Reviews For Bound By Fate.
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Reviewer: emac66 Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 19, 2016 9:03 pm Title: Chapter 8

Seems like that dinner was ver enlightneing for all! Monday should be interesting at work! Ooooooooh to be a fly on the wall in Brian's office. Having Hariient and Jen there is an added bonus. 

Molly is a joy! Love her to bits.

Daphne is gonna be on a tear! Holy crap! all who piss her off, malign her friends or get in her way had better watch their backs!

My heart is breaking........Seeing Brian so vulnerable here was brutal. I can see that his level of trust of Justin is huges allowing that part of him to be shown. the parallel between his father and Michael & Lindsey flayed me. I'm gutted. I can only hope that as time goes on, that vulnerability that he allows justin to see, will only strenthen him. That the truth he sees now, for what and who M&L really are, will cause him to put his foot down with them. 

The rest of that Sunday seems to have been lovely adn relaxing. Now they must brace themselves for Monday.

Author's Response:


The dinner did answer a lot of things.

Molly and Daphne are very loyal.

Justin will always be there for Brian. They belong together.

Monday will be enlightening.

More soon


~Lorie and Nichelle~

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 19, 2016 8:43 pm Title: Chapter 8

I would love to be a fly on the wall when they get to work and call the meeting that will end with a couple of firings.  When Cynthia finds out she'll probably make sure they are blacklisted.  With friends like Cynthia, Daphne and Harriet, Justin will come out of this all right.  Then you'll only have to take on Mikey and let us in on what Mel and Lindsay are planning.

Author's Response:


It will definitely be an interesting meeting.

A lot will be answered in the next couple of chapters.

More soon


~Lorie and Nichelle~

Reviewer: Jazzepoet Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 19, 2016 8:31 pm Title: Chapter 8


Author's Response:





~Lorie and Chelle~

Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 19, 2016 8:05 pm Title: Chapter 8

Molly is too fun and so down to earth.

Now, everybody knows and we just have to wait who will be down first. Laura or the best friends?o

Author's Response:


Molly is like her brother.

More soon


~Lorie and Nichelle~

Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 19, 2016 8:04 pm Title: Chapter 8

Oooooo some people are going to get it come Monday and I can't wait!! That is going to be one good chapter that I will probably read over and over again.

Now for Lindsay and Michael they are going to feel the wrath of one Justin Taylor, he is going to smack them both down so hard they are going to feel it for the rest of their lives. surprised Deb has been so quiet considering Brian is ignoring her precious baby?

I love the relationship between Brian and Justin it is full of love, companionship, mutual understanding, friendship and respect, they can each be strong and vulnerable without harsh judgment or fear of what they reveal being used against them.

I wonder if Jennifer and Justin are going to get back at Craig together since he wronged them both for years and he deserves a royal smack down just like the other idiots.

I wish the next chapter was up already the anticipation is going to drive me crazy lol

Thanks for the Wonderful Chapter :)

Author's Response:


Monday will definitely be a eye-opening day.

Karma may not always be fast but it will always come.

Their relationship is something everyone wishes they could have.

Karma, again

More soon


~Lorie and Nichelle~

Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 19, 2016 8:02 pm Title: Chapter 7

Lindsay is up for some payback time regarding Justin. She can be so sweet, it's sickening. I hope Mel's feedback will have a lasting effect.

So happy that Justin's mother was able to contact him and that she will be nice to him.

The gossiping is going to make some damage before it arrives to Brian.

Author's Response:


Lindsay will only listen up to a point. She is determined to get everything she wants.

Jen loves her son.

Things will escalate quickly.

More soon


~Lorie and Nichelle~

Reviewer: emac66 Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 19, 2016 6:44 pm Title: Chapter 7

GO MEL!! Yes!! While she may not like Brian, she knows the law. She also knows that if she and Lindsey want Brian toe father their kids, then Lindsey had better tow the line. I'm actually surprised that she's willing to have him do it adn even spoke of mroe than 1. Her perspective is refreshing and I'm looking forward to more from her.

Glad that Lindsey was brought down a peg or 2 particularly by her own wife. She definitely has something to think about now. Will she take it to heart though? Will she continute to rock the boat or will she learn to keep her trap shut. I can't see her maintaining any semblence of accpetance for any length of time. Her frustration, anger adn bitterness are far too real for her to hold in for long.

