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Reviewer: Jazzepoet Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 22, 2016 11:32 pm Title: Chapter 5

Oh my....Michael is a selfish lying little shit

Author's Response:

Indeed!  But karma is a Ben shaped bitch!

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 22, 2016 9:09 pm Title: Chapter 5

Mikey, Mikey!  How stupid can you be?  Forget I asked that.  Michael hasn't been working so how can he say that he's the only one bringing any money?  What was it that Justin said to Steve?  What treats are coming their way?  Need more!!!

Author's Response:

More coming....thanks for liking!

Reviewer: emac66 Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 22, 2016 8:31 pm Title: Chapter 5

Of course Michael assumes it was Justin returning his things. I'm looking forward to when that misconseption is brought to light. Well, that one as well as many others. LOL. Had to giggle right along with the gang. What will actually happen when he finally gets his much needed kick in the ass. I'm looking forward to everything you do to him. I very specific detail... "And annunciate." lol.

His assumption that alice would work fro free, or that Brian would cover it...I'd say it's astounding, but then this is Michael we are talking about. Can't be all that surprising. I think that hardest part when reading about him this way, that for Deb etc he's such a disappointment. (I remember as a kid my mom telling me she was disappointed in me that I had done something. that was probably the hardest thing to take. Knowing I had disppointed her.) I doubt that anyone's disapopintment in Michael is any surprise, not do I think that Michael eve cares, unless it was Brian of course. Maybe that's part of Brian's look of being flabbergasted.

Ooooooooooooooooo a new love interest for Jenn??? He sounds lucious! 

I get the feeling Dr. Richards is just as anxious to have them leave as they are to go. LOL.

Michael's!! that's funny. Seriously though...could he not smell himself? 

Yeah...I still frigging HATE him in this! :) He's selfish in many fics, but for some reason, in this one, the little bastard makes my blood boil! Ben and Hunter are both aware of it. Until they are well though, there's not alot they can do. Once they've recovered though, I hope that Michael's ass gets kicked to the curb. Perhaps folks will figure out about David by then. Hell, they couls always go bck to Britin. Either way....Michael needs his cumuppence and in a really harsh way.

Good to know that at lest hunter will be well looked after by Jenn. she's such a peach. Love her!! She will look after all her boys.

Am definitely loking forward ot the nest installment. I'm excited and wary of these threats you spleak of. will definitely make for some more enjoyable and thrilling reading!!

thansk for the update!!



Author's Response:

Oh your wish for comeuppance on Michael is my hatred for this character runs deep (will never write him positively) but he has to see everyone happy first.  And that port he thinks he has in Dr Dave well...

Reviewer: emac66 Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 19, 2016 9:30 pm Title: Chapter 1

I had started an whole emotional review where I vented and screamed, and of course my computer inadvertently shut down adn I lost it. I can't seem to get the same level of vitirol going now. I seemed to have gotten most of it off my chest in teh fitst writing.

I did mention, on several occasssions, how much I hated Michael in this. In many stories I just dislike him, think he's a pain in teh ass or what have you. In this one....I truly truly hate him. He's the most self serving asshole EVER! He doesn't give a shit about Ben really. He cares that his friends are around him to offer comfort adn support. He cares how he looks as a "grieving and scare" husband. He doesn't  care about Hunter or his health. How run down hunter is making himself to be there for Ben. to have to look after himself at the same time. Michael's main goal to stay at Briton is to get a fucking key!  that's he even attempted to put blame on Hunter is  disgusting! 

Can I just say how much I love Carl!! He's wickedly awesome! AS is Jenny. Everyone is there for Hunter and Ben, yet Michael seems to think the attention is partially for him. delusional much? 

that convo between them all back at teh loft was enlightening. Mel rocked! She seems to have gotten her balls back and is letting bot Lindsey adn Michael have it with both barrels. I can't BELIEVE Michae made that comment about affording all this care. thankfully Mel caught it and will nip the idea of Brian paying for it in teh butt! And Jen seems to have also caught on that Michael's memory lapse from the other night was a ple of BS. Michael let it slip as he's a stupid ass. 

the delivery of his stuff to the loft was BRILLIANT! I can bet though that he thinks Justin did it and not Brian. He's going to get yet another earful soon I'm sure.

Have I mentioned that I actually HATE Michael in this. In canon I dislike him for teh first while, but only in the "there's an annoying fly in my office and I can't get it" kind of way. After the anniversary party though, I was truly disgusted by him and held that thought througout teh rest of the show. I think because there was never any accountability. Everyone blamed Brian, nobody was really told teh truth. Brian seemed to have easily forgiven Michael. I don't think I could've done that. Even if that person was my best and only friend. Michae lmay have been drunk as an excuse, but still, alcohol is more of a truth serum, adn he voiced what he truly felt toward justin. I'm not sure I could've ever forgiven that, and if I did, it would've taken a long time for me to, and for that person to truly truly show remorse adn prove it. 

