Date: Jun 24, 2021 12:20 pm Title: Chapter 5: A New Journey Begins
He might be going to Barbados, but with a population of close to 300k, where and how will he even begin his search?
And I’m very leery of that gallery owner. He survived the crash, Justin ‘died’ in the crash. And now all the records of the sale are missing from the owner’s computer? And he’s been traveling abroad for a long time, and only checks in by email? What kind of gallery owner does that?
Yeah, something doesn’t add up.

Date: Jun 24, 2021 12:20 pm Title: Chapter 4: Closing A Door or Searching For Something More?
So the gallery owner survived. Could he have been in cahoots with Sap?
Speaking of the Sap… I think he should be put in front of a firing squad.
Author's Response:
I see you answered your previous question with this chapter. Lol. And, that question will probably be determined soon as well. :)
This could be the vilest version of Gary Sapperstein I have ever written, but he does fit into the role so well.
Thanks for commenting, Cathy.

Date: Jun 24, 2021 12:19 pm Title: Chapter 3: Pain Management or Total Denial?
If Michael puts his hand on Brian one more time to halt him, or make him listen, I hope Brian slugs him. IF they want to try to talk to Brian, and try to help him deal with it, the anniversary of his death is a super bad time. Let him alone on those days, and don’t push it down his throat that he has to start living. On those days they need to learn to leave him alone. Because unless they lived through that, they have NO IDEA what that day does tp a person.

Date: Jun 24, 2021 12:17 pm Title: Chapter 2: The Ultimate Sacrifice
Sapperstein! It will be interesting to learn how - if Justin was shipwrecked, did it go to being imprisoned by Gary? Did the gallery owner survive too?
My heart bleeds for Justin. I’m sure he has had to learn to shut his mind down when Gary wants to paw at him. Especially when the people he loves are in danger of being killed. I bet when he’s alone, he fantasizes about the day he can leave there. Reunions with loved ones. I think that’s what I would think about.

Date: Jun 24, 2021 12:16 pm Title: Chapter 1: Gone... Far From Forgotten
So, was the gallery owner killed too? Were they the only two on the boat? Or was there a crew member handling the boat?
I get people are worried about Brian, but I can see how he would just like to submerge himself in work and try to get through the day.
But the Novotnys are hard to deal with on any given day, so on this day, they could be worse than ever.
But letting go of Britin? I can see he’d probably feel that’s the last piece of Justin he has.