Date: Nov 05, 2016 8:30 pm Title: Chapter 15
I am cracking up at the fact that Michael got audited and now owes $22,000 I guess he is going to have to sell those toys he just bought (Where was He when Ben got audited?, Ooo another Mystery) glad that Ben got his divorce and is now free of the worm (That will last until he goes to Ben's and makes a fool out of himself...Again), Ted is so evil that I love it and I am proud he didn't let Brian give Michael an easy out cause he wouldn't have done it for Justin.
Lindsay trying to get her Ass into Mel's clothes was laughable and I applaud Jenny for putting Lindsay in her place, I just love the fact Mel was there to listen to Lindsay get all high and mighty then told her off, thank goodness the wardrobe has to be open by code or else Lindsay would be down there all the time, it is cute that Jenny picks out her mother's clothes the kid has excellent taste (Didn't get that from Lindsay or Michael lol).
Jenny telling off Michael first then Lindsay about the roller derby which neither one had a problem with while they were in Canada was funny, Jenny laid all the cards on the table for everyone to witness and now neither is invited to see Jenny in action or come to the party afterwards and partake in all that delicious food. (We all know they are going to try to sneak there way in, This is The Gruesome Twosome we are talking about)
Lindsay got put in her place again by Sydney about what her job actually is and that Justin does not need her to hold his hand, this cheap trick needs to realize that Justin had talent long before he met her and will still have it long after she is gone.
It is amusing that Lydia's niece Martine works under Lindsay and will be telling everyone what she has learned under Lindsay's expert tutelage, I also like when Lydia cut Lindsay out of the discussion concerning Justin's art and what Hunter will be doing.
Lindsay just keeps racking up more enemies every second I wonder if Emily and Francine will be at the opening?
Love that David, Charles and Hank will be there I expect fireworks when Lindsay and Michael find out Hank and Jenny are dating.
Is Britin and the Treehouse going to be enough to house all these people for the weekly We Loathe Dumbass Meetings? lol
I bet Michael's rent should be due soon wonder where he is going to get the money to pay that, the support for Jenny and the money due to the IRS, plus what he still owes to Brian and Justin for the loan??
Can't wait for the opening and the aftermath.
You Are Amazing :)
Author's Response:
Michael sell his collectibles. Heaven forefend, he has other plans to get the money.
Ted, evil? No he was doing his bit for can't do it, yep he was evil, he'll never forgive Michael for what he did to Brian and said about Justin and Hunter and to Blake so any chance he gets to make his life miserable he will take it, staying on the right side of evil/illegal of course.
Jenny is a Marucs first, a Novotny sometimes but a Petersen not so much, so she will defend her mom first last and always.
Lindsay has no idea who the hell she's going to be dealing with in future chapters, Lydia is one but two other people are championing one young man and they won't let anything or anyone harm him.
Michael is not above beign spiteful and nasty and stupid to get what he wants...and he doesnt care who he has to go to do get what he wants either.
Thanks for the 'amazing' mucha appreciated.
Happy reading
Date: Nov 05, 2016 7:36 pm Title: Chapter 15
I'll start from the bottom up... LOVE that Michael ignored it long enough, that he missed his divorce! lol
Way to go for Jenny speaking up for herself and for Mel with the wardrobe. Why would Lindsay think she gets to forbid Jenny from roller derby if Mel hasn't even been talked to about it???
Just love the proverbial slaps in the face both L and M keep getting, but they still just don't get it at all!
the audit was just so awesome LOL
Author's Response:
Did enjoy doing this chapter, there is something rather comforting about slapping the twits, letting them get back up and slapping them again!
Happy reading
Date: Nov 05, 2016 6:55 pm Title: Chapter 14
You have my permission to use it and put your own spin on it :) I am so flattered and pleased <does happy dance> No twerking for me not as brave as Mel lol
On to chapter 15! :)
Author's Response:
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I have written, what I hope is a kickass get lost speech for Mel, it will be in later chapters. And it will be dedicated to you...exits stage left happy dancing!
Date: Nov 05, 2016 4:54 pm Title: Chapter 15
Loved it..... Wish Mel would dump linsey's ass can't wait for the next chapter
Author's Response:
Hey nice to have you reading.
Mel will but she's got to go through hell to get to heaven [and we know who that is] but ass-dumping will come.
Hope you stay with me.
Happy reading
Date: Nov 05, 2016 4:04 pm Title: Chapter 15
LMAOOOOooooo!! LMFAO!!!!! <singing in my Martha and the Vandellas vibe> Nowhere to run to Michael! Nowhere to Hide! Your ass is divorced now Michael! The court took Ben's side!!!!! LMAOOOOOOooooooo! Thank you so much for a splendid chapter to wake up to! OMG! So much to comment on!
