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Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 05, 2024 6:55 pm Title: Chapter 6 - Day Five - Friday Afternoon

Hey Kathleen,

It took me a little while to catch up on my reading. School is trying hard to keep me from having a life outside of it. Mother Pus Buckets of Professors! Anyway, onto my review...

This chapter made me tear up a bit. To really understand what Justin has been going through and the fact that Brian is willing to do whatever it takes to have Justin in his life is just... Yeah, Girl, ya got me!

 As for Jennifer, is it bad that I don't feel any sympathy for her? She allowed Craig to dictate her relationship, or lack thereof, with her son. And all for the sake of his own ego! Clearly none of it was in Justin's best interests at all, and she had to know that. I hope Craig has a HUGE pitchfork waiting for him at the end of his life's journey, but her... Well, I hope she endures a bit of hell on earth while feeling every ounce of lonely misery she allowed to be inflicted on Justin. She shouldn't have an easy 'in' when she treated Justin with an 'out of sight, out of mind' long-handled spoon. 

Bear in mind that these are just my thoughts and in no way is meant to detract or dictate where this amazing story goes from here. On a personal note, I'm SO HAPPY you are writing again. You have such a wonderful gift of emotive writing, and I can see your continued growth here.



Author's Response: I know, it's hard to see Justin struggling so much. He's not only struggling with his pain, but also with his fear of surgery. Thankfully, Brian has now grown into the man Justin always believed he could be. I understand that Jen was suffering and in shock, but you're right she should have known that Craig might pull this sort of shit. When Justin needed her the most, she wasn't strong enough to stand up for she self, or Justin. Now, Craig burning in Hell, that sounds about right. Hugs Darling ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: bksbracelet Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 05, 2024 6:50 am Title: Chapter 3 – Wednesday - Day Three

Hi Kathleen it's been a long time since I have read any QAF fics as I now read One Direction/HarryStyles/LouieTomlinson fics. However Brian and Justin were my introduction into gay stories and I have missed them. 

I have just read the three chapters and loved the premise of a different road than the series took. It always seemed a little unrealistic the speed they had Justin's recovery, but they needed to move the series along so we get that.

i am really enjoying seeing the truma and feelings about the bashing on the family members around Brian and Justin.

looking forward to more chapter cheers Chris 


Author's Response: Hi Chris, it's so great to hear from you. Thanks for reading and commenting, it's so great to get feedback. I was also always surprised that Cowlip never really explored, all the emotional bonds that could come from going through something so traumatic. I hope to give it Justice. Hugs Sweetheart ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: Maggiemay13 Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 07, 2024 8:23 pm Title: Chapter 1 - Monday - Day One

It's so wonderful to see you are writing again! I love your fics. Looking forward to Justin finding himself and Jen getting her comeuppance.

Author's Response: Squeals! Thanks so much! Justin about to get an ear full about the mysterious Justin Taylor. Jennifer has to come to terms about her behavior and deferring Justin's care to Craig's judgement. She took the easy way out instead of standing up for her son, and believing in Brian and his love for Justin. Hugs Darling ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: nena20 Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 06, 2024 6:08 am Title: Chapter 1 - Monday - Day One

It's a really great start! Keep up the good job with Justin's rediscovery

Author's Response: Thanks so much! Yes the twists and turns of memory loss and brain tumors, and finding your way home. More coming soon... Hugs ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 05, 2024 4:20 pm Title: Chapter 1 - Monday - Day One

Hey Darling! Nice to see you writing again! So a couple of things.... It sounds exactly like Justin said. Craig and Jenn tried to remake Justin's life and ultimately got their way. He went to Dartmouth and forgot all about Brian Kinney. I can’t wait for that to come back and bite them in the their controlling asses. That especially goes for Jenn since she should have known better in all facets. If she thinks she hurting now, just wait until Justin finds out the truths she's intentionally kept hidden.

Great start! Can't wait to read more.

Happy writing and HUGS,

Nichelle ??’?

Author's Response: Hi Darling! It feels good to be writing again. I decided when I started this fic, that I was going to try a new method. I have so many unfinished fics, that I do plan on getting back to, but... So my new thing is I'm not going to start posting a new fic until it's complete. My poor beta... So Part one is done, and I'm writing Part Two. You're so right, Jennifer has avoided Justin and now she has to deal with a anger, rebellious son that she doesn't know anymore. Justin makes his way to the avenue, and soon the investigation of Justin Taylor is about to begin. It's so good to here from you! Hugs Sweetheart ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: lili33680 Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 05, 2024 3:20 am Title: Chapter 1 - Monday - Day One

Super contente de voir une nouvelle histoire de vous.

Super écriture et hâte de voir ce qui arrive à Justin dans sa redecouverte de lui.

Author's Response: Thanks so much, I'm glad you're joying the story. It's funny you should say "Can't wait to see what happens to Justin in his rediscovery of himself." Because the second part of the fic is titled "My Journey to Self Awareness... I'm still writing that part, but part one is complete and I'll be posting chapters as my beta returns them. Thanks Again Darling ~ Kathleen

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