Date: Dec 04, 2016 3:50 pm Title: Chapter 39
Kaboom indeed!
This chapter made me want to cry out: Are you ready to rumble!!
A sparring match for the family and a first round of blows for Mickey and the first uppercut for Lindsay.
They will be black and blue by the time the match is over for this was only a warm up wasn't it. I felt Zee was keeping way, way back. If she's gonna loose it I wouldn;t want to be around cause it ain't gonna be nice. Coffins could be involved.
Now all I have to do is to wait to see Whiney and Blondie: vol op hun muil gaan. They are stumbling already.
The absolute ruthlessness and utter smugness of Lindsay towards Hunter and Jenny had me foaming at the mouth. Yay to Mel. She's finally seeing the light isn't she. I will never understand how she put up with Lindz that long. And way to go Jenny and Hunter for telling both Lindsay and Michael off. And Hunter wanting to share his wealth just shows how grown up and loving he has become. He has become one heck of a man and way more adult than his "lovely father" ever will be.
Justin's reaction towards Michael had me running for the loo. And yes I made it in time. Lindsay's reaction to Hunter and Matt and Brian and Justin having sex in the house made me in stitches. OMG she acts like such a victorian old biddy. Like she never had sex before. Her blatant jealousy! We all know she hasn't had a decent roll in the sack for ages. Maybe she could get some from Michael a he isn't adverse to snogging a lesbian (hihihihi)
And Leda kicking Blondie and Whiney out made me run for the bathroom again. That flee infested hovel is drawing nearer and nearer.
Thank you for a wonderful afternoon with lots of laughter. This surely took the edge of my anxiety.
Looking forward to the next chapter.
Author's Response:
Hey Meriam
Ding-ding and everyone back to their corners...and absolutely she was kept away Faal knows how to handle his girl.
Her sense of hauteur is absolute and smackable...and Michael being so yellow bellied and indignant that Brian should spend time supporting Justin when he needed him was great to write, there's more to come on that.
Glad you made it to the bathroom twice!
Hope you enjoy the next chapter, sending you more hugs
Nicole xxx
Date: Dec 04, 2016 2:42 pm Title: Chapter 39
Woohoo! That was awesome! Hopefully onto happier & healthier times!
Author's Response:
I had fun writing it.
Happy reading
Date: Dec 04, 2016 12:23 pm Title: Chapter 39
LMAO!!!!! OMG!!!!! BEST CHAPTER EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll have to review again in a bit after I calm down and get my racing thoughts together BUT OMG!!!!!!!!
WRITE On Nicole!!!
Author's Response:
Can't wait to read your review. Glad you liked it. It was an absolute joy to write, especially the Justin slapdown of Michael...again!
Date: Dec 04, 2016 11:57 am Title: Chapter 39
Yay for the kids. I am proud of Mel for finally tell Lenz to get out.
Author's Response:
Yeah out of the mouths of babes and infants...happy reading
Date: Dec 04, 2016 4:10 am Title: Chapter 38
I think Mel and Lindsay should go to New York for the birthday party at MoMa because there will be press and paparazzi taking pictures and it will do good for Lindsay's self-esteem to have her photo taken in her tux and shoes so later she can be on The Worse Dress List.
The would just be the cherry on the worst night of her life especially if she tries sucking up to Melody and her husband Franklin.
Now I understand why she was trying to get close to Melody in San Francisco and why she was pushing her way into the party planning so badly.
Wonder how she is going to feel when she finds out her partner in stupidity is not going to be at anymore gatherings? (I see her stomping her foot and folding her arms with a pout)
Justin was right every house Michael goes to he gets into it with someone and how no one comes to visit him.
Is that $220 a bottle and apiece for the four (?) They drank or was Lindsay hedging on her share?
Leda is going to enjoy having everyone spend time at her new temporary place especially Mel, Gus and Jenny will love it, bet they even come up with a nice routine after a week ;)
Michael is going to freak when he finds out Zee is his landlord that should be Hilarious.
Author's Response:
The wine question is $220 each, I rounded up a wee bit.
I really hope you enjoy C39.
