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Reviewer: blossomlegs Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 18, 2016 11:43 pm Title: Chapter 25

Fabulous, Fabulous updates!  So love the bashing Mikey and Linz are getting,please keep it up.

Thanks for sharing.


Author's Response:

JoAnn, it is with greet pleasure that your wish is my command.

Happy reading


Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Nov 18, 2016 1:50 am Title: Chapter 25

Holy Schnikes!!! I humbly bow to Jenny, Ted and Blake for knocking Michael and Lindsay not just down on their Asses, but giving everyone in that room a week's worth of chuckles and pretty much guaranteeing that the weekend will be Captain Asshat and Stuck-up Heifer Free!!!!!

I should have realized that Lindsay would find a loop to try to go on the spa weekend but Jenny blocked it beautifully, that is one smart young woman who is more Marcus than Novotny lol.

They are going to help with wedding not just for the pampering and other treats, Michael and Lindsay just wanted to be treated like royalty, thought that was suppose to be Brian and Justin after all they are the ones getting married?

Michael barely ran the comic book store without running to Brian for money every five seconds so he could buy more collectibles, since Blake has taken over the place is always busy, the creme De la creme of comic icons are now showing up, all Michael's toys have been sold and that store is making money, to me that means success and Michael can suck on a egg. 

Ted was Brilliant to make to sure that all the support money can't be touched by her without Ted being notified first, that is going to piss her off while making everyone else laugh.

Kip Thomas coming in should be interesting hopefully not on the way Michael thinks, I hope Lindsay brings knee pads when she begs Sydney for her job back crawling on the floor is gonna hurt lol.

Can't wait to see what Captain Asshat and Stuck-up Heifer come up with next? :)


Author's Response:

Weren't they great!  She's definitely now her mother's daughter as opposed to her father's as she was in Whispers at the beginning.

There is a bit more of comic book store angst for Michael to come...remember who Lucas is related to.

And as for NYC, let's just say that gets handled in the most waspish of ways.

Kip...has he changed his spot or will the lure of getting even be too much.

Happy reading


Reviewer: emac66 Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 17, 2016 6:16 pm Title: Chapter 25

Hmmmmmmm Mutton curry. Haven't had that in forever! ;) My mom made that once upon a time. 

Glad that everyone is looking after Zee and Em. Pampering day is perfect and cooking take over as well. Good for them adn well deserved.

Anyway...Loved how Lindsey and Michael were set up by Jenny. hehehe. She really is shart as a whip isn't she. Loving her more and more. What a difference in her between now and the beginning of Whispers. Shows you how a person, especially a child can change depending on their level of security. she's more secure in the affections of everyone around her. She understands now about Lindsey and Michael and all their machinations and levels of BS. Have to admit though....the little reminder of the furnase room was funny as hell!

I cannot believe Michael!! His behavior towards Stuart is unconsionable!! Makes me all the happier that he was left out of the entire event with Lee and Byrne, and is now also banned for life. To make matters even more frustrating for our pathetic loser but all his little toys are sold. Sounds to me like Kip realized the error of his ways before. Hopefully he won't lapse and help Michael.

Ted is a wonder! What a brilliant accountant. He has all the bases covered when it came to Linsey's $ from teh boys.

Now let's just hope they can't come up with the funds. At least for the gang's sake. For us, the readers...could make from some very enjoyable angst filled reading!! LOL.

Was a joy  to read this update this morning as always.

Thanks you!!




Author's Response:


Thanks for the comment on Jenny, I wanted to show how she progressed from being her father's daughter in Whispers to her mother's daughter now.  

Yeah had to do the furnace thing...Lindsay just can't understand what Faal sees in Zee, that he doesn't see in I thought a little reminder of part of what he sees was called for.

When I wrote the Michael/Stuart scenario I was in a particularly bad mood but I had to give the final closing of the door to Blake and of course remember Lucas is now on the scene, let's just say it doesn't get any better for Michael.

Ah Kip...well what can I say.

Glad you are still with me.


Reviewer: cookiebun Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 17, 2016 4:24 pm Title: Chapter 25

Jenny is my hero!  she knows that her father and Lindsay are trying to be problems, so she gives them hope only to rip it out from them all while being super cute!!!!  love her!

Author's Response:

Considering the way she started out in Whispers, she's was her father's daughter then she's her mother's daughter now!

