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Reviewer: cookiebun Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 24, 2016 12:01 am Title: Chapter 30

Fantastic party.... I want those shoes!!!! Poor Lindsay she just wasn't the star of the night like she was hoping to be lol

Author's Response:

You too, I was up a good while trying to find the perfect eff-you-shoe for Zee, hope I did her proud.  No she wasn't and she can't fathom why...

Happy reading


Reviewer: emac66 Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 23, 2016 5:37 pm Title: Chapter 29

Had to chuckle over the breakfast scene. Lindsey trying to be a part of the family dynamic there, but to just thrust herself in's almost a "too little, too late" scenario. We'll hav to see if they actually do write down a list of TTD in the mornings so she understands what the morning "rituals" consist of. Mind you, if she continues to be so caught up with herself to even forget to put teh stew pout like she did, toss out her food etc. Only goes to show that the 2 kids really ARE the adults compared to her. then her going off to the diner and "comiserating" with Michael. I really just can't wait till she's really really really brought down. So many have tried with no success to bring her to heel. She just can't a clue though. Again....had to chuckle at her assumption that she'd be hosting Sydney's party. LOL!! That's she's merely a guest and has no other place or authority there! I am so looking forward to the party and hopefully see her fall flat once again. see her put in her place...again. She's on strike 2 yes?? lol. Mind you...I almost want to see her stay on there until Justin is gifted with the Gallery. I REALLY want to see her reaction to that. Will be a most enjoyable blow up. I'm grinning like the cheshire cat just thinking about it. Her and Lydia going to San Fran at the same time as Hunter et al will also Hunter and Martine basically having the same opportunity as Lindsey, and with them so early on in their job experience is a riot!! Again...another meltdown opportunity. Or at least one for her to show her claws, be  a snobby bitch and be put in her place.

And then there's Michael. *sigh* Soooo pathetic, yet at the same time thinks himself so entitled. Imagine, assuming he should automatically be a part of any and every meal the groups have. The best though was when he tried to delete the email and Carl was notified right there infromt of him. We know that Michael was just going to delete it and then lie, sayingit was never recieved. He needs a serious kick in the ass! He and Lindsey both! They both have unbelievable thought patterns. Neither see why Faal is with Zee. not why Brian is with Justin. Both assume it just about the sex and would be better off with, well...them! I almost wanted to kick Faal's ass for "taking one for the team". He wanted to stop any arguement, but really.......the poor guy. and Lindsey's simpering attitude afterwards. simply naseating!! 

the whole flowers and puppies idea is adorable!! Dying to know what Drew was supposed to get. I'm guessing autocorrect was to blame in this case. Oh well.2 adorable pups now have a home with Drew and Em. Those are going to be 2 VERY spoiled little pups. 

I need say nothing about the tasting menu. Was obviously drooling. :) I must say though....for the past while now I'm craving duck. lol. I think it will have to be on my next shopping list. Will have to find a good recipe. Have always wanted to make Peking duck, so who knows...perhaps soon. :)

Very curious as to how Brett being in town is going to go. Will Michael be able to attend this shindig at the GLC? HE obviousl ywon't be able t oattend teh perspective afterwards. what shit will Michael try to create if he does attend the GLC. Oh yet another possible take down to anticipate! You're so good at this.

It was such a joy to read this update this morning! I was really looking forward to it and it most certainly did NOT disappoint. Mind I'm absolutely salivating for  the next one. lol.

Absolutely brilliant!



Author's Response:

Thank you!  So glad you are enjoying it.  The San Fran trip has an extra spin, C30 is already up so it's not exactly a spoiler but I won't mention it anyway. 

You are right it was an autocorrect error used to get the puppies to the Boyd Honeycutt household.  And already they are divas, 

Again I made the mistake of going through books to get the tasting menu on an empty stomach...big mistake huge.  If you make the peking duck let me know how it works out. 

Unfortunately, Michael thinks that because its being held at the GLC that it's not a Red Cape Event...big mistake huge...and there's a take down coming but not from whom you'd expect.

Happy reading


Reviewer: cookiebun Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 23, 2016 5:06 pm Title: Chapter 29

I can totally see Brett getting in on all the action with Michael.. like a little bit of stress relief fun

Leda at the Portland weekend should be epic!

Lindsay just digs herself deeper and deeper!


Author's Response:

Ah yes Brett vs Michael there can only be one winner....

Leda is epic but not in the way you'd think.

And apparently Lindsay loves the taste of soil the way she's chomping through the ground!

Happy reading


Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 23, 2016 4:29 pm Title: Chapter 29

Oooh LAWD Bitch and Mitch certainly had their noses out of joint and stuck in places they have no business in during this chapter! I wait with baited breath as I watch their descent into obscurity.