Date: Dec 03, 2016 5:10 pm Title: Chapter 38
As always I'm enchanted by this story and finally the answers to questions come like Lindz house in Toronto and the cute machinations to bring Leda and Mel together. Though I have a question, that bugs me for a while already: in the beginning Martine is Lydia's niece, then suddenly there was Miranda and now the two names are in one chapter - has Lydia two nieces or am I confused?
Btw, I love the regulare and fast updates ;-)
Author's Response:
Hello nice to have a new reviewer, thanks for your kind words.
Ahem, yes about that...would you believe that she's called Martine Miranda Glendale and her names are interchangeable, nope me neither <blushes>. Plain and simple author error and as I don't have a beta so when you've read the chapter for the fifth time you tend to miss the odd umcack. She will be back to Martine from now on, thanks for spotting that.
Hope you continue to enjoy
Happy reading
Date: Dec 03, 2016 12:56 am Title: Chapter 38
So what exactly does Hunter owe Lindsay?
I am very curious to hear Michael's answer to the question because as far as I can see she didn't do anything to help his career, everything he has achieved so far is due to his own ingenuity Lindsay couldn't be bothered to help when he asked for it.
I swear these two are becoming more alike the longer they spend together pretty soon she will start dressing like Michael and searching for collectibles lol
Did Phillip Mitcham graduate from clown college or is he just lazy?
Adam wouldn't have taken this to court unless he could win with his record they should be afraid instead they are acting like this is just a simple complaint that will be thrown out boy are they going to be sorry.
Michael won't be coming to anymore gatherings...YESSS!!! One Whiny Brat Down!
Lindsay got played by a Master and she thinks she actually won <SMH> I feel sad to be in her head even the cobwebs are on strike lol
Lindsay cheating with a woman?
I didn't see that coming or her getting violent her former lover was smart to put the house in Lindsay's name now she has to deal with the payments.
Why do I get the feeling Gus will be spending time with his dads again Lindsay doesn't like being called out and Gus did it again.
They are hanging themselves without even realizing it
Author's Response:
I hope you enjoyed C39 as much as I enjoyed writing it, it answers some of your questions and puts a slight kibosh on the carefully laid plans of Brian and Zee...
Happy reading
Date: Dec 02, 2016 5:28 pm Title: Chapter 38
We now return to the BITCH and MITCH Chronicles already in progress :
WOW!!! So Lindsay was muff-diving with another Muncher who stiffed her with a mortgage! I have to say that one caught me a little by surprise and made me giggle uncontrollably in the process. This trick has just be spreading her joy pot everywhere hasn't she?! I find myself marveling that she could always be so critical of everyone else's sexual activities, including getting castings made, but neglects to mention that she is a sloppy slut all the way around. Regardless of the gender, she just simply cannot remain faithful claiming neglect and all that. I don't buy it! If it was all that bad, Gus and Jenny wouldn't be basically clinging to Mel even right now. I get wanting to feel like more than a 'mom' because I am one but this.... She just has the morals of an alley cat in heat- plain and simple. Why be in a supposed monogamous relationship if you're simply not that kind of person? Well I hope Melanie finds out and quickly. Even if it happened years ago, this just adds to reasons Mel should leave that HO and free and clear to find happiness for herself.
As for her comments to the others and to Hunter.....LAWD HAM TURKEY and CLEAN UNDERWEAR I wanted to punch her in the mouth!! I'm glad that her attempt to best Zee backfired on the tired trollop! Zee is such a class act when dealing Lindsay that there just isn't any competition. Lindsay will never understand that Black girl magic that lets us go from the Boardroom- to the Bedroom- Brooklyn NY hoodrat personality in the blink of an eye and without breaking a nail. LOL I have to laugh at Lindsay's attempts to backpeddle and try to make herself look blameless in any given situation her mouth puts her in. Case in point: the situation with the court papers. First, there are a couple of people you should never lie to: Your DOCTOR, Your LAWYER, or YOURSELF. Lindsay is definitely LYING to two out of the three! Instead of owning up to what she did and the truth of Emily's lawsuit, she's brushing it off as inconsequential and insignificant. Thinking the law concerning 'Breach of Promise' to be antiquated and irrelevant is exactly what is going to bite her in the ass. Hell for that matter, Celeste also would have a case if she chose to come back and burn Lindsay financially since Lindsay kept saying that she needed more time to leave Mel before having to come clean that she wouldn't. But then whereas Celeste couldn't do that, she did one better and cut her losses. I'm glad that Brian called her on the fact that in truth she was trying to dodge the process servers. I can't wait for everyone to find out about the hearing, including Gus. I think once and for all, the house that Lindsay built is about to come crumbling down, possibly before she sets one toenail in NYC.
