Date: Oct 21, 2019 3:37 am Title: Southern Charm Meets Pittsburgh's Stud
So much fun to read. I smiled at this from start to finish. Great writing!!!!
Author's Response:
We're thrilled you enjoyed this little romp, Cathy. :D Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. :) Our apologies for the very belated reply, but we don't check very often for new reviews on our older stories.
~ The Lusty Ladies
Date: Dec 04, 2018 7:49 pm Title: What's A Twink To Think?
Love Em
Date: Dec 04, 2018 6:58 pm Title: Not All Is Lust & Drugs
good one
Date: Oct 26, 2017 9:12 pm Title: Southern Charm Meets Pittsburgh's Stud
There is something so deliciously erotic about Brian bottoming.
Author's Response:
Just saw your comment - apologies for not responding sooner! We also kinda, sorta like it when Brian bottoms. :P
~ The Lusty Ladies
Date: Oct 26, 2017 8:51 pm Title: What's A Guy Gonna Do?
I love that Brian is a screamer! That's so funny and a totally genius idea... He never bottoms because it makes him too vulnerable, too open and unguarded, right?
Author's Response:
Exactly! I was rather proud of myself for that.

Date: Jan 04, 2017 2:03 am Title: Southern Charm Meets Pittsburgh's Stud
Such a shame that Emmett didn't remember this during the series. It would have made for an interesting and different dynamic during the course of the show. Nicely done.
Author's Response:
We thank you for the wonderful review. That's why we're here - to help Em share his secrets as he whispers into our ears. ;)
~The Lusty Ladies

Date: Jan 03, 2017 7:33 pm Title: Southern Charm Meets Pittsburgh's Stud
Thank YOU! Lusty Ladies for the wonderful birthday gift! I just couldn't have asked for more ... Love to you all!
Author's Response:
We're so glad to have delighted one of the lustiest ladies ever and to have made your day a little more special.
~Your Lusty Pals
Date: Jan 03, 2017 6:02 pm Title: Southern Charm Meets Pittsburgh's Stud
What a fun fic to assist with. :)
Happy Birthday, Saje! Hope you enjoy your day and the fic.
It was fun to read too!
Thank you for the well wishes and the gift.
Date: Jan 03, 2017 2:57 pm Title: Southern Charm Meets Pittsburgh's Stud
I had so much fun being a part of this... and it is such a fun, hot steamy read... I will come back again and again to this one!
Author's Response:
We rocked Saje's birthday gift! And it was a blast!
What shall we write next? After we convince Saje to write more in the series that is . . .
~one of the Lusty Ladies

Date: Jan 03, 2017 2:22 pm Title: Not All Is Lust & Drugs
What a way to start the New Year. And Mikey and Ted never find out?
Author's Response:
It was greaaat! And let's hope they never do. . .lol

Date: Jan 03, 2017 9:04 am Title: Southern Charm Meets Pittsburgh's Stud
Great fun and hot -did I mention HOT!!!? I love Emmett and Brian''s dynamic in this series. For all their snarkiness there is obviously genuine affection and respect for each other in these stories and in the TV series☺
Author's Response:
We're so glad you enjoyed this prequel and think we stayed true to Saje's vision.
We all love Emmett and are oh-so-grateful that Saje explored his behind the scenes relationship with Brian. No question that they're great friends.
What can we all do except home for more from Saje? Maybe offer whipped cream and spankings? Toys?
Thanks for your review!
~The Lusty Ladies

Date: Jan 02, 2017 1:54 pm Title: What's A Twink To Think?
Now this is a threesome I never would have thought of. I've always felt that Emmett was underutilized and that he would have been a match for Brian Kinney. Just imagining what Mikey would have thought and done if he ever found out is hysterical.
I have always had this threesome in my head. It has never left me alone. Emmett was extremely underutilized and most certainly a match for Brian's wicked ways. I think if Mikey had ever found out, his head would have exploded!
Author's Response:

Date: Jan 02, 2017 12:02 am Title: Diary of a Flaming Queen
What an awesome series! I love Emmett! The fact that he had Brian's trust was so moving. This was an awesome progression to the B/J relationship. It seemed so in character for all of them.
i hated to see it end. But Em knew it was time, just proved how wise his character really is.
thank you for this wonderful series!
Author's Response:
Thank you and you are so verrrry right.

Date: Jan 01, 2017 11:17 pm Title: Not All Is Lust & Drugs
Such a wonderful, fantastic series. THANK YOU for writing this x
Author's Response:
It was no trouble, really. . .

