Date: Jan 29, 2023 9:41 am Title: Chapter 17 ~ One Big Happy Family…
Michael is a child who refuses to admit that his behavior isn't so charming now that he is nearly thirty-five, Deb stating away from Michael for a few weeks is probably a goid thing he can't manipulate anyone at the hospital so perhaps he can finally Ser that he needs to stop his childish behavior.
I mean Gus is more Matt than him and he is six.
Mel moving out of the house and finding a new place to live is a smart move and will make it easier for her to start again.
Justin should alert the Dean that he is being bullied by his professor because that is what he is doing, Justin isn't asking to be treated differently because of his injuries but he is expected to treated like a student who is eager to learn.
Perhaps the professor is jealous because Justin has more talent than he does and will be quite successful, after Justin does have a showing at The Bloom Gallery in a few months?
Emmett shouldn't feel guilty about his burgeoning relationship with Ben after all Michael tossed Ben and Hunter aside without a backwards glance in his quest to be with Brian.
Michael does hate when others touch his toys not realizing that these are actual people not actions figures.
Not surprised Gus is upset about Lindsay but he is not letting her leaving get him down he is quite a resilient little boy.
Leda working for Kinnectic could be good for her she is ready to start fresh and yet still enjoy her independence in her work.Ted forgot to tell Brian and Justin about Pierre that was quite a shocking phone call to get, Brian has every reason to be over protective of his family and to do whatever he can to keep them as safe as he can.

Date: Jan 28, 2023 8:07 pm Title: Chapter 16 ~ Home Sweet Home…
Michael not being happy that life is moving on for everyone else while he is stuck in prison is not surprising, he can't stand anyone being more happy than him and it's all because he threw his happiness away on a Never Gonna Happen.
Ben and Emmett are going to enjoy Puerto Rico.
Ted is going to enjoy when Jerry comes back.
Glad that Mel is being nice about sharing custody with Brian and Justin the !ore love Gus had the more he won't feel so sad about his Mommy not being around anymore.
Gus isn't down for long because he is such a happy child despite all the changes in his life.
Everyone is having an interesting week

Date: Jan 28, 2023 7:41 pm Title: Chapter 15 ~ Mr. and Mr. Taylor-Kinney
Ethan just learned that Brian is not one to underestimate.
Understandable that Mel is a bit hesitant to start a relationship with Leda, but she has to stop comparing the past to the present, after all Lindsay made a commitment and still she cheated and left.
No one knows what the future holds but it doesn't mean Mel and Leda have to rush into a relationship either.
Ben and Enmity finally moved their relationship to the next level and it was Fantastic for both of them.
Michael threw away Ben and Hunter to hold onto his fantasy so his opinion really doesn't matter anymore.
Besides no should be afraid to live their out if fear that it will upset Michael the world does not revolve around him.
Lindsay is having retreat about rushing into marriage with Sam?
Color Me Shocked!!
She wanted a life of privilege and wealth and she got why sitting on the sidelines while life passes her by.
Lindsay may think her life would have been better as Mrs. Brian Kinney but she knows Brian would never marry her despite her dreams.

Date: Jan 28, 2023 7:14 pm Title: Chapter 14 ~ ~ To Have and To Hold
It is nice that Ben and Emmitt are taking things slow getting to know each other let their feelings for each grow, no need to rush if they really want to build a lasting relationship .
Lindsay actually signed away her rights to Gus and JR and gave up access to the bank accounts and her part ownership of the house.
Guess she finally got what she really wanted recognition for being the arm candy of someone famous.
What a Thrill!!
Too bad she still avoided explaining Mel why she did it.
I don't think Lindsay actually knows what love is?
Didn't take Michael long to go off the rails once he was told Brian is marrying Justin, not taking his medication doesn't help either because he wants his fantasy.
Maybe Deb should stop visiting hi.got awhile?
Brian and Justin had such a romantic wedding just what they both unwanted sorry Gus couldn't be there to witness it but his questions were cute.