Speaking of New York, OMG I needed a mallet to knock the f*ck out of her!! Talking to Hunter like that and in front of the family no less about his career which has NOTHING to do with her!! She can't even keep her own career on the actually-employed track so how does she think she can advise him beyond what NOT to do when trying to hold a job? That really burned my biscuits and overcooked my grits but GOOD! I'm glad Leda, Brian and Justin had his back.
Now for that Toady Turd Michael.... SMH.....WHEW!!! How dumb can one man be?? Faal should be 'thanking them' for replacing wine they had no right to drink in the first place? WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!! Faal should be PUNCHING them is more like it! Then the whiny, petulant PITA wants to get up in Blake's face for words HE said about Stuart and people like him (meaning Lucas) getting back to Brett Keller resulting in Captain Asshole being unceremoniously tossed out of the building. Did he really expect someone to come to his aid and back him up in his idiocy? I marvel at the fact that Lindsay still does but then again Birds of a feather... as he so dumbly put it.
I'm so relieved that Jenny has given permission for them all to shut the dumbass OUT! She calls him on his shit every time he opens his mouth in her presence...LOL I really do love how she is developing and maturing despite her paternal DNA. Furthermore, if he throws up the fact that 'he is the parent' one more time and someone doesn't call him on it, I think I might SCREAM!!! Just because he jizzed into a cup, doesn't make him any more of a father than it does Rita a mother for gapping her legs open and popping out a kid. He's a sorry excuse for a sperm donor in so many ways!
I can't wait to see his head spin around and green stuff come flying out of Chucky's mouth when he finds out just who his new landlord- or should I say landlordess- is!! Both him and Lindsay will be tossed out on their asses for certain after that. In the meantime, I think it is absolutely brilliant to hold the house by Leda's presence. Now that I think about it.... is that house for Mel and the Kids once that bitch Lindsay flies away on her broom? The good news is that Mel will have somewhere to escape to until such time as that can happen, especially with Michael visiting his P.I.C. more and more at the Brownstone. She doesn't need to be around the partners-in-cuntiness when they're talking and twittering about some supposed slight. I was always a fan of Mel and Leda and feel that they should have been together long ago. Lindsay is such a high-siddity skank and doesn't deserve a partner; she deserves Michael.
Lydia and Hunter's relationship is so endearing! Between her and Zee, they really provide the maternal support he's never had in Rita Montgomery. Speaking of which, I suppose that will be coming out soon too, preferably before NYC and the wedding?
Brian, Zee and Ted are BRILLIANT in their machinations regarding Gardner Vance. That's another Turd who deserves more comeuppance than possible. I'm hoping that with the failure of his party, he will have to officially close his business- not sell, but close!! That's one rat who truly belongs in the gutter!
Well onto the next series of unfortunate undertakings featuring the Dumbasstic Duo! Tune in next time for another commentary on the BITCH and MITCH Chronicles. I'm your host Nichelle and am imploring MissMerlot to GET BUSY writing!!
Happy Writing and HUGS,
Author's Response:
Thanks for the brilliant review Nichelle, hope you love C39 as much as I loved writing it.
Happy reading and hugs
Date: Dec 02, 2016 4:57 pm Title: Chapter 38
I had tears coming down my face with the rest of the gang laughing about Michael and Patrice!
Jenny finally admitted to NOT wanting Michael at any of the dinners/lunches/events... so hopefully there will be a noticeable difference when Lindsay loses her fellow flunkie as a team mate at them.
They just will never learn... and does she think they couldnt arrange for her invite to be terminated.
Oh and the tux she was shopping for???? somehow I bet she is now behind the trend and all will be in gowns again and she will stand out for being OUT of fashion now lol
Author's Response:
That's the reaction I was hoping for, it was great fun to write. Have to admit at first I wanted it to be him and Phil but that was too easy! Note how nobody points out the obvious that a drunk lesbian still wouldn't snog Lindsay, but they will.
Tuxedo shopping for Lindsay comes to bite her big can thank Ted and Brian.
Happy reading
Date: Dec 02, 2016 5:43 am Title: Chapter 37
Perhaps we were linked for just the one second and the door shut so I couldn't see the next chapter lol
I can't believe Todd was able to find happiness while Michael threw his away and he isn't even allowed the crumbs from Brian anymore.
I take it Lindsay is going to represent herself at the trial that should be Hilarious and a stupid gamble Adam will crucify her...wait maybe she should represent herself <rubs chin evilly, far away look>
So how much are Lindsay and Michael going to have to cough up for the wine they drank?
That should bankrupt Michael and hopefully Lindsay too?
The Next Chapter of Captain Asshat and Stuck-up Heifer should be very interesting :)
Author's Response:
Perhaps we were again!
Ah Lindsay and her court case, let's just say her preliminary hearing has her lawyer wishing he'd never met the Petersons...!
Happy reading
Date: Dec 01, 2016 11:43 pm Title: Chapter 37
You did it!
I peed myself! I actually peed myself laughing!
Captain Foot in Mouth playing tonsil hockey with a lesbian. MWAHAHAHA!!! My sides are still splitting! This is THE best scene EVER. And on top op that Brett Keller kicked Mickey's arse in public. OMG! I will never, ever, ever forget this.
Lindsay and Michael drinking that precious wine is really unforgivable. I hope replacing those bottles will bankrupt them both. I can see that flee infested hovel on the horizon already.
Lindsay going to Melody's party in a tuxedo? She doesn't have the style nor the class to pull that off. She will be the laughing stock at that party. An ass dressed up as a horse is still an ass isn't it?
And her courtcase? May it be long and bloody for what she did to Emily is utterly cruel and vicious.
Thank you for making me laugh this long and hard. I needed that.
Looking forward to the next chapter.
Author's Response:
Huzzah, my job here is done!
Yes it punched a hole in their pockets but there's more punching to come.
Meriam, I am stealing that 'ass' quote, watch for it at some point in this fic, if that's okay with you?
Hope C39 makes yoiu gasp, laugh and make it to the bathroom on time!
Nicole xxx
Date: Dec 01, 2016 9:34 pm Title: Chapter 37
Fantastic! Love how Brett handled Mikey and now Linz with the law suite.
Thanks for sharing!
Author's Response:
If you think Brett handled him..."
Happy reading JoAnn
Date: Dec 01, 2016 7:13 pm Title: Chapter 37
Oh how I would've loved to have watched Daphne putting Lindsey and Michael in their places. I also would've loved to watch those 2 scrounging through the garbage finding the corks. hehehe. She holds such disdain for them both. Meanwhile they both look down their noses at her. Pfffffft. she has more class in her picnky finger then those 2 do in their entire being. Lindsey forgets that Daph grew up in the same inner circles that she did. Daph just happens to have been raised to appreciate rather than expect. Have to say I love Daphne and vince together! I think they make a great couple.
Carl's idea of replacing the bottles...excellent. I can just imagine M&L's eye's popping out when they see the prices for them.
Lindsey was certainly thrown for a loop when she found out it was Faal's idea not to have Michael stay, not Zee's.
Sooooooooo...Michael got partially lucky with a Lesbian huh. Dear lordy woman...I was in absolute stiches reading that!! How frigging BRILLIANT was that!! O...M...G!!!!!!! I seriously had tears laughing!!!! I can't wait for everyone to find out!!!!