Anyway.....excellent chapter. My goodness. My guts are in my throat with everything I'm feeling after reading it. I'm not so sure I know which way is up. Talk about a roller coaster.

Absolutely bloody brilliant! Really looking forward to the next update!



Author's Response:

Hey Elaine,


So glad you like it.  I have to admit that I was earlier than you in the dislike, once he met David I just wanted to slap him repeatedly and the way everyone forgave him for it...and nobody, not once asked why Brian hit him, chanked my chain I can tell you.  

The problem with Michael is that he only sees what is in the metaphorical mirror not what is going on around him unless it affects him.  Big mistake...huge!


Happy reading xx

Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 18, 2016 8:04 pm Title: Chapter 4

That little SOB he was hastening Ben's death if he had bothered to pay attention or listen to Hunter Ben would have been better sooner, he used Ben being in the hospital to worm his way back into Brian's life and heart.

That Arrogant, No Good Bastard!!! That is so cold and so Michael. I so want to kick his Ass!!!!!!!!! He is planning his future without Ben bet he has been doing that for awhile now.

Thank Goodness Justin and Brian are in sync and have always made sure that Michael and Lindsay will never get a key to Britin.

I felt so bad for Hunter he knew it was more than pneumonia that was causing Ben's extreme weight loss, the doctor's should have caught that sooner or better yet Michael should have caught that sooner.

I got teary-eyed when Hunter was begging for Ben not to leave him.. getting teary-eyed just writing about it, I am so happy Brian listened to Hunter and got the doctor's to do more testing, so happy that Ben is getting better and that Michael has been called out for neglecting Hunter to the point that he ended up in the hospital beside Ben due to dehydration and exhaustion.

What made me happy was Mel, Deb and Jennifer calling out Michael and Lindsay about the key and Brian sending Michael's stuff to the loft which pretty much guarantees that Michael is no longer welcome at Britin. 

Jennifer calling out Michael for remembering about Ted having a key to Britin, thought he was too drunk to remember, also Deb questioning him about the money he got from Brian and Justin.

I was cracking up and had a smile to rival Justin's :)

I wish it was next weekend already.

Thanks for two Enthralling Chapters :)

Author's Response:

I am so glad you liked it.  I have to admit that when I was speaking the hospital scene out [please tell me I am not the only one who says the lines out loud to make sure they sound right on paper as it were] I was in floods.  

Yep indeed Michael is planning his future without Ben but he's also...let's face it this will not be a surprise to anyone...planning it without Hunter, just saying remember Ben loves his boy.

Hunter is a good kid everyone sees that but Michael, like in the series I feel, is too blinded by his jealousy of his closeness to Ben to see that.  Trust me things for Hunter get a whole lot better.

Reviewer: BellaDonne Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 18, 2016 3:48 pm Title: Chapter 4

I admit my bias, but, I can see him acting like this in cannon.  I loved when the boxes arrived.  

I'm enjoying this, thanks for writing.

Author's Response:

You're welcome.  I love writing and reading anti Michael fics...he of course thinks Justin sent the boxes wait till he finds out the truth 

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 18, 2016 3:21 pm Title: Chapter 4

Woah!  Loving Carl, Jenny and Jennifer.  They are taking up for Hunter, who it seems is the only one of their family who actually cares that Ben is not doing well.  Brian, against his better judgement lent Michael a lot of money.  Money he hasn't really used on his shop, which he hasn't opened preferring to stay at Britten.  Money that can be used to get the things Ben and Hunter need to get better.  But Mikey is being selfish and Lindsay is too.  Mel summed it up nicely, will they listen?

Author's Response:

Yeah always thought after the jail scene that Carl should've been more authoritarian so here's my take in it.  And watch for Michael a slap down Carl gives him and the reaction from Debs.  Like I said C3 heralded the beginning of the end of the Brian and Mikey show but that little bugger isn't going down without a fight...cackle-cackle.

Reviewer: Qaf4Lyfe Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 18, 2016 1:37 pm Title: Chapter 4

Gawd I just love this fic

Author's Response:

So happy you do, C5 next weekend fingers crossed

Author's Response:

So happy you do, C5 next weekend fingers crossed

Reviewer: nickknack Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 18, 2016 7:59 am Title: Chapter 3

Loving this story. Lookng forward to Michael finally, I hope, getting his comeuppance.  Ben deserves so much more than the lying scheming scumbag of a husband he has been saddled with:-(

Author's Response:

Thanks so much.  He gets exactly what he deserves and then some...cackle-cackle.

