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Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 21, 2020 3:11 pm Title: Chapter 9

Okay... Mel went a little overboard with her comment. Brian was in competitive skating... No way would he purposely knock down a score. Expecially someone as delish as Justin. (I know it's just the way her character is written, but it ticks me off!) LOL...

I'm wondering if Justin overdid it, or if his opened water in his bag was tampered with. I'm not remembering clearly, but as soon as he reached down to get it... I felt like a scary movie moment, and wanted yell - "NO! Don't drink that water!"

Unfortunately, Martin Levinsky actually placed. I would have loved to see him trip up and fall on his face and have to pass up on this year's competition.

And by God, if your gonna fall of your platform, whose better arms to fall into than the man of your dreams? Right?

BTW - I noticed with these last two chapters, there's a space between your ellipses and quotation marks, and you don't normally do that... so I'm wondering if there's something with the posting... I've noticed AO3 screws up certain areas too. There will occasionally be extra spaces on there, that are not on the other sites.

All caught up, and wanting more,

HUGS  ~Cathy

Author's Response:

I don't know where my head was when I wrote this story (it's been such a long time ago). I have Mel much more bitchy than I usually do. I more often have Lindsay like that - LOL.

Yes, with all that's happened, it's not a big jump to worry about the water bottle in Justin's bag. I will go with fatigue though. Such a strenuous performance would be draining after dehydration. Justin really didn't have the chance to take in enough fluids to this point. 

Yeah, I had to let Martin advance. We need to see him at the Olympic games too. LOL. 

I think if not for the embarrassment, Justin would have been elated at waking up in THAT man's arms - his hero!!

I am a bit confused about the spaces as well. I went back and checked at MW where I copied the chapters from, and it's there too. I don't know if it occurred from where I originally copied the chapters from or what is going on. I have just posted another chapter, and had to fix the same issue. Hopefully, I caught most of them...if not all.

Thanks for commenting, Cathy.



Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 21, 2020 2:35 pm Title: Chapter 8

I was afraid I had missed quite a few added chapters with my three-day stint in the hospital, so it was kind of nice to only see two... I won't have a problem catching up. Although, I think I have about five other WIPs to read... UGH!

I was trying to think about the role Michael had in this story, and I still can't quite remember. But so far, the same grumbling PITA (pain in the ass.) I always get a kick how he 'runs Brian down' for his lifestyle... yet he continually pushes for Brian to engage in it. And just who shows up at someone's home EARLY in the morning, to ask if they will come out to play tonight? The guy drives me bonkers! Storm's off down the street! Too bad!

I'm thinking Brian is going to soon change his mind on his future goals in life: I'm Brian fucking Kinney. I don't do happily ever after - nor relationships. Yet, as the old saying goes: Actions speak louder than words. Just like with canon... Brian didn't think twice about kicking anyone out of his loft... and he certainly never sought out a trick. But this irresistible blond kid...

And I love Forever Young. One of my favorite moments in canon... Because who could pass up how he looked in that red shirt? And another 'I care' moment.

A little side note: Johnny Weir wasn't that great on DWTS! Ah, too bad... NOT! LOL...

HUGS  ~Cathy

Author's Response:

Three-day stint in the hospital? Yikes! I hope you are okay!! I guess that's the bad thing about WIP's. If they post at once, it's a lot to read and hopefully remember what you read so far. LOL.

I seem to always have Michael as some sort of PITA, some stories more so than others. Thankfully, he doesn't have a large role in this story. 

Yes, I think Brian's goals will change very quickly now.

Thanks for commenting, Cathy.



Reviewer: nickknack Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 21, 2020 9:39 am Title: Chapter 1

So, Justin becomes even more ill after telling his coach he has his own water bottle in his bag?  There are definitely some dirty deeds being perpetrated against our favorite blond boy... I sure hope those responsible are going to be exposed and punished! This latest complication will definitely put a hold on Brian's seductive plans for the evening and a frustrated Brian is, without doubt, a force to be reckoned with - I can already see the signs lol. Looking forward to the next chapter :-)

Author's Response:

I guess we'll see, but I think Justin's present ailment is more due to the fatigue of going through such a strenuous performance while not yet recovered. But yes, this was a horrible thing to perpetrate against Justin. Hopefully, it doesn't happen again! It does seem that Brian does need to exercise his patience a bit longer. That's certainly not his strong suit. Haha.

