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Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 11, 2025 7:28 pm Title: Chapter 13 ~ Don’t Lie To Me!

I had briefly thought of Ethan who was talking to Justin. But with the kiss, I thought: 'Nah, Justin would have pushed him away' - either that or Brian would have recognized him. For Brian to admit to not recognizing him, I find that a little unbelievable. Brian must have that greasy head imprinted on his brain.

Michael - schizophrenic? Doesn't sound impossible. But a lot of that, I attribute to Debbie, and at least, Debbie is realizing her hand in it.

You go, Ted! So happy you have a new - HOT - love interest for Ted. He deserves it.

Lindsay! I'm still angry. And her thought: why she didn’t want him in her life anymore. I hope she gets what she deserves. Totally alone and in the gutter.

Finally, Leda's back! Why to go!!!

VERY good chapter.

<3 Cathy

Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 11, 2025 5:45 pm Title: Chapter 12 ~ Surprise!

OMG! What's going on with Justin? I know whatever it is, it's innocent, but Brian is not the person to be on the other end and stay quiet. I hope he listens and doesn't explode. But I just can't think of a logical reason right now. Unless Emmett set them up with someone at the lodge.

What Brian said: how long do you think it will be before he’s sleeping around? Lindsay's more delusional than I thought. How many years has she believed she could be Mrs. Brian Kinney? Delusional... she thought she could change a gay man.

What's going to happen when Sam has a show, and Lindsay has to watch him "Working" the crowd? Or maybe he won't even allow her to be there? I'm sure he meets fans there and has a quickie.

It's a good thing Brian mentioned her rights going to Justin. Because when she has to come home, there will be nobody for her to come home to. Lindsay has cooked her goose.

I'm so glad Justin had the forethought to call Debbie and have her go over to Mel's and tell her in person. At least if she wants to escape to her bedroom, Deb will be there with the kids.

As far as Gus, I hope telling him will wait until Brian and Justin get back and the three of them tell him together. Maybe Mel and the kids can go out and stay at the mansion for a while. Gus might draw some comfort while being around all of them.

<3 Cathy

Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 11, 2025 3:42 pm Title: Chapter 11 ~ I Hear It’s Your Birthday!

Wow! These are some long chapters. I'm NOT complaining. Just surprised me.

Poor Mel. Worrying about the bitch... and it's not like a lawyer can just take a day off from work, especially when they are due in court. However, it sounds like Brian and Justin might be taking off tonight? When will Mel be able to talk to him? This is something he needs to know right away. Hopefully the firm will be able to grant her a couple of weeks to get home and the kids sorted out. Justin just might have to switch his college courses around. But they will make it work. Maybe Brian can put a childcare center in Kinnetik. Besides, if they get married in Vermont, they won't be able to have a big wedding. I was looking forward to people like the Browns and other big-name companies being there.

Brian and Justin should have the party and wedding recorded and send copies to Mikey and Linds. (Hehe. I'm evil incarnate.)

Molly might have to step in line for Brian... Justin's first in line! Poor Brian...

Emmett shouldn't be nervous... He should be proud of what he's accomplished. I bet no one in the family would ever believe this of him.

Jeez, Deb... if Michael had been there, they probably would have seen a second episode of Mikey going insane. There are also people present, and who's to say that somebody might have gotten hurt? Oooh, maybe Carl has his gun hidden on him, and he'd have to shoot Michael to get him to stop.

Very good story. Sure is engrossing

HUGS ~Cathy

Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 09, 2025 10:40 pm Title: Chapter 10 ~ Love is in the Air…

So, Justin fired Pierre, but I have to wonder if he will still be a threat? Especially if Justin is out at the mansion alone.

Michael was given reduced sentence. Debbie's nuts if she thinks Brian will somehow forgive and forget. Besides, Michael's been crazy for quite a few years. Debbie was just too blind to think her darling baby boy...  UGH!

AHA! Emmett and Ben alone. It's almost like a couple on their honeymoon.

