Date: Apr 15, 2022 9:46 pm Title: Chapter 174 :Justin gets what he wants.
Sounds great!

Date: Jun 15, 2019 8:10 am Title: Chapter 173: Justin disappears from hospital/Justin as a recluse
This would make a great story. Wish someone would write it. Right now hardly anyone is writing anything so this would be wonderful.
Date: Jun 15, 2019 4:48 am Title: Chapter 173: Justin disappears from hospital/Justin as a recluse
Oh goody!!! First to comment... Can I say... F**king Michael?!? (This would be a good one shot.)
Combining the two... Does Justin recognize Brian as the man from the parachute? And if I can add to this... maybe Justin is a world famous artist that paints under a pseudonym, and doesn't attend any art exhibits.
Either way... did Michael escape unscathed by Brian? Didn't think so...

Date: May 12, 2019 8:58 pm Title: Chapter 172: What if there was a mistake at the clinic?
Now this would make a fantastic story. Hope someone decides to write it.

Date: Apr 19, 2019 2:58 am Title: Chapter 171: What if they all drove taxis?
This would be great. So many options for a plot. Wish I were a writer.
Date: Mar 31, 2019 11:26 pm Title: Chapter 170: Did he do it?
Could be a good mystery as long as Justin is innocent !!!!
Date: Feb 07, 2019 12:19 am Title: Chapter 165 - Slight variation to the sperm bank bunny...
Nice bunny!
You could also add that Lindsey was in a sharing mode unbeknowns to Brian or Mel.
Date: Feb 06, 2019 10:00 pm Title: Chapter 165 - Slight variation to the sperm bank bunny...
That would be a good story.
Date: Feb 06, 2019 9:56 pm Title: Chapter 165 - Slight variation to the sperm bank bunny...
That would be a good story.
Date: Feb 06, 2019 1:22 pm Title: Chapter 23 Debbie learns that Michael has been leading on a young woman at work
I do not like this
Date: Feb 04, 2019 9:06 pm Title: Chapter 164: Someone is selling my what?!
Why do I have the idea that this would make a good MPREG fic? I think it was a tv show or article I saw once where a man was meeting his 37 children for the first time. Brian would probably faint dead away! LOL
Date: Feb 04, 2019 2:42 pm Title: Chapter 164: Someone is selling my what?!
Hmmm.... Is this a different take on MPREG? I just posted a different take on MPreg. Because if it's a porn site, I can't see women visiting it. This could be really hilarious, though.
Date: Feb 04, 2019 3:13 am Title: Chapter 164: Someone is selling my what?!
Oh this would be a good story.
Date: Jan 25, 2019 8:20 am Title: Chapter 163: Justin owns Britin Airways...
I could go for a really good AU, and this sounds good. The author could go many directions with this one. Most of all, I would love to see what they came up with as the 'who' and 'why.'
Date: Jan 14, 2019 4:32 am Title: Chapter 162: Another slight twist to the loft robbery
LOL! Hi, BritonManor! I've had this one running through my head for a few weeks now and finally decided to post it hoping one of you wonderful writers would snatch it up since it just wouldn't let go! I like what you've suggested about Craig and Hobbs and especially that you've added in the Mpreg aspect! Looking forward to reading it!
Date: Jan 14, 2019 4:28 am Title: Chapter 162: Another slight twist to the loft robbery
It's very interesting that you came up with a burglary plot, as I'm currently writing one. I have the story completely outlined and haven't written much more than the prologue. Of course, Michael and Lindsay are behind it. I wonder if I can change gears? So after ten minutes of contemplation, how's this?
Being it's Molly's birthday, and Craig is certain Justin will show up, sets the plan in motion. Then he contacts Hobbs, who kidnaps Justin. What neither man is aware of - maybe not even Brian yet - or better yet, he is - is that they just found out from the doctor that Justin pregnancy is considered - high risk.
What do you think? And the big question - can I write that? I certainly will give it a shot.
Date: Jan 11, 2019 1:58 am Title: Chapter 161: Coach Kinney/Dr. Kinney/Craig’s ghost/Mel’s pregnancy…
You got winners again Deb. #3- Craig haunting - kind of gives me the shivers, though. He's such a unlikeable homophobe. Oh, but wait, Idea Struck... Would serve the so-and-so right, if he had to observe Brian and Justin in the bedroom. :)
#4 - could also result in JR suffering lifelong effects such as cerebral palsy, mental retardation, visual and hearing impairments, and poor health and growth.
But, ABSOLUTELY LOVE 1 and 2. I much as I love Canon Divergent, I also LOVE really good AU's. And these sound like winners in my book.
Date: Jan 08, 2019 1:44 am Title: Chapter 160: Escort servce
Huh! Unfortunately, I must have 'forgotten' the word 'legal'. Then the question would be 'is that mandatory'? So, IF Justin is hired, well, we wouldn't want hm to go there, right? Just Saying. ;)
Date: Jan 07, 2019 7:21 am Title: Chapter 160: Escort servce
Hi, BritinManor! No under the table deals needed since prostitution is legal! LOL! I figured it would be interesting to see how authors might handle Brian running a legal bordello! Then he's challenged with whether or not to hire Justin or keep him for himself! :P
Date: Jan 07, 2019 7:07 am Title: Chapter 160: Escort servce
Ooh la la! This could prove interesting. I'm taking for granted the escort service doesn't provide bedroom detail, unless the escort makes a special deal with the gentleman under the table?
Date: Jan 01, 2019 9:17 am Title: Chapter 159: Justin goes missing in London...
Fantastic idea.
Date: Jan 01, 2019 7:53 am Title: Chapter 159: Justin goes missing in London...
Hey, BritinManor! I'm glad you liked it! I do love a mystery myself and really hope that someone writes this.
As for suggestions about an author... TAG is really good at mysteries. Wonder what it would take to convince her to take on one more story?
Date: Jan 01, 2019 7:13 am Title: Chapter 159: Justin goes missing in London...
OOOOHHHH! It was sounding good like a reunion meeting and a "Let's start a relationship" type thing. THEN - you continued with the he's missing and the lone business card and I was HOOKED!!!! I thoroughly LOVE mysteries and suspence. THIS has both.
I know I have said before, that I wish someone would write this, but by gosh, this one I MEAN IT!!!!! I can picture scenarios in my head already. I'm trying to think of a good mystery writer that we have, that would be perfect for this. Any suggestions???
Date: Dec 31, 2018 8:58 am Title: Chapter 158: Justin died too soon...
Once again, Deb, you've hit a winner in my book. I can see evilness lurking in the shadows already. dun dun dun duuuuun. *smirks*
Date: Dec 30, 2018 11:49 pm Title: Chapter 158: Justin died too soon...
Oh, this would be great. Hope someone decides to write it.