Date: Sep 05, 2016 9:22 pm Title: Chapter 4 ~ Sweet Home Chicago…
I think that was a fantastic solution... fully funded education. and the "it was good enough for Justin" was a great touch
Author's Response: If only Michael would actually take Brian up on his offer, but that would require dedication and work... Later Darling ~ Kathleen

Date: Sep 05, 2016 9:20 pm Title: Chapter 3 ~ Going for Broke…
Poor stupid Michael. Buying things with money that should have gone to his rent. Then leaving them at the store. He was assistant manager at the Big Q so he does have some skills, he just needs to use them.
Author's Response: "Poor stupid Michael." Yep, that pretty much sums it all up... Hugs Hon ~ Kathleen
Date: Sep 05, 2016 9:11 pm Title: Chapter 15 ~ Mr. and Mr. Taylor-Kinney
I'm so happy for Emmett and Ben.
I wonder how Gus will react to living with Brian and Justin...I hope he's happy.
Lindsay and Michael deserve each other. lol
Author's Response: I hope Gus is happy too, I think he will be... ~ Kathleen

Date: Sep 05, 2016 9:03 pm Title: Chapter 2 ~ The More Things Change the More They Stay the Same…
Isn't it just like Deb to blame Brian for the wrongs in her son's life. She never let Michael take responsibilty so this is what happens. At least Emmett sees what's happening for what it is.
Author's Response: Debbie needs to accept that she's raised a whiny, irresponsible, and as Brian says pathetic brat... Hugs ~ Kathleen
Date: Sep 05, 2016 8:57 pm Title: Chapter 3 ~ Going for Broke…
Michael is so dense... he went to Florida when he has no money?????
Author's Response: Typical... No ones even accused him of being smart... Hugs Darling ~ Kathleen
Date: Sep 05, 2016 8:50 pm Title: Chapter 14 ~ ~ To Have and To Hold
Yeah they are married!!!!
Author's Response: I know! Sweet! Hugs Hon ~ Kathleen

Date: Sep 05, 2016 8:23 pm Title: Chapter 1 ~ The Offer Still Stands
This was one of the episodes that had me wondering what the writers are thinking. You carried it a step further showing us what michael could developed into if they'd just had the nerve.
Author's Response: There were a few of those moments from Cowlip, but that just gives us fanfic writers a chance to explore it a little further... Hugs Darling ~ Kathleen
Date: Sep 05, 2016 8:22 pm Title: Chapter 13 ~ Don’t Lie To Me!
Ethan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I swear I want to punch him.
Poor Brian. My heart was breaking for him when he thought he was losing Justin. I'm so glad he's making Lindsay sign her rights over to Justin. Now they can be a real family all the time.
Author's Response: "I swear I want to punch him." You and Brian too... It is heart wrenching to see Brian in so much pain... Later Darling ~ Kathleen
Date: Sep 05, 2016 7:49 pm Title: Chapter 11 ~ I Hear It’s Your Birthday!
Oh, that was so perfect!!!!
I do hope Gus can live with them too. I love their little family.
Author's Response: Thanks so much! ~ Kathleen
Date: Sep 05, 2016 6:51 pm Title: Chapter 2 ~ The More Things Change the More They Stay the Same…
I can't believe Debbie... she should know the truth of how it really is!!!
Author's Response: She's an ostrich with her head in the sand... Later Darling ~ Kathleen
Date: Sep 05, 2016 6:39 pm Title: Chapter 1 ~ The Offer Still Stands
I thought I had read this before,but for some reason this didn't jog my memory...
Guess I know what I'm doing tonight!!! :)
Author's Response: Thanks for reading Darling ~ Hugs Kathleen
Date: Sep 05, 2016 4:56 pm Title: Chapter 8 ~ Unrequited Love…
Love bottom Brian!
I'm very interested in a Emmett/Ben pairiing.
Author's Response: Brian's loving it too... Hugs ~ Kathleen
Date: Sep 05, 2016 2:40 pm Title: Chapter 5 ~ A Change is Gonna Come…
Michael!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, he's so going to regret everything he has ever done.
Poor Justin and Brian. It's just things but I know how violated they must feel. And it's obvious Justin is still suffering from PTSD. Can't wait to see what happens in the next chapter.
Author's Response: He is so immature, but he can't think he'll actually get away with it... Hugs Hon ~ Kathleen
Date: Sep 05, 2016 2:28 pm Title: Chapter 4 ~ Sweet Home Chicago…
I'm glad they had such a nice time in Chicago. I'm getting worried about Justin though, is he really just exhausted from the trip or is something else going on?
I have no use for Michael. Brian is being a much better friend than he deserves. I'm still upset with how Debi reacted. He's a grown man, let him fight his own battles.
Author's Response: Chicago is the prefect romantic vacation, just what they needed. Brian always gives so much more than he gets. He keeps hoping Michael will change and be the friend he's always claims to be... Later Darling ~ Kathleen