Date: Mar 24, 2022 10:14 am Title: Chapter 1
I love me some Justin topping Brian images to think about and that was hot. Poor baby getting interrupted though
Author's Response:
In case you haven't guessed, I love toppy Justin :D That interruption ruined the fun the boys were having, but I'm sure they got back to business once the family was gone.
Thanks for commenting :) It's much appreciated.
~ Karynn
Date: Nov 07, 2021 3:24 pm Title: Chapter 1
I don't know how Justin or Brian has the patience to put up with them, but am thrilled that the lock has been changed!!!
Author's Response:
I think we're all thrilled about the lock finally being changed. That's a recurring them in my stories; it bugs the heck out of me!
It's a mystery how Brian and Justin put up with with a couple of particular friends at times...
Thanks for commenting :) It's much appreciated.
~ Karynn, aka eureka1
Date: Nov 06, 2021 6:46 am Title: Chapter 1
FINALLY! I thought I better get this first thing in the morning!
How you came up with Deb's latest outfit is something for the brain bleach.
And poor Mel. At least the weed maybe gave her a reprieve from having to deal with Lindsay's delusions.
Poor Mikey... even when four others were commenting about 'Justin's attributes', Mikey's mindset was still on Brian's. Drooling and delusional idiots. Maybe Justin should do a cast of Brian's 'thang' and give them away as Christmas presents. Or buy ones close to Brian's, and tell them they are Brian's. So when 'the thangs' become more prominent than their partners, Mel and Ben can finally come to terms with who's more important.
Remind me to tell you something about how Mikey should have gotten naked for Ben and maybe distract him... (I hardly doubt it would have done the trick!) Some men have one-track minds.
And lastly... I'm sure glad I wasn't taking a sip of tea when Mikey said: "For Me?" My computer keyboard would have gotten soaked and probably burned it out.
Loved the porny little story, and looking forward to the other one. (Now that I caught up on this one! (so sorry!)
Hugs and Love,
Author's Response:
Oops! I forgot the NSFL (not suitable for liquids) warning :D :D :D
I got input into the colors for Deb's newest teddy so it would be appropriately garish, lol.
Justin creating a mold of Brian's 'thang' has me laughing. Maybe he should create a mold of his own 'thang' as well and set them out as party favors (New Year's? Pride?) and let people take the one they like best, i.e., suits their 'fancy'. Who'd end up with which?
There's no need to apologize. Read when you feel up to it and are in the mood. I gladly accept comments anytime - days, weeks, months or even years later :)
Many thanks for the comments. Big hugs in return,
Date: Oct 31, 2021 7:06 pm Title: Chapter 1
That was great... nothing changes with Michael still so annoying. Lol
Author's Response:
What would we do without Michael? ????
i'm thrilled you enjoyed this entry in the series. Thanks for commenting.
Date: Oct 31, 2021 2:41 pm Title: Chapter 1
Nicely done.
Author's Response:
Thank you :)
Date: Oct 30, 2021 11:54 pm Title: Chapter 1
Michael clueless as usual and Lindsay dreaming or should I say drooling for things she’ll never get.
Author's Response:
They live in the land of delusion, dreaming and drooling away ????
Thanks for commenting!
Date: Oct 30, 2021 10:06 pm Title: Chapter 1
This is gonna be good. Looking forward to more. >>>Cat
Author's Response:
I'm glad you're enjoying this series :) The next part will be up soon.
~ Karynn