Reviews For The Twink Who Stole My Best Friend
Reviewer: BritinManor Signed 

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Date: Mar 19, 2025 5:11 pm Title: Chapter 1
Author's Response: I'm glad I made you laugh... I honestly couldn't think of a title, but as soon as this came to mind, I knew I had to use it :D Anyway, thanks for the comment, I'm happy you enjoyed this one!

Date: Mar 19, 2025 5:11 pm Title: Chapter 1
First off, I started laughing at the title and summary, and had to get that under wraps so I could start reading the story. It was a huge "DUH" moment. :D
Poor widdle Mikey... He will still be waiting when he's old and decrepit, and look more mousy than he already does.
Funny how Brian didn't comment on his moue. Just one more thing that probbaly made Michael irritable.
Cute story...
Hugs ~Cathy
Author's Response: I'm glad I made you laugh... I honestly couldn't think of a title, but as soon as this came to mind, I knew I had to use it :D Anyway, thanks for the comment, I'm happy you enjoyed this one!