Date: Oct 17, 2018 10:22 pm Title: Chapter 115: Michael heard the doctor's message instead of Justin
YAY! Another Anti-Michael fic. Always a sucker for stories where Michael puts his foot in his mouth. I see lots of angst, but a very happy ending when the truth of what Michael did comes out. How does Brian finally learn the truth, when he hasn't spoken to Justin in a long time, and also won't give Daphne the time of day? Could he be at a restaurant entertaining a client and over-hears a conversation about how Michael was on his phone that night at Woody's, relaying how Brian had cancer?
Come on authors. This could be a very good read. Just think of all the possibilities you could come up with for this!
Date: Oct 05, 2018 9:34 pm Title: Chapter 41: Experiments with Paint aka The Million Dollar Painting
I love SNO's comment and idea, but would like to expand on that. Would the boy's even want to sell it, even for a million dollars? I'm sure it would be publicized in the local papers, and what would Michael's reaction be?
Date: Oct 05, 2018 9:23 pm Title: Chapter 68: Brian buys an unusual camera...
Just think of Brian's reaction when he sees Lindsay and Michael's and has to compare it to Justin's? Even Mel's could surprise him.
Date: Oct 05, 2018 9:15 pm Title: Chapter 55: Michael decides on a career change
Does Michael know enough about hot sex to even plan one?
Date: Oct 05, 2018 9:12 pm Title: Chapter 49: Melanie is given a gift...
More importantly, what's Mel's reaction to Justin saying, "Lindsay will stop trying to get his." Did Justin catch Lindsay making some attempt to get Brian in bed, and this is the outcome? This could prove to be a crack fic, or could really lead into a serious AU mutil-chapter fic. If I had my choice, I'd go with the latter.
Date: Oct 05, 2018 8:58 pm Title: Different outcome of Gui situation
I so agree with you Angelhead. Everything you said about Brian is true. I found that topic quite disturbing. It's one of the mistakes I found within the series. And he is legally Gus' Father, so regardless how much time he's spent with Gus, it shouldn't reflect on his custody of Gus. What a wonderful way to seal Brian and Justin's relationship a lot earlier than in canon. Michael's reaction is born of pure jealously. He's already jealous of Justin, and this would escalate into pure hatred of Justin. So I can see a real Anti-Michael fic here too.
I really hope someone will look back on these past bunnies and pick this up, as it could be a really great read.
Date: Oct 05, 2018 8:43 pm Title: Chapter 14: There was that threesome once... or twice...
If Justin got the giggles the first time around when he figured it out about Brian and Ben, I can just imagine his reaction to this!
Date: Oct 05, 2018 8:24 pm Title: Chapter 104: What if Justin bought Buzzy's?
Hmmm... Does Brian secretly know Justin yet? Or does he meet him after Michael points him out in Woody's or Babylon, after he's been complaining relentlessly about him for the last hour? Sounds like it could be very good...
Date: Oct 04, 2018 9:14 am Title: Chapter 3 - Justin Plays in the F**koff Bet.
I really like this bunny. I once thought how funny it would be if the bet was something Justin broached between himself and Brian. I'm not sure if your bunny involves Brian, Justin and Brandon, or just Justin and Brandon. Any of the ways would prove to be an interesting story, but if the bet was between just Brandon and Justin, Justin would win hands down as Brian would never bottom for Brandon. OH WAIT! It just hit me. Brian wouldn't be on the list.
Date: Oct 04, 2018 9:07 am Title: Chapter 145: Final scenes of series finale – real or fantasy?
I like this idea and I hope one of our wonderful writers can write something like that.
Date: Oct 04, 2018 6:07 am Title: Chapter 145: Final scenes of series finale – real or fantasy?