Thanks for reading and commenting. The next chapter, a small one, is now posted. :)

Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 14, 2020 6:13 pm Title: Chapter 7

Dirty rotten scoundrels. A bunch of cheats!

It's probably a blessing Daphne was at work, otherwise Brian, who knew instantly what the problem was, wouldn't have been called. A silver lining, I guess.

And Justin is a fighter, and will go out there with a killer performance... and just be another athlete that had to perform under duress. And the rest of those suckers? Can watch in disbelief at what he's able to accomplish. Despite their underhanded efforts.

HUGS  ~Cathy

Author's Response:

Yes, the food poisoning is kind of another side story. Or it could be...

It's hard to say what would have happened if Justin hadn't called Brian. Things probably wouldn't have worked out as they did. 

Justin is a true fighter. Those that want to push him down will see just how resilient he is. More to come soon. Thanks for commenting, Cathy.



Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 14, 2020 2:05 pm Title: Chapter 6

It's an 'almost shame' that I know what will befall skater boy... although I don't remember it all vividly.

And although quads are becoming more popular today, I'm still waiting to see the exquistite quadruple axel. That will be a moment on history for me. I'm hoping Nathan Chen comes up with one.

Everybody should have a 'Theodore' in their life. Someone who can accomplish what few others can.

HUGS  ~Cathy

Author's Response:

I can see how you could forget some of the details. This one was written a really long time ago initially. Although, I have edited a line or two here and there. Hopefully, it makes it more fresh. 

Yes, a quadruple axel would be nice. Few things are more beautiful to me than figure skating.

Ted does go over and beyond for his boss; although, I try to make him as much of a friend as boss. I've always enjoyed the dynamic of their relationship.

Thanks for commenting!



Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 13, 2020 10:52 am Title: Chapter 5

Thank heavens Brian DID realize what Justin could be compromising, and didn't push. The fact that he gave Justin a guest pass to Babylon, well.. if he antipates to do anything then... I just have to say Justin has the right idea... He couldn't skate properly if he did that.

I just had a feeling Melanie would throw a barb in there about Brian missing, and wondering where he was. I always get a kick out of her putting his sexual exploits down... I have to wonder how the bike riding, centerfold was not many years prior.

HUGS  ~Cathy

Author's Response:

One wonders if Brian would have come to the realization if Justin hadn't prompted him to back off, at least for now. Brian's immediate mindset wasn't on what was best for Justin until Justin said something. To Brian's credit, he did accept that this wasn't their moment, and still lay the ground work for a day when it would be.

Sometimes I wonder if Melanie is so catty about Brian's exploits is because she sees similarities between herself and Brian. I don't think she hates him as much as she lets on. Out of the two, I tolerated her much better on the show than I ever did Lindsay. Now Lindsay I couldn't tolerate at all!



Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 13, 2020 10:22 am Title: Chapter 4

Oooh... Mr. Kinney is already on the prowl... He certainly didn't waste any time. And I would be curious if anyone else caught the 'HOT'... There must be eyes watching.

And what's better than hair that looks like you just crawled out of bed?

Jennifer seems demure in this story. Not an overly strong personality.

Lastly, you described the routine with very good clarity. It was easy to visualize.

HUGS  ~Cathy

Author's Response:

Brian never takes a breath when his hunter instincts kick in. Lol. 

I am going to assume no one else saw Brian's 'hot' reference since the angle would probably make it only the other judges that could see him. We will assume they didn't. 

Regarding Jennifer, yes I can see your point. I have probably only written her as a deep character in a few of my stories, and considering how many I have written, that's not very many. I'm not sure what it is exactly. I don't think I really connect with her character, which is odd being a mother myself. I do like her for the most part, but spending a lot of time creating depth for her just doesn't seem to work for me. Oh well. Lol. 

I'm glad you liked the routine. Loving figure skating as I do, I really enjoyed writing that part.

Thanks for the comment, Cathy.



Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 12, 2020 8:24 am Title: Chapter 3

Ooooohhhhh... Brian's got it bad. Bad, bad, bad, bad, BAD!

Apparently, he better pay VERY close attention while entering those scores... he might get so excited, that he accidentally presses a four for Justin... Then he really will SCREAM!