LINDSAY - I just don't know what to think or say. At first, when Lindsay told Mel that she will leave an itinerary on her desk, I thought it would be a letter about her not coming back, but then Lindsay thinks how Mel would know the truth in a few days.(It will be good for Mel once she's gone.)

What if Lindsay comes back, will she still have her rights to Gus? Or will Mel file for her to lose them?

I had my fingers crossed hoping the waiter would let something leak, or else Sam comes into the restaurant. ;)

Hugs, Cathy

Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 09, 2025 9:25 pm Title: Chapter 9 ~ Property of Brian Kinney…

If Pierre gets another stalking restraining order, you can be sure that neither Brian nor Justin will drop it. The guy creeps me out just reading about him. (You did his character justice.) It was good that Brian came back at 7:30 that morning. With Justin only in his briefs, I'm not sure how safe Justin would have been. Besides, him thinking Brian isn't right for Justin, well, he's wrong. OH, Mr. Kinney... you were very jealous as you and Pierre watched Justin’s perky little ass bouncing out of the living room.

Emmett and Ben seem to be getting cozy. I've read that in a few stories, and I've always enjoyed their coupling, better than Ben with Michael. The night they had a nice dinner and then watched Hunter play basketball. Now in Woody's... You go, Emmett.

You could have warned us that brain bleach might be necessary... Lindsay getting off in the department store was almost too much. Good thing I didn't have anything in my mouth, because I probably would have lost it.

You had Michael having a felony from his damage of 10k. I'm not sure where you live, but in MN, (I lived there for 30 years) it was 750 dollars, but now it's been raised to 1,000k ... and down here in WV, it's also 1,000k ... These places give out felonies left and right, and then people can't vote, can't own a gun, etc... but that damn Trump can get 34 felonies in just one trial, and yet they let him be President!!!! Does that make any sense?

Hugs ~Cathy

(Sorry for the rant.)

Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 09, 2025 11:48 am Title: Chapter 8 ~ Unrequited Love…

I wonder if Justin felt more grounded with Gus there, so it helped with his not having nightmares. Oh, Lord. Hopefully Gus won't relate that penis conversation with Mel, especially how big Brian is. :D Poor Brian, kids don't need techinal, as Justin proved that point.

I wonder how Brian will get Justin's ring back? I wonder if they will release it from the precinct. Strange how non of the three that's aware of it, hasn''t mentioned it to Brian.

Black bean cake? Are you serious? Ugh. It doesn't even sound like a possibility. But since I'm not a black bean eater, it is hard to fanthom.

Oh Lindsay... I can't wait until Brian kicks her out of his life too. Love the idea of throwing a party for Justin's birthday. Oh, dear... Lindsay might tip over the edge when she actually sees Brian proposing. (if nothing else, it should liven up the party.) ;)

<3 Cathy


Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 09, 2025 1:49 am Title: Chapter 7 ~ Try A Little Help From My Friends…

Has Debbie seen the light? It sounds that way.

I'm not sure how Brian will react after Brian gets a taste of Lindsay's poison. Michael and Lindsay were supposed to be his best friends? Brian would probably have a better friend in the devil than these two.

Where does Lindsay get off thinking Emmett could never get a guy like Ben? Seriously? She should have thought about Michael in that subtext. Now that Lindsay's seen Britin, the jealousy will rear her ugly head! So it means there's room for her, Mel, and the kids? (rolls eyes)

Best friends? Brian would probably have a better friend in the devil that these two.

Pierre... smh - doesn't the man realize who he's dealing with? Brian Kinney is not going to allow him working in his house, and alone with Justin. Maybe Brian should have a converstion with Jennifer. Jennifer will be almost worse than Brian. All she will have to do is tell Pierre there will be no more business from her. I expect there's a lot of money coming in for Pierre; can he afford to lose that client?

Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 09, 2025 12:50 am Title: Chapter 6 ~ Psycho Killer Qu'est-ce que c'est…

Debbie's irate at Brian for having Michael arrested. Well, once the police were called, isn't it out of Brian's hands? Even if Brian wouldn't press charges, wouldn't it go through the DA's office, because of the thousands of dollars worth of damage?