First up is Lindsay! Well well WELL! Trickalicious certainly got her ass handed to her this chapter. Not only was she caught trying to comandeer Mel's clothes, she was called on it by both Jenny and Mel respectively! She kills me with pulling out the WASP buzz whenever she feels caught and slighted. I'm glad they are not falling for that crap. I'm glad that she is getting thwarted at every turn. I could just imagine the look on her face each time she was called on her crap. I LOVED the fact that Jenny told her off in front of the rest of the family. I really don't think Jenny will have to worry about being repaid in kind since Mel heard everything as well as everyone else. Jenny did at least ask if she could have the conversation in private but Lindsay in her arrogance brushed her off and gave her the floor to speak freely and openly. I don't think Mel will allow Broomhilda to treat her daughter the same way Lindsay was able to corner Gus on Christmas.
As for Lindsay's job: Sidney would just do well to fire her but I think this is more torturous. She is being forced to help the young lady who is the niece of the woman's gallery Justin's show will be held in. Sidney and Lydia should hold a class in "How to Pour Salt in an Open Wound 101." Mel called her on that too! 'Are you sure this isn't because you can't bask in the glory of being the person who found the great Justin Taylor..." HELL YEAH it was!! and 'Guess you won't be lording it over Martine anymore hmm?' Just added to Lindsay's future meltdown. If Lindsay doesn't do right by Martine, I'm sure that both Sidney and Lydia will have no qualms about burning Lindsay's bridges for her within the art world. *evil grinning and rubbing hands* I can't wait to see how this scenario plays out OR the one with her lies to Emily! But for now, I am even more content to talk about the stupidity of Michael....
LMFAO!!! What can I say except that you are brilliant in your 'maelstrom of mendacity!' Shit! I must stop hanging around Faal too....but you know what? I don't want to, LOL! Ted's plan was absolutely BRILLIANT having the IRS come in a audit Michael. Watching him run around trying to get Ben to save his ass was highly entertaining! I love that Eli and Monty loathe Michael so much that they are providing the getaway while seeming like innocent bystanders in Michael's drama. Good for Ben going on with his plans for the divorce!! He needed to be as far away from that ingrate long since but it's better late than never. So now Idiot Boy owes $22,000 to the IRS or risks Federal prison time. *evil chuckles bursting out* Guess there shall be some 'Return to Sender' stamps issued on those collectibles he's been ordering.
As for his relationship with Jenny....LAWD HAM TURKEY both he and Lindz in cahoots is not working out the way the two of them planned. First trying to basically steal her money and now trying to restrict her from Roller Derby has backfired both times. You would think he and the she-bitch would have learned their lessons about trying to run Jenny's life but I have a feeling things are definitely about to go nuclear when he finds out about Hank Cameron. Thankfully Jenny has the full support of Ben and Mel because she's going to need it.
Lydia's reaction to both Lilah and Brian and Justin's impromptu makeout session was hysterical!! I think she is going to be a really welcomed edition to the family. Em and Zee tickle me pink! Zee threatening Faal made me spit my coffee! Talk about creative! I think even Mel learned a few good phrases that she can use on other lawyers in regards to their clients. I agree that they should wait until after the show to tell Brian and Justin what happened between Emily and Lindsay so Justin will have full use of that diabolical and malicious streak which shows up every now and again. Lawd I love that dude!
Girl you have made my morning!!
WRITE On Nicole! HUGS!
Author's Response:
Huzzah glad you liked it, it was fun to write.
And Lydia pours more salt into that open wound that is Trickalicious's seething resentment of not basking in the glow of Justin and Hunter having discovered the lost Taylors...and speaking of Hunter, well let's just say good things to come
Ah nuclear is an understatement when Mitch finds out about hank. The maelstrom of mendacity is beginning to gather and Jenny gets briefly sucked in. But remember she's a Marcus first and a Novotny second and she's got family behind her lots of family.
As for Zee's threat to Faal...I pulled that out of my Bitch Pants On list when one person was being spectacularly annoying...he still has his balls so he learned quick!
Justin's streak will come but he's all about patience, he doesn't need to hurt her yet. But he will. He will hurt anyone that hurts Brian and the family will help him hide the bodies...
