brian will make a connection between his white knight and Emmett's friend. Love the expressions.

Date: Jan 12, 2018 4:23 am Title: Chapter 12
I gotta say the twin's return was the best by far. Here's hoping that Emmett is able to help Brian.
Date: Jan 10, 2018 8:38 pm Title: Chapter 14
Now this is what I call an amazing story. It was so much fun to read. Just loved it.
Author's Response:
Thank you. So happy you liked this one. It was a hoot to write. I had so much fun researching southern saying for Emmett to use! Thanks for reading. TAG

Date: Jan 04, 2018 9:29 pm Title: Chapter 11
It was good that Justin was rescued, but did he miss his chariot?
Author's Response:
Nah, he made the chariot . . . but just barely. And now for the big finish! Enjoy! TAG

Date: Jan 03, 2018 4:26 pm Title: Chapter 10
Such a cliff hanger. It must be fixed!
Author's Response:
Aren't you glad you're reading this after it's all done? TAG

Date: Jan 03, 2018 4:15 pm Title: Chapter 9
Things are looking up. Your fairy godmother has gone over and beyond.
Author's Response:
Aunty Em is a WONDERFUL Fairy, isn't he? LOL! TAG

Date: Jan 03, 2018 3:56 pm Title: Chapter 8
Can't wait to find out what Emmett's plan is and hope it all works out.
Author's Response:
Emmett has such BIG plans . . . just wait! LOL. Glad to see how you're enjoying this as you read. TAG

Date: Jan 03, 2018 2:26 pm Title: Chapter 7
Oh no what terrible mayhem can the terrible twins come up with? Will the Leather Ball be where they learn their lessons? Will Clark Kent turn into Master leaving Brian as a slave? Anything is possible.
Author's Response:
Anything IS possible in a fairytale - that's why it's so fun to write! Bet you won't have figured out my solution in advance though. Tehehehe! TAG

Date: Jan 03, 2018 2:13 pm Title: Chapter 6
With the gang all there surely they can divert the dastardly duo.
Author's Response:
Don't worry, Brian's on this! TAG

Date: Jan 03, 2018 1:27 pm Title: Chapter 5
Ethan and Ian deserve to be put away. Shame Brenda is taking credit for Justin's work.
Author's Response:
I've got better plans for Ethan and Ian . . . Cue the evil laughter. LOL. TAG

Date: Jan 03, 2018 1:20 pm Title: Chapter 4
Perfect names for restaurants. I see Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd have shown up.
Author's Response:
I thought the restaurant names were very apropos! Gald you agreed. TAG

Date: Jan 03, 2018 3:53 am Title: Chapter 3
Justin conning Mikey? I like!
Author's Response:
Me too! That was a fun twist. And our brave little Cinderfella got his prize! LOL. TAG

Date: Jan 03, 2018 3:41 am Title: Chapter 2
How cruel, so Cruella and sons have already moved in before the wedding. Horrors.
Author's Response:
You can say that again - HORRORS! Aren't these bad guys bad? Don't worry, though, I have plans for them. TAG

Date: Jan 03, 2018 3:32 am Title: Chapter 1
Love Emmett and his Cinderfeller twist.
Author's Response:
Yay! You found your way to my Emmett Fairy Tale. Glad to see you're enjoying it. TAG
Date: Jun 13, 2016 12:42 am Title: Chapter 14
So seriously this is one of the best things i have read in a while. It was perfect thank you for writing it.
Author's Response:
Glad you liked it. I loved writing from Emmett's POV. He's such a fun character. TAG
Date: Jun 12, 2016 10:16 pm Title: Chapter 1
Ok im in love, this is to cute!
Author's Response:
Thanks. This was really fun to write! TAG