Date: Jan 28, 2023 6:28 pm Title: Chapter 13 ~ Don’t Lie To Me!
Lindsay may have closed the door to getting back with Mel but it seems Mel never fully closed the door to getting back with Leda....Interesting
Lindsay's cowardice has cost her more than she realizes and it is exactly what she deserves for being so selfish.
When Brian told Lindsay to get her needs met he didn't mean lie about it or hurt others in the process.
Ted has really found his confidence working with Brian and perhaps he has found someone special too?
Justin shouldn't have lied about Ethan being at the hotel but now that they have faced that hurdle they can move past Ian and continue to communicate so that thus won't happen again.
Brian is getting Vetter at finding ways to.handle his anger instead of drinking and tricking.
Justin has always been a better friend to Brian because he sees all his flaws and accepts his Perfect Imperfections because they make Brian Aiden Taylor-Kinney the man Just loves completely.

Date: Jan 28, 2023 6:05 pm Title: Chapter 12 ~ Surprise!
Lindsay is dreaming if she thinks she was last longer than the last Mrs. Auerbach, Sam gets bored so easily and gets distracted even quicker than that.
Brian is smart to get Lindsay to sign over het rights to Gus to Justin she made her choir when she left without saying goodbye to Gus , so she doesn't get to play Mommy when playing Sam's wife isn't as exciting as being his whore.
Thank Goodness Brian didn't drive k Justin gave him a better way to channel his anger.
Lindsay may think she is being a grown up but she is playing high school games with grown up consequences she can't see coming.
Mel is going to be so devastated to find out Lindsay married Sam.
Not to mention how Gus will feel once he finds out his Mommy isn't coming back.
Justin should really tell Brian who.he was talking to and who kissed him starting a marriage with lies isn't such a good start.

Date: Jan 28, 2023 5:18 pm Title: Chapter 11 ~ I Hear It’s Your Birthday!
Lindsay practically busted an ovary to have a child he with Brian (Lets Be Honest Mel was just the stand in) and the first chance she gets she leaves Gus behind yo be with Sam Auerbach?
Nasty Cow!!!
Since she wanted Brian to have his full rights (Big Tip Off There) then she has no say anymore how Brian and Justin raise their son.
Brian did a great job of giving Justin a birthday he will never forget actually am glad Michael and Lindsay weren't there, they would have pouted and tried to ruin the celebration especially when they found put Brian and Justin were leave to get married.
Mel.has every right to be upset with how Lindsay handled everything in such a cowardly fadhion.
She can whore around for weeks with Sam but she can't tell Mel she wants out?
Selfish Whore!!!
May Sam be happy with Lindsay because she will regret her actions and she won't be forgiven.

Date: Jan 28, 2023 4:25 pm Title: Chapter 10 ~ Love is in the Air…
Lindsay is one Selfish Cow!!
Is Sam really that good at sex that she is willing to walk away from her wife and kids?
Pierre finally got fired after being a creepy stalker towards Justin doesn't mean he is going to stop though.
Michael is like in day camp where he is now and if he is smart he will listen to lawyer and do what he can.
Deb is dreaming if she thinks Brian and Justin will ever forgive Michael.
Emmett and Ben are spending the night together. Yesss!!!
Mel.is not my favorite person but even she doesn't deserve to be treated like this.
Brian is going to be Royally Ticked when he finds out what Lindsay has done to Gus.

Date: Jan 28, 2023 3:44 pm Title: Chapter 9 ~ Property of Brian Kinney…
Lindsay and Sam having sex? Eresse
My Eyes!! My Eyes!!!!
How Gross!!!
Pierre is a stalker and needs to be put away before he hurts someone.
Even if Justin doubts this instincts he should never doubt Brian's instincts because he is good at reading people.... Well most people anyway.
Michael refuses to grasp the extent of the damage he did to the loft and Justin's paintings, he knows what he did but refuses to acknowledge it to hold onto his fantasy.
Ben and Emmett have potential and even if it doesn't work out they still have a solid friendship.
Ted may want to protect Emmett but st the end of the day it is really Emmett and Ben's choice whay happens next.
Mel should really listen to her instincts concerning Lindsay.

Date: Jan 28, 2023 3:03 pm Title: Chapter 8 ~ Unrequited Love…
It is understandable that Melons frustrated with Lindsay she is tired for being the placeholder until Lindsay gets her fantasy life with Brian.
Not surprised Brian called Lindsay what he did that was one night Brian will Never Relive or even thinks about.
Lindsay may have repeat looping of that one night with Brain but it isn't even a blimp on his radar, a meaningless lay is still a meaningless lay despite it being male or female.
Brian wasted his time going to see Michael because Michael wants the fantasy of Brian loving and taking care of him, not the reality which he knows deep.down in his heart is that he never stood a chance with Brian.
So Lindsay is cheating on Mel with Sam Auerbach?
Well I guess any Rick will do since she will Never have Brian's again.
Mel.is going to flip her lid when she finds this out.
Glad that Emmett and Ben are going to cheer Hunter on at his swim meet and maybe flirt a little too?