Happy reading
Date: Nov 05, 2016 4:03 pm Title: Chapter 15
Melanie is being so sweet about Jennifer and Hank. She seems to be the much better parent. Jennifer was right to not let Lindsay obscon with Melanie's new clothing and how does Lindsay pay her back? She and Michael try to stop her from playing roller derby. Jennifer let it be known she wasn't giving it up and Melanie is sure to back her up. Justin is all up in the air about the food that Zee and Emmett are planning. He has food on the brain and Faal is right there with him. Such yummy delights you've had planned. I'm really liking Lydia and it was interesting to find out that Martine is her neice. lol. That is so going to come back to haunt Lindsay. Best of all you managed to get Mikey audited. It was funny that everyone new Ben had been audited but Mikey. He actually thought that Ben would be made responsible for anything he owed. He's still living in a dream world. We learn from Tobias Schenk,(Tobias Schenk, Ted Schmidt hahaha) that he owes 22,000 and was unaware that he's now a divorced man. Love how Eli is siding with Ben when it comes to Mikey trying to make trouble. Poor Ben still having to deal with Michael but the wait is over. So much goodness in this chapter.
Author's Response:
Had to have a moment of teen schmoopiness and pitbulledness for Jenny. She's a doll to write for.
As you can tell I'm a bit of a foodie so love letting Justin and Emmy Lou be my outlet for all things epicurean.
You bet that Lydia is going to haunt Lindsay and then some.
The audit was fun to write but sadly, he uses it to his advantage, well at least he tries to.
Happy reading
Date: Nov 04, 2016 11:34 am Title: Chapter 14
I just can't find the words to describe this story.
This one and it's prequel Whispers take my breath away. I'm always jumping for y=joy when a new update is posted.
You write the perfect Anti-Mickey and Anti-Lindsay stories.
I love Zee and Faal. I love everything about these stories.
My new favorite stories.
I hope you'll keep writing for you brighten up my dark and stressfull days. Your stories help me to keep a positive outlook on life.
Thank you so very much for your wonderful work.
Author's Response:
Glad I can make the dark days brighter. I have already got a plot bunny bouncing for my next one and hope you enjoy that as well, but must be good and finish this one first.
Hope you continue to enjoy and if you love Zee and Faal just wait till you meet...oh wait spoiler alert!
Happy reading
Nicole xxxx
Date: Nov 04, 2016 1:20 am Title: Chapter 14
Funny how Lindsay assumes she was the one who would be hosting Justin's show... even if she was available, not sure why she thinks she would deserve it...
Michael just doesn't think... absolutely collectibles are a much bigger priority than paying your debts... and he labels that paying Boy Wonder, because of course Brian would let him slide... good for Ted, because I think for the sake of easier, Brian would have let Michael slide... go get him Ted!!!!
Author's Response:
Hi Cookiebun,
Yeah their sense of entitlment and dumbness can be seen from outer space.
Ted gets some major payback and the gruesome twosome get some major surprises...
Happy reading
Date: Nov 03, 2016 10:40 pm Title: Chapter 14
Love love love this story
Author's Response:
Hey there,
So glad you are reading and reviewing.
Hope you continue to enjoy.
Date: Nov 03, 2016 7:28 pm Title: Chapter 14
How you come up with such fabulous chapters so fast is beyond me. Let me start with Mel since you did.
Mel -She got a wonderful wardrobe, which Lindsay lusts after, and other special items that Faal was smart enough to have monigramed. She won her first case and I have to admit to goggling Twerping. Later we learn that Leda came back especially for Mel. Will she or won't she? And then to find out Lindsay offered Brian's sperms to Emily then backed out. We know that Brian first refused but once Lindz started with the great gene's line, I'm certain she never once mentioned her friend and that line about Brian wanting only her to have his child is bogus. Please say you'll have Brian find out about that.
Gus -no fixing his new car due to snowing. Love his plans for the car and Mel's agreeing to keep it secret. Funny how Lindsay says no secrets in the family when she has all those things hanging over her head.
Justin -missing Brian so much. Even the cats want to comfort him. Everybody cares so much and would have loved to keep him company. Good thing Brian was back from Chicago!
Sydney -already he's regretting hiring Lindsay. Ms. Smartass thinks she's above doing what's asked of her. If only he hadn't been already booked he could of had Justin's show in his gallery.
Michael -Mr. Screwup. Shorting his obligations so he can bid on collectables. Glad to see Ted wants to call him on it and can't wait to find out what the penalty for doing so will be. Go Teddy.
Jenny -schools going better now that she doesn't have to deal with her dad. Hank's e-mails going into spam folder makes a difference. At least she has Daphne to help her out.
