Date: Dec 23, 2016 1:03 pm Title: Walking on Sunshine
Loved this!!!!
Author's Response:
So glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for the feedback - I'm grinning happily. :)
Date: Dec 21, 2016 9:26 am Title: Walking on Sunshine
Loved this little series and look forward to your new story in the New Year. Merry Xmas ☺
Author's Response:
Thank you so much for the feedback! So glad you enjoyed this trilogy. Comments are the encouragement I need to keep writing. Merry Christmas to you, too!
Date: Dec 17, 2016 11:22 pm Title: Walking on Sunshine
Hello Karynn,
Thank you for one lovely story. The perfect ending to this wonderful trilogy.
I love everything about this. The antics the fan"girls" get up to to be near their idols. It had me in stitches. The nicknames are really hilarious. And how defensive the ladies are about Gale.
The scene where the "ladies" were planning to follow Gale into the men's room had me roaring with laughter. I nearly busted my stitches. Do fan"girls" really do these kinds of things?
As you know RPS is not my cup of tea but these three stories sure were sublime. A wonderful glimpse into the world of fandom and idol worship.
I would have loved to have been there in Spain. But alas..... maybe one day I will get to meet all those ladies I see in the pictures of several facebook pages.
Thank you for the lovely dedication. And yes it did the trick. I feel much better.
Author's Response:
Thanks for your detailed comments, Soirsa. I'm doing a happy dance as I read what you enjoyed. :)
I have heard of fans following their idols to the men's room, although I'm not sure whether they've gone inside. More likely they lingered outside until the object of their affection emerged, lol.
As you guessed, the humor is intentionally over the top, although it also contains a grain (or grains) of truth. I like to weave some fact in with fiction and have fun doing it.
I, too, would have liked to be there in Spain and meet other fans. Someday, maybe.
So glad you're doing better. I figured you could use a good laugh or two or three. :D
Big hug,
Date: Dec 17, 2016 9:13 pm Title: Walking on Sunshine
great job Karynn!
I've never been a RPS fan, but I read this since it was from you!!!! well done! :)
Author's Response:
So nice of you to leave me a review, Kathy, since RPS isn't your cup of tea! Glad you enjoyed it anyway.

Date: Dec 17, 2016 5:51 pm Title: Walking on Sunshine
So proud of you for this huge accomplishment. Congrats on finishing your first series! TAG
Author's Response:
Thank you, TAG! Couldn't have done it without you. Now it's on to other stories. :)
Date: Sep 05, 2016 6:23 pm Title: Go Get Him, Peter Pan
Hiya Karynn
Really nice follow up on the first story. Once again you made me like RPS. Once again you poke fun at the over the top fan girls and once again an add to my fave page.
I hope your muse will keep you busy for a long long time cause I really like your stuff.
Thank you for the dedication. I really appreciate it.
Author's Response:
*blushing* Thanks for the wonderful review, Soirsa! So glad this tickled your funny bone. :D
There are more stories in the works - currently a three-chapter post 5.13 fic that will fit into the timeline of an even longer fic - making reams of notes for that one. :)
You're welcome for the dedication. I absolutely agree with you about Ted!
Date: Sep 05, 2016 5:45 pm Title: Go Get Him, Peter Pan
I love how you worked the entire cast into this... well done
Author's Response:
Thanks, cookiebun! Looks like the writing muse is operating full force for both of us. :)

Date: Sep 05, 2016 3:56 pm Title: Go Get Him, Peter Pan
Interesting look at what is really happening with Gale and Randy. Nice charactizations at the beginning and a peek at what could be.
Author's Response:
I'm glad you're enjoying this mini-series of one-shots, Phyllis. The boys are always together in my head canon. :)
More to come soon!
Date: Sep 05, 2016 12:04 pm Title: Go Get Him, Peter Pan
Thanks for continuing this story. I'm loving this. Can't wait for the next installment. If only...Gale and Randy.
Author's Response:
So glad you're enjoying this trilogy of one-shots! I love to play with the boys - in real life and in mainstream QaF stories. They belong together!
My plan is to post the final installment in the trilogy before the end of the month, so stay tuned. :)