I was kind of wondering if Deb would mortgage her house trying to make money to get Michael released on bail. But after seeing the loft, she seemed to accept that Michael really did do it. Although, if she did that, she might scare Carl away. 

So the girls make an appearance. Now I suppose the 'crazy' Lindsay will be next on the list.

Brian should hear what Michael's been saying to Deb and Emmett. Maybe then, Brian will get a clue, and maybe know the answer to his "Why" question.

<3 Cathy

Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 08, 2025 11:43 pm Title: Chapter 5 ~ A Change is Gonna Come…

Hate Crime? In a way I suppose it is... Michael hates Justin, and right now, he thinks he hates Brian.

Man oh man... how are they going to figure out it was Michael? Unless they find the sledge hammer and the prints match Michael. Although, unless they're actually looking for that object, that won't work either. Or maybe Emmett heard Michael returning to the house last night. Although I can't imagine Debbie being that sound of a sleeper. (If one of my kids sneezed, it would wake me up.) Also, I think some of those old stairs must squeak.

Ooooh, maybe one of the neighbors heard all the smashing noise, and can ID Michael.

If Emmett would tape his outrageous conversations with Michael... Maybe that will give Emmett a clue too.

Just as I said earlier, he left crazy a mile behind... but it might be two by now! :D

<3 Cathy

Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 08, 2025 10:57 pm Title: Chapter 4 ~ Sweet Home Chicago…

Justin must of had the trip of a lifetime. For more than just the fact of going with Brian. It was good for their relationship. Justin can also hold his own when visiting with Mrs. Brown. Could you imagine Michael in that position? (I better stop. I'm not being nice.)

Poor widdle Mikey... He really didn't know how hard the job at the diner is. I would think his respect for other's waiting tables, would go up. But this is Michael. At least he's getting a piece of humble pie.

I liked the way Brian put his terms down, and what Michael could do to better himself. Although, I'm not sure where he could even take entrance tests that he could pass.

Loved the last line: I know you’re awake, Justin. I'm surprised Justin didn't crack a smile, after listening to the man acting like a two-year-old.

Enjoying this so much!

<3 Cathy

Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 04, 2025 2:49 pm Title: Chapter 3 ~ Going for Broke…

Oh, so much to comment about this chapter! First off, I was wondering how much time had passed, wondering how Michael could be three months behind on rent? I thought Ben was paying his bills on the shop. Then I came to the part where: in the last week he had lost his husband, the house, his foster child, his best friend, and now his business. So again, how is it three months? Did Michael fund his trip to Comic-Con, or did Ben?

Michael referred to his 'toys' as his prized possessions, hmm.. I kind of thought he always thought of Brian as his possession. ;) Then he tells Brian that he always thought they'd be together, so Michael wouldn't have to worry about money. (Viola! David could/ would have given him that.) If all you only want is a bankroll, then it shouldn't matter who it is. But then he thinks he and Brian would have been so good together. Yeah right, like Brian wants another child. He already has Gus. Michael also found out tears didn't get Brian to reconsider.

And now Michael tells Ted that he can't AFFORD to give up his collection of toys and comic books. Well, so sorry Michael (NOT!) but what are you going to do with them, when you might be homeless any time now? Just because you've never had to pay Brian back his "loans" before, your luck just ran out, and it's not Justin deleting Brian's messages. I hope somehow Brian lets that be known.

About Michael not growing up, and Deb blaming Brian, or otherwise she would have to acknowledge that some of this is her own fault... this brings back the memory of the Senator's party. Michael treated Debbie abysmal, yet when Michael walked into Debbie's house, he never even apologized to Debbie. Then she tells Justin to go get Michael some food! WHY? The ass could have gone over and gotten some himself. (I almost threw something at my TV!) :D

If Michael doesn't want to work at the diner, I heard McDonald's was looking for some extra counter helpers! LOL... If he got one not around Liberty Avenue, maybe no one would know. ;)

Loving the story...