Faal -wants so much to know what Emmett and Zee have planned in the way of food. Both he and Justin are just going to have to wait.
Hunter -So much good things are going his way.
That being said, I look forward to whatever mischief you've come up with for dealing with the spoilt twosome.
Author's Response:
Thanks for that, I have no idea where it comes from but I suspect that running QAF on a loop and sometimes skipping over to Strapped helps!
You are going to love Jenny when it comes to her mom's wardrobe, that is all I am saying...
And as for Sydney well he's had a secret up his sleeve...
I love creating mischief for the gruesome spoilt twosome and of course I had to give Ted some payback for the "contain your twink" comment...
Happy reading
Date: Nov 03, 2016 6:47 pm Title: Chapter 14
That Conniving Lowdown Lying Cold-hearted, Selfish Gutter Skank Whore, she didn't have Gus out of love it was all about her pride and bragging rights, if I was Emily I would punch her in her smug face, Brian paid so Lindsay could gloat and I think she should pay every last cent back with interest. (Oooooo I want to tear her hair out strand by strand)
I feel so bad for Emily all she wanted was a baby and would have been so happy to share custody with Brian if he had agreed, now she has no baby and Lindsay's smugness to deal with.
For a woman who can't stand secrets and lies she sure has a lot of both and that grave she dug for herself years ago is will soon be her only home.
Mel needs to tell Brian, Justin (So they can all figure out how to tell Gus and Jenny), Faal and Zee so they can figure out what to do and how to make that Witch Pay. (Lindsay is making it easier for Leda to come in)
I think Sydney is going to need to join in this club cause Lindsay is going to make him pull his own hair out, she is putting on her Lady of the Manor routine at the gallery, dismissing yet again that Sydney has the power to fire her Ass anytime he wants and he can blacklist her from other galleries too.
What did Lindsay actually say to Emmett I knew she didn't apologize (Stupid Cow, sorry cows you are worth more than Lindsay and actually provide a service), she doesn't even realize how many people she actually has gunning for her Ass.
Michael gets stupider by the second I am surprised he can function without help, he is soon going to be out of money and in the gutter along with Lindsay.
Lindsay is going to be at Justin's show and she will be an idiot as usual.
Thanks for answering all my questions and bringing up new ones.
You Are Truly Evil and I Like That About You lol
What New Surprises Do You Have For Chapter 15?
Author's Response:
Please, please please say I can use that entire first paragraph for Mel's goodbye speech to Lindz? With some minor grammaticial adjustments. Please?
Lindz basically grovelled her ass off to get back in Emmett's good books but what she said will be revealed later not sure if by Emmett or Mel but one of them will say something.
And there is a surprise in the Bloom Gallery for Lindz that she doesn't see coming in C15 for one...
Happy reading
Date: Nov 03, 2016 6:46 pm Title: Chapter 14
Michael is a damn FOOL messing with Brian, Justin and Ted! "Boy Wonder will get his money but just like with Ben and the divorce, in my time not his!" Well, I hope Ted burns his ass up so bad that he'll be afraid to sit down or touch one red cent for the rest of his life!! And Idiot Man is still bidding on collectibles?!!?!?!!?! With money that is NOT even his??!!!! OMG!!!! Ted please PLEASE BREAK that Arrogant puppy!!!!!
As for Lindsay: My goodness she makes scotch tape look like duct tape- the bitch is so transparent! First I laughed right along with Mel at her sudden need to 'get in shape.' That green-eyed monster she has is about the size of the fabled Loch Ness Monster and everyone can see it.
Secondly, I knew Lindsay's lies were mounting big! It's a crying shame what she did to Emily and I really don't blame the woman for being bitter. Lindsay is a low-down dog that really needs to be put to sleep. I'm inclined to believe that she wants into Britin so that she can have access to Brian's sperm to have a new kid. That definitely sounds accurate but how is she going to get one since Brian and Justin no longer use rubbers? I can't exactly remember from WAALAS but if I'm not mistaken, Lindsay wasn't in the room when that big reveal went forth but Mel was. I can just about imagine little Miss Wannabe Cum Receptacle searching around the manor- or even the Treehouse- looking for a filled condom from Brian or Faal resulting in another 18 year old cash cow for Lindsay. What a deperate dumbass!
Third, I really can't wait until Sydney fires her arrogant ass! Her insubordination about cataloguing alone was grounds for dismissal. Sydney would do well to let the useless idiot go and mentor/promote Martine himself. Lindsay really thinks more highly of herself than she ought to. "Yes I'm the reason Justin went to New York." Okay I'll giver her jealous ass that but she definitely is NOT the reason that Justin has been able to make his living as an artist! And she is certainly not in a position to question or criticize Hunter's rise to Curator Trainee which is something she is not and at this rate will never be.