So Lindsey thinks she's going to the party does she? Will she or will she be blackballed in time.
speaking of being blackballed, looks like Michael wasn't able to attend Brett's little shindig either. I was hoping something like that would happen. hehehe. You are so delightfully evil to the dunce duo. I love it! I wish I had your gift to write. to be able to keep so many people completely hung on every word, where we are salivating for the next chapter. so many talented writers here on KD. anyway....I digress.
further legal action for Lindsey. Not entirely sure why she gave the loft as her address. Obviously she's up to no good. After Brian trounced her as well as Lydia, hopefully she won't try that again. Either way, she got the letter. Oh and what a letter it was!!!!! Her reaction shows that she obviously wasn't expecting that. LMAO!!!!!!!!! Oh I can't wait!! Hold up!! 2 weeks.....I'm thinking there's something coming up around that time as well. Oh this woman is doing DOWN!! Fabulous!!
Absolutely brilliant chapter!
While we may not get an update today, I eagerly look forward to the weekend. Hope RL isn't too strenuous for you.'re story at the beginning about Faal's Dad in S, Africa and apartheid. totally relte. My mom was from there and left due to it. She told me once, and I've never forgotten it, that "she'd never live in a country where the government could say she wasn't allowed to fall in love and marry a black man" Her words verbatim. I've kept that mantra close ever since and have raised my daughter with the same ideals. Take out black and insert anythign, Muslim, Asian etc. this is one of the many reasons, (well the food in there as well) besides the obvious plot lines, that I oh so love this story. It lets me relate on so many levels.
Author's Response:
RL has been a bit of a Lindz but I'm beating it back with the fist of Zee...!
Thanks for your lovely review Elaine, I really hope you enjoy C39, I had a lovely time writing it, I may have been in a bit of a mardy mood at the time!
Yeah why people can't see the person within and colour without has always been a source of great disappointment to me.
Anyway, off to write C40.
Happy reading
Date: Dec 01, 2016 5:15 pm Title: Chapter 37
what the hell was Lindsay up to at the Loft??? what is she playing at now?
i cannot wait for the Canada house bombshell to drop (mostly cause i wanna know what it is lol)
I can't think of enough synonyms for stupid for Michael lol
Author's Response:
Ah now that would be telling...but I will eventually.
Hope you enjoyed the Canada bombshell albeit only told from Lindsay's point of view.
Happy reading
Date: Dec 01, 2016 1:41 pm Title: Chapter 37
We now join the Dumbasstic Duo already in progress:
WOW! What a chapter!! First can I just say that I LOVE Daphne and Vince together! LOL Lindsay seriously and constantly underestimates Daphne...smh She couldn't have remained friends with Brian and Justin all these years without being able to wield and iron fist encased in a velvet glove. As a result, she was there sifting through the garbage along with Michael at Daphne's command. I also love how they both seem to disregard Vince. That's definitely going to come back to bite them in the ass AGAIN!
'Calm before the Storm' doesn't even begin to describe Zee. The Bitch and Mitch hurt Faal so for them to think that this incident is just going to blow over simply because they were forced to say 'sorry,' they are seriously delusional if they think so! In Michael's case, he automatically projected blame onto Lindsay, once again not taking responsibility for his part in the entire matter. Well I'm sure their bank accounts have taken the punch that Michael and Lindsay were owed for being so fucking cunty! Brilliant Jenny and Carl!! I also loved how Lindsay told Zee that the ban on Michael staying at the Brownstone should be lifted....LOL I loved Zee's response in return 'Since I want to please MY husband in all things...' LOL what a way to rub it in that Lindsay will never be able to please Faal. Not only that but how does Trickilicious keep fighting for Michael when she keeps getting her ass handed to her because of him? STUPID HEIFER doesn't even realize she's one stilletto heel away from being tossed out herself....SMH
WHOO-HOOO!!!! I laughed so long and HARD at Brett's dismissal of Captain Asshole!! That was freaking perfect and the fact that it was done publicly was the icing on the cake for me. He won't be able to capitalize on his 'Rage' contribution- such as it was- anymore. After all he was Dissed, Dismissed and Disregarded from a Hollywood A-lister. I had this picture in my head while Arnold was herding his ass out of the GLC:
I couldn't even stop laughing when he was vowing to himself to get Brett, Justin and Blake back.....LOL How? What exactly can the founder and president of the Idiot Guild do?
As for Lindsay: Oh the BITCH thought she was SLICK!! I'm glad Hunter arrived at the gallery just in a nick of time to advise Lydia that Lindsay didn't live at the loft. Her little game of Hide and Seek didn't work out the way she thought and now she has no choice but to appear in court. There's now an official paper trail so she can't even say that she didn't get it....LOL Emily's suit is going to tear her ass up!! I can't wait until everyone is able to spray her with the can of BITCH BE GONE!!
HA and it looks like they won't be the ONLY ones to do so. Wait until Melody finds out that Lindsay is planning to attend the party in Nancy and Ron's stead. OH the fireworks and the bitch is looking for a tux and shoes....LOL Doesn't she realize that Zee will be there and although working will still be dressed beautifully when it's time to meet the chefs? That trick just can't compete with a class act!! But it will be fun to watch Lindsay fall on her flat non-existent ass yet again!
Looks like Lindsay's well-kept secret in Canada is about to become her very public prison as well since by the time she gets her just due, she will have burned every single bridge/person she ever crossed paths with and all because of misguided loyalty to Michael and an unhealty dose of egocentrism. No one is going to let her backpeddle out of her misdeeds and her Partner-in-Cuntiness won't be of any use to her. Oh Well Que Sera Sera- Whatever will be will be; they're both NOT ready!! LOL
Tune in next time for another episode of The Dumbasstic Duo on the Idiots Get a Clue Network. I'm your host, Nichelle Wellesly, advising MsMerlot to WRITE ON!!
Happy Writing and HUGS, Nicole!
Author's Response:
Storm starts to come in C39 that is all.
Happy reading
Date: Dec 01, 2016 4:49 am Title: Chapter 37
So what the Hell was Lindsay expecting to be delivered to the loft and I swear the Heifer just keeps ratcheting up grievances! (She is running up a tally her Ass won't be able to handle)
I can understand Faal being upset about the wine now of course Zee being calm has me very nervous, whatever she was planning for Lindsay before has been tossed out the window now that Faal has been hurt and Lindsay is going to wish she had never been born!
Forget the collectibles being stolen Michael making out with a Butch lesbian is Priceless, how drunk was she to mistake Michael for a woman and how did neither he or Lindsay notice? *roflmao* (What would make it better is if she said Michael was a terrible kisser and so was Lindsay lol)
Uncle Luc and Aunt Dee are coming to the Pitts this is going to be good <Evil Smile>
Daphne and Vince took care of Michael and Lindsay too sweet I especially liked they were forced to dig through the garbage for the corks.
Brett Keller handled Michael just the way all little creeps should be handled with complete and total disdained, not worried about Michael getting revenge he couldn't plan a sandwich, just getting up is an exercise for him.
Lindsay snagged an invite to Melody's party and she plans on wearing a tux, to bad she won't have the style or class to pull it off.
Loved the way Emmett put her in her place about the party Melody wants professionals who will make it a wonderful occasion for her husband, not a Whiny, Lazy, Half-Assed Affair that centers are Lindsay.
Court date in two weeks can't wait for Lindsay to get smacked down again and for Michael to try to get revenge :)
Author's Response:
It seems we were linked again, and again I wrote C39 before I read this review...the terrible kisser comment.
You are, hopefully, going to love C39.
Happy reading
Date: Dec 01, 2016 3:57 am Title: Chapter 37
Wow. That was jam backed. I still am waiting for imfo on Lindsey house. I was wondering if she bought it with Gus's support money?
Author's Response:
Hiya hope you are still with me...more Lindsay's house to come
Happy reading
Date: Dec 01, 2016 3:56 am Title: Chapter 37
I just want them to kick Lindsay to the curb for good. I don't understand ( well I do- the kids) they don't jsut tell her to leave- she's conniving, self centered and obviously doesn't care about the kids or Mel- with as much effort as she is putting ( or not putting into the marriage) she should just leave- but of course, her good little wasp ways would not look favorably on all the good food, and adventures and being a part of Brian's inner circle being taken away.
Author's Response:
Exactly, she knows how her nest is lined and she ain't giving that up. She's not willing to make sacrifices for the greater good, unlike Mel who's willing to give up her rights so her son can have his dad back. But they are going to get her out by being the one thing she's not...honest...but they have to be careful.
Hope you stay witih me to the end.