Big Hugs ~Cathy


Author's Response: Ben thought Michael was paying his rent, and bills. But being the child that he is, he couldn't stop buying more rare comics and superheros... Yes David, could have given him those things, but David could never replace Brian in Michael heart. You would think he'd treasure Brian most of all, but like most spoiled brats he never appreciated the friendship that he had, always wanting more. Michael's in for a few reality checks in the next few weeks/months... Thanks for reading, and commenting! Hugs Hon ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 04, 2025 12:41 pm Title: Chapter 2 ~ The More Things Change the More They Stay the Same…

I have to wonder, if some of Debbie's problem with the whole situation, is the fact that Michael has moved back in with her, and now she's responsible for her whiny ass baby. She just doesn't want it to be her that has to take care of Michael.

Debbie must also have a short memory of the steps Brian - upon Deb's request - threw the birthday party to break up their friendship, so Michael could move to Oregon with David, only to ruin that relationship with the "doctor" all by himself.

Is Carl still in the picture? Just curious how many people live in the house.

Hugs ~Cathy

Author's Response: Yes, It's a crowed house with Michael back in his childhood bedroom, Emmett in Vic's old room, and now Carl has joined Debbie in her room. And just think, the walls are paper thin! Debbie has a lot of mixed emotions when thinking about Michael, just like everyone else. No one ever saw this side of Michael, well no one but Justin. Thankfully given enough rope he'll hang himself... Hugs Sweetheart ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 04, 2025 11:48 am Title: Chapter 1 ~ The Offer Still Stands

O-kay... Michael just left crazy a mile back. At first I thought - Why didn't Justin just tell Michael, 'No, I'm going with him.' Because between Ben and Brian, they could have restrained him easily, until the men in the white coats could have come and got him.

So happy Brian was waiting down the block for Justin to come out, but I think Justin knowing that everything is going to be alright, is just a little presumptuous. Justin better not be alone for a while, because Michael, as I said, has reached crazy.

I think Ben has had enough. I think after that shower, he'll be following Justin out that door. Or should he come out of there, only to throw all of Michael's clothes out the bedroom window? :D

Hugs ~Cathy


Author's Response: Squeals! I'm so happy you've started reading this again. I've also been rereading, and taking notes per chapter so I can plot the next new chapters. Sorry, I didn't get back to you sooner. Life's sometimes seem overwhelming. My sister Jan, found out she had nodules on her lung at Christmas. It turned out to be cancer, but she's doing pretty good. I also have a nodules that been followed for a few years, so now I've been having CT, PET-CT, and just this Wednesday a lung biopsy. But I'm very hopeful, and my doctor's don't think it's cancer. I'm the one that pushed for the biopsy... Anyways enough of me... Michael sure has left for crazy town, although he 's been on the road for a long time. Those men in the little white coats are just a couple of chapters away. Ha ha, ha... The fact that Brian came after Justin, shows just how much he's willing to let Justin know he's finally ready. I don't see Ben sticking around much longer, it's hard to believe he's stayed this long. Hugs Darling ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 14, 2025 2:10 pm Title: Chapter 28 ~ Deb’s Big Day

Oh, Kathleen... I just saw you posted another chapter to this awesome story! I'm gonna have to reread it from the start. (Covid zapped some memory cells.) Anywya, before I actually read it, can youtell me if you will finish it? Don't take this wrong, because I'm one if those authors who still have outstanding storioes unfinished. I'm not giving you a bad time, just for my brain, I need to know before I get involved in it.

Hugs ~Cathy

Author's Response: I totally understand. I plan on jumping back in, and completing this fic. Now that I've had my shoulder replaced in Dec, I'm getting stronger all the time. I myself, had to go back and re-read it... It is one very porny fic, that's for sure. Hugs Sweetheart ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 13, 2025 4:05 pm Title: Chapter 28 ~ Deb’s Big Day

Hey Kathleen! Baby girl, when I tell you I screamed when I saw this update, you would have thought I should have a role in horror movies ???? I'm so happy to see this back in rotation! 