Date: Jan 28, 2023 2:29 pm Title: Chapter 7 ~ Try A Little Help From My Friends…
Seems Lindsay is going down the wanting to be Mrs. Brian Kinney spiral Michael is and soon she may be out of her home too.
Lindsay's jealousy is eating away at her the same way it did Michael, she loves her fantasy world and doesn't want Justin to get what she would never get.
Maybe Mel should just cut her loses?
Emmett wanting a shot with Ben isn't such a bad thing they both know what they are getting and if the disease doesn't scare Emmett then what's wrong with a little flirtation?
Pierre is going to be a potential problem?

Date: Jan 28, 2023 1:36 pm Title: Chapter 6 ~ Psycho Killer Qu'est-ce que c'est…
Deb sees the damage Michael did to Brian and Justin's loft the destruction he left in his wake out of anger and jealousy.
Mel is right to get JR away from Michael he wished Justin dead he is safely insane.
He knows exactly what he was doing and still he lives in denial about his actions .
Brian and Justin getting their home fixed up do they can move in soon is a good distraction .
How stupid could Michael be to bring a hammer with his name on it and use the security code to enter and leave.
It's like he was begging to get caught.
What a Truly Dumb Criminal!!!
Date: Jan 28, 2023 12:53 pm Title: Chapter 5 ~ A Change is Gonna Come…
Michael You Unbelievable A-Hole!!!!
By doing this does he think Brian will come running into his arms?
Michael isn't even in the same league as Justin so how would he be an asset to Brian?
He can't even handle running a comic bookstore much less being a partner in a advertising firm.
If it dot come in comic book form then won't understand anything.
Sending Brian and Justin into A tailspin by ransacking the loft will not guarantee Brian will be his.

Date: Jan 28, 2023 12:29 pm Title: Chapter 4 ~ Sweet Home Chicago…
Michael really is quite a petulant baby he won't rather shine then try to fix his mistakes.
Brian can't always be the bank everyone runs to when they need saving from their own stupidity, especially when with one breath they call him an asshole and the next they are buggy hi to fix their problems.
Brian Mau want to help his friend but Michael needs to figure out his own life instead of waiting and expecting everyone to do all the heavy lifting while he reaps the awards.
I don't even think Brian should pay for Michael to attend it would be a waste of time and money.

Date: Jan 28, 2023 12:02 pm Title: Chapter 3 ~ Going for Broke…
Michael was right it was way more important to to to some Comic Von and buy more toys than it was to pay rent on his store.
Brian had some really good suggestions but considering everything it wouldn't have helped Michael anyway.
Michael just assuming that Brian will give him money without him needing to pay it back is absurd, Brian doesn't work as hard as he does to keep throwing money at Michael every time he has his hands out.
Michael working at the diner is a good thing for Deb it gives her more time with her Precious Baby.
Good that Brian and Justin are out of time they need some time away from Michael and his endless drama.

Date: Jan 28, 2023 11:37 am Title: Chapter 2 ~ The More Things Change the More They Stay the Same…
Deb blaming Brian for Michael ruining his relationship with Ben is so shocking.
Deb really is an emotional bully who loves pointing others faults but the moment they start pointing out her own she gets louder and points her fake finger nail at them.
It is easy to point a finger when you ignore you own way is at fault for how your child turned out, blaming Brian for Michael not growing up and facing responsibility is laughing since her way of handling life is avoiding the problems or foisting it on Brian to carry.
Everyone spends way too much time placating Michael instead of forcing him to face his own mistakes, he isn't a child anymore and it way past time he grew up.
Justin wanting to go back to school is a good thing he has too much talent to waste on just a comic book.
Brian and Justin looking for a home that is just them is good for too long the loft has been like Grand Central Station for some people, they need a place that is just them and not for certain members of the family to invade whenever they want.