Happy reading


Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Nov 17, 2016 4:05 pm Title: Chapter 25

Pedicures and massages, Zee and Emmett deserve after their successful launch.  I'm surprised that Justin is not as big as a house, what with everything he eats.  Guess Brian works it off him.  Dear, sweet, adorable Jenny is as devious as they come.  She had it all planned out, pure Marcus.  Not that Michael can't be devious, but let's face it he doesn't plan well.  It's a Novotney trait.  Blake and Teddy have earned my undying love.  Blake for making the comic place a success and $75,000 is way too cheap.  He also called Mikey on his behavior.  And Teddy for fixing things that put a spike into Lindsay being able to go on the weekend retreat.  Lindsay's days are numbered.  Whenever Mikey gets that creepy smile I cringe.  Just what is he planning in regard to Kip? 

Reviewer: Jazzepoet Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 17, 2016 2:47 pm Title: Chapter 25

I had to hold my breath for half a second....but Jenny was brilliant.

Author's Response:

Wasn't she!  Considering how she started out in Whispers...!

Happy reading


Reviewer: emac66 Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 16, 2016 8:03 pm Title: Chapter 1

Loved the details on the glassblowing with Zee. Now that sounded like fun. something I'd personlly love to try sometime. Each kid having a particular part to makes them all the more special. Really nice touch!

REally proud of Mel in this chapter when she really told off Lindsey. Had to know that Lindsey was going to try anything to get her hands on the clothes. So frustrating! No respect at all. Blasting Lindsey as well on the inequality between Brian and Michael was also much needed. Naturally Lindsey sees it as a slight towards her. sulking because she's not getting her own way. What a childish brat she is. She show's her level of immaturity perfectly when she makes that comment about Zee's countertop. Kind of wish she's start getting a clue. (Only kinda 'cause the alternate makes for such fun reading!! LOL)

What the hell is Michael doing? He's really trying to ingratiate himself back into the circle isn't he? sucking up to Brian, and then the kids...if he thinks it's going to work he's got another thing coming. Now he's going to bring up the whole Kip Thomsa thing again. doesn't Brian already know about that? If not, it's not like he's going to flip out. It's been years for heaven's sake. Michael is just going to spend $$ on trying to find Kip...ARG! He's such a complete fuck up! And the audacity of thinking his mother will trade display cases. He needs even more smack downs. He's slimed his way back into the group, but it really can't go on much longer. I'm chimping at the bit to have him and Lindsey both smacked down in a BIG way!!

The launch is a HUGE success. Wasn't concerned at all for that. The menu sounds amazing. (side note...I keep looking up the recipes for so many of the dishes you've mentioned in this story. LOL. So many I want to try. :) I'm sucha foodie.)

Michael and Linsey got SLAMMED! YES!! (And fired!! YAY)

Gotta say, looking forward ot "Monday" when she tries to "reason" with sydney. HA. that should be good for a laugh. 

Brillian chapter! Such fun. Finally re-read all of Whispers and re-read all of this one too. All caught up and clearer. (can get confusingwhen you're reading a few fics at once)

So love this fic.



Author's Response:

Fellow foodie Elaine, you should see my table when I am doing the food sections of this fic...magazines and books all over the place.

Yep Mel ground her in Gucci and as for Michael he know so so little about everything but thinks he knows nothing.  Idiots the pair of them, who I love to punish in incremental and painful ways.

Happy reading



Reviewer: cookiebun Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 16, 2016 3:30 pm Title: Chapter 24

absolutely perfect that Michael and Lindsay get to miss the pampering weekend... they deserve so much worse. and so glad Sidney finally fired Linds


things are working so well, can't wait for the hammers to drop on both of the weasels!

Author's Response:

They do deserve much worse, they get much worse...thanks to a little pitbull.

Happy reading


Reviewer: soirsagrey Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 16, 2016 3:07 pm Title: Chapter 24


I can't tell you enough how much I love this story,

They way you are building up the tension is really nerve wracking,

Sooooo looking forward to the moment Blondie and Whiney are getting their come uppance.

As the saying goes in the Netherlands: Wraak is zoet! (google it and feel free to borrow)

Eagerly awaiting the next update.



Author's Response:

Blondie and Whiney get theirs in dribs and drabs and then there a word for kapow in Dutch, I've tried google translate but it just puts it in English.

Yep I'm borrowing no problem

Working on C26 glad you are still enjoying it

Happy reading.


Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Nov 16, 2016 2:31 pm Title: Chapter 24

The weekend is coming and so much going on. It looks like all the kids are at the treehouse.  A welcome respite for Gus and Jenny.  No arguing.  Though I do get hungry everytime I read one of your chapters.  Lobster?!  Lindsay is still trying to get into Mel's closet?  The bickering!  It appears the weekend party is at the Treehouse this week.  Jenny has an urgent need to talk to Daphne, which Justin has to be in on.  That weekend retreat for the wedding party sounds fantastic.  I'm so jealous.  It's Sunday and everyone is there, Emmett, Lindsay and Mikey, who is already making a pain of himself.  Demanding to see Jenny's phone!  This will not turn out well.  Gus explaining chess to Michael, now that was funny.  In a way Gus and Jenny's lives are like a chess game, with sacrifices to be made.  What exactly is Michael up to wanting to know about Kip Thomas?  He's delusional if he thinks Brian will pick him over Justin.  Lindsay has pulled another sick day too many.  When Hunter was explaining why she was too sick, someone else was there.  My guess is Sidney though it only occured to me later.  She's too sick to go into work, but not to go to the launch party?  She'll be even sicker once Emily is finished with her. 

The Launch Party itself - how could you start it off with losing Zee?  Thank goodness Carl was there, you needed a detective to locate her.  The menu is  really out-of-sight!  The main courses, the sides, the deserts!  And don't get me started on the drinks.  I gained ten pounds just reading the menu.  I'd say the E and Z hod is off to a good start.  Remind me, what does EPOS mean?

Author's Response:

I know that was mean to have Zee be missing, albeit briefly!

EPOS is electronic point of sale.

There's more mendacity from my mind to come.

Happy reading


Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Nov 16, 2016 5:19 am Title: Chapter 24

Michael trying to bring up the Kip Thomas Debacle why should anyone care about that after all these years, he was a small blimp on Brian's screen that faded to obscurity just like all the other meaningless tricks, man this is so idiotic and pathetic it must hurt Michael's head trying to come up with a plan, if he brings in Craig, Joan or Claire I want Drew to get some of his teammates to beat the stuffing out of Michael.

Lindsay got put in her place about Mel's clothes and about how she is letting Michael get away with going half on his support payments, being  less involved with Jenny and paying back Brian and Justin, now if the situation was reversed she would be all over Brian's Ass (And not in a Life Affirming Way) if he missed a payment, ignored Gus or if Justin didn't pay Michael back and on time.

You don't get to be a parent when it is convenient for you or helps you score points, you are a parent for the rest of your life and with that comes responsibility, you can't pick and choose what you want to supply your child and when you want to do it, the moment that little life comes into the world you are responsible every second of every minute of every day until your last breath.

Lindsay would rather plot with Michael make snide comments about Zee and Justin, pursue people who don't want them, lie, cheat, steal and buy toysp instead of being parents and setting good examples for their children.

Everyone must be so happy that they won't be with them when they go to that gorgeous spa in New York for a weekend of pampering, shopping and fun?

Well Lindsay can't afford to go anyway since she just got fired for being a lying, selfish cow and will soon be served court papers from Emily's attorney (She is going to need an application for The Big Q lol)

The launch went beautifully Zee and Emmett are going to be very busy with all these big events, the food sounded delicious and I wish I could have been there to sample it all.

You are So Wicked:)

Author's Response:

I know and I get even wickeder!

Happy reading


Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Nov 15, 2016 3:17 pm Title: Chapter 23

Blake is really coming into his own.  He's managed to get Faal choking.  lol.  Which brought about a request for the change in subject.  Gun oil.  Which Michael stupidly interpited as lube.  Really this obsession about guns, these are responsible people and have been trained in the use of weapons.  A fact that Michael seems to not care.  If he'd gone after Zee to try and take a way her weapon he'd soon be looking down the point of her gun and shitting his pants.  That would have been fun.  He's down on strike on the trip to Portland.  BTW- when he was on the phone was he ordering more toys?

Loved the running theme of the coffee maker.  I know I have to have a simple coffee machine myself.  Deb and Carl are besides themselves about the makeover.  Lunch ought to be amazing.  Everyone manages to make it to Deb's on time, except Michael.  Talk about a sense of intitlement.  He expected a car to be sent for him?  Now I'm not sure what the problem with the phone was  but it made for some unique moments.  Did it need new batteries?  That lovely porch and nobody realized they forgot to turn on the heat!  Poor Justin, how sweet of everyone to be so concerned, except Michael.  He's decided to be a pain, but Tucker's got his number. 

Then you have the kids naming Zee and Emmett's new business.  I like M & Z House of Delight.  Everyone gets in on it.  Brian does advertizing.  Justin does design.  Zee picks the colors.  Blake the background. 

Then we had the chaise lounge and everyone ended up ordering it.  Different colors though.

Author's Response:

Re Michael on the phone question...he was indeed but Jenny soon put a stop to that, albeit a temporary one.  As for the other phone question, the house phone wasn't hanging up correctly so would be constantly engaged...had the joys of one of those phones so annoying!  And also had a "space ship" of a coffee machine to operate at work once...still have nightmares sometimes and put me right off coffee.