I had to laugh at the breakfast scene. Mel, Gus and Jenny sure displayed how useless Lindsay really is. Then in her pique and petulance at basically being told that she was in the way, she turns on the oven and leaves without putting dinner in and heads to the diner. I'm so glad Debbie overheard her comments to El Captian Pan de Culo and told Mel so that the good ol' Sargeant couldn't backpeddle. Jenny was absolutely RIGHT to keep Gus from covering for Lindsay. She, like Michael, needs to learn to take responsibilty for her inaction and neglect. 

Lydia sure does have Lindz's high-and-mighty number! I'm so happy that she is hellbent on showing Lindsay exactly how her much presence means. The little power-tripping missy is having her legs continuously chopped off. I hate that Faal felt he had to take one for the team to shut the harridan's tirade up. Her entitlement issues need to be addressed once and for all!

As for her mealy-mouthed counterpart: If I could reach into the story and throat-punch him, I WOULD!! Every single word or thought in his head is an insult to the creator of brain cells. When he told Lindsay's complaining ass,  'Damn right they do. They need to remember who the parents are!' I wanted Kiki to tell him that Gus and Jenny actually do know who their real parents are- Ben and Mel- because it is certainly NOT Michael and Lindsay. OOoohhhh THEY MAKE ME SICK!! 

I really can't wait for the party so that Lindz has to eat that same crow which is pecking at her brain. Hunter and Martine under the guidance of Lydia are going to be a success. Add to the fact that they obtained a venue which there is no way Lindsay would never have been given access to and Em&Z HoD catering, I think their success is assured. No doubt that the Diva of the Dumbassment Duo will try to mess it up with deplorable manners and pretentious comments but I think having Emily and Francine might take the bitch down eighty pegs or five-hundred.

As for Michael buying the ticket at the GLC, is that a separate event from the one being given by Red Cape Comics? I really hope not. I wouldn't want Brett to have to put up with the unneccessary whining especially being so far away from home. But then again, having Justin and Blake there to publicly embarrass the Dumber of the Dumbassment Duo might be worth its weight in hilarity! 

So much to look forward to in this fabulous fic!! 

Happy Writing and HUGS,


P.S. The 'Apology' flowers and Em's reaction to them was so touching. And I have a feeling that Rhett and Miss Scarlet are going to wrap Drewsie up as tight as Em has him. I couldn't stop smiling every time he and the puppies was mentioned. Em is going to have trouble on his hands...LOL

Author's Response:

Ah yes Miss Scarlett and Rhett are now the king and queen of the Boyd Honeycutt household and Drew can consider himself, like Brian with Lilah and Justin with MIlo, owned!

Lindsay just doens't know when to stop and can't see that she's doing anything wrong.  As Jennifer said an entitled wasp even her daddy says they've spoiled her!  As soon as things don't go her way she spits out her dummy stamps her feet.

Oh a throat punch, now how could I incorporate that without anybody getting sued...let me think on that <tee hee>

The Red Cape Comic and GLC event is one and the same...Michael hasn't quite grasped that...and remember his nastiness about Stuart, well that sets...oh wait not yet can't tell you that yet.

Glad you are enjoying it still

Happy reading and huge to write first stage of Portland

Nicole x

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Nov 23, 2016 3:59 pm Title: Chapter 29

Lord amighty, what a lot you've put on our plate.  Speaking of plates, the tasting had me drooling.  So much of this was food, with Lindsay getting in the way and forgetting to put the stew in the oven at least you made up for it by her not being invited to the taste test.

Okay, the dogs or should I say puppies.  What was it that Emmett asked Drew to get?  They are a nice addition to the cast of characters.  Love how Drew is taken with the little ones.  Hopefully Emm and Zee don't get mad at each other again.  How will they apologize next?

Kiki got a nice part blocking Michael and Lindsay.  Those two only think of themselves.  Somebody had to remind Mikey that food isn't free and Kiki does it so well. She also tries to tell Deb not to feel guilty.  Hopefully she decides not to cater to Michael anymore.

Lindsay's got a lot of adjustment to do.  She's not going to be top dog at the gallery, there is a diary that for the life of me I can't see her dealing with. 

Why do I get the feeling that Brian is not thrilled with the earpiercing?  Love how Ted is the voice of reason and let's Brian know he came up with the perfect words to engrave on the ring.  Good job, Teddy.

Michael actually thinks he's going to see Brett Keller?  You've got the perfect plan to spike that don't you?  Cannot wait for the next chapter, it's gonna be a doozy.  BTW love Stuart.


Author's Response:

I know I'm a foodie nut.  And it wasn't that she wasn't invited to the tasting she had a showing and wouldn't be able to go anyway, but that wouldn't have stopped her from being mad about it.

The puppies came about through an autocorrect error when Emmy Lou sent the text, a reach but it gets the puppies home to the Boyd Honeycutt Household.

Ah Teddy, he's a very sweet man who knows what to say and when, but everyone underestimates him, just sees an accountant and a mild mannered one at no not at all.

A spike plan for Michael and him seeing Brett Keller...but of course...and Stuart and his fan-girl moment, ker-yoot!