Date: Jan 28, 2023 11:05 am Title: Chapter 1 ~ The Offer Still Stands
Started reading it over again.
Michael acting like a Jealous Housewife?
For Real?
Well color me surprised he has been acting that way since Justin showed up and it hasn't actually stopped.
He us so jealous that Justin was able to do what he couldn't get Brian Siren Kinney to fall in love.
Ben should Gey out now next Michael will never stop pursuing or waiting for Brian to fall in love with him, besides Ben can do much better that Michael and who wants to be a placeholder for a man who still lives for a hand job that will never be completed.
Brian having a nightmare and coming to realize who is really important to him is just the wake up he needed.
Brian finally ready to be with Justin is the best start for both of them.
Date: Oct 20, 2022 4:22 pm Title: Chapter 27 ~ Gorgeous Men and Sandy Beaches…
Just re-reading. Is this abandoned?
Date: May 24, 2021 3:53 am Title: Chapter 27 ~ Gorgeous Men and Sandy Beaches…
love it. cant wait for next chapter
Date: Jul 04, 2020 5:32 pm Title: Chapter 27 ~ Gorgeous Men and Sandy Beaches…
Just read this one again and was so in hopes it was finished. Great story and great writing.
Any chance if this one getting finished? Would love to see further punishment of the the idiots (Michael and Lynds).
Would also be great to see Brian and Justin expand the family.
Looking forward to more chapters and a finale.

Date: May 19, 2020 11:09 am Title: Chapter 27 ~ Gorgeous Men and Sandy Beaches…
I have taken the opportunity during lockdown to revisit some favourite stories. I love this story but am sad to see it is still incomplete. Any chance this will ever be updated? I would so love to read of more punishment for Michael and Lindsay - justice needs to be served to the full extent of the law with these two morons! So many possibilities await I'm sure :-)
Date: Aug 06, 2018 6:30 am Title: Chapter 22 ~ Please Don’t Judge Me…
Lindsay would NEVER be around my son again, she was willing to sell him, nope no way. Brian is just asking to have her betray him again.
Author's Response: Lindsay... What can I say, run, run away as fast as you can! Hugs Hon ~ Kathleen

Date: Sep 11, 2016 4:24 am Title: Chapter 7 ~ Try A Little Help From My Friends…
Deb in some way is to blame for this happening if she had just learned to let Michael grow up, instead of cleaning his messes, then turning around and blaming Brian for everything Michael did then this wouldn't have happened.
She and Michael put conditions on their relationship with Brian and because he was so desperate to loved he allowed them to get away with their whiny behavior, and how does his best friend repay everything Brian has done for him?
He trashes the loft to the point that it isn't even livable and ruins Brian's ring for Justin out of shear spite, jealousy, pettiness and envy, no surprise he actually expects Brian to forgive, forget and bail him out just like always.
Lindsay is another person who is being petty because Justin is getting what she never will from Brian, I am surprised Daphne didn't try to put Lindsay in her place I bet it would have been funny.
Back into the story I go ;)
Author's Response: Yes, Debbie being the overprotective mother, always smothering Michael and making excuses has turned him into a weak, whiny, insecure weasel. Brian was willing to protect Michael in exchange for a safe haven growing up, but like all children he needs to cut the apron strings showing his independence. Michael acting out with his childish jealousy of Justin, will haunt him for years to come. But we all know, he's never been one to think before he acts... Oh I like the idea of a cat fight between Daphne and Lindsay, but it's probably a little late for this fic, but maybe it will work perfectly in 'Just Kiss Me'... Yep, I like that idea... Hugs Sweetheart ~ Kathleen

Date: Sep 11, 2016 1:21 am Title: Chapter 4 ~ Sweet Home Chicago…
Michael is such an idiot and he is so abusive to Brian when he doesn't get his way, just happy that Brian and Justin got to have some fun away from the drama for a few days.
I would like to see Justin standing up more for Brian not letting Michael and Deb continue to run roughshod so much.
Author's Response: Brian's patience is wearing thin... The look out! Hugs Hon ~ Kathleen

Date: Sep 08, 2016 2:00 am Title: Chapter 27 ~ Gorgeous Men and Sandy Beaches…
What a lovely time spent on Fire Island.
Author's Response: If only I was a gay man, on vacation on Fire Island. Just think of all the trouble I could get into... Hugs Hon ~ Kathleen