Date: Oct 31, 2020 7:27 am Title: Chapter 22
Hi again! Great last chapter! I was a little sad that our journey with both of them is now over, but that was already indicated in the previous chapter. Great story, amazing writing-style as always and yes, Brian was maybe a bit ooc (as you mentioned at the beginning) a bit too tame maybe, but I love the fact that you mostly let him go in this direction, let him mature, because I would find it not only unrealistic but also very sad and pathetic if he didn't take off this Stud of Liberty-image at some point.
Thanks again for publishing a completed story regularly! Oh, and a new story for the "Back for Good-universe"? I was so happy and excited when I read this! So, I'm looking forward to it!
From Monday on, there is also a partly lockdown here in Germany. For me, nothing is changing so much because of my work in a hospital. So, stay safe and healthy and hope to read from you soon! Warmest regards!
Author's Response:
Yeah, it was time to end this particular story for these two...
I don't know what it is, but I just don't really find stud-Brian all that appealing. Even when rewatching the show, I mostly think to myself: What an asshole!
I know many people like Brian in the first season exactly for that reason, but I don't... I much prefer the "tamer", more grown up Brian from later seasons. The Brian that starts to be more open about his feelings and honest with himself when it comes to Justin. I guess I don't really fit in with a lot of Queer as Folk fans because of that, but I don't know... stud-Brian really just doesn't do anything for me...Which is why in most of my stories I'll have him ooc or they are post season 5 stories, where it can be justified to describe him as changed and more grown up ;) So yeah, it'll always be "tame" Brian for me... I am sure many people would prefer stud-Brian, but well... my stories, my Brian :P
All of my stories are finished before I start posting them - I hate nothing more than a WIP that doesn't get updated anymore or where you have to wait weeks and weeks for another update. So yeah, with every story I start posting, there'll always be a chapter a week - that's a promise I can make and will definitely keep :)
Yep, I felt like it was time to return to the Back for Good universe - after all we're all still waiting for that wedding to happen, aren't we? And we have to meet Miss Victoria Rose Kinney-Taylor ;)
Yes, I heard about the new lockdown in the media and from my family. Ireland has been in a new lockdown for a week and a half now. We were the first country to go back into a 2nd lockdown in Europe and will be in lockdown until December 1st. I am really hoping that numbers will have gone down enough by December to go home for Christmas. I haven't been able to go home at all in 2020 and that's the only thing that's really bothering me about this whole pandemic. I really miss my family and friends in Germany :(
As for the lockdown itself, I have been working from home since March and am more than used to it by now. I honestly don't mind it and love the extra time working from home gives me. I save 1 1/2 every day as I don't have to commute to the office anymore, so I have a lot of extra time for things I like. Of course it's sad that I can't meet my friends as regularly anymore as before, but as I have lot's of hobbies, I am also good with being at home on my own, you know?
And this whole pandemic has definitely been good for my writing ;) I have already finished two 30+ chapter stories since March... more free time means more time for writing ;)
Stay safe during these crazy times :)

Date: Oct 28, 2020 3:54 am Title: Chapter 22
Sorry I didn't stop and review each chapter, but once I was able to start reading, I didn't stop. Absolutely wonderful story. Of course, I had to keep the tissue box next to me. Your writing is amazing. FANTASTIC STORY, FANTASTIC WRITING. It is beyond a 10
Author's Response:
Haha, no worries! You are forgiven ;)
I am glad that you enjoyed the story and your comment is much appreciated :)
I am really at a loss for word with such wonderful feedback - thanks so much!!!