Date: Jan 01, 2017 11:07 pm Title: What's A Twink To Think?
DUDE, this was seriously hot and strangely, I can see how Brian would go to Emmett. He really is a sweet and caring soul. God, adding to faves NOW.
Author's Response:
Thank You. I sometimes wish we had gotten their back story on the show, but then I think. . . nah, mine's better. . .lol

Date: Jan 01, 2017 8:13 pm Title: Not All Is Lust & Drugs
So sad that this is the end but I love the progression in Brian and Justin's relationship. I just wish Emmett could finally find his Brian/Justin -he needs a man with a combination of their best qualities, in and out of bed! I really enjoyed getting my "Emmett fix" and can only put it out there that I would LOVE some more - he really is the best friend they could want, need and have, and he deserves so much more pleasure and loving in his life 🙂
Author's Response:
You are a reader after my own heart. I feel the same about EM as you do. Maybe someone will pick up this thread and run with it. I can only hope.

Date: Jan 01, 2017 8:04 pm Title: What's A Twink To Think?
I just knew things would be hot between our 3 boys but WOW!!! What an absolute pleasure to start my day with this😊
Author's Response:
And the last installment is ready and posted for you to run to right now!
Date: Jan 01, 2017 7:14 pm Title: Not All Is Lust & Drugs
Dayum, I didn't want this series to end, although that is the perfect conclusion. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the superlaltive entertainment.
Those three boys are so hot and have so much fun together. They're all I need for my 'man pile'. ;)
Maybe more adventures later this year?
Author's Response:
Thank you for yor support and input through this rollercoaster late night series!
I like that they had fun, and allowed us to be a part of it.
Maybe sooner rather than later....
Date: Jan 01, 2017 6:44 pm Title: Not All Is Lust & Drugs
This is so amazingly hot... but also has such a sweet touching ending. Pretty much everything I want in a story!
I know this is the final of this series, but I want more (many more) like this please!!!!
Author's Response:
I like a little sweet and touching every now and then, and here, it seemed fitting.
Part of me didn't want to end this either, but if I don't, TBP won't EVER get done.
Thank you for being a staunch supporter of my writing.
Much Love
Date: Jan 01, 2017 4:41 pm Title: What's A Twink To Think?
phew! That was even hotter than the first part. I can only imagine what you have stashed away for the third part. Justin curved rod turning Brian into a raisin? hehe!
Author's Response:
Thank you! The last part is already in the can, as they say in Hollywood. The third part is funny and sentimental, if a little shorter. Just didn't want to mess with a good thing. And yeah, a raisin.....at least it wasn't a prune....lol
Date: Jan 01, 2017 5:40 am Title: What's A Twink To Think?
Awww....I felt for Justin a little here. It would be extremely hard to see your partner with someone who was for all intents closer to them than you are. Nevertheless, it was damn hot!
Author's Response:
Hold on to your horses Madam, the next installment cums, uh, comes tomorrow and all is well. Rang in the New Year with the boys and had a great time! Thank you for the compliment, I never get tired of hearing them. I am such a slut.....LOL
Date: Jan 01, 2017 4:54 am Title: What's A Twink To Think?
Omg Saje! I'm exhausted, that was so hot! You write some of the best sex scenes, Christ! Yes it's going to be a trilogy? Fabulous! I've missed your writing babe...so good!
Author's Response:
I hope you are exhausted in a positive and life affirming way? Thank you for the compliment. And yes, to the trilogy. I just finished the last installment NAIL&D and it will post tomorrow. I have missed writing as well and I've missed YOU too.
Date: Jan 01, 2017 4:04 am Title: What's A Twink To Think?
This was amazing and scorching hot... can't wait for the third story!!!!
Author's Response:
Working on it right now. ...lol
see you there....
Date: Jan 01, 2017 3:15 am Title: What's A Twink To Think?
DAYUMMMM!!!! Damn! I need a drink, a cig and some MORE of this! 86 the cold shower because really who would want to put a damper on all this HOTNESS?! Only a fool would and I damn sure ain't one!
Get to writing Saje! You've turned me into a slut for more JusBriEm smut!
Write On Gal!
Author's Response:
LOL! Thank you, thank you very much. . . I'm headed there now, if you don't already have a date to ring in the New Year?
Date: Jan 01, 2017 2:46 am Title: What's A Twink To Think?
Ooooooh mmmmyyyyyy....bookshelved hard. Can't wait for part 3 to cum...I mean come!
would you like the link to help/watch/comment while I write? https://docs.google.com/document/d/10Xl5bQ-X5kEMoQ3sSm6mZ9cwS8JuhLBFJnPF-B2EImQ/edit?usp=sharing
Author's Response: