Date: May 15, 2016 2:59 am Title: Chapter 1
So, I'd started this before, but got too distracted. Now, I've started again, taking the time to read The Review first. It already promises to be majorly angsty. And very intriguing too - Brian's mysterious nightmares, him apparently pushing Justin away again, and now a request to Lindz for another kid. That's a heck of a lot for one story. Can't wait to see where you take it. Off to read more. TAG
Author's Response:
I understand distraction. I hope he smelled really good. LOL
Yeah, very, very, angsty. Hopefully you will stay intrigued, otherwise you will stop reading. Brian is pretty messed up. He was in the series and I can on,y imagine that his neurosis would continue unchecked after it ended. Lots and Lots of different stuff going on. Some will be relevent and some won't. I leave it to the reader to interpret it how they wish.
Date: May 14, 2016 5:20 pm Title: Chapter 22
Is there anything Jane can't do? She married them. Justin and Brian are finally married and everything they need to know was laid out. About time. Now for the bad news. Nick is in for a hell of trouble, working for someone who does not have his best interests in mind. You almost have to feel sorry for him.
Author's Response:
I have not found anything yet! She is a quick study, our Lady Jane.
Brian still needs work, but now that Justin is on the same page and Brian is opening up, things should look up for our duo.
Nick, what can I say? I feel sorry for him too, but when you mess with the bull, you get the horns.
Date: May 14, 2016 4:24 pm Title: Chapter 22
Yay! They're married! What a great chapter. Keep them coming. :) ~ Shari
Author's Response:
I know, right?! What can I say, Jane has reasons for "forcing" them. I may or may not delve into that.
Thank you for the compliment. It is always good to hear that another author thinks your work is good. Don't know how fast I will be at updating, but I will do my best.
Date: May 14, 2016 4:18 am Title: Chapter 16
I want Jane's treatise on human sexuality and labels embroidered on a t-shirt, taught in grade-school, and written across the fucking sky! You just put perfectly into words everything I have ever felt. So good. I can't tell you how much I am enjoying this story. Seeing Brian's interactions with so much female energy is really exciting and different. I honestly wouldn't think that I would like it, because let's face it, we all love Brian surrounded by men; but you have managed to really make it work, both with canon characters like Cynthia and Jennifer, and your originals, like Jane, who is amazing. Really looking forward to seeing where this story goes. Great job.
Author's Response:
I like Jane's treatise too. I think this is the first moment of true respect between Brian and Jane. I feel Brian's philosophy up to this point is similar, but she expanded on it and he realized how very well it fit the inner core, or seed, of his relationship with those around him. Most notably, Justin, Cynthia, Lindsay, and ultimately Jane herself.
I am glad you are enjoyiing yourself. The subject matter can be harsh and difficult at times, hence why I leave nuggets of humor. "Laughter through tears is my favorite emotion."
Thank you so much for the beautiful compliment.
We still have a long way to go, I hope you stick around.
Date: May 12, 2016 3:14 pm Title: Chapter 21
This story is just so good.
Author's Response:
Thank you.
Glad you are still holding in there.
Date: May 12, 2016 3:12 pm Title: Chapter 21
I'm amazed that Marc trusts Granvil enough to come clean with him. Jane seems to know everything and mindreads as well. That poker game has made me suspicious though. Looks like Tate has everyone's attention. I'm wondering how Jane managed to leave him at home. That early morning battle of Jane and Tate is scary. It would appear that according to Tate, Brian is as good for Jane as Jane is for Brian. Go figure. Love how Brian and Emmett are relating to each other. Brian's not taking him for granted. I''m afraid to read the song lyrics.
Author's Response:
I agree, but Marc did not tell him how very wealthy and powerful Brian is, or the fact that it was an assassination attempt. Just enough so Granvil would know it was serious. Jane is an extremely intelligent person. I might get into that later. What was suspiciious about the poker game?
Tate would have everyone's attention. True firey hotness there. Jane and Tate have an amazing relationship. They pull no punches with each other, literally or figuatively. I love the rest of it too. If abuse is a trigger for you, don't read the somg lyrics or listen to them.
