Date: Apr 07, 2022 3:59 pm Title: Come to Jesus
Ben was such a doormat in canon; it's good to see him grow a spine - and to see Michael and Brian get a taste of their own medicine.
Brian appears to be coming to his senses, which is more than Michael is capable of. You could do way worse than Justin for your religion, Brian. (I'm freely interpreting 'religion' :)
Thank you! I thoroughly enjoyed this fic. Any chance that you'll post it to AO3? (I have an iPad, so the EB option here on KD defaults to iBooks, which I'm not at all fond of. I'm not tech savvy enough to know how to get around that; on AO3, I can download directly to Kindle.
~ Karynn (who's trying to suck less about leaving comments)
Author's Response:
I see you found it on AO3! That was at your prompting, hon. Made me get with the program and remember how to work with their interface. Thank you for your comments, and the kick in the butt!
Date: Apr 05, 2022 4:53 pm Title: Come to Jesus
This was so good. I was waiting until I was in the mood for B/M comic store story. I have some, but I read them once, and that was enough. It's a great subject to explore, because it's just another thing Cowlip left open for us to explore. Myself, I'd like to see Brian overhearing what Michael told Justin out by dumpsters and the Rage party. (hint-hint!)
I LOVE how Justin handled Brian. And I'm glad Ben actually left Michael. And yes, I would NOT want to be in Michael's shoes once Debbie finds out. And OMG, all it would have taken was ONE person in the diner to overhear that. By morning, everybody on Liberty Avenue is going to know. I almost have to wonder if Brian's status at Babylon will go down because of this. It really needs to. Because B/M weren't thinking of nobody but themselves. And Brian saying, it was just a FU*K, because how stupid, because if it was Justin and Ben, that's exactly what it would have been. And the old saying, 'What's good for the goose is good for the gander,' fits perfectly well here.
I was glad that Brian felt he was losing something by walking away from the diner, because if the deed happened, they could NEVER go back to being friends. And Michael will never get a guy o stick with him, with everybody knowing what he did to Ben.
Well, the best line I've read in a long time: Michael might not be the brightest crayon in the box.
A sequel would be nice to see the reactions of everyone. And the aftermath. LOL... I can picture Michael walking into Babylon, and everybody parting like the Red Sea, and then you could also hear a pin drop. Pariah. LOL... (I'm cruel, what can I say?)
Author's Response:
Ooooh, I hadn't thought of the "guess what I heard at the diner" aspect! Good point. Ha!
I can tell you feel about Michael about the way I do. The absolute most codependent character ever. Total personality sponge! Maybe that's his comic super-power, absorbing the personalities of the people he surrounds himself with. They are sanctimonious? Suddenly he is, too! They are Stepford-like? Wow, look at that - Michael is, too! Hmm... That could be a whole series in itself, come to think of it.
Date: Apr 04, 2022 11:09 am Title: Come to Jesus
I always enjoy reading your work. Thanks for writing.
Author's Response:
Thank you so much, Sandid!
Date: Apr 02, 2022 3:07 am Title: Come to Jesus
Beautiful story. It was a bit sad! Luckily Brian didn't fuck Michael on the show he would have thought it had finally happened. Here they are both punished, I like what you do with it. I also hope that Brian has learned the lesson. Justin will eventually forgive him (it was just a fuck after all) it's up to Brian to make the way to Justin and he will. I read that you haven't planned a sequel, I would have liked to read Debbie's reaction. i
Author's Response:
With Brian, emotional lessons are always hard-learned lessons. For all his intellect, his emotional intelligence quotient was pretty sad. And you can bet Deb would have torn him a new asshole (Brian that is), but she would never fully blame Michael for much.
Date: Apr 01, 2022 10:40 pm Title: Come to Jesus
This was awesome. Fingers crossed for a sequel (that has a few chapters lol)
Author's Response:
Thank you for your nice comment, but no, no continuation is planned at this time. Who knows what could happen in the future, though, right? LOL.
Date: Apr 01, 2022 6:29 pm Title: Come to Jesus
Perfect. I've never understood why people couldn't see that Brian's fuck policy was nothing more than a symptom of all his messed up head trauma from being raised with no love (Jack, Joanie, Claire), "do for me Sonny Boy" and then the love he is given (Michael, Deb, Lindsay) is conditional, "what can you do for me, hey take care of me".
I'm so glad in the show he didn't fuck Michael, for one Michael would have thought it meant they were meant to be, and then Debbie would make Brian pay for the rest of his life.
In my world Brian and Justin came together after Justin made a name for himself and the Brian and Mikey show was canceled not long after.
Thank you for sharing your words with us.
Author's Response:
Brian wanted so much to not be like his parents, but in the end he just continued their legacy of alcohol and treating your partner like crap. Abuse doesn't have to be dealt out with a fist, it often comes through other forms of mistreatment - neglect, harsh words, humiliation. And all those lessons he learned at his parents' feet, he employed in his own life. And abused kids often seek out others for comfort who end up abusing them as well. It's "the familiar" thing for them because their self-esteem and self-awareness is completely shot. Classic.
And in MY head-canon, Justin and Brian would have realized that, in this day and age, an artist does not have to live in New York, or another art hub, in order to be successful. Just like an advertising genius does not have to be in NYC to be successful, there are successful artists living all over the world. Even in remote areas. The solution is called the internet - and a plane!
Thank you for your kind comment.
Date: Apr 01, 2022 1:52 pm Title: Come to Jesus
Oh he** yeah! This was perfection! I loved it! >>Cat
Author's Response:
Oh, hell yeah! ;)
Thank you so much!
Date: Apr 01, 2022 9:02 am Title: Come to Jesus
I would totally enjoy another chapter of the fall out!!!
Author's Response:
That could be kind of explosive, I think. Especially on Deb's end. Justin, I think, has made his point and knows it's time for Brian to make his decision. At least he's not letting Justin go in favor of Michael this time. That's a huge step.
Thanks for the comment.
Date: Apr 01, 2022 7:41 am Title: Come to Jesus
Must continue pretty please! Love it! ????
Author's Response:
So glad you liked it, but no sequel or continuation is planned right now. This was just kind of a 'moment' for the boys.
Date: Apr 01, 2022 7:40 am Title: Come to Jesus
Has to be a sequel. This was so good. Mikey being all one doesn't bother me at all.
At least Brian has the sense to follow Justin. Wasn't going a him, just following him home.
Author's Response:
Yep, at least Brian had the sense to follow Justin. Brian was every bit as insecure as Michael was and they fed off each other, both afraid of losing the other. But that kind of risk is necessary to grow up, and they almost relished in staying in that childish mindset. Not sure even this would have swayed him, but in MY universe, it did. LOL.
Thanks for the comment.
Date: Apr 01, 2022 6:33 am Title: Come to Jesus
C'est vraiment triste mais c'et bien écrit.
J'espère que tu feras une suite pour savoir si les garçons peuvent survivre à cette crise.
Author's Response:
Ce fut un moment de clarté pour Brian. Ils survivront. Ils sont éternels.
Merci pour le compliment et pour le commentaire. Vous êtes très gentil.
Est-ce que je l'ai dis correctement? Mon français est très mauvais. Dieu merci pour Google !