Happy reading


Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Nov 22, 2016 7:58 pm Title: Chapter 28

Read the two chapters from yesterday over again and I stand by my review those two morons really don't hear the ice cracking louder under their feet.

Michael having a hissy because no car picked him up for his free lunch I bet the email is in his spam folder which he never checks, I dare him to call Carl a liar he is going to feel the weight of Papa Bear's roar on his neck and The Queen's smack across his head lol

So Brian, Justin and Mel plan on telling Gus everything concerning Lindsay before they metaphorically chop off her head, it is a smart thing to do plus it takes away any control Lindsay thinks she still has over Gus and gives them the upper hand over her. 

Lindsay is slowly starting to realize that Mel, Gus and Jenny can function without her and that is giving her chills across her spine, if she was a smart woman she would heed that warning but Lindsay shares a pea brain with Michael so she will continue to act like she is entitled to whatever she wants.

So Emily and Francine will be at Sydney's retirement party that should be an interesting moments for everyone there, I wonder if Adam will be there too to watch the fireworks maybe get some information to help Emily's case?? <Evil Grin>

Lindsay like Michael is not really taking this court case seriously and that is stupid, Adam wins more than he loses and he is gunning for Lindsay (Lines forms to the left and take a number they are going fast!!! lol)

Portland trip is coming up soon Michael and Lindsay have no idea what they are about to walk into, hope they have a way to get back to Pittsburgh because they might be walking?

Michael still believes he has a chance with Brian despite all evidence to the contrary, that shipped not only sailed it sunk long ago, Michael needs to realize that even if he was the last man on earth Brian would go straight before he would ever consider sleeping with him.

Nice build up to 'Off With Their Heads!!' Day/Night they were warned now the axe is going to sing :)

Author's Response:

Of course they don't they only hear the own voices, see their own pain - even though it's them causing it - and want their own way.  

Sadly, Gus does get to find out about his mother and how much is willing to sacrifice to make what he wants happen...and God help Lindsay when Jenny finds out.

Re Sydney's party...of course he will...this is me after all.

Of course he does, this is Michael the delusion is strong in this one, despite everything, he's said and done and keeps saying and doing he thinks the solution is to get rid of Justin and life will be fine, he hasn't worked out yet that Lindsay doesn't want rid of Justin...he's paying support remember...

Portland oh this is going to be fun, remember Uncle Luc said he would do some digging...wonder what he found out....!

Happy reading


Reviewer: blossomlegs Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 22, 2016 7:57 am Title: Chapter 28

Fantastic updates.  All I can say is love, love this fic.

Thanks for sharing.


Author's Response:

Thanks for reading.


Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Nov 22, 2016 2:39 am Title: Chapter 28

Captain Asshat and Stuck-up Heifer are really pressing on everyone's last nerve I can't wait for The Big Ass-Kicking they are going to get.

Sydney is leaving his gallery in capable hands his party is going to be Awesome hope Emmett and Zee make it to the end still friends.

Lindsay inviting Michael to the lunch party was insulting but her poor attempts to act demure just made her come off like a stuck-up prude and a cold frigid bitch, what Jennifer does with her body is not up for discussion and none of Michael or Lindsay's business, just because they aren't getting any and have cobwebs between their legs doesn't mean they have the right to tell others what to do.

Lydia moving Martine to the uptown gallery means she will get the tutelage she never got from Lindsay, it also means Lindsay is surrounded by people who will not buy into her self-entitlement antics, Lydia reminding Lindsay she is still on probation is funny the chick should really be quiet and just do her job but she won't. (Lindsay is on strike two with Lydia)

Michael is on strike two with Faal he should learn to keep his mouth shut but he never learned that lesson or any other, he is banned from any event organized by Red Cape Comics but that won't stop him from trying to meet Brett Keller. (All security should be given a picture of Michael and hopefully it will be awful lol)

Wonder what Zee has come up with encase Captain Asshat and Stuck-up Heifer find the money to get to New York?

Happy the Kip Thomas plan fizzled out Michael is looking for something that will get Brian to dump Justin but he couldn't think his way out of an open door without help.

Brian giving Justin a engagement ring was beautiful I think the idea of Brian with an earring is Hot- A Stud for a Stud is Brilliant.

Those watches the kids got are Phenomenal with real diamonds and will look good on all of them.


That is the ice under Lindsay and Michael they just don't know it yet.

Can't Wait For More!

You're Welcome ;)

Author's Response:

Thanks again for the nicknames, it had to be made so!

Cobwebs between their legs had me snorting into my wine glass!

Emmy Lou and Zee not being friends, perish the thought...though there is a bit of confusion that leads to cuteness!

Lindsay has to be reminded of many a thing many a time as does Michael, but they are not above using their other bargaining chips...

Michael really is regressing to that abandoned hand job as the wedding gets nearer...he get very stupid indeed.

Ah Red Cape and Brett...Michael opens up a mouth again.


