Date: May 23, 2021 1:56 am Title: After We've Lost
Looking at it from 2021... it was a terrifying for years.
How anyone can think former guy cared about
anything but himself... injecting Bleach???
But it did get me off my ass and I do what I can.
I'm very worried, but hopeful.
Perfect take on our night of horror
Date: Oct 12, 2017 9:46 pm Title: After We've Lost
I felt the same that day. And we all still struggle.
But we can not give up. And maybe the bright side of this is that so many in my life are paying more attention to what is going on outside their little universe. For some,a wake up call was needed. We can't think others will fight for our rights. We have to be involved.
If tou woyld quit btraking my heart, I might like you ðŸ˜
Date: Nov 15, 2016 4:15 pm Title: After We've Lost
so glad this wasn't what happened in the show, but I totally am worried in RL as well...
Date: Nov 11, 2016 10:15 pm Title: After We've Lost
Great story for a very sad moment (Stockwell winning and the analogy with current event in the US); I can't even imagine how you must feel, having never faced this kind of hope's crashing.
It just reminds me of a huge event which was the Berlin wall fall in November 1989; after years of darkness, there was hope and we felt it within all European countries. I wish this could help a little.
Date: Nov 10, 2016 3:37 pm Title: After We've Lost
Here I am over here still feeling the shock, disbelief and disillisionment of yesterday. This was a perfect depiction of the expectations we- those of us who fight against hate and discrimimation of any kind- feel right now. But like Justin here, I remain hopeful and like Brian, I'm still licking my wounds but I will keep on fighting the good fight or us, our children and our children's children. I think my determination and resolve to see it through; to educate where I can has been restored and renewed simply by reading this. Thank you for the literary CPR, Roni!
Date: Nov 10, 2016 4:13 am Title: After We've Lost
I watched people sit stunned today at my job. It was as if time was standing still for them in their disbelief and fear.
Over the weekend I saw Randy in Cabaret, it gave me chills. The political messages that were brought up are relevant today as they were in the pre-nazi Germany. As he sung songs about not caring much and if you could see mind began to replace the word Jew with Muslim, Hispanic and Queer (LGBTQ). The apathetic characters in the play wanted to be left alone or said it will didn't pass and no one in Germany was left unaffected (Jew or not).
Scary and uncertain times are upon us.
Thank you for a positive message. Stand together and rise from the ashes. Maybe this will band some unlikely allies together?!
Author's Response:
Cabaret was the very first play I ever saw, way back in college. I was never the same. What frightens me is the short-term memory we humans seem to rely upon to make our very important decisions. And yes, many of us are stunned.
And I'm going to see Randy in Cabaret in January, health permitting. Keep your fingers crossed.
Date: Nov 10, 2016 2:39 am Title: After We've Lost
I understand your pain and feel it too. WE must ensure that all americans continue to have and enjoy the freedoms that this country was founded on- religious freedom and tolerance- we must not move backwards and continue to recognize that sexual freedom, religious freedom, and racial freedoms are all essential to our country and its success
Author's Response:
So many want to 'go back' and that's not even possible philosophically. The genies are out of the bottles on those things. But physically, legally, socially?? Yeah, it could happen. So we grieve and we cry and then we battle on.
In the words of a a very wise woman -- "We can mourn the losses because they are many, but celebrate the victories because they are few."
Battle on.
Date: Nov 10, 2016 2:00 am Title: After We've Lost
So well voiced.
Author's Response:
Thank you JoAnn
Date: Nov 10, 2016 12:20 am Title: After We've Lost
You just brought fresh tears to my eyes.
Author's Response:
((hugs)) More than a few still in mine, too.
Date: Nov 10, 2016 12:11 am Title: After We've Lost
Thank you for this. It's hard to pick ourselves back up, but we must. Evil wins when good men do nothing. We lost a huge battle, but I have to believe we will win in the end.
Author's Response:
Evil wins when good men do nothing... Exactly. Wish a few people had figured that out earlier. :)
And yes I believe we will win in the end. Let's just pray the damage isn't too great in the meantime.
Date: Nov 10, 2016 12:03 am Title: After We've Lost
My feelings exactly
Author's Response:
:) We will survive!
Date: Nov 09, 2016 11:35 pm Title: After We've Lost
I really enjoyed your fic.
It is a sad time that we will now have a racist, misogynist, sexist, hate-mongering bully in the position of leading our country for the next four years.
Author's Response:
I cried my heart out all night, walked outside and saw a gray sky that was about ready to cry with me. I'm deep in grief right now.
I'm slipping into anger quickly, though.
Thanks for reading and commenting. We shall go on.