Date: Sep 05, 2016 5:21 am Title: Go Get Him, Peter Pan
Excellent job, Karynn. You're on a roll. Can't wait to see the conclusion after Bilbao. TAG
Author's Response:
Many thanks for the compliment, TAG It means a lot from an author of your calibre. :) Your editing assistance improved the story immeasurably.
Not much longer till Bilbao and the conclusion to this series of one-shots. I will endeavor to post before the end of the month
Date: Jul 26, 2016 6:05 pm Title: Life is a Cabaret
Great job on your first story!!!!!
Author's Response:
Thanks for leaving a comment, Kathy! Glad you enjoyed the story! *happy dance*
Date: Jul 24, 2016 5:04 pm Title: Life is a Cabaret
Great story enjoyed it very much looking forward to more.
Author's Response:
Thanks so much for your comment! Glad you enjoyed the story. I think a sequel wll eventually emerge.
Date: Jul 23, 2016 8:49 pm Title: Life is a Cabaret
YAY! Your first story! AND IT IS GREAT.
Normally I'm not a big fan of RPS but this one is really, really good.
To repeat some of the reviews above: I DO wish these two were an item in real life.
It would be THE nr.1 glamourcouple.
Btw. I loved your description of some of the over the top fangirls. Hilarious....
Congratulations on your first story. May there be many to follow.
PS it faved this one.
Author's Response:
Reading your review ends my day on the perfect note, Soirsa! 😊 That's especially true since you're not an RPS fan.
What an incredible compliment that you made this story one of your favorites. Thank you!
I had to have a little tonge-in-cheek fun with all the middle-aged fan girls. After all, I am one!
You're absolutely right. Gale and Randy would be the number one glamor couple. If only... Well, that's why we have fan fiction. 😉
Date: Jul 23, 2016 4:21 pm Title: Life is a Cabaret
RPS is my guilty pleasure in QaF universe. Wow! You outdid yourself!
Really enjoyed this one. If only.... Can't wait to see pictures of what happens in Bilbao =)
Author's Response:
Wow! That's a huge compliment coming from you, Rody. You've made my day!
Yeah, I wanna see those photos from Bilbao, too. If not earlier, I'm quite sure a sequel to this one-shot will emerge at that time. 😉
Date: Jul 23, 2016 4:45 am Title: Life is a Cabaret
So PROUD of you Karynn!!!! Keep going! Looking forward to more from you!
Happy Writing and HUGS,
Author's Response:
Thank you, Chelle! I can only aspire to be as creative and fantastic a writer as you are.

Date: Jul 23, 2016 3:45 am Title: Life is a Cabaret
What a fascinating tale. Wouldn't it be wonderful if it were true.
Author's Response:
Thanks for the compliment! In my mind, it is true. The beauty of fanfiction!
Date: Jul 23, 2016 2:57 am Title: Life is a Cabaret
Great job.
Congratulations on finally writing a story.
Author's Response:
Thank you, Lorie! Coming from an author of your caliber, that means a lot. I love your stories, both those which you co-author and the ones you write indpendently.
I enjoy reading RPS but never thought my first story would fall into that category. That Gale and Randy plot bunny refused to leave me alone and insisted that the story be told. 😊

Date: Jul 23, 2016 2:05 am Title: Life is a Cabaret
Thank you for the kind acknowledgement. No thanks are needed though. I was happy to get another new author. And now that you're infected with the incurable writing bug, I hope to see a lot more from you! TAG
Author's Response:
Can't thank you enough, TAG! I'll know who to blame when those plot bunnies jump up and down on top of me and won't let me sleep at night. 😆
Date: Jul 23, 2016 2:00 am Title: Life is a Cabaret
A-a-mazing! Beautiful, full of love. I love it
Author's Response:
Many thanks for your comments, Rainbow! In my stories, those boys will always express their love for each other. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.
Date: Jul 23, 2016 1:24 am Title: Life is a Cabaret
This was such fun to read! I have been jonesing for some fresh RPS and now I have my fix.
Author's Response:
Thank you, JP! I'm glad I was able to satisfy your RPS craving. Never thought my first story would be RPS, but that plot bunny refused to leave me alone.
Date: Jul 23, 2016 1:23 am Title: Life is a Cabaret
Another new author! Welcome!
I definitely enjoyed this RPS. I so wish the boiz really were a thing. Keep on writing.
Author's Response:
Thanks for welcoming me, Shari! Everybody at Kinnetik Dreams has been so encouraging and supportive.
I, too, wish the boyz were together. So, in my stories, they always will be.