Great opportunies here. I really like the idea that it was a daydream. I like to believe that Michael was using that as a reason to keep Brian close to him now that Justin is gone. Michael's illusions, I'm sure, is that he doesn't believe Brian and Justin would continue a long distance relationship. Maybe not rebuild... Brian is above that scene now. (I guess I don't see him doing a 180, and going back to that scene anymore.) And I like the angle of Justin living at Britin, building his portfolio, where the inspiration is overwhelming and he is producing work out of this world. And of course, Brian has given him a credit card to help him survive in New York. How long before Brian finds out? How does Brian find out, and what is his reaction? Writer's you have full reign. (I'd like to think he's pleased) after some persuading from a certain blond, and after Brian sees the work he's produced. Could be a good Anti-Michael and Anti-Lindsay fic. Geez, I wish I was a writer.
Date: Oct 04, 2018 3:32 am Title: Chapter 63: Vic saves a young Brian
Vic would have to make a choice. Does he move into his own place to keep Brian out of Deb's emotional abuse? Does he discourage his friendship with Michael as he can see the train-wreck that it will become? Vic is such an awesome character, with high morality, and I can see him nuture Brian into becoming string moral character.
Date: Oct 04, 2018 3:10 am Title: Chapter 61: Michael uses his 'key' with tragic results...
Was rereading Plot Bunnies again today, and this kind of stood out. Scenarios:
1 - What if the three of them had already been going at it for awhile, and Brian was returning from taking a shower?
2 - What if this is a client of Brian's that they've known for a long time?
3 - What if Brian and Justin broke their one-time only policy, (or even 2nd-time only policy) and they all knew each other really well?
Lots of possiblities to look at. All-in-all, it could be a great Anti-Michael fic. While waiting for Justin to wake up from a coma, maybe since Brian knows the truth he starts looking at other events where things didn't always add up, and he starts to see them as possible Michael related. (the loft being robbed is one) Also, would Brian press charges? Would Michael go to prison for Class A Felony Assault 1? But suppose the bashing never happened, and this is after Brian has opened Kinnetik? So many ideas.
Date: Oct 03, 2018 9:43 am Title: Chapter 91: Michael is dying... or is he?
I read over Plot Bunnies quite frequently. I'm not sure why some hit at one point when they didn't the first time I read them. But anyway...
This could prove interesting. The way I see it, Brian lets Michael move in with him, but they have separate rooms. (Brian can explain it away as he doesn't feel right with Michael being so sick). But that just brings another question in mind. With Stage 4 cancer, shouldn't Michael be exhibiting debilitating symptoms? Weight loss, haggard appearance, possible hair loss... What about the absence of meds, and chemo treatments (Bringing on bouts of extreme vomiting?)
But, we know Michael won't fess up when he learns the truth, so that leaves Justin. Just how does Justin go about exposing the truth? He will have to get medical records or some sort of proof. Does he expose it publicly, or just to the 'family'? Does he let Brian know beforehand? Many options to explore with this Bunny. But I really would love to see this in print.
Date: Oct 02, 2018 6:40 pm Title: Chapter 144: What if...
Adding to my previous review...
Man, my brain is running away with this plot bunny...and has been ever since I read it. The whole way home I was chewing it over in my mind.
So, I started myself a notes file. This one will happen eventually. I already wrote 200 words of it. LOL I'm such an addict!
And I also wanted to say just how honored I am that my story inspired a plot bunny!
Date: Oct 02, 2018 4:47 pm Title: Chapter 144: What if...
Oooh...I love, love, love this! Thank you for sharing! I can't promise I'd start on it immediately, but I would love to write it eventually. Or if someone else wants to also, go for it. The more stories, the better!
Date: Oct 02, 2018 3:21 am Title: Chapter 143: Justin is caught at the Liberty Baths
Very interesting twist! Can just about imagine Jennifer's expression when she sees what Justin and Brian are up to. LOL!
Hope someone grabs it!
Date: Oct 02, 2018 3:18 am Title: Chapter 142: What Really Happens When George Dies...
I love Emmett, too! Was really upset when they killed off George; he and Emmett were so cute together.
Another good one!
Date: Oct 02, 2018 3:16 am Title: Chapter 141: Gus needs a kidney transplant... Where's Brian?