Date: May 12, 2016 2:30 pm Title: Chapter 20
Sigh. Brian answers questions truthfully and Justin doesn't like the answers. Was Justin actually going to leave without Molly? Woah! You had the horse go over the car? Gutsy. I'm glad that you let Justin listen in on Brian and Jane's conversation. It probably the only way he's believe and understand what Brian would try to tell him. Things look like they are coming to a head, especially if Jane is calling in her husband as backup. Boy, Brian admitting to everything is mind blowing. Justin not feeling jealous of Jane is - very mature of him. In a way looks as if she filling a place where Claire and Joan should have been and weren't. Sort of like Lindsay's place in Brian's life. I just recently found the opinion option. Just pretend I hit liked on every chapter.
Author's Response:
Unfortunately it is Brian's habit, when cornered, to answere with a minimum of words. In this scene, I think it hit him full force, exactly how much danger Justin just put everyoine in by coming there.
I like to think Justin would not have made it all the way back to Jackson before realizing what an asshole he was being and coming back. Besides, Molly is no longer a child, and used to Justin's QO's.
Everything is coming to a head. And we finally see that Jane is not perfect. She has her wn daily battles with her demons too. Fear, overexertion, and exhaustion lead to the car smashing. She can certainly match any of the fags on the QO scale. LOL
Justin is maturing. Unfortunately no one does this until they are forced to see a situation from a point of view they had never considered before.
Brian is very lucky that DR. Anders knew of Jane. I don't know how he could have made it this far without her so quickly. I think she will become a part of his inner circle, even after they separate.
Oh, and with you leaving a review on every chapter, I assumed the thumbs up, but thank you.
Date: May 11, 2016 9:30 am Title: Chapter 18
Author's Response:
I like the little insights we get into the workings of Brian's brain and thought processes. Thank YOu for saying that! No they did not, and it really was not about the sex/non sex anyway.
Marc is kinda in the middle. He really is just a normal guy dealing with somewhat abnormal situations. He is a little out of his element.
I feel that Brian's initial steps into opening up, in the kitchen, give him a sense of relief and security. Enough of each for him to really start to trust Jane and her unconventional ways.
Justin will be Justin, until he is forced to see situations through someone elses' perspective. Justin is a smart and sneaky fucker when he wants to be.
Bad guys will be bad guys, and we have to assume they are just as resourceful as Brian in order to do the things they have done so far.
What a wonderful sign of respect for Jane! That Brian would think so highly of her as to make her a superhero. I just could not resist the urge. It felt so right, him making a niche for her, a way for her to fit into his "family"
Yum Yum
This is the response to your review of chapter 18, which I somehow managed to lose.
So very sorry.
Author's Response:
Again, so sorry I lost your Review. I will try to be more careful next time.
Date: May 11, 2016 1:49 am Title: Chapter 19
I had to read through this twice. The first time for the sheer enjoyment of it. The second time to document all the amazing stuff in it. A Super Hero in the making. Everyone is involved and Jane loves it. Brian's ideas are amazing.
Love that Jane felt the need to help the homeless man. Fortunately it worked out perfectly that he was with a K9 unit. Hopefully he'll be of help when the trouble starts, cause I'm sure there will be some.
Brian's helping the family with kids doesn't surprise me. He's got the money and he's developed a healthy respect for the people who help protect our country. That whole section was fantastic.
I'm worried about Justin. There is so much going on around him that he doesn't know. He's worried about Brian because Brian isn't acting like the Brian he thinks he knows. Thank goodness Geri is following him and Molly. Especially if Nick is following as well. Brian's changed, he's freer, he uses emoticons, he's put on weight, he's got a beard! That's got to be unsettling. The sex scene was spectacular. Justin has to know how much Brian cares after that. I'm just hoping that Emmett is looking out for Molly.
Lara called Jane out on what she thought was an act. Jane might have done it for Brian, to help Brian, but there could have been serious ramifications as Lara pointed out.
Author's Response:
Thanks for the compliment.
Who doesnt love a Super Hero? Brian IS amazing.
Jane is a genuinely caring person all around. I think she sees herself as needing to make a difference wherever and whenever she can. That the man was in a K9 unit when he served, was merely an added bonus.
Brian is greatly influenced by Jane's ACTIONS at the moment, and her words echoing in his head spur him to follow her lead. Of course there is no way he would not do it in a "BIG WAY" As Debbie says, you cant do it quietly.
Justin seems to be running in circles, and I am sure his thoughts feel that way right now. He relies on stability with Brian and he is currently adrift. These new traits Brian is displaying have to be unsettling in the least and downright demented to someone who does not know the context.