Ah yes Tucker, there's another rumble with Michael to come.  And for Blake too.

Happy reading


Reviewer: blossomlegs Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 15, 2016 3:33 am Title: Chapter 23

Two Terrific updates.  Love this fic.

Thanks for sharing.


Author's Response:

You're welcome.

Happy reading


Reviewer: cookiebun Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 15, 2016 3:10 am Title: Chapter 23

You just cannot write this fast enough for me... I love it!

Author's Response:

Good to hear off to make you happy!


Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Nov 15, 2016 3:00 am Title: Chapter 23

Holy Stupidity!!!! Captain Asshat and his sidekick Stuck-up Heifer just don't know when to keep their mouths shut.

They are both skating on thin ice and yet they still try to throw their weight around like anyone is going to listen to them or jump to do their bidding just so they can avoid a tantrum, the days of them pouting, whining, silent treatments, needling, or sweet talking to get their way is over.

Tucker threatening Michael was so cool and so unexpected that I hope it happens again, I dare Michael and Lindsay to tell Jenny she can't see Zee anymore than I would stand back and wait for Jenny to go off.

That moment with the gun oil was funny because it was at Michael's expense, Zee knocking down Lindsay was funny too seriously they should really just shut up but every time they open their mouths its another moment of lies and stupidity to come flowing out. (You can get angry and laugh when they are wrong)

Justin having that really bad cramped in his hand was awful thankfully Faal and Zee were able to help so now Brian will know what to do the next time that happens along with the kids.

Can't wait for the launch it will be another opportunity for Michael and Lindsay to make complete Asses out of themselves again, I wonder if Emily and Francine will be there to get in a few digs too?

Michael has one strike against him so far Lindsay should be up to bat again soon let's see her get a strike. 

I wish Deb hadn't interrupted Michael trying to goad Zee it would have been hilarious to see her kick his Ass, bet it would have made Lindsay a bit more cautious about continuing to hit on Faal lol

Another Great Chapter :)

Author's Response:

Oh I think I can arrrange for another Tucker/Michael showdown...since you asked so nicely.

Captain Asshat and Stuck-Up Heifer...hilarious

Happy reading.


Reviewer: Jazzepoet Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 15, 2016 2:51 am Title: Chapter 23

I sense the boiling point is near.....

Author's Response:

There is the odd bubble starting to come to the surface.


Reviewer: emac66 Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 14, 2016 7:06 pm Title: Chapter 22

Sooooo much happening in these 2 previous chapters. I barely know where to begin.

I am really anticipating everything that's going to go down with Lindsey. I forsee a bitchslap like nothing she's ever experienced before. Both she and Michael have such high opinions of themselves. It's unbelievable. Glad that Zee said what she did to Linndz. Long time coming. Everyone sees her drooling over Faal. does she think she's being descreet or something? Feel bad for Mel having to put up with her shit for so long. She's only holding out for all these legal ramifications to come and bite Lindz in the ass. All of hers, Josh, Brian and Justin's plans are coming to fruition and I for 1 can't wait! How much longer?!? :)

And oh my goodness. Jenny being able to read lips! Poor girl. 

Deb...snorted with laughter over the 1 penny thing. HA! that's gonna be a hoot when he figures it out. Thrilled for her and her new reno. she so deserves it. How exciting. Papa Bear and his queen are deserving of such a showing of respect, gratitude and love from everyone.

Loved Zee's backstory. Of course it was heartbreaking, but she showed such strength and conviction.

All in all, an incredible read. I just re-read the first in the series and will go back and start this one over again as well. 



Author's Response:

I think another 4 chapters and an epilogue maybe.  

And I'm now bursting with pride!

Happy reading


Reviewer: cookiebun Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 14, 2016 5:46 pm Title: Chapter 22

I'm so happy for Deb and Carl... they are so loved, and everyone shows it except Michael... what a pain in the ass he is!  Blake's talking down to him at the end was so spot on!!!!

Author's Response:

Glad you enjoyed it.  The speech by Blake was a joy to write.  

Happy reading


Reviewer: cookiebun Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 14, 2016 5:21 pm Title: Chapter 21

Oh Linds and Michael... will you never learn... you two are two idiotic to see you aren't fooling anyone!!!!

Reviewer: cookiebun Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 14, 2016 4:46 pm Title: Chapter 20

I'm so glad that Mel has finally had her last straw... also Deb it seems FINALLY


Can't wait until we get more details revealed :) 

Reviewer: BellaDonne Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 14, 2016 8:37 am Title: Chapter 22

If I  said it once, I've said it a million times Mikey is a ding bat. Lindsay is a nut job too.  