I cannot wait for the continued fall of this sorry Bitch or her whining, idiotic snivelling, stubborn counterpart Mitch sitting in Shadyside somewhere playing with himself!
WRITE On Nicole,
Author's Response:
Ah Michael, like most people, underestimate the mendacity of Ted, he has never has and never will forgive idiot boy for his "contain your twink" remark and is setting out his revenge...sometimes it pays to be a mild mannered accountant.
She was there during the big condom reveal in WAALAAS and that has led to her conniving. And once again you had me wine spitting at wannabe cum receptacle!
Oh Sydney has plans for our Lindz...she's not going to be happy and will be sucking on some bitter lemons let me tell you.
Happy reading and I will write on
Date: Nov 02, 2016 4:53 pm Title: Chapter 1
I took notes on all that Zee instructed. ;) lol. Will have to remember that. haha. Jen was hilarious! Bet she took notes too. tucker is in for a treat!! :)
Lindsey is simply a useless tit. Mel's right. She's spending far too much time with Michael. they are bot hspoiled petulant people, but Lindsey is taking on more of Michael's attributes as days go on.
Michael is simply an idiot. I was really looking forward to when he had that meeting with the investor and I was definitely not disappointed. Absolutely hilarious! Once again, Michael is left with nothing. No money, no store, no hope. He's just so delusional thinking everythign that's happened to him is everyone else's fault. I can't believe he was going to try to screw Jenny out of that money for teh WW doll!!! What a comlete and untter ASSHOLE! We all know that's waht he was going to do. He'd give some kind of lame excuse to Jenny. then he has a great opportunity with Jenny that week and completely screws it up and Jenny ends up paying the price for it. thankfully Ben is able to step in dispite what Michael efforts of stopping it.
YAY for Hunter! Wow. What a terrific opportunity for him and Justin is thrilled too. Benefits all around. Hunter's boss is so impressed. Lindsey is going to shit bricks now that she's going to be working at the Bloom Gallery. she'll think that she has a way in with Justin to show his art at "her" gallery. Pfffffffft. So not going to happen. I wonder if she's going to try to undermind Hunter now. What's funny is that Hunter will gain a great reputation from this and I can totally see Lindsey shooting herself in the foot. Hunter will more than likely have an even higher position than Lindsey. HAHAHA! Love it! Even greater is that Hunter will have the support of everyone around him. I have so many scenarios running through my head. LOL!
Hmmmmmmmm...Jenny and Hank sitting in a tree..... LOL! OMG!! Michael is going to EXPLODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHA! that's going to be epic. ended this chapter in stitches just thinking about it.
Author's Response:
Hey Elaine,
I have to admit I did have to check with a friend that this would work and he said, hell the f**k yeah, so do feel free to test it out!
Of course Michael was going to screw up the school week. It wouldn't be him if he didn't. But as for the WW doll he was going to invest it for her, you know since he knows so much about the stock market.
As for Justin's show, let's just say it gets a whole lot worse for Lindz...was not chuckling evilly as I typed honest.
Hope you enjoy C15 as much.
Happy reading
Date: Nov 02, 2016 3:32 pm Title: Chapter 13
I can't find one redeeming quality to Michael or Lindsay... they just NEVER learn... and Lindsay is so easily swayed, Emmy Lou? ugh first it's awful she says, then she adopts it quickly...
Author's Response:
Oh I can, they are so much fun to write and place in scenarios that make them look completely stupid!
And yet she accuses Mel of being a sheep when it came to using that nickname...baaa Lindz...baaah!
Happy reading
Date: Nov 02, 2016 12:46 pm Title: Chapter 13
OMG if my mom told me to remember lube I'd probably die, even in at my older than Matt age. Lol
Jenny, your Dad is gonna have fit!
Mikey is delusional. I assume he was going to steal Honeybuns money. Just sad.
Lindsay better be smart she's losing Brian and Mel. Oh, she's so jealous of the wardrobe , the wedding and well she sure hates Zee.
Author's Response:
Can you imagine...hey my son likes popping candy and stimulating lube, make sure to stock up...mortifying.
Oh yes he sure is and it is going to be fun to write.
No he wasn't going to steal it he was going to invest you know he is an expert in the stock market...cough!
She has plans for that wardrobe and her hatred of Zee blinds her to exactly how powerful an enemy she is making...