Brian's physical changes were sparked by getting the right meds and letting out some of his turmoil. Remember the grounding? Some people become OCD about things like videos, personal appearance, towels hung just so. His freer display of himself, not the image, is a testament to how much better he is feeling emotionally.
Glad you like the reunion. I liked writing it. They had been apart for too long.
Jane has some serious issues herself. The fact that she would go so far as to allow an episode in order to help Brian see that she had flaws too and get him to open up to her, says alot about who she is as a person, and how very good she is at what she does to use it to her advantage and get Brian to open up to her.
Again, WebMD was helpful in this scenario, along with the Mayo Clinics online psychiatric educational links.
Date: May 10, 2016 10:54 pm Title: Chapter 17
The blonde angel has to be Cynthia. What happened next was scary. Woke everyone up, even the dog. Is there anything Lady Jane can't do? I had wondered if she had an anxiety disorder herself that gave her an excellent knowledge of what needs to be done. God, what a backstory. You would think she needs Brian as much as he needs her.
Love your e-mails. was easy-Mikey , Cynthia, I'm guessing Justin. only because of, of course is Lindsay, obviously Melanie.
Now about Noah's shopping trip. A lot of that stuff made sense. ie the junk food, fabric and trim, but the cosmetics? I'm thinking Brian's got a plan that play to his e-mail to Cynthia. How he managed to do everything one handed is beyond me. What are you up to?
Author's Response:
Cynthia is and always will be Brian's angel. The following scene, and the medical ramifications, are in fact a real concern. WebMD was very helpful to me in that scene. Lady Jane is a force to be reckoned with on a good day and terrifying to behold when angry. She has a wealth of knowledge from experience and training. I do think she needs Brian as much as he needs her.
I am glad the email addys were self explanatory.
I think Noah would have gotten out of that trip if he could have.
Brian is nothing if not resourceful. He is the "master" after all.
Moi? I am not up to anything...(my hands are hiding behind my back)
Date: May 10, 2016 9:43 pm Title: Chapter 16
Melanie's smart enough to catch on to Lindsay. A clean house, a groomed Lindsay and the kids on a sleepover. Please! Love Aunt Lulah, she's ready for anything with her handy handgun. Good thing it wasn't needed. Have to admit I was wondering what the lady was up to, especially when the dog sniffed both Brian and Jane's butts. Both of them squeaking. LOL, puppies a sure cure for what ails ya. Love how Lulah gave Brian the responsibility for the dogs. My mother says the dog across the street looks like a bear so I'm assuming that it's a Newfoundland. I couldn't for the life of me figure out the breed. Thank you.
Jen's talk with Deb is proving very informative. I'm glad Deb feels guilty about telling St. Joan about Brian's cancer. So she should. If only Lindsay felt the same for her part in Justin going off to New York. But then that would be another story.
That Gus should be introduced to Everett. He's in the same league. Lindsay's pulling the same shit she did with Brian. I kinda wish Mel would say no just on general principle. Being manipulated like that is not good.
Justin's plans to save the world have to be saved until he gets to the bank. I'm assuming his account has enough in it so he can do whatever he wants.
Back to the cops. Who's the dead body and why do I feel that it related to Brian's case? Don't tell me it's the Russian. I thought he was locked up.
Hetro sex. Did you put a warning on this chapter? Before I forget what was it that got Everett's attention before Cynthia did?
Wow, I love the way Jan condensed Lindsay's hold on Brian. She's got great insight. Love her background story. That was some story.
Author's Response:
I always thought Linds was fairly transparent in the series and Mel seems to agree with me in my story. Lulah is a card as we say where I am from. The Brian/Jane/Bear/Puppies scene was another bit I had fun with. I woke up in the middle of the night with it Playing on re run in the back of my head and had to fit it in somewhere. Lulah knows depression can sometimes be fought by having responsibility for a pet. Brian would never take on a pet, but he might do a "favor"
I did a ridiculous amount of research on dogs and their attributes before writing these last chapters. Bear is a mix and if you look each breed up on the internet, then roll them together, read the chapter again. You will get a clearer picture of just how massive and scary and resourceful he really is.
Maybe Gus will work for Everett when he is all grown up?
The DB is most definitely the assassin that dumped Brian in the ocean, he was out on bond, remember the scene with Harry on the steps? Looks like someone got to him before the cops "tail" could find out anything useful.