Love this! Hope someone snatches it up soon! Well done, bjluv!
Date: Sep 29, 2018 4:41 pm Title: Chapter 139: Expanding on bunny I previously posted…
Hey Deb! This sounds great! I like the new concept you came up with. I originally liked the idea, as you can see, but your expansion far outweighs the scenarios I came up with. The question is, How does it come about that Brian learns the truth? Did Lindsay leave the 'Father's Name' blank on the birth certificate? Does Mel know the truth? If not, what's her reaction when she learns of her wife's deception? This would be an awesome read writers!
Date: Sep 27, 2018 2:46 am Title: Chapter 79: Justin and Brian meet when...
I can see all three of these plots as good reads. Good Job Deb!
#1 could have so many possibilities. Justin was already going to work for Brian, sooooo... maybe he goes to work in the New York branch instead. Mel and Lindsay could both lose their parental rights. But, what happens to Jenny? Is Michael any kind of a father? Can Michael afford to keep Jenny? Are Michael and Ben still together, or has Ben died and left everything to Hunter?
#2 the race is on to prove Justin's innocense, and find the real kidnapper. Does he look similar to Justin? Is it a set-up? Does Michael find out Justin and Brian know each other and are having a secret relationship, and Michael is trying to get Justin out of Brian's life? Is Lindsay involved with Michael's scheme?
#3 Okay... Just how young is the 'young blond'? If it's only been two years, the little boy can only be a little over a year old. Scenarios... Did Brian and Justin have their one night stand? And did Justin top Brain, so that Justin is the father? Or, is Brian the father, and recognizes Justin as his one night stand that he has never gotten over? How would Justin have come to be with Gus in the park? What's Melanie's reaction when she learns the truth of Lindsay's deception?
Date: Sep 27, 2018 2:07 am Title: Chapter 80 - Lindsay's deceit...
Wow! Could be intense. Another angle to the bashing... But maybe Brian can intervene in time. Or, Maybe Chris decides he really likes Justin... Hmm...
Date: Sep 27, 2018 2:01 am Title: Chapter 84: Michael's new toy...
Perfect crack fic. Did Michael take a picture of Brian to a wax sculptor at PIFA? And, how did Michael get enough money to pay for the sculpture?
Date: Sep 26, 2018 8:50 pm Title: Chapter 96: Gus attacks his professor...
Oh I would love to see this in print. Brian's a multi-millionaire, Melanie's an attorney (in our day, it's not considered a conflict-of-interest to defend your child) ... so, I think they have the Professor covered. (maybe he's actually married, maybe he's a lothario, and has a track record of seducing young girls, which comes out in court?)
But, before Gus fesses up, just how much trouble is he in? Does anyone, besides Brian and Justin, stand up and stand beside him? Does the family blame Brian? Is Gus ostracized from the family only for them to have to grovel for his forgiveness? Due to Melanie's treatment of him, maybe Gus won't want her as his lawyer, and Brian can certainly afford the best.
But what happens to Jenny and the baby? Does she have the baby and raise it, or give it up for adoption? (Brian and Justin could adopt it.) Or, what if she wants an abortion?
So very many possibilities. Come on, writer's. Give it a chance. Deb, you hit another ball-park with this Bunny.
Date: Sep 26, 2018 8:12 pm Title: Chapter 110: Justin finds a baby...
Another winner Deb! This sounds very interesting. Lots of scenarios for an author.
Does Justin keep the baby to raise himself, only years later connects with Brian, (maybe at an art exhibt) and realize that he must be related to Gus as they look almost identical?
Maybe Justin starts working for Brian soon after and after getting to know Brain socially, introduces Brian to Gus, and Brian starts getting suspicious the baby isn't Justin's because there are holes in Justin story about Gus.
Or, does Justin take Gus to the authorities with the truth, and Brian offering Justin a job when he learns of his art talent, thus Brian and Justin getting together.
Hopefully someone picks this up. It could prove to be a very good story.