Happy reading
Date: Nov 02, 2016 5:14 am Title: Chapter 13
I don't bit more believe that Trickalicious called Emmy Lou than she called the man in the moon. Loose-lipped Lying Lindz is what she should be called!! But all that aside I can't wait for the tramp to go nuclear first when she sees Mel's clothes and secondly when she finds out that Justin's show has been moved to the place where Hunter works. I hope she isn't stupid enough to tamper with the gallery or Justin Taylor. She ain't ready for that particular ass whupping! I'm also happy that Mel didn't buy the Bitch one stitch or shoe to add to her 'School Marm' wardrobe. I have a feeling Sidney is going to regret hiring the harridan back sooner or later. If Mel is tired of her, I can only imagine what someone who doesn't have the patience of Job will be once in the presence of the Whirlwind Wonder!
As for Trickilicious' faithful lap dog Mitch! Michael really is intelligent-deficient on sooooo many levels. I cried laughing during his meeting at the Wells office!! 'Total Moron' is RIGHT!! And the best part is that he can't seek retribution from anyone because he was both arrogant and ignorant. Then there is the entire episode with Jenny. For him to think she isn't smart enough not to trust him with her money is laughable. She's already proven that she is her mother's daughter when she read him the riot act. Now he thinks she is gullible enough to put money in his hand that'a supposed to be for her? Mitch GET REAL! Jenny needs to find something a little less physical to do? Please! His real problem is that she's not malleable to his whims and can drop kick him faster than she drop a hot potato. Not THAT is something I would pay good money to see! As far as the school episode, he proved himself totally inept which is what Ben and Mel told him he would do in the first place. Now mayne Michael and Lindsay will shut up about it. As far as getting back in Brian's good graces huh I'm singing DREAM ON again in my Steven Tyler voice! He and Lindsay can stay stuck in meutral all they would like, Brian has and is MOVING ON! I can't wait for him to find out that by trying to delay Ben his inevitable divorce, he has shot himself in the foot by being petulant and stupid. I look forward to that ip and coming eviction notice that will be forthcoming when he no longer has the ability to pay his rent....LOL
Vince and Daphne are so completely adorable! Good job Jenny! I hope Melanie tells Michael to but out of Jenny's budding lovelife. If he had his way, I'm sure she would end up being Sister Honeybun of the St. Mary's Convent for Sheltered Daughters where Chasity Belts and bowls of dry wheat are standard fare. Inept Idiot!
Looking forward to MORE!
Happy Writing and HUGS,
Author's Response:
Oh you are going to like what happens to Trickalicious Loose Lipped Lying Lindz with and without her knowing about it...snicker.
Hope you enjoy C14 especially the end.
Happy reading and hugs
Date: Nov 02, 2016 3:34 am Title: Chapter 13
I see Michael knows a lot about stocks he is just rolling in the dough now the idiot weasel, he needs to have his head examined but I think the doctor might start laughing cause the hamster went on strike and just left a note that says 'Moron in Charge'
He completely planned out a schedule to get Jenny to and from school that is why her first week was so Marvelous <insert sarcasm button here>
Ben as usual is behaving like a father while Michael continues to be the spoiled child pouting in the corner, nice that he is ignoring the paperwork from the courts Ben will be divorced faster than Michael's Marblehead could spin.
Lindsay being at The Bloom Gallery is going to be a disaster just as soon as Lindsay finds out where Justin's show is going to be.
This is going to make Hunter look good Justin will help him sort it out and the show will be Fabulous (channeling Emmett here lol)
I seriously doubt Lindsay actually apologize to Emmett that would require her to completely believe she did anything wrong and like Michael she loves to blame others.
Lindsay still trying to get some of Mel's clothes but I doubt her flat Ass can fit anything since they were specially tailored for Mel who doesn't not want Lindsay's entitlement germs.
Glad Jenny got money for the wonder woman doll and that she made sure the money was placed in her hands not daddy's.
Wonder how much money Michael has left over with all he spent on the Christmas presents?
Can't wait for the next chapter :)
Author's Response:
Yo do realise i am going to be stealing the end o that first seriously I am!
I have pretty much answered most of your questions in C14 but more questions have arisen since.
Happy reading.
Date: Nov 02, 2016 3:02 am Title: Chapter 13
Mikey has once again made a mess - of everything. Especially Jenny Rebecca and school. How cool to get 400 for that stupid doll and to think that Michael tried to get them to give him the money! Lindsay unfortunately got a job at the Bloom Gallery, which I think Sidney is going to regret and made up with Emmett. Or did she? We only have her word for it. Daphne and Vince are on the way to becoming a couple! Faal and Zee always in on the action. So looking forward to your next posting.