Laura is a C-word! she's going to dig her own grave sooner rather than later. I'd say if she keeps this up, but we all know she's going to anyway. :) At some point all this shit will come back to her, and I look forward to her downfall. she'll be gtting it from all ends too. Not justBrian adn Justinm but from Harriet too! Harriet obviously rules with an iron fist and all who question or challenge her and better run for cover. Yup...I see Laura's demise will be a glorious thing for us to behold.

So I know Lindsey wants Brian's child adn I mentioned my surprise at Mel's compliance in this. I get the feeling however that Lindsey's motives are more underhanded. I mean we know she wants Brian and all. Hell even Mel knows she does, but are there other reasons?  what is her plan exactly or is it as straighforward as just wanting brians' sperm? Her apology was as phony as my hair colour. Loved the "simpering" you used, as that's exactly how I envisioned it. Yup, hse was able to maintain her facade, but her controled anger will soon come out once again. Will she heed Brian's warning or will she assume that "he really doesn't mean it...."

Nice picnic time for the boys. giving Brian back some simple innocent enjoyment that he never had growing up. It's the simple things in life that wuite often give us the most enjoyment and Justin is reminding him of this fact.

I guess the dinner is up next. Hopefully all goes well.

anticipating the next chapter!!



Author's Response:



Mel does know the law and she also knows the real reason that Lindsay is pissed. Whether she listens or not, we will see.

Laura certainly is that.

Karma will be very busy soon.

Justin's wish is to make Brian happy and to do his best to repair what was done to his lover during his life.

More soon


~Lorie and Nichelle~

Reviewer: emac66 Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 19, 2016 6:24 pm Title: Chapter 6

Dear lord........Michael and Lindsey are unbelivable! I wanted to reach through the screen and strangle them both! Thank goodness Justin is of such strong stock! Ever the WASP! He certainly gave back as much as they did. They yelled out completely libelous comments, and he spoke with authority adn fortitude.

So, I have to admist, when I saw the BDSM tab, I was not expecting Justin to initiate it! WOW! Understandable considering his previous experience, and I can also see it for Brian. Having to take control on a daily basis in so many aspects of his life, to have the ability to let go and allow justin to take control must be in many ways so liberating. Different and perhaps difficult in ways, but liberating none the less. I can't see Brian completely giving the control over to justin on a permanent basis. I forsee much mutual "give and take" in the future. :)

glad they've taken this step. will make for an interesting realtionship



Author's Response:



The idiots comments will be delt with soon.

Their relationship will be one of caring, and one that Brian needs.

It will definitely be an interesting ride.

More soon 


~Lorie and Nichelle~

Reviewer: Tagsit Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 19, 2016 10:17 am Title: Chapter 6

Very hot. TAG

Author's Response:



What else would our boys be together?

More soon


~Lorie and Chelle~

Reviewer: eureka1 Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 19, 2016 9:14 am Title: Chapter 5

I love Harriet Bartier - my kind of kickass woman!

The hot, sexy times between Justin and Brian were delish. The boys play so well togther. 😋

I sure hope Laura's scheming comes to naught. She can't be too bright if she's trying to ride Harlan's coattails. Ugh. And then there's Dumb and Dumber. You've had me in stitches, with Justin taking down Brian's 'best friend' stalkers. LOLOL

Author's Response:



Glad you're enjoying our story. 

The boys are always hot together.

Karma has a lot of work coming up, just wait and see.

Like Justin said, he never lied, they didn't ask if Brian was there, just tried to order Justin around.

More soon


~Lorie and Nichelle~

Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 19, 2016 2:50 am Title: Chapter 7

Just read all seven chapters and I do love this story Brian and Justin are just so Beautiful together and now that Justin has made it his mission to keep anyone from hurting Brian I think it is just going to get better.

Lindsay is just as delusional as Michael to think that she has any say in what Brian does or who he us with is her dreaming.

Laura is so screwing herself (And not in a life affirming way)  cause Harriet is going to destroy her and enjoy doing it (I just hope it is in public so she will feel it FOREVER).

So Mel and Lindsay want Brian to father their children and of course sign over his rights while also paying for the kid/kids, think they are going to be quite pleasantly surprised when they get ready to ask him.

Michael is an idiot with a high opinion of himself and his suppose new friends that only they believe, but probably don't live by because they are two faced hypocrites.

I can't wait for Michael, Lindsay, Craig and Laura to get what they deserve. I want them to feel the pain for decades lol

Author's Response:


The boys are perfect for each other and they always have each others backs.

As for the rest of the 'I am better than everyone' bunch, they will find out that Karma is a real bitch.