Hetero sex, yeah I know we are a QAF fandom, but Cynthia deserves to get laid too and no, I do not warning each chapter only the whole story. Everett was on the phone finding out the assassin was dead.
Jane is awesome, her superpowers are mighty, and she has her own demons.
Date: May 10, 2016 8:31 pm Title: Chapter 15
Not surprised that Brian got e-mails from Mikey, Lindsay, and Cynthia. Would have been really surprised if he stopped everything and answered them. Amazing how the scent of Nutmeg got through Brian's senses just as he's about to lose it. Just think if Brian had taken to wearing nutmeg how fast he could have calmed Justin's panic attacks after he got bashed. Then we learn that Lady Jane has 7 kids. She doesn't seem old enough, so who's watching the kids while she's in Hazelhurst? Love the 5 P's. Could have used them when my kids were little. Lord that woman has a sense of humor. Now Justin has decide that he's going to save the world just like Brian wanted him to. He's taking over the internet! Now if he can just sober Daphne up.
Author's Response:
Yeah, he should have waited to reconnect with the world of his family.
I think the Nutmeg had the effect that it did, because it was sensory, and outside of his physical being. Something that he insinctively used to "ground" himself. I think the effects would have been the same were the scents anything else so different, like maybe lemons or chlorine. It was the powerfulness of the odor that struck him.
Jane had or aquired all 7 of her children in slightly less than four years. Being married so young had her oldest children almost ready to start school by the time she was 21. At the time we meet her, the oldest children are already in college and the younger ones are preparing to go, and therefore dont really need a babysitter.
I live by the five P's. That tidbit came right out of my personal life.
I like Jane's humor and I am glad you do to. She can be a bit much from time to time.
Justin is starting to gain some direction and traction. Dont let him slip past you.
Date: May 10, 2016 5:07 pm Title: Chapter 14
Justin and fake Brian fake a fight. Now what are Justin's plans? Why does Brian pick this time to give Justin his long-overdue wedding present? Looks like Molly isn't the only curious one in the family. Gus is trying to learn more about his dad too.
Mikey and Deb. Deb is worried about Brian, while Mikey's mind is on why Hunter doesn't want to come home for Thanksgiving. At least Deb has Jennifer to talk to. Jenn wants to know what Deb knows about Brian's upbringing. What will she do with the knowledge.
Lady Jane. Will she have her hands full, or will Brian? She's a great character worthy of going up against the Great Brian Kinney.
You write some great chapters. It would be hard to remember all the good parts for commenting if I didn't make notes while reading since you switch from one character to another in different paragraphs. That's why I'm so glad to have a chance to reread this from the beginning. : )
Author's Response:
I think Brian used his present to show his love and to keep Justin distracted. He knows how smart his lover is.
Molly and Gus should team up.
I don't know if Jen even knows why she needs to know, ya know?
Jane...what can I say about Jane? Uh, never judge a book by its cover?
Thanks for the compliment. The switching is done intentionally, to mimic the series, and in some cases to convey how fast things are happening.
Date: May 10, 2016 4:22 pm Title: Chapter 13
Justin likes that someone is thinking of him. Everyone else is focused on Brian, as they should. The picture he's painting sounds familiar. I have no problem picturing it. Dealing with a fake Brian can't be easy - for either of them. Love the yellow truck. You'll get a lot of mileage out of that. lol. Amazing insight Emmett has, that should come in handy. Why are they buying mattresses? Doesn't the lodge come with beds? What would Everett say if he found out the people he sent to protect Brian were smoking weed and getting high? Arriving at a lodge in a 'banana mobile' must have been hard on Brian. At least Emmett has one member of his family that didn't disown him. Auntie Em has an Aunt Lulah. Sneaky little Molly, finding and reading Brian's medical file. Considering how hard Jenn found reading it, I wonder how Molly stomachs it. Ted's lucky that Carl has everything under control in Pittsburgh. Is Justin planning on finding Brian and joining him. We finally meet Dr. Anders expert. Knowing what I already know, this is going to get good.
Author's Response:
Could you imagine being Fake Brian? Talk about the role of your life for an actor! Emmett does have some interesting insight on occasion.
Lulah lives at the Lodge with the dogs by herself. Not all the bedrooms have mattresses because, in the American South, humidity, non use, and "critters", make them a well spring of infestation. Plus, Brian would be picky about what he was sleeping on. LOL. So, bedframes were there, mattresses were not.