Happy reading

Miss Merlot

Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 22, 2016 12:33 am Title: Chapter 28

Finally FINALLY all caught up!!!! Can I tell you how freaking brilliant you are?! Oh the mischief and mayhem Sargeant and Captain Pain-in-the-Ass have been up to while I've been unable to indulge. 

A few things:

Part of me wants Michael to go to Portland so that when he not only makes an ass of himself regarding what he thinks he knows, but so that he will be stranded and possibly have to use what's left in his account (or a good portion of it) to get himself back to Pittsburgh. How they are putting up with 'His Assholiness' I haven't a clue. I really feel bad for Jenny since she shares DNA with the Dumbass. But it is clear that she has grown and matured so much that she has even outgrown him and his dastardly cohort The Manipulative Muncher (I'll get to her ass in a few minutos).

Ted and Blake are a match made in revenge heaven!! I was so proud of Blake for sticking up for Stuart the way he did. Michael is really a sanctimonious shithead to be throwing someone's past in their faces. Well now he is banned from the place he refuses to let go of. I wonder if he realizes that even though Brett is speaking at the GLC that it is STILL a Red Cape Comics function which means he's still BANNED!! Oh this will definitely be a highlight within this amazing work. As for Teddy: OMG! Devious, Intelligent, Confident and Vengeful Ted is such a sexy man!! Best of all is that Michael wouldn't be able to phathom that it is Ted pulling his financial strings until it is way too late. A couple of lessons Michael should have learned by now: Never piss off a lawyer (Mel really screwed the schmuck with that contract without lube) and NEVER piss off an accountant (I doubt that Ted is finished screwing Michael over; he's having too much fun). He has done both in spades and it's leaving him damn near broke! I can't wait for him to ask Brian for the $8K back so that he knows and understands that it will not be coming back to him but paid toward the debt that he owes Brian and Justin. And there is NOTHING he can do about it shy of taking them to court to recoup it in which he will lose since Michael owed that amount and so much more. 

Justin and Michael.....WHOO-WEE I can't wait for this to come to a head. It is a confrontation that is long overdue. I nearly choked on my coffee when Michael received that residual check from Rage and how he tried to lord it over Justin. I wanted to slap his face black for the constant digs as much as Justin did. But again Justin is having the last laugh where Rage is concerned at Michael's expense. Not only did Justin make $58K from the residuals but he bought out Michael a long time ago for $20K and made sure that there wouldn't be any more sequels or restarts to the comic. Sometimes, one has to pay to be free and Justin did without any qualms. But he was doubly rewarded in the end. Not only is he free from having to work with Michael's petulant ass ever again, he basically made the payout money back plus an additional 30 grand while Michael was still left with NOTHING. It must also smart that Justin still has a career worthy of the Arts & Entertainment section whereas Michael is now relegated to 'Unnoteworthy Has-been." Needless to say his contribution as a 'part-time dialogue scribe' was the epitome of underwhelming and no one is seeking him out for anything. I'm so glad that Kip ditched the idea of contacting 'Mitchell' back. Michael is seriously delusional if he thinks that any information that he could gain from Kip would be instrumental in making Brian ditch Justin. If anything, it will make it even more clear that while Brian was facing a bogus lawsuit all Lindsay could see was dollar signs to suit her own ends and Michael still did NOTHING to help his best friend. He is such a tool (apologies to tools everywhere since you actually have a purpose and this particular character needs to find one that involves becoming an adult and getting a job).

Now that I have FINALLY finished my diatribe about Captain PITA, let's get on with his desperate dick-hunting counterpart Sargeant PITA, Lindsay. To say that she remains a thorn in my eyeball is truly an understatement. How could one woman be so sanctimonious and judgmental when it is clear that she has the moral fiber of a paperclip and the loyalty of a feral cat? I am never more gratified than when the family calls her on her shit (I'm STILL smarting over her 'correction' of Gus) and truly can't wait until she joins her Partner in Cuntiness in the gutter where both of them belong. 

I damn near died when Jenny said that Lindsay and Michael could go to NY but you gave me literary CPR when she said they had to pay for it themselves. Jennifer was absolutely magnificient in her role as Real Estate Tycoon-ette, making sure that she closed Lindsay's auto-avenue for all things financially related. Even better was the credit card denial on the toes of receiving the summons. I'm waiting with baited breath for her to go to Ted after wondering why Gus' account with untold thousands of dollars from both Brian and Justin isn't able to be accessed. The bitch thought she was slick, huh? NOT!! Just like Michael, Lindsay tends to underestimate people and their determination not to be bothered with the likes of them. I can't wait for that particular bug to bite her in the ass which should be happening very VERY soon!