Date: Oct 28, 2020 12:28 am Title: Chapter 22
Realy enjoyed this story. But very much looking forward to a continuation of the 'back for good' verse.
Deb L.
Author's Response:
I am glad you liked this story! :)
Thanks for your comments and for letting me know - it's much appreciated!
Yep, we'll be back for a big celebration in the Back for good universe... I think we've all waited long enough for this moment to come. And of course there is a little daughter that we have to meet ;)

Date: Oct 27, 2020 1:19 am Title: Chapter 1
Since I now only read new stories that are complete, I started it today and I ABSOLUTELY love it already. Can't wait to keep reading. I have 91 WIPS so I don't want to get hooked on a story that never gets an ending. Thank you for completing yours. It means a lot to readers. Hope all is well with you during these difficult days. FANTASTIC WRITING.
Author's Response:
I think I mentioned it before, but just in case, I'll mention it again: When I start posting a story, it is already completely written and will be updated with a new chapter once a week. I don't do WIPs and think they are very disrespectful to readers. I am not trying to diss any other authors, so hopefully no one will take this the wrong way, but I hate nothing more than having to wait weeks, sometimes even months for an update on a WIPs. By the time you get an update, you most likely don't even remember anymore what happened in the previous chapter...
So every story that I start posting is already finished and will be updated weekly - there will be no WIPs without update coming from me. It's something I decided a long time ago out of respect for the people who sacrifice their time to read my stories as well as my own peace of mind because it seems a lot less stressful to write a story in my own time without anyone expecting an update and pressuring me for one, you know?
Anyway, I am glad you're giving this story a go :) It's much appreciated!
Date: Oct 24, 2020 4:48 am Title: Chapter 21
Hi! Thanks for another great chapter! Made me really happy to see that Justin is doing so well! Hm, and they haven't waited long... I'd expected that it would take more time but I'm really happy for them. I'm curious whether we're reaching the end or whether there'll be more... drama...?
Stay healthy and warmest regards!
Author's Response:
Both Brian and Justin deserved a happy ending after everything they have been through... And they've waited roughly six months since Brian admitted that he loved Justin, which I think in their case equals an eternity ;)
We're getting close to the end. They have been through enough for one story, as far as I am concerned ;)
Thanks for your comment. More will be up soon! :)
As we're now in a second lockdown for the next six week, that means more time for writing... The only good thing about 2020 so far...
Stay safe :)

Date: Oct 21, 2020 9:21 pm Title: Chapter 21
Thanks for thr new chapter!
Deb L
Author's Response:
You are welcome!
More will be up soon :)
Date: Oct 17, 2020 6:56 am Title: Chapter 20
I know you really shouldn't wish anything bad to anyone, but at least I would've wished Trump really suffered for a few days, so that he would at least show a little more humility... But what I'm hoping for...? There is probably nothing that would change this man... I've to say, I was never so interested in an American Election and I really hope this nightmare ends on the 3rd of November.
Another wonderful chapter. You came up with a very important point in letting them deal with some possible consequences from Justin's terrible last years and I was very happy for Justin that his HIV test was negative and that he didn't contract any permanent diseases. And it's good to see him looking forward, that he's thinking about his future, his possibilities and what he would like to do or to achieve!
Looking forward to Sunday, stay healthy and warmest regards!
Author's Response:
I think you weren't alone with that wish and any decent human being on this planet was hoping that his infection would change Trump. But like you said: Nothing will ever change that man. What a horrible, horrible human being :/
Unfortunately, I doubt that this nightmare will be over on November 3rd. With how many mail-in ballots the US is expecting this year due to Covid-19 and with how long it will take to count all of them, it might take weeks before a result will be clear and we all know who will not stay quiet during those weeks :(
I just felt like there was no way Brian wouldn't bring up HIV. He always pressed the importance of being safe under all circumstances, no matter what and with Justin having used needles and having prostituted himself to get money for Danny... let's say that would have been anything but safe, so I felt like there was no way Brian wouldn't bring it up.
Thankfully all worked out well (I couldn't hurt poor Justin even more!) and hopefully they can finally move on now. Justin made another step in the right direction!
Thanks for your comment. More will be up tomorrow! Stay safe :)
Date: Oct 14, 2020 2:33 am Title: Chapter 20
I just wanted to drop a note and say I'm really enjoying the story. I lvoe that Brian finally told Justin he loved him. I can't wait to see Justin start doing his art again.
Author's Response:
I am glad you enjoy the story :) Thanks for letting me know!
More will be up soon :)