I think Everett would be displeased, but if it kept Brian calm and unagitated, he might overlook it.
Lulah and Em have a very special relationship. I am unsure yet if I want to write that story. Maybe a one-shot?
You know what is coming up, so I will move on to the next of the eight reviews you left for me today. ;P
Date: May 10, 2016 1:29 pm Title: Chapter 12
Brian Kinney traveling by train. Two days no less. Can't imagine the only train I've ridden was the Bullet Train in Japan. At least they got a hotel before going further. Two days make a difference in Brian's weight evidently. He never seemed to take well to mothering. Maybe because he didn't get any when he was growing up? Gotta admit that I don't think anyone will think of looking for Brian in Hazelhurst. lol. What is it that Justin's planning? Daphne may have a clue but I don't. Love how Molly is smart enough to figure out something's wrong. So Melanie finally gets what Brian means to Lindsay. I'm not sure I do. Some part of me still wants to think Lindsay is thinking happy hetro thoughts. Everett appears to have a photographic memory. Good to have in his line of work. The trick with the photos means something. Same thing with Harry and seeing one of Everett's men following someone. That too means something and I'll have to wait to find out what. Emmett seemed worried about money. With $60,000 and an unlimited, untraceable credit card he doesn't need to. I laugh when I think of everyone high on weed and shopping. In case I didn't mention it your cop characters are totally interesting, who did you base them on. I'm thinking they'll play an important part later on?
Author's Response:
I think they took Brian by train, because the bad guys would expect him to use his jet, plus the anonymity of public transpo. Brian has now had a week of incredible stress. From Justin to the hospital, it would stand to reason he would lose some weight. We can hope no one will find him in Hazelhurst. Justin and Daphne have always seemed to share something a little extra, like twins, knowing what the other is thinking. I like Molly too, she is quickly approaching the age Justin was when he met the gang, and she is not exactly a fool either.
Mel and Linds? Can we really ever understand all of the dynamics between them or just hold on for the ride?
Everett has many talents that served him well in his time with the government and we can only be thankful that those skills have not gotten rusty. He is a good man.
Emmetts concern about money, stems from wanting to stay untraceble, much like Mikey and Hunter when they took off in the series. The agents showed him he had nothing to worry about.
The High Hotel Hooligans was one of my favorite scenes to write.
I did not base my cops on anyone in particular, they are kind of an amalgamation of many tv cops I have liked over the years. And yes, we can hope they will be important later.
Date: May 10, 2016 4:12 am Title: Chapter 5
What and intense chapter.
Author's Response:
yeah, they will get more so for the next few chapters, then, comic relief.
Date: May 10, 2016 3:23 am Title: Chapter 3
Lots of twists and turns...
Author's Response:
My evil plan is working...mwahahah
Date: May 10, 2016 3:00 am Title: Chapter 2
I really do suck at reviews, but I wanted to let you know that so far I am enjoying this story.
Author's Response:
Short and sweet, not sucky. Thanks for the compliment.
Date: May 10, 2016 2:46 am Title: Chapter 11
Love the way you compare Mary Poppins to finding pajama pants. Most unique. Carl's part in this story is going to tough, having to rein in both Debbie and Michael. Maybe he should get Ben to help out? I can just picture Michael picturing Brian coming to in the hospital and grabbing a male nurse and saying. Somebody call Mikey and let him know I'm okay. Not! Lindsay is going to be soooo shocked to find out she's not on the list of approved visitors. I still giggle when I get to the part about the big scary man and Terrifying Lady. Smart woman to call Everett. The only people not scared of him are the cops. I don't think they know better. They'll learn. I am surprised he's leaving Brian alone to go eat with Justin and his mom. Things tend to happen. But it appears that Brian knows what he's doing. Sounds like Lindsay is seriously considering having Brian's baby, whether Melanie approves or not. I wonder why? Cynthia would be a better choice, but who knows. Then we learn about the lady that's going to put Brian back together in Hazelhurst. Lord help them. I'm surprised that Brian let them put him in a wheelchair when he wanted to go for a smoke. Noah knows that Brian senses colors? How? That stroking of the thigh has to mean something. With all the times Brian was sent to the hospital, it's a wonder he has such a pretty face. I can understand how Jennifer found it hard to read, I too found it painful. There is so much in this chapter to talk about that words cannot convey. But I must say the switch part was really cloak and dagger there. I hope Brian and Justin realize what a prize they have in Emmett's friendship.
