Date: Nov 28, 2020 5:21 am Title: Chapter 6
Another great chapter. So much emotion. Interesting that Craig tells Justin that he is sorry about Eric. He has come a long way. Ypu're doing a great job with the story. Lots of emotion and great writing.

Date: Nov 27, 2020 1:08 pm Title: Chapter 6
Crazy.sad.. emotional.sad.. great writing

Date: Nov 25, 2020 9:37 am Title: Chapter 5
This is so heartbreaking. There is no easy way to grieve unfortunately - not for adults or children. Brian and Lily will have some very sad times ahead I fear :(

Date: Nov 25, 2020 4:49 am Title: Chapter 5
Duncan is so smart. If anyone can make Lily feel better it is him.
Date: Nov 25, 2020 4:31 am Title: Chapter 5
Argh it's so dam sad and it's going to be for a long while

Date: Nov 22, 2020 8:34 pm Title: Chapter 4
There is always someone who is left out of the loop.

Date: Nov 22, 2020 4:29 pm Title: Chapter 4
So sad that Eric is gone. I'd like to see him come back in Ghost form, to comfort Brian and Justin and Lily. Duncan would be the only one who acknowlages him without having to think about it. LOL.

Date: Nov 22, 2020 4:22 pm Title: Chapter 2
This story is going to require Justin being strong for Brian. Thank goodness Emmett already is.
Author's Response:
Yes, once they feel comfortable around each other, Justin will be a strong presence in his life. And Brian will be a strong presence in Justin's as well. Emmett is just the best all around. ;) Thank you for reading and reviewing!

Date: Nov 22, 2020 3:29 pm Title: Chapter 1
Starting this story off with Emmett is s stroke of genius. Emmett is the only one who is able to eliciate empathy for what has occured.
Author's Response:
Yeah, I feel Emmett is very in touch with his emotions and those around him. He's a very empathetic POV to write and you will see more of his POV in this story. :) Thank you for reading and reviewing!

Date: Nov 21, 2020 4:15 pm Title: Chapter 4
Oh my... I am B/J, heck everybody is. But you are handling this perfectly. It’s such a great story, looking forward to more.
Date: Nov 21, 2020 2:10 am Title: Chapter 3
such hear twrenching moments. Its almot like Duncan and Lily are like twins separated at birth, but they aren't. They have an amazing connection. Update soon.
Date: Nov 21, 2020 12:12 am Title: Chapter 3
Ok, third chapter, third tissue! This is getting extreme! Seriously though, this is exactly how I expected Brian to respond. 'I don't deserve to be comforted', is typical Kinney, and getting through this is going to be long and painful for him, even more than it would be for us regular folks who don't assume that all the wrongs in the word lay at our feet and are our fault.
i can't imagne the depth of his pain at the moment, and he won't even allow himself the luxury of working throug his grief, because he doesn't feel enititled to it. He will punish himself further by his refusal to deal. Oh Brian!

Date: Nov 20, 2020 11:49 pm Title: Chapter 3
It's so sad. I only hope Justin and Emmett will be around to help him.
Date: Nov 20, 2020 10:35 pm Title: Chapter 3
Your breaking my heart here. I know this is just a story but you made us love them for real. When you can make your readers cry real tears you know you have done a great job.

Date: Nov 20, 2020 5:27 pm Title: Chapter 3
God, what can I say? So heartbreaking! I hope you can keep updating like this. You are doing a fantastic job!
Date: Nov 20, 2020 6:59 am Title: Chapter 2
You are killing me here. I always wanted Brian and Justin back together, but Eric and Brian were good ,and Lily is just the best. I was not prepared for this.
Poor little Duncan. He is so sweet and smart and in love with Lily.
Author's Response:
I know. :( The most ideal happy ending would have been B/J/E becoming a throuple. Brian and Lily are going to have really rough time, but Duncan will be such a comfort to Lily and plays a huge role in Derailed. Thank you so much for reading and reviewing!

Date: Nov 19, 2020 6:12 pm Title: Chapter 2
I'm wondering if I'm going to be holding my breath for every chapter I read! This is going to be so hard on Brian - he has had way too many events happen in his life where he blames himself for other peoples hurt and injury. I hope the updates come quickly on this - I'm on tenterhooks :-(
Author's Response:
He's going to have a rough road ahead of him, but there will be moments of kindness, love, and light even during his darker days. Thank you so much for reading and reviewing!

Date: Nov 19, 2020 3:39 pm Title: Chapter 2
Still painful. However, I just love Molly. This is such great writing. Enjoying reading this.
Author's Response:
I love Molly too. She play a large role in this story in multiple ways so I am glad you like reading about her. Thank you for reading and reviewing!

Date: Nov 19, 2020 10:28 am Title: Chapter 1
I had a feeling we were heading for heartbreak but this was so much more than what I was expecting. Beyond sad for Emmett as he tries to be all things for all people, all while he deals with his own grief at the loss of his good friend and tries to be strong for Brian. I see tough times ahead. So beautifully written but also so sad. I just know I am going to be impatient awaiting each new chapter in this brilliant series.
Author's Response:
Yeah, I am glad I wrote Ted getting Emmett to open up. Emmett has to be going on a emotional rollercoaster of his own with trying to keep everything smooth and informing everyone of such a devastating loss. :( Thank you so much for reading and reviewing!

Date: Nov 19, 2020 1:29 am Title: Chapter 1
Omg! I never expected this. This is so heartbreaking, but sooo good. A wonderful job writing.
Author's Response:
I'm really glad you are enjoying it, even if it is heartbreaking! Thanks for reading!