Date: Oct 13, 2020 4:22 pm Title: Chapter 20
Leading someone to look at themselves without telling them what you think they've done wrong is something to consider.
Author's Response:
Thanks for your comment. More will be up soon :)
Date: Oct 13, 2020 6:56 am Title: Chapter 20
I wondered if HIV would be mentioned and I am glad you didn't go down that sad road. I think the art therapy road is excellent I hope he can do it.
Author's Response:
I wouldn't have known how not to mention HIV once we found out about Justin using needles and prostituting himself to get money for Danny. Brian always pressed the importance of being safe and Justin's life in recent years was anything but, so I felt like there was no way Brian wouldn't mention this...
Thankfully it all worked out well and hopefully they can finally move on now :)
More will be up soon!
Date: Oct 12, 2020 2:40 pm Title: Chapter 20
So glad for that negative HIV test. Whew... TAG
Author's Response:
Same here! Hopefully, they can really move on now :)
Thanks for your comment. More will be up soon!
Date: Oct 10, 2020 5:51 am Title: Chapter 19
Hi! Yeah, Berlin has as Germany in total rising numbers, but I think there are rising numbers everywhere, aren't there? But maybe we all could get the same treatment as Trump soon, wouldn't that be great... haha, what a joke this man is...
The story which I'm reading is a very long one and there is a very slowly development. First just between Craig and Justin. Then there is this scene in a parking lot. Brian gets attacked, Craig happens to come by at this moment and he helps Brian. After this they aren't suddenly best friends - that would have been unbelievable, but there is a development between them. So, yeah, I really liked this.
So, but now, your story... Beautiful, but also sad and heartbreaking chapter. For a short moment I also feared that Justin would've relapsed ... And as I said in my previous review, I totally agree with you (and with Brian), it would be too early for them to be together again, the imbalance between them is too big. Justin must first find himself again, love and accept himself, but hey, he's lucky, the man he loves so deeply loves him too. Could be worse. So, it's just time ... :-)
And by the way, it's good to see that Michael really acts as a best friend!
Warmest regards!
Author's Response:
Yeah, we (as in Dublin, Ireland) have had rising numbers for weeks now as well and are officially considered a "Risikogebiet" by the RKI and Auswärtige Amt as well... My family lives in a very rural area of Lower Saxony on the Dutch border and they usually had 2-3 new cases in a week in their whole county and now they have just crossed the line and have become a "Risikogebiet" with 56 infections in 100.000 people in one week. They had one outbreak in a factory. That's how fast it can go :( But hey, like you pointed out, the orange clown in the White House is fine, so we will all be as well, right? We just need a 24 hour medical team at our side, experimental treatments... It's nothing to be afraid of!
I have to admit that this was one of my favourite chapters in this story. Just because it was so emotional and showed so much about who Brian and Justin are as people right now. How much Brian has grown in recent years, months, weeks and how much Justin is still impacted by his addiction...
As you said, Justin needs to find himself first, needs to get his own life back again before he can even start to think about entering a relationship with Brian and the fact that Brian knows this and openly talks about it, shows how far he has come as well. He loves Justin and he will wait for him to be ready and will continue to support him along the way which is the best for Justin at this moment in time :)
As you said: It's just time... And we can only hope that with time they will figure this out and will make it work :)
Thanks for your comment. More will be up soon :)
Date: Oct 05, 2020 8:53 am Title: Chapter 19
Brian's growing up finally... TAG
Author's Response:
And wasn't it about time? ;)
Thanks for your comment. More will be up soon!