Author's Response:
Thank you, I could easily see Brian making the comparison to Mary's carpet bag. Carl will be riding a rickety fence as they say, doing a careful balancing act. Not sure about Ben, though it is a possibility. You are right on the Michael front as well. I love Cynthia-The Terrifying Lady!
Lindsay is a mess right now, but Brian will set her straight. I hope everyone likes my cop duo, I do. They just really want to do a good job and are very good at ovserving people and sizing them up quickly.
Brian was on the verge of another episode and really just wanted a cigarette, therefore he was willing to put up with anything in the short term to achieve that end.
Brian is a tactile person, and as you will find put later, the stroking of fabric or doing something with his hands in general is a grounding technique.
Brian is beautiful, physically speaking, and I like to think a higher power was looking out for him all those years, giving him something about himself he could be proud of.
I liked the cloak and dagger too.
Date: May 10, 2016 2:26 am Title: Chapter 1
Wow. This is really good and quite angsty but addictive. :)
Author's Response:
Dont start something if you cant finish it. LOL
Date: May 09, 2016 9:41 pm Title: Chapter 10
There you go making us feel again. We feel the frustration coming off of Dr. Anders. How hard he tried to make the pain go away and never being able to. To know that Brian survived is a miracle in a way. And you know he's not going to stop trying to help.
Melanie, who has no idea what Brian's been going through, thought it would be a good idea to call and see if he knew what Lindsay was up to?
Poor Ben, Mikey has a one track mind when it comes to Brian. Because he has never been a full-time parent, let alone a single parent. That right there tells you that he doesn't really know Brian anymore. Sheese.
As for Brian and Justin, it's amazing what they can say to each other without actually talking. That has to be the most sensual non talk anyone's ever written.
So now we know. Emmett's going back to Hazelhurst. I'm happy to know that it won't be a bad experience for him at least not so far.
Talk about pissed. At least it wasn't Ted who leaked the news. My money's on the two young nurses in the elevator. Hope they lose their jobs over this. Whatever happened to patient confidentiality. Now the cops are going to return.
Poor Carl. How is he going to deal with a hysterical Deb and her little boy too.
Author's Response:
Dr. Anders cares enough about the child Brian had been to find the best possible person he could to help him. He still feels responsible.
We find a lot of varying degrees of self-absorption in this chapter and the person who they all usually run to is incapacitated. Rumors and opinions fly like rice at a wedding.
That has to be the most sensual non talk anyone's ever written.
What a beautiful compliment. Thank you.
Date: May 09, 2016 8:23 pm Title: Chapter 9
Emmetts going back to Hazelhurst. Not his favorite place in the world, but he'll do it for Brian. It here we meet Dr. Anders and later learn his connection to Brian's past. If he'd been able to change the past would Brian be who he is today? Depends on too many variables.
Justin wonders why he's not as important to Brian as Cynthia and his mother. No wonder he doubts Brian's devotion. Little does he know that Brian doubts his.
Cynthia and Everett dynamics develop in this chapter and get better with each chapter. We learn that Lara is Everett's daughter. Working with relatives has to be harder than working with friends.
I'm not sure what's up with Michael and Lindsay. Lindsay seems almost frantic. There has got to be more to it than just being a surrogate. And why is she telling Michael? It has to be something pretty important to fly all the way to Pittsburgh and meet with him without Mel or Ben. Something strange this way comes.
The policemen come and Brian has fun. Until he starts to have an episode. If Everett thought he could get through to Brian by insulting him, he was wrong.
Author's Response:
Oh My. you gave me five reviews in one day. Holy cow!
Emmett will play a big supportive role in Brian's recovery. Probably because they are more alike than either would like to admit. Who knows what Brian would have grown into had Dr. Anders achieved his goal.
I love writing the Cynthia Everett scenes. Both of them cool as cucumbers until they can't hold back anymore.
Lara too, will play a role in Brian's well being. She is like a jack of all trades within Everett's company. They are still trying to work out their personal dynamics though.
As for Michael and Linds, Something strange is coming.
I love me some Snarky Brian, until he devolves into scary Brian. I dont think anyone could be prepared for that.
