Date: Apr 11, 2022 10:42 pm Title: Next Best Man
I hope you know I'm very choked up from reading this, and even needed a Puff's Plus for my eyes.
I have to wonder if Sam's dad was in the camps too, That might account for some of it, and even if he wasn't, I can see his mom dealing with him. She had already dealt with so much in her life.
And there's a reason I have only ever watched Schindler's List once. I've never been able to make myself do it again. And I'm Irish, so no linkage to that.
Even in canon, Sam portrayed those 'quirky quirks.' And I can see where given the chance, Justin could be a good friend with him. And Sam was right, good thing Brian's gay, or there could be a hundred little Brian's running around, all over the states. HaHa...
Keep up the good work,
Author's Response:
Thank you, Cathy, for taking the time to read this.
Not a lot out there about Sam, but he started talking to me and one thing led to another, and before you know it, we had a little fiction baby. LOL. The story is on a difficult subject matter, but I hope I handled it with at least some delicacy. The stories need to be told, as Sam would say.
Didn't want to spell out if Sam's dad was in the camps, too, but ti was intentional (sort of kinda) implied.
And yeah, thank god for the world that Brian was gay !!!! (Although, the world could definitely have used a few more of his genes in the pool.) Ha!
Date: Apr 07, 2022 4:04 pm Title: Next Best Man
This was such an interesting character study and a totally different take on Sam Auerbach (from anything else I've read). I really like the idea of him and Justin becoming firm friends.
Sam's "quirky quirk" and his mother's story brought tears to my eyes. Beautifully revealed - thank you! <3
~ Karynn
P.S. Thank you for posting this to AO3; I've downloaded it to my Kindle library.
Author's Response:
I'll keep the download issue in mind while posting from now on. Thank you for bringing that to my attention. And thank you so much for getting the significance here. So very many of the things we do as adults have their roots in the lives and difficulties of the people in our past. This was a difficult connection, but one that would not leave me alone.
Date: Apr 07, 2022 1:09 am Title: Next Best Man
Justin and Sam friends why not, they are both talented. Your story is beautiful and Sam is a bit like Brian, isn't it? Thanks for sharing.
Author's Response:
Yeah, I definitely think Sam and Brian share more than a few characteristics. Always thought it was odd that other stories would glorify Brian's promiscuity, while demonizing Sam as being a letch. In my head canon, Sam is as complicated as Brian and for many of the same reasons. Justin would definately relate.
Date: Apr 06, 2022 7:07 am Title: Next Best Man
A different one. Very well written. >>Cat
Author's Response:
I like the bit players. Have put a couple of them in my fics as major players. But Sam's voice literally, literally would not shut up in my head! He's as much of a sarcastic bastahd as Brian in there sometimes. LOL.
Thank you for the comment, Cat. :)