Although I would have loved for the waste of WASP to lose her job, I think this is an even better plan since Brian actually owns a portion of the gallery and will be gifting it to Justin in NY. I suspect that this is why Lydia agreed to keep Lyin' Lindsay on unless she messes up before time for that big reveal. I applaud Sydney's loyalty even if it's reserved for the wrong person. I think Zee and Brian buying him out this way showed that they respected him for it as well. I love the idea of splitting the gallery up into two divisions since they are both a part of the Uptown Gallery franchise now while still keeping the Bloom tradition. It must rankle that while Lindsay's on probation, everyone else is moving forward with new changes and new positions within the gallery setting. Martine will no longer be up under Lindsay's thumb and all of the people who will be occupying Bloom are folks that Lydia has worked with for years. No longer can Lindsay boasts about a certain clout within the gallery or the art world in general. It looks like cataloguing will be one of Lindsay's regular duties from now on. She probably shouldn't wear any more Karen Mullen dresses to work for the forseeable future.

Speaking for dresses: No that BITCH didn't try to steal Mel's clothes!! OMG! I would have made the harridan pay for not only the dry cleaning but for every stich busted at the seams that needed to be repaired. She really has no concept of the word 'NO' or the phrase 'IT"S NOT FOR YOU!' Her entitlement issues really makes me want to lure out into middle of an ocean, toss her overboard and withhold a lifejacket until she learns that everything does NOT belong to her. What a BITCH!! Then she takes it upon herself to invite Michael to a private lunch which in truth she isn't even wanted there. Ms Prissy Pants seriously needs to be taken down several pegs quickly. I loved that Deb, Leda and Jenn were up for the job. I certainly am waiting for a few slaps delivered or a curled fist from Leda or Zee since Justin can't/won't do it because he's still a gently-bred gentleman of course. Had this been the 'hood where I'm from, Lindsay would literally be either sleeping with the fishes or regularly featured in the nearest emergency room, lawsuit be damned. That kind of trick makes one brave any and everything to be rid of her, including gaudy orange jumpsuits! 

I hope that Jenn's talk with Mel will do some good. The advent of Leda on a more permanent basis should help in that direction. I would like to see Mel as happy with her life as Ben is with his now that he has off-loaded the emotionally-draining weight of Michael Novotny. The casting of body parts was hilarious!! I hope that Deb does rethink it simply because Michael is an ass and Carl would enjoy it, which is really what matters. As for the engagement ring, yeah...even I had a slight allergy attack at the sweetness of it all and a loud guffaw from the reaction of Michael and Lindsay being told off by Leda. 'Mel aren't you going to defend me?' 'Why? Was there anything said that wasn't true?' Really said all that needed to be said between the two of them. As for Michael: I'm glad that Blake reminded Steve of what was really important and that he gets to go home with Ben. Blake definitely has Michael's number and realizes that the best way to kill fire is to take away its oxygen. Michael and Lindsay both definitely suck all the air out of a room. Hopefully while Michael is striking out on the Portland trip, there will be some way that Lindsay does the same. But then again, I think Uncle Luc and Auntie with have plenty in store for the two of them. After all, Lindsay is already dealing with so much regarding the lawsuit- what's adding another nail to her metaphorical coffin going to hurt? And as for Michael, seeing the man whom he tried to hire as an attorney being so chummy with the mother of his child has gotta hurt too. I'm sure there is plenty more pain to be meted out to The Dumbassment Twins!

So concludes my running commentary of the last few chapters!! PHEW!!! LOL Looking forward to MORE!

Happy Writing and HUGS,


Author's Response:

First let me say, welcome back!  I have missed your reviews!

Glad you have enjoyed what I've written, I am basking in the glow of your praise!  And although did have a bit of writers block after a couple of glasses of merlot I was fine.

Hopefully you will enjoy the rest...there are some huge blams coming their way and not from whom they expect...!

Happy reading



Reviewer: cookiebun Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 22, 2016 12:21 am Title: Chapter 28

Why would Michael be so excited about Brett?  shouldn't he be "friends" or at least on speaking terms with him, or is that just more Justin?  I can't stand Michael at all... 


I really cannot decide who I loathe more... Michael or Lindsay... they are both such slimey slugs (and both lazy fucks too... Michael doesn't work - how does he have ANY money left...and Lindsay seems to barely work)


hurry and write fast and lots!!! lol :) 

Reviewer: soirsagrey Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 21, 2016 11:44 pm Title: Chapter 28

*blushing* Thank you for the lovely dedication.

OMG you wicked woman!

Zee buying Shadyside?! Oooohhh she's going to kick Captain Asshat to the curb. YAY! Can't wait to see that. And then the icing on the cake: giving it to Leda. Buying earplugs to block out the massive uber whine that will ensue. 

And then on to our stuck up dimwitted, egotistical blondie. Nothing and nobody is more important in Lindsay world than Lindsey herself, not even her children. No wonder Gus and Jenny prefer staying everywhere else but home when Mel is not at home. And how much more is Mel willing to put up with before she leaves Lindsay. She would be way happier with Leda who obviously still adores her. 

Emily's courtcase: Oh this is going to be a humdinger! When Emily and Adam are done with Lindsay she won't have a pot to piss in, will she. She will be jobless, homeless, no friends to run to and despised by the WASP circle she still thinks she belongs to. Maybe Michael and she could find a flee infested hovel somewhere and shack up. They so deserve each other. I can just imagine them in a rundown flat plotting, for years, to bring down the entire family.