Reviewer: Jazzepoet Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 18, 2016 1:08 am Title: Chapter 3

Oh my.....*fans self* what an absolutely hot ending! And could Michael be more of a jerk for what he said? Glad no one believed his ass.

Author's Response: was a joy to write that bit!  This chapter is the beginning of the end for Michael but as usual he doesn't see it...

Reviewer: Qaf4Lyfe Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 17, 2016 10:06 pm Title: Chapter 3

Wow I love this chapter the love they for each other is so beautiful in this fic and Michael grrrrr he's such a pain in the ass and lindsey putting her 10 cents in lm loving the spouses to 

Author's Response:

Thank you, the love gets better and better for some...of all the spouses I had to let Blake let him have it because he sees him as inconsequential and a very wrong.

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 17, 2016 6:18 pm Title: Chapter 3

Yay, another chapter.  So Brian and Justin are having a nice get together with everyone.  Then Michael decides to be 'Mikey'.  First he thinks that they are spending the night.  That would be a no.  Then he jumps on Gus for keeping Jenny out of his room.  Without knowing the facts.  Follow that with telling Hunter he can't go to Ireland and practically insisting that Jenny should go.  Finally he goes on about Justin isn't Gus' papa and how he should have a key ruining the whole party.  Nobody got to enjoy all that food?  To top that off he claims not to remember what he said?  Bull shit.  I feel so bad for everyone.  Love how Emmett, Ted and Blake, even Ben side with Brian and Justin.  Come to think of it even Mel was on their side.  You have us a lot to bash Mikey about and I really enjoyed every moment of it.

Author's Response:

Yeah Mikey doesn't care how he gets what he wants as long as he gets it...I almost feel sorry for him when he gets what he deserves.  Speaking of Mel...she only has so much patience

Reviewer: emac66 Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 12, 2016 6:58 pm Title: Chapter 2

The fact that Michael is still whining about having to pay back $$ is unbelievable. The fact that he assumed he wouldn't have to on such a large amount is mind bobbling!! 

Be bet between Ben and Hunter...funny as hell! You know they've had to undergo listening to Michael often when they can place that bet! LOL The fact that Ben is willing to match the money has me concerned. I'm not sure that Michael will continue how own repayment if he thinks that Ben;'s contribution will cover it.

Hunter experiencing Brian shopping...while funny and exasperating was very sweet of Brian and Justin and I know that Hunter apprecaited it. (as much as it exhausted him. lol)

LMFAO!!!!! At the thought of Brian taking Michael shopping! and brian bitches about what Justin wears?!?! the very though of it is too funny!

Footplay between B&J...can we say HHHHHHHHHHHHHHOT!! Yowza!! (and very amusing in parts! the fact that Ben adn emmett caught on was funny!)

OMG......Michael is an IDIOT! I really can't wait for all this to come back and kick him in teh balls. (getting kicked in the ass isn't painful enough for him.) And everyone was able to bear witness to his stupidity. Him talking about Ted like alive! His leve lof hypocrisy too is ridiculous! He doesn't want anyone to discuss his business, but he can run off at the mouch about anyone else...

OH!! adn that stupid statue?!?!? Again, everyone was able to see how stupid the man/boy is. Ben is pissed and rightfully so. Oh the fallout is gonna be good!

that Michael is keeping himself involved with David is heinous! Especially his reasons. He's an awful awful man!  

It's so nice that B&J have taken Hunter under their wings so to speak. Having him join them to TO. I know Michael will not understand, that he see's it as not being fair to him...oh Jenny. *eyeroll* I'm waiting for Brian to set him down and give him a dose of reality.

so much happening! Will await the next chapter with bated breath again. As much as I'd love to rad the next one right now!! lol, I appreciate the effort it takes to write. I'll be patient.




Author's Response:

Thanks Elaine, I am so glad you are enjoying it.  You and Nichelle are bang on with a couple of your assumptions, I have been cackling with glee at setting him up for a mighty big fall and it will come and he will be hit, literally by someone unexpected, hard!  Hopefully C3 will be up this weekend.


Take care


Reviewer: Mariana Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Sep 11, 2016 3:59 pm Title: Chapter 2

I'm sorry but chapter 2 is incorrect. There is a repeat of the chapter and I can't understand were is the end of chapter 2.

Author's Response:

We are trying to fx it.  Sorry about that.