Date: Nov 30, 2016 8:56 pm Title: Chapter 36
Fantastic update! Linz just keeps digging and digging herself in a deeper grave, along with Mikey.
Love it, thanks for sharing!
Author's Response:
Indeed they do, who'd have thought that they love mud and worms so much.
Happy reading
Date: Nov 30, 2016 7:34 pm Title: Chapter 36
I was pretty surprised that Michael went and apologized. Love how they made him sweat it out though, then shut the door in his face. I could totally picture him wanting to, but not crossing his arms. The fact they kept Deb in the loop of it was funny as well. The fact that he's continuing to try with Hunter is pissing me off! ARG!! He's such a complete user. Cares about nobody but himself. His own daughter isn't even a high priority compared to his own wants and needs. I guess since she challenges him on so much now she's dropped in importance.
"Lindsey and Michael are fucking using a double headed dildo". I dearly died laughing reading that!! OMFG!! So frigging funny and Brian's reaction was spot on! I think anyone reading that had a complete look of horror on their faces and the concept! i know I did. Ted was brilliant in that scene. "Replay face" hehehe.
Love Jenny. Absolutely nothing gets by that girl. Sharp as a whip she is, especially for one so young. She doesn it on such a seemingly innocent way too. Neither Michael nor Lindsey ever seem to catch on that she's toally manipulating them, and the circumstances. hehehe. (Hank better stay on his toes....he's not going to be able to get away with ANYTHING!! lol) She remembered to lock up Mel's clothes just as Linsey was about to hit that. HA! foiled again. hehe.
the shadyside living arrangments are going to be interesting down the road. Again, something else to look forward to. As for Squirrel Hill...who does she have in mind for that? Leda? HAHA! That would be all kinds of brilliant!
I think that whether or not Lindsey new that they were the wedding wines or not, she wouldn't have cared. she's completely oblicious to anything that doesn't revolve around her or her wants. typical selfish and self entitled behaviour. She seemed apologetic, yet I tend to doubt her sincerity, especially seeing as it involves Zee.
Sooooooo...Lindsey is going to Toronto is she? Hmmm. curiouser and curiouser. Will we have more details about her house there by then? Very interested about that situation. So many of us are guessing...How long before everyone finds out about her suspention? Will they know before the toronto trip? I'm just so excited to find out what's happening, yet at the same time I love that you're prolonging everything. Parts of me doens't want this to end.
anticipating the next chapter!!
Author's Response:
Michael is lazy and spoilt, Debs has acknowledged that and needs to make good to get his own way, doesn't mean it as the arms twitching to be crossed showed and of course there's the little matter of Sarah's dad and stepdad who are non too pleased with him
Notice Lindsay always apologises to Faal first and tacks Zee on the end.
Jenny is rapier sharp, she's a Marcus after all, and not for nothing is anybody hurting who she loves. There is more schmoopiness for her and Hank pre-wedding, he has a little sister in Pittsburgh to visit right...
Toronto explanation and cliffy is coming up...
Happy reading
Date: Nov 30, 2016 3:21 pm Title: Chapter 1
I saw the explanation, I couldn't find the actual quote in the chapter
Author's Response:
Oh sorry doll gotcha. Near the beginning when Lydia is berating Lyndsay and just after Lyndsay says give me some credit...
Date: Nov 30, 2016 3:02 pm Title: Chapter 36
where was the quote from the outtake... I couldn't find the * so I could reread it
Author's Response:
In the info section end chapter notes, is the explanation for where it comes from
Author's Response:
In the info section end chapter notes, is the explanation for where it comes from
Date: Nov 30, 2016 5:53 am Title: Chapter 36
I want to remove Lindsay's stinger and ram it down her throat how dare she touch their Wedding Wines!
That Disrespectful, Conniving One Penny Heifer if I was Zee I would be grabbing that blonde hair and slinging her across the room then I would snap her freaking spine!!
What part of Priceless and Specifically Label did that whore not understand?
That goes on the list of grievances that will be beaten out of their Asses!!!
Zee is letting you stay in her home out of the goodness of her heart (Which Lindsay Doesn't Have and I Doubt She Ever Did!) and you are trying to let Michael stay over?