Date: May 09, 2016 4:54 pm Title: Chapter 8
We have Cynthia, Jennifer and Marc at the hospital. I assume Lara is somewhere around. Ms. Lyon's is sticking her nose in everywhere she can. Thanks to Emmett they know who they're looking for, just have to find him. And find him they do. We learn he is a professional, Russian? Maybe. My question is who is answering, the prisoner or Noah? Are the three scars the prisoner's.
Brian in a shower with two men. What does he have to complain about. My question is - is Emmett clothed or not? Just the thought. lol. Brian admitting he has a mental problem is huge.
This Jennifer is a little different. She's not the Jennifer who promised not to tell Craig and then went and did it anyways. Perhaps she's learned from that. But she's doing better by Brian.
Justin's back and he'll learn more about his partner, but not enough. Justin could be a calming influence on Brian ... if he keeps his temper in check. He's surprised to find his mom there and probably a little miffed that she's the one Brian turned to instead of him. I would be. I also don't blame him for being angry for being left in the dark while this was going on. I would imagine that the second thing Brian is afraid of is Justin no longer loving him. As if that would ever happen.
Brian in a rage! To think Michael named his character that and has no idea to the extent that it's true. Or is it Beauty and the Beast, with Justin as Beauty. He sure does know how to calm Brian down.
Mikey and Lindsay, what can one say. Things are going down and they're concerned about themselves. All they want to do is demand his time and attention which will be blocked to a certain extent.
Emmett, you gotta love him. He's going to stick by Brian and with his planning abilities has the perfect place for Brian to recuperate.
Author's Response:
Yep, the hitman is Russian. The person answering is him. Everett is the one with the scars. Everett is a very scary dude with a big back story that might get its own fic one day.
Brian is grumpy in the shower for the mere fact that he needs help to do it. All but Brian are clothed, sigh, and his admission to being anything but sound is a big deal.
As for the rest, you are your usual you!
Date: May 09, 2016 3:22 pm Title: Chapter 7
Now Brian is having one hell of a dream. Not to mention night terrors and it looks like Jenn is the only one that can help.
Love, love, love the parts with Emmett, Ted, and Everette. Those were real LOL moments. Emmett is much more daring than Ted. Can Teddy hold his own against Mikey and Deb? Or is he the wink link?
Jennifer seems to have everything under control. Justin's on his way back as he should. The shit is going to hit the fan, but that's unavoidable. Though if Justin was as smart as he thinks he is there wouldn't be a problem.
Jacobson, you've mentioned him a couple of times and he seems to be a trusted member, but is he? Or am I looking at things that just aren't there?
Author's Response:
Yeah, Brian's dreams are messed up. Jen saw enough of Justin's to percieve what is going on.
I loved that little elevator scene too. The angst was getting heavy, so a little comic relief was needed. Jen is a mom of all mom's in my book. Her first instinct is to protect and nurture.
Jacobson basically took over Cynthia's old Assistant position when they made the move to NY. Except, instead of just Brian, he assists Cynthia and Ted too. Very talented and easy going guy. Dont look too deep there.
Author's Response:
Yeah, Brian's dreams are messed up. Jen saw enough of Justin's to percieve what is going on.
I loved that little elevator scene too. The angst was getting heavy, so a little comic relief was needed. Jen is a mom of all mom's in my book. Her first instinct is to protect and nurture.
Jacobson basically took over Cynthia's old Assistant position when they made the move to NY. Except, instead of just Brian, he assists Cynthia and Ted too. Very talented and easy going guy. Dont look too deep there.
Date: May 09, 2016 1:11 pm Title: Chapter 6
Great opening. Brian's in the water, the rescue boats on the other side of the ship. Cynthia followed close behind, thank goodness she's a swimmer. Emmett is the only one that knows what the bad guy looks like and can identify him. Ted is dense about the whole thing. Ms. Lyons is going to be trouble.
They do say your life flashes across your mind at a time like this. Evidently it's true. But you don't kill the hero, which I classify Brian as, so I'm not worried... much.
Jennifer is being directed to the hospital. With her and Cynthia on his side, Brian is sure to pull through.
Author's Response:
Thanks for the compliment. Lots of stuff going on quickly in this chapter. A series of misadventure and terrible timing. Yeah, thank goodness for Cynthia and her take charge attitude. Ms. Lyons will be trouble. No, I wont kill the hero. That would break my heart.
Everyone is stronger than they think.