Date: Oct 05, 2020 1:05 am Title: Chapter 19
Nice to know that Brian finally got things straight with Justin.
Author's Response:
Hopefully they will now be able to make it work :)
Thanks for your comment. More will be up soon!
Date: Oct 04, 2020 11:34 pm Title: Chapter 19
Whew that was close but yes Brian is right they do need to work on their issues before they start a relationship
Author's Response:
We can only hope that with time they will figure it out and make it work :)
Thanks for your comment. More will be up soon!

Date: Oct 04, 2020 8:25 am Title: Chapter 18
Michael makes a 180 degree turn and behaves like a friend (it's so rare!) Let's see where you'll take us for the rest of the story and rebuilding something between Brian and Justin
Author's Response:
Well, for once Michael was allowed to be the friend he always claims he is ;)
Thanks for your comment. More will be up soon :)
Date: Oct 03, 2020 5:54 am Title: Chapter 18
Wow, deep inside I had thought of something like this, but I never dared to hope that Michael would act like that. As I said in reviews often before, I don't like Michael at all (also followed closely by Lindsay :-) ), but it's okay with me if he behaves positively (or like a real best friend) like he does now in your story. I'm just also reading a story where Craig becomes a loving father who accepts Justin for who he is and even gets on well with Brian. Craig even saves Brian's life in this story! That is probably the side in me looking for harmony... :-)
So, now the two of them could finally get a little closer, or... ;-) although I have to say, I'm curious how you'll let this develop... At the moment there is in my opinion such an imbalance between them, which makes it hard to imagine them as a couple. But only almost, because of course I would like to see them happily united but I really like it that or how you let them first develop some kind of friendship before anything else happens... Warmest regards and stay healthy!
Author's Response:
For once Michael did something right - good for him! I am not usually pro-Michael (as you well know), but I thought that for once we deserved a story where he might actually deserve the title of "best friend" or at least "real friend"...
I guess I love harmony as well (which is why my stories always end with happy endings), but with some characters I just don't see it... I don't think I could ever find a story where Craig and Brian would get on believable unless it's very well explained how that came to happen, you know?
As for Brian and Justin... Now that the legal problems are out of the way, things can finally move on, right? Right? Yes, they will ;) The imbalance you mention is a very good point and it's definitely something that will come up over the next couple of chapters. They won't just jump into bed and move on as that wouldn't work out. It could only end in disaster at this point :(
There's still lot's to come in the next chapters :)
Thanks for your comment. Stay safe and healthy (I heard Berlin has rising numbers again :( That really sucks...)!
Date: Sep 28, 2020 3:23 pm Title: Chapter 18
Yay, Michael! TAG
Author's Response:
Not a response we hear often ;) But yeah, for once he did good!
Thanks for your comment. More will be up soon!