Mel is a full-fledge bitch in this story. Did Brian give up his rights, and did she adopt Gus? Just curious, because I keep getting the impression that he didn't. A sore spot for Melanie, I think.

HUGS  ~Cathy

Author's Response:

Brian has the hots in the worst way - LOL. 

Yes, if he entered the wrong score for Justin's performance... well, let's just say I wouldn't want to be Clyde, or anyone else near him at that point!

In this story I never made a point regarding Brian's rights, so I think it's safe to assume he didn't give them up. And yes, Melanie is being a first class bitch in this story. Typically, that is how I write Lindsay, but I gave her a break here. Haha.

Thanks for commenting.



Reviewer: BritinManor Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 10, 2020 5:25 pm Title: Chapter 2

I saw your response... Cutting Edge was an Olympic skating competion movie from 1992, with cutey D.B Sweeney. This bitchy gal kept going through partners until they were scraping the bottom of the barrel... Enter Sweeney, a pro hockey player forced to quit because of a hit to the eye...

So hockey skates don't have a toe pick... so she zooms ahead, forcing him to try and stop... he ends up going flying into the ice... she skates ahead... stopping and turning to look at him, saying: toe pick!

Ah, I found the link for that part:

A cute movie...


Author's Response:

It definitely sounds familiar but I know I never saw it. There were a lot of good movies in the 90's.

Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 10, 2020 5:23 am Title: Chapter 2

Lindsay seems a little pushy. I thinks she needs to quit ragging on Brian. And so very bizarre behavior for her to be championing Brian in the 'love' department. Miss-don't-expect-too-much-from-Brian. Certainly a different take on her.

And then Justin came face to face with his idol. Forcefully crashed into from an oncoming force dashing blindly from around the corner. That sounds like Cutting Edge. One of my faves. I swear I saw the movie ten times within three months of it coming out... 'toe pick'!  (Hmm, there's an idea for Brian and Justin. Talk about sexual tension!)

But all in all, it's going to prove to be the best place Brian could be... even with his: Knock 'em dead, Tiger. Yeah, he's already enamored. (That's if Brian Kinney can be enamored.)

HUGS  ~Cathy

Author's Response:

Yes, Lindsay is a bit pushy, but for once, she does seem to have her heart in the right place. I think she just doesn't want Brian to do 'Brian things' and ruin Justin's chance. I know it's difficult to see her as being okay, especially in one of my stories, but I think this is one of the few that I've written that she isn't portrayed as a total bitch. LOL. At least, stories where she has a significant role. For this story, certainly a different take on her. 

I don't think I've ever seen 'Cutting Edge' so I didn't get the idea there. I guess I fell into that line in that particular scene. I wanted it to be memorable for both of them, and a meeting like no other. 

Enamored already? Who knows? Even if he was, Brian would never admit it! Haha.

Thanks for commenting, Cathy.



Reviewer: coleamber Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 08, 2020 11:31 am Title: Chapter 2

great start

Author's Response:

I'm glad you like it. Much more to come.


Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 06, 2020 9:28 pm Title: Chapter 1

Through five interruptions, I finally got this read! Unreal!

"Sorry, Linz... there's only so much public service I can do..."

Yeah, and it's all done in the backroom of Babylon! LOL...

I like this story. I still remember it quite well. It seems certain stories will always stick. But I love ice skating, always have, so maybe that's why... ah, yes, Brian Kinney in skating pants... long legs well accented... hmm....

And speaking of skating, did you see Johnny Weir will compete on DWTS? I REALLY wish they'd had Zach or Panagiotis, though... Weir gives me the icky shivers. (I know, shame on me!)

Looking forward to revisiting this story...

HUGS  ~Cathy

Author's Response:

Brian takes public service to a new level - LOL. I think he will be glad he accepted this request.

I'm glad this story stuck with you. This one has always been close to my heart. Perhaps it is the same with me too. I have always been a follower of professional figure stating, especially at the Olympic level. 

I don't get to watch a lot of TV. There's really no time, so I haven't watched any DWTS. I'm not sure I would choose Weir either. And for sure, Brian in skaking pants, gliding across the ice... well that would be a sight to behold! Haha. 

More of this to come soon. Thanks for commenting, Cathy.



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