I'm begging your muse right now to work overtime cause I can hardly wait for the next update. 



Author's Response:

You are more than welcome you lovely lady.

Zee has plans for Shadyside, and she's a romantic at heart...and everyone can see how much Leda adores Mel apart from, in her tender bruised heart Mel, so there might be a bit of conspiring going on...

A humdinger is an understatement, Lindsay makes the mistake most narcissists make and pisses off the judge!

Ooh now, you might have given me an idea for a 2nd sequel!

Happy reading my dear friend

Nicole xxx

Reviewer: tataniastorm Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 21, 2016 11:26 pm Title: Chapter 28

Ok this story keeps getting better and better.I love this story line so much. I even got my husband hooked by reading to hin the firstpart of this verse. So looking forward to the rest. Thank you so much.

Author's Response:

Thank you so much, I hope you and your husband stick with me to the end.

Happy reading


Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Nov 21, 2016 10:35 pm Title: Chapter 28

What an amazing chapter.  Things are coming up roses for Sydney Bloom.  It's a wonderful idea that they decided to make Uptown a younger, hipper gallery and keep Bloom for the classics.  Lindsay must be pissed to know she's not being put in charge.  hehehe.  The venue party for Syndey is going to be to die for, especially with Zee and Emmett catering it.  I'd want to go.  Wouldn't it be funny if they put Hunter in charge over Lindsay? 

Michael or Captain Asshat as you've so aptly chosen is ready for a little white coat with the ties in the back.  That he would think he's a prize is beyond me.  His 'I would never cheat on him, I would never lie to him, and I would never hurt him that's why I'm his best friend' is such a crock.  Brian has better taste then to even consider leaving his Sunshine. And as for him thinking that Carl didn't e-mail him, has he checked his spam folder.  Betcha that's were it went.  Now you just have to spike Michael from attending the Brett Keller thing at the GLC.

So we don't have a weekend get-together.  Everybody needs a rest.

Looking forward to Emily winning her case and the trip to NYC not to mention Portland.


Author's Response:

Of course it would be great for them to put Hunter and Martine in charge of Lindsay...this is why I'm evil and will happily make it so and heap piles of misery upon her in the process.  Oh she gets unnecessarily smug about something...!

Oh yes he's plotting and planning, he thinks he just needs to provide Justin with the right incentive...and yep the emails went there.

Of course I'm going to spike him going to the GLC, remember Lucas, he's Brett's nephew, well Michael opens up a mouth...agaiin

Portland is going to be a doozy!

Happy reading


Reviewer: jaspersgirl21 Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 21, 2016 10:23 pm Title: Chapter 1

I think it's absolutely hilarious that Michael thinks Justin is a slut, lol. I wonder what his reaction would be if he found out that his 'best friend ' is Justin's bottom boy regularly. And if Lindsey found out too.  

Reviewer: emac66 Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 21, 2016 10:01 pm Title: Chapter 28

You know...throughout this, I've often wondered how they can keep up with every weekend activites at one house or teh other. It must be exhausting!! LOL. shame that they all had a crap week, but glad that they were all (or mostly all) in teh same headspace. They  have all had a for shit week.

that was pretty cute discussing the Stud's stud. I was a wee bit concerned there for a second. You qucikly eleviated that thankfully.

Did Carl really not send an email or did Michael once again forget to check his junk mail? It seems he tends to do that.

That party for Sydney sounds fantastic! And all of Lydia's personnel plans sound great! The fact that she once again was able to put Lyndsey in her place was a bonus! Linds is going to be on a very short tether and I'm sure she's going to try adn pull adn yank on it. Hehehe! Can't wait to watch her go down. Thrilled for Martine. I'm sure Lyndsey is going to think she deserves some kind of promotion but really...........pfffffffffft. she has got to know she's 1 step short of being sent out the door. Preferably ass first.

Hunter is really making a name for himself He has a terrific future ahead of him.

Really anticipating next couple of chapter!! OH! and what are Zee and Faal's plans for New York if the dimwitted Duo manage to go too? and what about Portland? thsi inquiring mind wants to know. ;) 

Cheers and thanks for the update!!!


Author's Response:

Yeah I thought that was a bit cute too, can you imagine if Justin hadn't seen it and Brian hadn't managed to stop him from draining the glass...!

Of course it's Carl's fault...that Michael didn't check his junk mail, people should remind him to do these things...

Hunter has an unknown benefector at Uptown, but everything that comes his way is down to him and only him.

Portland is going to be fun...and not in a good way for them, remember they've not met Uncle Luc and Aunt Dee...who are very protective of their little one and Uncle Luc has been doing a bit of digging

And in the highly unlikely machevellian event that they manage to get within touching distance of New York well...