You love Michael so much stay at his place then!
Them going out trolling was cringe worthy I wonder who it was that thinks Michael is interesting? (I was hoping his collectibles got stolen lol)
So Lindsay is going to Toronto while Hunter is having another great achievement who is the jackass she is meeting and does Uncle Luc know yet?
Justin putting the scumbag in his place about trying to feel up Brian was Great, I like Justin protecting his fiancee and Jenny remembering to lock up the wardrobe before the Two-Ton Whore could get down there was hilarious!
Can't Wait For The Next Chapter :)
Author's Response:
Oh you are so going to love the next Chapter when Michael finds out his kissing tempting as it was to have his collectibles stolen this was a bit better.
She is indeed, he does indeed and that will come out as well as another piece putting-nose-out-of-joint news.
Jenny and Justin are on full protect mode for who they love...and woebetide anyone that gets in their way.
Happy reading
Date: Nov 30, 2016 3:20 am Title: Chapter 36
Best chapter title EVAH!!! I loathed Lindsay's character too and love seeing her WASPY ass get her comeupance almost more than I love seeing Mikey's whiney ass get his!
In response to what you replied from my earlier post, I loathed Lindsay from the first episode as well...almost from the first scene. All that Peter & Wendy shit just made me want to hurl. She SO wanted in his pants. And she had just given birth!!! What a HO!
I always liked Melanie & thought she and Brian had a mutal respect for one another so I really like anti-Lindsay stories with a likeable Melanie.
I am sooooo in love with this story & the fact that you update daily!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!!
Author's Response:
Thanks Kelly.
There's more getting for the gruesome twosome to come...heeheehee.
Yeah she makes me blench but not as much as Michael who consistently lied and puppy-dog-eyed his way through the series, ugh and shudder. And that custody battle...seethe! Especially when she went for 'martyrdom' in the hospital. And another thing...on a roll now...with their wedding Brian wanted to stay and she shoves him on the airplane! Off to type some more anti-Lindsay and Michael!
Happy reading
Date: Nov 30, 2016 2:09 am Title: Chapter 36
We now join "Return of the Turds" already in progress...
Soooooo Lindz will basically be exiling herself during Hunter and Luc's showing to basically save face from being suspended. Hmmm somehow I don't think it will work out quite like she's planning or if it does, I suppose we'll finally know who transfered the deed to Her Whorishness!! *evil grinning and rubbing hands* I truly cannot wait!!
Soooo Todd is married while Michael little egotistical ass isn't any longer. Good for Todd!!! And to find out that he's been in another country whilst Michael was (and still is) making a complete ASS of himself was just the icing on the cake. Somehow I wish he would have made fun of Verne's name while the man was in earshot. I got a vision from the 'BEND HIM' scene from "Men in Black II" that would have been perfect in that scenario, LMAO! In any event, it was good to see Michael and Lindz suffer for his inability to keep his stinking snarky-for-no-good-reason mouth shut.
As for the 'Wedding Wine' scene, Lindz REALLY needs her ass WHUPPED!! This just goes to prove how disrespectfu, jealous and entitled she is. I can't wait for what she did and does from this point forward to come to the light. I know that Brian is biding his time but she constantly hurts all of them with her thoughtlessness and then expects to be forgiven. I personally want to kick her in the throat for every denigrating word she utters and self-centered action she does. Every time she says 'Don't be Ridiculous' I want to make swiss cheese out of her voicebox and scalp the bitch bald. And then to have Ted- Tolerating Ted, as I like to call him- NOT like the heifer.... now THAT is saying a whole lot since he put up with loads of crap from Michael over the years!
Looking forward to MORE!!
WRITE On Nicole!
Author's Response:
The deed over the deed will come to light very soon, I promise.
Yeah dear Todd, it was only a brief visit to show Michael how people have moved on and grown up. Will have to find the bend him scene in MIBII to see what you are talking about, have to admit that MIB scared the bejeebers out of me, wimpish I know!
The wine selfishness comes back to bite them big time...hope you enjoyed it...and I got the sense that Ted was always more Mel's friend than Lindz and Michael's snark blows up big time when he calls Blake CT...
Off to write more.