Date: Sep 28, 2020 12:30 am Title: Chapter 18
Love how you got the judge to give Justin a good sentence and no jail time.
Author's Response:
I felt like Justin really deserved a break after everything...
Thanks for your comment. More will be up soon :)
Date: Sep 26, 2020 3:32 am Title: Chapter 17
My goodness! What a dramatic chapter! Very well written as always and one can feel Brian's despair at the end! One question because I didn't understand this quite well....Vic didn't die because of the incident with Justin? I just ask because you wrote that he died two weeks after the escalation.
Michael... I don't know what to say about him... You wrote he wouldn't be the bad guy in this story but I really don't like him (as always :-) ). Justin was just Brian's fuckbuddy and an acquaintance? Okay, I can somehow understand this statement when I think of the time when Brian left for NY, but at the latest when Michael noticed what Brian was doing for Justin, he should have told him about it. And why Michael thinks he should be the one teaching Justin a lesson when everyone else was against it (Deb, Ben and Vic), I don't understand either. Well, he's just as unsympathetic to me as almost always...
Very exciting right now and I'm curious how it goes on! Stay healthy and warmest regards!
Author's Response:
No, Vic didn't die because of the incident. He hurt his head in the incident, but died of a heart failure as he did in canon/on the show. Sorry, maybe I should have made that clearer. Both incidents were unrelated, but to Michael in his head and in his pain they might have been related. Or maybe in his pain over losing Vic, he just needed to lash out at someone and Justin was the best choice as he had hurt Vic just recently. But no, the accident and Vic hurting his head was not responsible for his death. My bad for not making that clearer!
Well, I am not a big fan of Michael either (no secret there!). His character was always the most annoying to me on the show, closely followed by Lindsay and Melanie. This story was not intended to be an anti-Michael story, but if people want to take it that way, I have absolutely no problems with that ;) I don't like the character and I guess whether I want to or not that always comes through in my stories ;)
I think the problem is that Michael hasn't really seen Justin and Brian together. All he has in his head are the images of them in the past before Brian left for New York and maybe his characterisation of their relationship would have been okay then. But as he hasn't seen the way Brian helped Justin, the way Justin leaned on Brian for support with his detox, etc... I don't think he really sees the depth of their new relationship (yet).
I agree, he should have told Brian. Then again, it's Michael, so... not surprised he wouldn't think it's his responsibility.
I also agree with you concerning teaching Justin a lesson. Vic himself, the person who was hurt, didn't want to press charges against Justin because he knew that wasn't really Justin and probably because he also knew that going to prison would not help him at all. We know that Debbie was really angry with Justin when the accident happened, but even she put her anger aside and is just happy that he's doing better now. Even she knows he would have never done anything like that when clean. I think in his head Michael thinks that once again he's the only one on the path of justice and that someone needs to keep fighting to get justice for Vic. Only that Vic never would have wanted this because he loved Justin and cared for him and everyone but Michael can see that...
As usual, thanks for your comment :) More will be up soon and hopefully the worst can be avoided and Justin won't have to go to jail!
Date: Sep 24, 2020 6:10 pm Title: Chapter 17
Vindictive Michael... TAG
Author's Response:
He certainly could have handled the situation better, that's for sure...
Thanks for your comment. More will be up soon :)

Date: Sep 22, 2020 12:39 am Title: Chapter 17
I'm surprised Justin remembers what he did. Mikey wanted to get Justin in trouble.
Author's Response:
We can only hope for the best now!
Thanks for your comment. More will be up soon :)
Date: Sep 20, 2020 8:53 pm Title: Chapter 17
Too little, too late Michael! He really is am ass.
Author's Response:
I won't disagree with you!
Thanks for your comment. More will be up soon :)
Date: Sep 18, 2020 3:36 pm Title: Chapter 16
Hi again! A reply to your reply... When I’d feared at the beginning of the story that Justin was making money for drugs, for example by going to one of Sap’s parties, I already had the thought that he might have to hustle… Terrible, that he'd had to do it not only to get drugs but also because he was forced to do it by Denny...
Oh, wow, now we’re getting closer to it. I really hope that Brian can convince Michael to drop the charges – if that is even still possible at this stage. It would be so awful if Justin had to go to jail. I can’t imagine what that would do to him in his current fragile state… Warmest regards!
Author's Response:
Yes, Justin was in a real bad state and it's horrible what he thought he had to do to keep Danny in his life :( Hopefully that part of his life will be over for good now!
Yes, we're getting closer and we'll finally find out what happened between Justin and Michael. We'll get all the answers in the next chapter. Everyone has been so patient, I think it's time to get the whole truth ;)
As for Brian - he'll definitely try to do something, but what and will it work? We'll see...
Hopefully a jal sentence can be avoided, it would most definitely break Justin at this point and that can't be in anyone's interest. Not even in Michael's, right? Right? *looks at Michael sternly*
Thanks for your comment. More will be up tomorrow and hopefully all questions will be answered then :)

Date: Sep 14, 2020 7:20 am Title: Chapter 16
I figured Michael was the one behind Justin's missed court date. Whatever happened must have been bad... TAG
Author's Response:
We will find out soon what happened...
Thanks for your comment. More will be up soon :)