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 11, 2016 12:57 pm Title: Chapter 2

Hate to tell you this, but the chapter is still here twice.  Though I didn't remember David investing money for Michael last time.  Michael is still as dumb though.  lol. 

Author's Response:

I know we are trying to fix it.  Sorry about that.

Reviewer: Jazzepoet Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 11, 2016 11:38 am Title: Chapter 2

Wow so not only is Michael being a complete ass, but he's a cheating ass. He has his priorities all messed up and in the end poor JR will be hurt because of it. I think sooner than later Ben will find out about David and vice versa....because I get the feeling that David doesn’t know anything about Ben.

Author's Response:

Michael always has priorities messed up and yes poor JR gets hurt down the line, but don't worry she makes sure she tells her daddy what she thinks.

Hope you stick with it.


Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 05, 2016 3:46 am Title: Chapter 1

First chapter and already I am Hooked!

You have really written the characters well and you gave a nice long start to what is going to be a good story. (I just love Anti Michael stories)

Mel and Lindsay need to treat Gus and Jenny Rebecca equally they could have handled the phone situation better, what Gus does with his dads is none of Jenny Rebecca's or Michael's business.(Michael had his own child spying on her brother surprised he doesn't have listening devices planted all over Britin by now SMH)

Brian and Justin were parents while Mel and Lindsay were just being indifferent to Gus feelings, while placating Jenny Rebecca who was wrong, knew she was wrong but was acting very much like Michael. (I hope she out grows that, glad that Mel apologized but I hope she doesn't slip back ten steps?)

Ben needs to find out why Michael is lying about the money and using Hunter to do it, it does not take $300,000 to upgrade his store, the place is not that big and it is not like he is expanding.

Justin took care of Michael in one shot and he got a guarantee that Michael will be paying that money back (Smart to get it in writing, can't deny he signed the agreement though I bet he will), Michael always does have a tendency to forget or ignore that Justin makes more money selling his art in one night than he could make in a year of selling comic books.

I love when authors write Justin more tougher it makes me smile when Sunshine gets feisty, plus it makes the sex between him and Brian so HOTTER lol.

Can't wait for the next chapter :)



Author's Response:

Thanks!  I hope you are still with me on this.  Michael is just incredible and not in a good way.


Reviewer: Jazzepoet Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 04, 2016 3:38 pm Title: Chapter 1

This is great! I really enjoyed how you kept everyone so in character while adding depth and growth.

Reviewer: Bill Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Sep 04, 2016 3:29 am Title: Chapter 1

Wonderful first chapter.  Great start for your furst story!!!!  Can't wait for more.

Author's Response:

Thank you!  

Reviewer: Qaf4Lyfe Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 04, 2016 2:19 am Title: Chapter 1

Is this anti Mikey

Author's Response:

And then some.  Had forgot to tag when first posted

Reviewer: LauraB725 Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 04, 2016 1:29 am Title: Chapter 1

I really like your first fic. It's well written and I love long chapters! Michael is as I expected. While I wasn't shocked that he asked for money (what else is new) but 300,000, really? That shocked me. Jenny is a bit of a brat but that's to be expected with parents like Michael and Mel. Poor Ben, I have no idea how he puts up with all this bull****! Love love love Brian and Justin and of course teenage Gus! Great start an I'm excited to read more! A very happy birthday to you too!

Author's Response:

Thanks for both your kind words and birthday wishes.  C2 coming 

Reviewer: DidiPita Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 04, 2016 12:25 am Title: Chapter 1

I love anti-Michael fics and this one was great!  I'm looking forward to the next chapter.  Nice job!

Author's Response:

Thanks!  C2 being bashed out now

Reviewer: BritinForever Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 03, 2016 10:06 pm Title: Chapter 1

This is an amazing start!  I can't wait to read more.

Author's Response:

Wow thank you.  C2 will be up next weekend...

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Sep 03, 2016 8:41 pm Title: Chapter 1

On my.  Wonderful, fantastic, great characterisations. Loved it. Keep writing. You have perfected Michael's whiny personality. 

Just love this. 

Author's Response:

Thanks.  When I let QAF run I mute him everytime, in this fic he gets worse...

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 03, 2016 7:16 pm Title: Chapter 1

Love this.  Jenny was difinately out of line snooping into Gus' phone.  Did she even ask him what he was going to be doing before she snooped?  Glad to see that Mel appologized for her part in all this.  The fact that Michael thought he was entitled to anything was so so wrong.  Not to mention trying to go behind Ben's back.  I'm glad that Justin had a solution.  Will we get more on this?  I hope so.

Author's Response:

Thank you.  You will indeed get more on it over the years Michael gets worse much much worse.  C2 will be up next weekend

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