Author's Response:
We can always rely on Michael to stuff up royally.
Hope you enjoy C14 as much.
Happy reading
Date: Oct 30, 2016 11:43 pm Title: Chapter 12
Fantastic update, love this verse.
Thanks for sharing.
Author's Response:
Glad you like it.
Happy reading
Date: Oct 30, 2016 7:25 pm Title: Chapter 12
If Lindsay promised Emily sperm so she could have a baby then Lindsay trying to get back into Britin explains so much, she carries the baby for Emily and Brian pays support to Lindsay?
That Sneaky Cow plans to make sure that while Emily gets the baby she gets all the money since Gus will be eighteen soon. (I wonder if Emily paid her?)
I want to know the lawyer who would be stupid enough to go behind Brian's back because they are going to pay.
I can't wait for the look on Michael's face to be wiped off when his broker tells him the stocks aren't worth the paper they were printed on.
How could Michael have no room set up for Jenny when he moved into Shadyside he got his office set up but no bedroom for his daughter???
I am waiting for Lindsay to tell Matt off for disrespecting her home so we can get some Zee and Lindsay action lol (Emmett can bring snacks)
Lindsay still doesn't really know who Zee is yet and it is time she met Zaden the powerful business woman and the tigeress mom.
Can't Wait For More. 2015 is going to be quite interesting for everyone :)
Author's Response:
Glad you are still enjoying it. I'm not going to say a word about the Emily/Lindsay/Baby thing for now...wouldn't want to give away spoilers, but can say you are on the money with one thing.
Michael gets his face ground into the dirt in C13 and Zee and Lindsay action starts to heat up bit time from C14, you're right she doesn't know who Zee is. Nor does she realise exactly how protective of her and Faal, Zee's family is...yes we get more new characters!
Happy reading
Date: Oct 30, 2016 6:22 pm Title: Chapter 12
What a WONDERFUL chapter! Michael is so smug in his supposed victory! I nearly fell out of my chair when Brian and Ted told him that Blake owned the store and all its contents. I can't wait to see how the meeting goes with Michael's broker...LMAOOOOOoooo Not only that but Ben has filed the petition for the divorce! YAY! 99-1 that Michael just tosses the court summons aside and Ben is granted his divorce posthaste without having to give Michael's needy, greedy ass one damn dime. Can't wait for the BIG THUNK at the end of Michael's fall!
As for Trifiling Trick Lindsay: Yeah there is definitely something rotten in the milk in the Emily quarter. I wouldn't doubt that Lindsay promised her Brian or Justin's sperm in order for Emily to have a kid of her own. Or to carry the baby herself. I would have needled her too seeing another set of Lindsay's promises falling through albeit with the help of some disgruntle party guests. I'm glad that Brian, Jusitn and Mel have agreed to take a look at the contract more closely. Lindsay is up to something and they need to know what it is to stop her. I wouldn't have put it passed her to have had some clause added after the original agreement by screwing the lawyer who drew it up. She's that desperate!
Anyway and moving on, I'm glad that Mel is restoring her friendship with Leda. Anyone including Lilth-Satan's wife, would make a much better partner than Lindsay. At least their agenda and motives would be clear cut and transparent. But aside from all that, Leda is just a much better fit than Lindsay. She knows how to call Mel on her shit but that the same time allow Mel to be who she is. I definitely can't wait to see what happens in that quarter. As for Daph and Vince: they are another great fit. Both are down-to-earth and huge supporters of Brian and Justin so there would never be any argument of loyalty there. But aside from that, their interactions are just too damn cute and reminds me of those notes little boys and girls used to pass around in class: Do you like me? Check yes or no....LOL Adorable to say the least!
These are just a few of the moments that made this chapter Loveworthy! Looking forward to so much more!
Happy Writing and HUGS,
Author's Response:
Thanks again for your wonderful words. A moment of Jenny matchmaking and Vince and Daph schmoopiness in C13.
You are so "close" with you Trifling Trick Lindsay comment...seriously have you been reading my mind.
Happy reading and hugs
Date: Oct 30, 2016 5:57 pm Title: Chapter 12
I can't wait to find out what Lindsay's end game is ... I want to know what happened with Emily.
Looking forward to Michael finding out about his BIG stock portfolio LOL
Author's Response:
Oh you are going to love the BIG stock portfolio that Michael has...snicker-snicker.
Lindsay and Emily are to come in future chapters...
Hope you stay with me.