So happy you are enjoying this story.

More soon


~Lorie and Nichelle~

Reviewer: SunshineSally Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 19, 2016 1:48 am Title: Chapter 7

Urgh, why did I read this update? I have been trying to hold back and not catch up so that I had something exciting to read, NOW I AM ALL CAUGHT UP, AND DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO! I really despise Lindsay, she is a manipulative little bitch. I kind of wished she saw them make out in the car, but then that would have ruined what you have planned lol. But ugh, she needs to leave him the fuck alone. 

I love that despite what they have going on, that Brian still tops sometimes, and that he can satisfy Justin when he needs or wants to :)


Author's Response:



Lindsay has reasons for what she's doing, they will become clear later.

They are both versatile and enjoy sharing positions.

More soon


~Lorie and Chelle~

Reviewer: SunshineSally Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 19, 2016 1:23 am Title: Chapter 6

I have to admit, at first, I was like wtf, Brian wouldn't just sit there and let them talk shit to him and most especially not Justin - but the more I read on, the more I GOT it. His past explains a lot. And MY god, I started this not knowing this was going to be a D/S fic. I didn't read the tags. I just knew with you two it would be awesome. SO HAPPY :)

Author's Response:



You need to trust us. We take care of our boys.

Someone's past can affect how they respond to things, shutting down is a way of coping. 


~Lorie and Chelle~

Reviewer: SunshineSally Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 19, 2016 1:00 am Title: Chapter 5

YES! Finally, they did it!!!! I'm so happy that Brian was Justin's first. I hope things don't get too complicated for them.

Fucking Michael and Lindsay and ew, now Laura has overheard them opening their big fat mouths :( They're going to make Justin's life hell, I can tell.

That fucking  Craig Taylor. I really hope he gets what's coming to him. And that Justin can get back his relationship with his mom and Molly. 

Author's Response:



Michael , Lindsay and Laura will be dealt a nice dose of Karma.

Keep reading, Jen and Molly will be there soon.

More soon


~Lorie and Chelle~

Reviewer: Jazzepoet Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 19, 2016 1:00 am Title: Chapter 7

Can I slap the hell out of Laura? She is becoming quite the pain.

Author's Response:



We are working on that right now.


More soon


~Lorie and Chelle~

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 19, 2016 12:35 am Title: Chapter 7

Harriet is rapidly becoming a favorite of mine.  I'm glad to see my assumption that Jennifer believed Craig's lies were wrong.  I wonder what excuse he used for Jennifer's leaving him?  Mel gave Lindsay some good advice, which I hope that Brian will catch on to.  I'm assuming this means that there will be no Jenny Rebecca in the future.  Why is Mel so insistant that Brian be the father?  Is she doing that just to please Lindsay?  I wish that Brian wasn't so forgiving.  Nice to know that if Justin decides to go after Mikey, the security camera in the diner will come in handy.  Unless Deb wipes the tape?  No, she wouldn't do that would she?

Author's Response:


Craig will not really factor much into the rest of the story.

This story is AU and there will be no Gus or Jenny Rebecca.

Mel and Lindsay motives will be revealed later, they do have one.

Brian may be forgiving but he will also be very cautious in the future.

The security camera footage is not kept onsite.

More soon


~Lorie and Chelle~


Reviewer: Qaf4Lyfe Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 18, 2016 11:36 pm Title: Chapter 6

Didn't know this was a sub and Dom kind of fic lol I really can't see Brian as a sub lol its different....... its really hot seeing Brian as a sub though 

Author's Response:

Hey Tasha,

Brian as a sub is definitely HOT but more than that this is a very different type of D/s fic. Stay tuned. We promise we won't disappoint you!

More Soon!

~Lorie and Nichelle~

Reviewer: LauraB725 Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 18, 2016 8:26 pm Title: Chapter 6

Always love a strong, in charge, take no bullshit Justin most especially when he's defending Brian against that story excuse for a "family"! Justin being the dominant in a D/s relationship with Brian is a very sexy thing 😋. This chapter was very hot and tender at the same time and I'm definitely excited to read more!

Author's Response:

Hello Laura!

We love writing this side of Justin.

Thank you so much for the compliment to our work!

More Soon!

~Lorie and Nichelle~ 

Reviewer: Jazzepoet Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 18, 2016 7:53 pm Title: Chapter 6

Sookie Sookie now! This just keeps getting better. Now let’s see if Lindz and Mikey take heed to Justin's warning.