Happy reading


Reviewer: emac66 Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 21, 2016 6:38 pm Title: Chapter 27

Gotta say, the whole casting part of teh chapter was great fun! what a concept! LOL! While Lidsey was being a stuck up prude, I kinda get Justin's reaction. I mean, it's all well adn good to have Jen do it, but it's kinda like catching your partent's having sex. You know they do, but DON"T want to "KNOW" they do. At least he's having it done too. lol

For being such a "WASP" Lindsey has neither class, manners not etiquette. The entire gathering for cocktails was too funny! I could absolutely visualize it all! Love it when Jen and even Deb smack her down for her lack of manners.

Have to say the best though was when she figured out who Adam White was and that he never takes a case he can't win. That the papers she was served was from that firm. I completely imagined in my mind's eye her reation to that! I have to admit to breaking out in laughter! What a fantastic image I had!! LOL.

The ring brian had made for Justin was a wonderful idea! Sounds lovely. and all teh gifts from Zee and Fall for the kids was incredibly thoughtful as well. 

Lindsey being left "uncomfortable" huh? Hmmmmmmm. Interesting. Is it due to her lack of knowledge re: Money Mondays? showing her lack of involvement and interaction with her kids or perhaps something else?

Wonderful as always!!



Author's Response:

Yes, re Justin's reaction, sadly that was written from experience!

Ah you can always rely on Jen to get it across in a look and Debs to back her up with words.

Spot on with Lindsay's feeling of discomfort...but does she take timely steps to correct that?  

Thanks for sticking with me, I'm having great fun writing this.

Happy reading


Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Nov 21, 2016 6:00 pm Title: Chapter 27

Lindsay got served but she's not letting that stop her.  She's still set on going to NY inspite of the fact that Mikey's money was confiscated.  She actually thinks that asking Brian to give them money back on something they haven't paid for will work?  If Mel and the kids weren't going to Faal's birthday lunch she wouldn't have been invited at all and how rude to invite Mikey.  But then she wouldn't have learned that the lawyer that Emily is using is topnotch, so it all pans out. 

Mikey, of course is a pain.  Doing his best to insinuate himself into whatever Brian's does.  He has the nerve to think Adam was being pretentious.  That's a laugh.  He even gets into a piss off match with Steve.  Name calling, now that's very uncouth.  At least he's down another strike for going to Portland.

Both of them make Faal's special day less special.  But the gang does manage to leave Lindsay and Mikey behind as they go off and enjoy the stunt driving.

Brian got Justin an engagement ring!  How cool was that.  Now Justin needs to get a ring for Brian, even if it's one for his ear.  Not to mention the special glass blown item that Zee is fixing for Justin, Emm, and Jen.  I think Brian will get a lot of use out of his. 

Diamonds, diamonds.  Everyone's got diamonds.  Zee, Justin, the kids.  Bet Lindsay is sooooo jealous.

Author's Response:

This is Michael and Lindsay we are talking about...the delusions are strong in these of course they see the end game and nothing else, which makes it all the fun for you to read when it blams them in the face!

Oh and Stud has his own casting plans...

Happy reading


Reviewer: emac66 Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 21, 2016 5:45 pm Title: Chapter 26

What a deliciously long chapter!!!!!!!! Enjoyed every single word!!

Jen is pure WASP and a genius to boot! that was absolutely brilliant! She new exactly what Lindsey would do and was able to thwart it completely! HA! 

Love that Lydia is the new face of Bloom. Even more...I LOVE that Justin will soon be Lindsey's new boss. (If she ends upstaying that long. I don't see Lydia being overly impressed with her!) I was so hoping Sydney was going to can her....but I think this is evern better! There's not enough humble pie in the world for her to eat that will even remotely effect her sense of entitlement and superiority. You know she's going to state her opinions too often and will piss Lydia off. She thinks she'll be "impressing" Lydia, but we all know that's not going to happen.

Interesting take on the Kip situation. Them thinking it was a trick by HR. At least Michael or rather Mitchell will be ignored now.

Glad that Jen was able to put the situation between Lindsey adn Emily into perspective for Mel. she was right, if it had been anyone else, another client, she would fight tooth and nail for them. she can't justify Lindsey now.

All Michael's adn Lindsey's efforts seem to get thwarted left and right! They get a bit of hope, then the rug is pulled out from under them. Most excellent! It's such fun to read their efforts denied them! :)

Portland should be interesting. LOL! 

BRILLIANT chapter!!



Reviewer: cookiebun Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 21, 2016 3:05 pm Title: Chapter 27

I love that everyone is just calling Lindsay out on her shit... and Leda was fantastic!!! lol

the castings had me laughing out loud! lol


I cannot wait for Michael and Lindsay to get their due... I know it is still building, but I just wanna see them crash and burn for good!!!! :) 

Author's Response:

Ah there's more Leda to come.  And more casting of a certain stud too...

Oh there's a special place in hell for the gruesome twosome...

Happy reading


Reviewer: cookiebun Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 20, 2016 6:13 pm Title: Chapter 26

Please do not let them find a way to NYC, everyone deserves the chance to enjoy themselves. 

Cant wait for this lawsuit to come to public light!