Happy reading.
Date: Oct 30, 2016 5:16 pm Title: Chapter 12
I've been wondering...where exactly will Michael & Lindz be at the end of this fabulous fic? Out in the cold? In mental institutions? In jail? All points are definitely leading to the end of the road for these two. How many chapters do you think you have left in you? lol
Author's Response:
Hi Glo,
Not sure but you can bet it will be on the road to hell or purgatory without a proverbial pot to p**s in!
Chapter wise it is definitely going to be longer than WAALAAS as there is a lot to fit in...
Hope you stay with me.
Happy reading
Date: Oct 30, 2016 3:01 pm Title: Chapter 12
I can't get over how easy it was for Emmett, Jen and Daphne to spoil poor Lindsay's fun. Well done. So many unanswered questions. Let's start with Emily. Exactly how did Lindz promise to help her have a kid? What paperwork is it that Justin and Brian need to look over? What was it that Carl saw in the kitchen? What is it that Debbie has to explain to Faal? When does Micheal find out about his stocks? He told Ted he'd checked them out on the computer. So Blake now owns the comic book store. That's what I call justice. No way is he letting it go for a measly 40K after all the renovations that were put in. I missed out on the 3way with Leda, but then I was more interested in B/J moments. The cancel partnership? Was that Zee's birthday gift to Em? Would love to see a copy of the video from the party. What did Hunter find in the background? Lindz making out with a waiter? Glad to see that Ben is going ahead with the divorce. So looking forward to your next chapter.
Author's Response:
Thank you. it is easy to fool a fool when you are fighting the wrong enemy. Okay here's the answers, well most of them:
Emily and her kid request...that's to come sorry no spoilers
The paperwork is the support agreement between Mel, Lindz and Brian over Gus.
Carl saw Mel's reaction to Emily's baby comment...but he doesn't know what she was reacting to.
Faal wants an explanation from Debbie as to why she hurt Zee the way she did
Michael and the stocks are in C13
3way with Leda was from the actual series, can't remember what episode it was from, it wasn't in this story I just referenced it
The partnership was Zee's Christmas present to Em...he had been badgering her to do it and she kept refusing.
Hope you enjoy the next chapter.
Happy reading.
Date: Oct 28, 2016 6:21 pm Title: Chapter 11
OMG!!!!! OMG!!!!!! I cannot stop laughing!! Lindz deserved every bit of embarrassment and humiliation she got! WELL PLAYED Em, Daph and Jenn! Then to top it all off, Leda shows up and Michael's drunk degenerate ass falls into the pool after kissing her as the new year is rung in! A befitting end for a BITTER bitch!
Speaking of bitter....Michael's night added to the hilarity on several occasions. First, his ignorance in thinking that he could get Ben back. What's amazing to me is that he still has Lindsay fooled into believing that he's in love with Ben and wants him as more than his personal piggy bank. Thank goodness Ben sees right through the termite and has decided that Michael is a non-factor even if he's still not signing the damn papers. I wonder if there is a way to get the divorce done despite the fact that Michael is digging in his heels.
Speaking of heels: I love the absolute fact that Brian had fun regardless of Lindsay's idiocy! She sure changed her tune fast when before she even began speaking, Brian shut her and her unwanted opinion DOWN! The nerve of that heifer (apologies to heifers everywhere since you are valuable; Lindsay is NOT). I am still with Faal- I want to know what her angle really is. Justin is right that they have to look at the papers regarding Gus again. Something tells me that there might be a clause in there about having to 'take care' of Lindsay beyond Gus' 18th birthday which would explain her constant attempts to gain entry to Britin and start acting like Lady of the Manor. I don't know if that's it but it has to be something other than plain ol' jealousy that Justin has what she never will.
The Karaoke and impromptu catering party was an absolute delight to read. I would have paid money to see it! Of course Michael and Lindsay weren't happy because no one was paying any attention to the intelligence-deficient duo. BITCH and MITCH sure got their just desserts and that alone has started the New Year off RIGHT!
Can't wait for MORE!
Happy Writing and HUGS,
Author's Response:
Marvie, glad you liked it. And you have hit the nail on the head over the divorce papers, you can indeed so that's a small spoiler alert for C12.
Loved writing the karaoke bit and the pool plunge after the kiss diss.
Lindsay is not used to Brian telling her to back off but obviously thinks she can rein him back in when the natural order of things rreturn and everyone knows their place [sorry to toast your grits repeating the last bit] and what about Mitchell, you got to give him props for his part in the downfall of the dimwit.
Happy reading and hugs