Thanks for the updates!

Author's Response:

And that's being kind to the pair of them.

Glad you are enjoying it

Happy reading


Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Nov 14, 2016 2:00 am Title: Chapter 22

Jenny can read lips too and that is going to come in very handy around Michael and Lindsay who I am betting won't be invited to the wedding either.

I wonder what Zee and Faal have planned for The Gruesome Twosome?

Deb and Carl now understand why the kids spend most of their time away from home or in their rooms, at least now Mel is putting her happiness first instead of trying to hold on to someone who is devious and selfish.

The redo to the house sounds beautiful so now Debbie can host some gatherings now that there is enough room.

Jenny is done with Michael and Lindsay there days are numbered they don't even realize how soon they will be out in the cold without a friend.

Deb almost scared me I thought she was going to give Michael money behind Carl's back but this is much better, he is spending money on toys instead of supporting his daughter money that is dwindling faster every day.

He doesn't listen to anyone so like Lindsay he doesn't deserve any more warnings, Lindsay was warned by Zee so after this she has to face the consequences.

Can't fix stupid and can't save ignorance.

Great Chapter:)

Author's Response:

Seriously you and Nichelle need to get together to write a book of phrases and insults...yep stealing that one too!

Glad you liked it

Hope you stick with it to the end

Happy reading


Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Nov 14, 2016 1:08 am Title: Chapter 22

I always have to read your chapters twice.  Once because I can't wait to see who and how you've messed with Michael and Lindsay then again to leave comments on the parts that stood out.  Which is most of the chapter.

I should have realized that someone was keeping an eye on the deplorable twosome.  That it was Matt and Jenny was surprising.  But it makes perfect since.  Matt because he lipreads and Jenny because she needed to learn just how dispicable her dad really is.  But it wasn't only them Zee and Faal also caught it.  Jenny was all for cutting her losses shes given up on both her dad and Lindsay, but Zee seems to have something planned.  Jenny also seems to be able to lie on a dime. 

I was surprised to learn that Zee's father refused to consider Zee marrying Faal.  But it the end it was his loss.  He lost his wife, his daughter, and his own father.  Michael, who is on thin ice to begin with, loses points with his griping.  He's lucky he wasn't thrown out right then and there.   It was very intense hearing what Zee had to go through, seeing how she's capable of doing anything she sets her mind to.

Matt on the other hand has earned a new aunt and uncle in the form of Debbie and Carl.  They have truly become the stable influence in the family.

Love, love, love Emmett telling Mikey he probably won't be getting an invite to the wedding and told him he'd acted like a total cunt.  Truer words were never spoken. That should bring Mikey down from his high horse of thinking that he's got the goods on Charles.

Mikey tends to use Jenny a lot, but he has yet to give her a key, he doesn't read her schedule, and the only times he talks with her is when she initiates it or he wants to tell her no you can't do - fill in blank.  Ben's a much better father then he. 

Zee let Lindz have right between the eyes.  Especially as Lindsay tried to compare her life with Zee's. But all is not lost, Daphne is there to help lighten the mood.

Now, about Michael trying to con his mother into giving him money.  She's smarter than that and I can't wait for him to find out just how little he's going to get.  LOL.  He thinks he can have his cake or in this case collectibles and eat it too.  Not going to happen. 

Joshua has the goods on Lindsay and once everything comes out she's going to be up the creek without a paddle.

Debbie is in for a surprise when she sees the redu.  Evidently everyone chipped in, except for her son.  Now she has plenty of room to host her Sunday dinners.

We even have Teddy doing what he does best.  Protecting the important peoples money so they are not taken advantage of.

Then we have Justin distraught over what Brian's 'best friends' have done.  But we have Milo giving aide and comfort, not to mention Brian, Zee, and Faal giving him a chance to let it all out.

Love how Blake put Michael in his place and called him on his addiction. Now that was the best ending.

Author's Response:

Thank you so much, it was another favourite chapter of mine to write.  I had to give Blake that slapdown for Michael

Happy reading


Reviewer: Jazzepoet Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 13, 2016 10:27 pm Title: Chapter 22

Gurrrrl I love this!

Author's Response:

Marvellous!  Happy reading


Reviewer: blossomlegs Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 13, 2016 6:25 am Title: Chapter 21








Fantastic update.  Mikey and Linz still conniving as ever, anxious to see where it will lead.

Thanks for sharing.








Author's Response:


Thanks for sticking with me and reviewing.

Got a few more chapters to go.

Happy reading


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