Author's Response:

So glad you are enjoying this, JP! 

Michael and Lindsay are what is termed as 'hard-learners.' It will be interesting to see how Justin's warning was taken.

More Soon!

~Lorie and Nichelle~

Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 18, 2016 7:36 pm Title: Chapter 6

Very well written chapter, but it felt weird; I know it's AU, but I'm not used to read about Brian lost and not in control in front of his "friends". Nevertheless, he is safe with Justin and it's the most important thing.

Can't wait for the next meeting with the leeches.

Author's Response:

Hey Claire,

Brian would usually shut down in the face of his friends' criticisms and then basically escape into the land of boys and booze. With Justin there, he learned that there was a better alternative.

More Soon!

~Lorie and Nichelle~

Reviewer: SunshineSally Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 18, 2016 7:19 pm Title: Chapter 4

Awww, Brian is secretly (and now, not so secretly) a board game nerd, I love that!!!!! And what he did for Daphne, omg!

Author's Response:



Brian loves to do things that make him think, unfortunately most of the 'family' are not able to be any kind of challenge for him.

Brian needs to be needed and helping others makes him feel better about himself.


~Lorie and Chelle~


Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 18, 2016 7:13 pm Title: Chapter 6

An in charge Justin.  I like.  When did Justin have time to get into the BDSM world?  I'd like to think that if Ted had been there Justin wouldn't have been the only one taking up for Brian.  I'm hoping like hell that Justin does take legal action against those two sorry excuses of friends.  I panic everytime I see The End...Maybe? 

Author's Response:

Hey Phyllis,

As for Justin's foray into BDSM, you have to figure that if he was a hustler, he would have been exposed to a great many things. Also since he spent time in the library, where he was toying with the programs for his (now) job, research into loads of things were available. 

Ted definitely would have aided Brian with Michael and Lindsay's verbal attack but thank goodness Justin was there for him. 

It's definitely wonderful to think the idea of this ending so soon causing you a smidge of panic. But don't worry, there will be much satisfaction to be had before that happens.

More Soon!

~Lorie and Nichelle~

Author's Response:


Justin had a couple of regulars who were into BDSM. They taught him the basics and Justin learned more hiding out at the library.

Ted would also have defended Brian, just not to the extent that Justin did.

There are at least 3 more chapters. 'The End...Maybe?' comment is something that is only showing up on one of the 'skins'. Working on removing it, it doesn't belong there.

More soon


~Lorie and Nichelle~

Reviewer: SunshineSally Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 18, 2016 7:03 pm Title: Chapter 3

Justin and Brian's relationship in this is so gorgeous, it's flirty and fun and hopefully will be heading towards something more soon. But if not, I love the flirty banter they have going on between them.

Laura, ha, I actually laughed when Murph put her in her place, and ew, she is fucking her father in law? Dirty skank.

Michael, oy, he really needs to let Brian go and live his life. But he wont. Needy fucker lol.

Author's Response:



No matter what Brian and Justin will always be attracted to each other. The way they flirt is just a natural progression of that attraction.

Laura uses whatever she has to in order to get ahead.

To Michael's way of thinking Brian 'owes' him because he was able tocome to Michael's house to escape his own home life.


~Lorie and Chelle~

Reviewer: Tagsit Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 18, 2016 3:55 am Title: Chapter 5

Uh oh, I think that Laura is going to be trouble. TAG

Author's Response:



She'll be trouble but Karma's a bitch.

More soon


~Lorie and Chelle~

Author's Response:



She'll be trouble but Karma's a bitch.

More soon


~Lorie and Chelle~

Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 17, 2016 8:24 pm Title: Chapter 5

Lindsay and Michael visiting and buzzing: good thing all is happening in Justin's apartment so there is no light in Brian's loft. Justin putting them in their places and shutting them down is funny. I wish they pushed a little too much and ended by the police station.

Brian and Justin have amazing sex and they also spend time to share so many other things.

Harriet really is an impressive person: she didn't believe Craig and knows Justin is gay and talented. She is aware of many things regarding her husband, son and future daughter in law, Laura, the pest. The same who wasn't aware of Justin's past until the malevolent duo of friend/best friend came to Kinnetik to invade Brian's space.

Can't wait to read how the shit will hit the fan and how Brian will react.

Author's Response:


Justin is having fun with this, like he said, they never asked if Brian was with him or if Justin even knew him.

The boys are made for each other.

Things will get interesting to say the least.

More soon


~Lorie and Nichelle~

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