First, let me start by saying Debbie was getting a mental slap in my head! The abject nerve to just demand to use their house and expect to be obeyed. Chile, I was so happy when Justin said 'NO'. But then she turned around and asked Brian to go against Justin... WHAT?! That was a 'Michael' move right there, and deserved every ounce of 'Hell NO' that she got. I cheered Justin when he spoke to Tom directly and got Deb off their backs.

Lindsay.... Yeah, I laughed! She won't be flipping that mane around, leaving those strands of stringy-haired DNA about anymore! ????????????????????

As for Michael: The DUMBASS of the Century goes to: Muttonhead Michael and I'm pretty sure a punch in the throat will probably be his reward. SMH Couldn't happen to a more-deserving idiot as far as I'm concerned!

As mentioned, I'm so glad to see this back. It was just what I needed before going off to write these blasted papers for school. Thank you so much, Darling!



Author's Response: Thanks Baby! Seeing your review makes me feel like I'm getting a great big hug! Squeeze! Yes, the boys are on a united front when dealing with the family. Justin's growing his his role of artist, partner and parent. He's learned from Brian that sometimes it's best to take the direct approach. Now, what should we do next, to our convicted criminal of the family??? It feels good to be writing again, letting my muse take the lead. While I hibernate until spring, it's so cold this year in Michigan, 3 inches tonight... Hugs Sweetheart ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 29, 2023 3:13 pm Title: Chapter 27 ~ Gorgeous Men and Sandy Beaches…

Yes Brian and Justin need this vacation before they go back to whatever Michael and Lindsay have done next?

Because of course Brian and Justin don't have enough on their plate with work, school and Gus.

Surprised Deb didn't complain about them leaving while Michael and Lindsay are stuck in prison?

Brian and Justin need all this sexy, fun time before the drama starts up again.

Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 29, 2023 2:58 pm Title: Chapter 26 ~ Reality Sucks…

Deb Needs Therapy!

She seriously thinks Brian should just fix Michael's problems then turn around and fix Lindsay's problems, he has done enough for those two selfish babies they can fix their own problems.

Didn't take Sam long to move on and now Lindsay is really all alone.

Why does Brian have to pay for Lindsay lawyer she has money and so far her funds haven't been frozen?

Whether Michael makes it through his prison term or not Brian Is Not Responsible!!!

Lindsay and Michael Are No Longer Brian's Best Friends!!!

Brian grew up why can't Michael and Lindsay?

Sebastian is such a loser Justin was wise to cut his losses while it was still early.


Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 29, 2023 2:38 pm Title: Chapter 25 ~ Lock Me Up and Throw Away the Key…

Emmett and Brian are right Michael needs to face up to his mistakes no one should put their lives on hold to clean up Michael's messes.

What exactly does Debbie think Brian can do for Michael when he isn't speaking or friends with Michael anymore?

Jail would be a good place for Joan too everyone else's messes shouldn't be for Brian to fix all the time.

Michael is so stupid now instead of just eighteen months he will have to complete the full sentence.

What An Idiot!!!

Matthew needs to get a life and find someone else to moon over Just is so Taken!


Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 29, 2023 2:15 pm Title: Chapter 24 ~ Hell to Pay…

Maybe Brian should just hang up a sign that says "Out Of Service, Get Someone Else To Fix YOUR PROBLEMS!!!!"


Brian should just let Claire take  care of Joan he use made of money to keep throwing around to help everyone else.

Perhaps once the papers start picking up the news Sam might want to step up and pretend to be a caring husband, especially when the parents of the two kids killed sue him and Lindsay for wrongful death.

I mean she may have be the one driving the care but they are still married and her last name is still Peterson Auerbach.

I wouldn't help Lindsay either no lawyer is going to be able to get her out of jail on bond she she fled the scene while intoxicated and tried to leave the country.

Gus is adorable with his Princess obsession Brian should just let it runs it's course and not make a big deal out of it like Justin said.

Matthew must want to be humiliated I mean how do you miss the wedding band on Justin's finger?

Justin is just going to have to get tougher with these aggressive guts who doubt take No for an answer.


Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 29, 2023 1:40 pm Title: Chapter 23 ~ Broken Promises…

Michael doesn't want to get better he just wants Brian and nothing will change that.