Author's Response:

Them finding a way to get to NYC and them actually getting there are two different things...but for now I shall let them have hope...that's what every good mouser-cat does with a mouse, plays with their food.

Happy reading


Reviewer: blossomlegs Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 20, 2016 3:35 pm Title: Chapter 26

Fantastic update.You keep me wanting more!

Thanks for sharing.


Author's Response:

Again JoAnn you are welcome.

Happy reading


Reviewer: wellreadbunny Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 20, 2016 9:48 am Title: Chapter 26

That was great. I was so afraid they would find  a way to get to NYC. Then the check from Brett. Ted was so evil and funny.

Author's Response:

Chapter 27 is not going to make you happy...sorry for now.

Happy reading...please stay with me!


Reviewer: soirsagrey Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 20, 2016 8:00 am Title: Chapter 1


First an answer to your questions. Wraak is zoet can be translated in revenge is sweet. Or revenge is a dish best served cold. And there isn't really a Dutch word for kapow but in my part of the country we say: Vol op je muil gaan (which would roughly translate into: Slamming face first into a brick wall) also known as: total and utter humiliation.

NOw back to the story and the chapter. I get more and more exited when an update comes up.

You are spinning a story here towards the most exquisit revenge ever plotted out. And everybody is pitching in, Ted and Jennifer: who would have tought them this devious. Little J: OMG that is a master in the making.

Mel: I do hope she will finally see the light and leave Lindsay. Leda would be so good, no perfect, for her as a partner. Jenny would love to have a butch mother instead of that pussy Lindsay.

Blondy and little Whiney will be torn to pieces, ground into dust and scattered to the four winds when this story is done. Serves then right!!

And so looking forward to the wedding of Brian and Justin.

Should you have anymore questions about the Dutch language just send me an email and I will try to answer it as soon as I can. (in and out of hospital at the moment - breastcancer is a bitch) Mail me at;



Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Nov 20, 2016 6:04 am Title: Chapter 26

That was Brilliant Jennifer put a stop to Lindsay getting the money from mommy and daddy without coming out looking like she planned it, Lindsay was denied a credit card, given back her job and skating on thin ice with her new boss all in a week I would feel for Lydia but she has already proven she can handle Lindsay with just a few words.

At this rate Lindsay could be fired again before Sydney's retirement party and blacklisted from every gallery before the first glass of champagne is gone.

Michael was going to ask Deb for the money to pay for the trip to New York then the check came, thankfully his gloating didn't last long cause now the IRS has the money and he is still out $8,000 that will be used to pay the money Michael was supposed to. (Ted is so Awesome!!!)

I swear these two must share the same brain they think of themselves first and everyone else last, Lindsay must have been tripping thinking Michael would ever pay her back she would have better luck squeezing blood from a stone than to get him to part with any of his precious collectibles.

Faal got to have a wonderful birthday without the Gruesome Twosome and now Leda is back so can have fun with boys while Lindsay tries to figure out another way to get to New.

Glad Justin got a bigger check for his contributions to Rage and that soon Brett will be in Pittsburgh, I wonder if he might be willing to do story of Brian and Justin instead of the comic, if that happens Michael might literally go insane and that should be hilarious.

Portland sounds like it is going to be very interesting especially when Uncle Luc and Aunt Dee meet Michael and Lindsay they are going to love them *rofl*

Can't wait for the next idiotic adventure of Captain Asshat and Stuck-up Heifer :)


Author's Response:

Yes I had to have Lydia deliver the semi coup de gras, remember ultimately who her boss will be, that's if she's still there when he takes over of course...

Yeah about the NYC trip...C27 might not make you terribly happy for now

They share the same brain and ultimately the same goal so maybe Michael could...

Yep a canowhipass is about to be opened in Portland and not just by the Starks.

More adventures of Captain Asshat and Stuck-Up Heifer to come!

Happy reading


Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Nov 20, 2016 5:20 am Title: Chapter 26

Oh what a chapter this is.  Lindsay keeping her job was destressing.  But you made it better by not letting her get a credit card or her parents baling her out.  For which we can thank Jennifer.  Bloom Gallary has changed hands, and hopefully her job will not be guarenteed.  To top it off she got served!  Thank you.

Mikey on the other hand got a residual check.  Boo!!  But then the IRS confiscated it.  And we have Teddy to thank for that.  Good job.  I wish I knew what it was he thought Kip was going to help him do?

Faal is going to have a birthday like he's never had before.  Surprise!!  All good things.  And Brian, Leda, and Mel as well as the boys are going to enjoy it too.

Zee and Emmett are going to be so busy with Sydney's retirement party, the New York special, and going to Portland.

How you manage to write so much so fast is beyond me.

Author's Response:


Lindsay may have got her job still, but remember ultimately who her boss is going to be...

As for a bad penny he turns up again...spoiler alert...but who is he bad news for?

As for writing, because I write without notes, the moment I think of it I have to write...I have nice luggage under my eyes but it is so worth it!

Happy reading


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