Reviews For Family Ties
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Reviewer: cookiebun Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 07, 2016 11:47 am Title: Chapter 1

I like this, any plans to explore this further? I see potential for this to go on...

Author's Response:

It's on my list of possibilities, but I also have several abandoned WIPs I need to look at first. 

Reviewer: SunshineSally Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Jun 06, 2016 5:35 pm Title: Chapter 1

I absolutely loved this. I sort of wish you had written a second chapter :) I love how Justin just sat behind him and loved on him, showing him silently, that he was there for him :)

Author's Response:

Thank you Sally. I kind of wish I'd added to this as well. It could happen. 

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Jun 06, 2016 2:48 am Title: Chapter 1

This is a story that makes you want more!

Author's Response:

Thank you. Wanting more is a great compliment. I always keep this one in the back of my mind as one to add to someday. 

Author's Response:

Thank you. Wanting more is a great compliment. I always keep this one in the back of my mind as one to add to someday. 

Author's Response:

Thank you. Wanting more is a great compliment. I always keep this one in the back of my mind as one to add to someday. 

Reviewer: sfscarlet Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 06, 2016 2:47 am Title: Chapter 1

I really like this story-  don't get many stories and Brian and Gus-  a real soft spot for me

Author's Response:

Thanks scarlet. Brian so obviously loved Gus even while he worried he would become Jack Kinney. I love exploring that side of him. 

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