Lindsay hut and killed two innocent children because she is another person who enjoys having someone else take care if het instead of being a grown up and fixing her own problems.

Brian shouldn't feel guilty for wanting to hold onto his old friends but unfortunately they were never his friends, what they gave Brian and everyone else was great facsimiles of the nice people deep down inside they never were.

Jail is exactly where Michael and Lindsay need to be for everyone's safety.

Gus being afraid to go to the dentist is a fear everyone shares even after the age of six lol


Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 29, 2023 12:51 pm Title: Chapter 22 ~ Please Don’t Judge Me…

No way would I ever forgive Lindsay for trying to sell Gus to het sister, she accepted the money and was doing everything she could to Gey Gus alone, that right there says she knew exactly whay she was doing and she didn't care that she would be hurting Brian, Justin, Gus and Mel in the pru.


She went along with this plan to further gain her parents' acceptance, to please them by given away her son for $500,000 to a sister who doesn't respect or love her.

It's not much of a trick if Lindsay knew Gus would be raised by Lynnette .

Brian is way too forgiven and I really don't think Lindsay has earned that level of forgiveness?

Just like when she continued her affair with Sam then later ran away to marry him Lindsay can only blame so much on low self esteem.

Michael is still in la la land not even his medication is working.


Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 29, 2023 12:26 pm Title: Chapter 21 ~ Just When Everything Was Going Perfectly…

Lindsay suddenly showing up and her parents suddenly wanting to welcome het back is all kinds of suspicious.

They never once concerned themselves about Gud before I doubt they even know what he looks like?

Lindsay deciding only straight couples can raise kids is such a crock but she is totally desperate to be accepted by Mommy, Daddy and their country club set.

Sam is one leopard who will never change and it sounds like Lindsay was so willing to kick everyone out of her way to be associated with someone famous.

Michael is making friends in prison whilst still holding out hope Brian will choose him.

Lindsay used her threat of court to get scare Mel and Brian into just handing over Gus, she as usual forgot who Mel and Brian are and what they are willing to do to protect Gus.

Lindsay has no friends in Pittsburgh anymore.


Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 29, 2023 11:37 am Title: Chapter 20 ~ Nobody Does It Better...

Will feel bad for Michael but he is still refusing to admit he did anything wrong and still blaming Justin for why Brian still won't have anything to do with him.

Deb can feel somewhat guilty for her part in how Michael was brought up and her treatment towards Brian because she always blamed hi.for Michael's screw ups, but at the end of the day Michael is responsible for his actions and until her takes responsibility for what he did then he is of no help to anyone especially himself.

Ben and Emmett are going to have some sizzling fun on their vacation, later Ted have his own sizzling fun with Jerry on their vacation.

Brian and Justin in New York.

Mel and Leda moving into their new home.

Looks like things are looking up for some members of the family.

Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 29, 2023 11:06 am Title: Chapter 19 ~ I’ll Be Dog Gone

Awww It's so sweet Brian tried to cook dinner for Justin he really is a wonderful husband.

Mel and Leda are hopefully moving a bit closer to Brian and Justin which will make it easier to co-parent.

Mel is finally coming to realize that Brian was never her enemy and that without Lindsay pitting them against each other they can actually be friends.

Jen was a  big help to Deb with the bridesmaids dresses Jennifer and Mel will look lovely.

Michael is thru his infatuation to another person think it is good his doctor is making arrangements to get him out of the hospital so he can finish out the rest if his sentence.

Thor and Zeek  are going to love living at Britin lol

The Taylor-Kinneys have two puppies who won't stay puppies for long.

Love is In The Air!!


Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 29, 2023 10:29 am Title: Chapter 18 ~ Fear and Loathing

Michael may come to the realization that he is Spoiled Petulant Child but will he really change?

Teddy has a Steady....Awww!!

Deb might be going a bit over board on het wedding and Carl may need oxygen to get through the planning alone.

Brian and Justin really need learn to communicate better.

Hunter and Terry are getting closer.

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