Date: Mar 04, 2020 4:33 pm Title: CHAPTER FIVE: SILENCE CAN SAY MORE THAN A MOUTHFUL Part 2
Great update! Things are looking pretty good for Mel, Justin and Brian. Ted and Mel have interesting friends!
Date: Mar 04, 2020 2:10 pm Title: CHAPTER FIVE: SILENCE CAN SAY MORE THAN A MOUTHFUL Part 2
Another fantastic chapter that gives us information as to what is going on.
Date: Mar 04, 2020 4:53 am Title: CHAPTER FIVE: SILENCE CAN SAY MORE THAN A MOUTHFUL Part 2
It always amazed me how Lindsay thinks she is so Clever but in actuality she is just an amateur who is okay at being sneaky but has as much brains as Michael has class.
Gui forked her over before she could do it to him then Brian and Mel plunged the fork in deeper by denying her access to Gus's support money so she couldn't continue to live out her fantasy.
Moving in a building that doesn't allow kids says how much she values Gus thankfully he is Brian, Justin and Melanie who will make up for the love Lindsay can't feel or understand.
Dumping all of Lindsay's things on Mommy and Daddy's doorstep should be fun but why not let the grandparents have theirs by boasting about Justin's and Brian's success while subtly hinting about Lindsay's drug use, her prolong abuse of Gus and her attacking Melanie who was trying to protect Gus their own sweet way that won't jeopardize the case, while also mentioning the bad parenting of Ronald and Nancy and Lindsay's being thrown out of an upscale residence under a false name.
I bet even Lynette and her husband would love to help while also showing they are severing all ties to The Petersons who will have enough problems on their hands with the pending lawsuit heading their way.
Justin and Brian have quite a team to cover their backs so they won't forget to stop breathe and connect with each other while also making time for Gus so they don't burn out or are left defenseless when more people come to try to destroy them.
Jeff Hawkes is So Hot!!!
And hopefully a new ally in California for Brian and Justin since he is such good friends of Melanie and Ted?
Brian having Ted look into Lindsay's underhanded schemes saves them from being blindsided later I would do the same for Deb and Michael, cause even though Deb doesn't want to be Mrs. Brian Kinney she will do anything to make sure Michael is and she is well taken care of by Brian who owes her.
Are we sure she is finished paying off Gui or whoever he is?
What is Craig's plan B?
What Is Lindsay's next plan?
Are Ron and Nancy ready to live with Princess Lindsay?
How Long before Deb starts trying to regain her control first at the diner then with Brian and Justin?
Thanks For the Update 😃
I like Mélanie she is getting strong and going to do a great job and her friend looks very interesting I hope he is there for a while. I hope David and Hank are already in California, Michael can sleep on the sidewalk because he will not have enough money for a hotel it would be so fun. Great update. Thank you.
Michael running back to David to lick his wounds and regroup is so him because without someone helping him he is pretty useless, but whatever he comes up with should be funny to watch fall apart.
Melanie winning a Huge settlement for her clients and getting such an impressive payment and a new job offer in California will help her go long way in rebuilding her confidence the Lindsay was stifling.
Plus Brian and Justin will love having her and Gus so close she they can raise Gus without outside influences, who when Lindsay realizes Mel and Gus are out of her reach.
Michael hitting Deb isn't really surprising I believe he had been wanting to hit back at her for years especially when she stands in his way when it comes to Brian.
But I don't see Deb changing her ways so everyone will enjoy Daph knocking her down a peg or two.
Michael has no remorse for what he said in the diner like Deb has no remorse for saying it or the other things she did to Brian and everyone else, I don't see her stopping trying to regain her control over her list boys or anyone else in The Avenue.
Jeff is going to be an interesting friend for Brian and Justin to meet I honestly look forward to that.
Thanks For the Update 😃
Excellent chapter!!!
I laughed so hard with this “AND WHO THE FUCK IS THIS MIRANDA BITCH?! Uh, Ma?! WHO IS SHE?!"
How do you do to find such quotes?
Here is hoping Michael "Delusional" Novotney doesn't win and loved watching Melanie come out so good in this chapter.
thanks for a great update. again
Whatever you do please, i beg you, don't give Michael a happy ending
Date: Feb 05, 2020 12:51 am Title: CHAPTER THREE: A FLASH OF US: A NEW NORMAL
I love the way you can write so many stories and come up with all the different scenarios you do. (You know how I always want to 'borrow'.)
Anyway, as soon as I read: “Lindsay intended to involve Craig in her and Michael’s plan, after hearing from Ronald that Brian is no longer employed at what is now Ryder-Vanguard?” ... I figured the proverbial wheels in Justin's head were going to be turning, because I totally remembered him warning Ron... well, all I can say, is Ron, Marty, and Gardner, better sharpen their pencils for filling out applications at the Big-Q. And how funny that they are running into trouble with Spitzer Pharmaceuticals. Marty should have known to trust Brian's instincts. But, Bob and Brad having to do damage control, brought some much-needed humor.
Icing on the cake? Justin buying Buzzy's! Because before you even stated banning Michael, I was giggling at that very prospect!
I hope you are feeling better and the headaches are at bay.
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Feb 02, 2020 8:45 am Title: CHAPTER THREE: A FLASH OF US: A NEW NORMAL
Your story is so interesting. I can't wait to read what Justin has planned for the Peterson and what will happen to Michael and Deb now that his idiotic son has spit out his venom. The Taylor Kinneys are impressive in intelligence and anticipation in their projects . I hope you will write the rest very soon.
Date: Feb 01, 2020 10:34 pm Title: CHAPTER THREE: A FLASH OF US: A NEW NORMAL
Love the update
Date: Feb 01, 2020 9:10 pm Title: Chapter 1- IT’S A CRUEL SUMMER
Loving this story - all parts of it. Does Brian also take on Taylor-Kinney as a last name?
Date: Feb 01, 2020 8:01 pm Title: CHAPTER THREE: A FLASH OF US: A NEW NORMAL
This gets better all the time. Now how do we get Michael in jail?
Date: Feb 01, 2020 6:18 pm Title: CHAPTER THREE: A FLASH OF US: A NEW NORMAL
Yes Justin is a Genius but I don't think he needs to conquer the world on his own wouldn't his Grandparents like a hand in making all businesses owned by the Taylor-Kinneys a success?
they don't need a Huge Share but enough for them along with Jennifer and Molly to live quite comfortably while also basking in the success Craig will be missing out on because he is a Selfish, Bigoted, Homophobic Idiot!!
so Ron is about to learn when Justin Taylor-Kinney gives you a warning you heed it like it is the Holy Grail!
Looks like Ron and Nancy won't have time for Lindsay cause they will be too busy saving every dime Justin doesn't sue for to higher a good attorney to protect their name.
Gardner and Ryder thought they were clever trying to force Brian to come back but it isn't going to save them for what is headed their way, because if they lose this lawsuit and get served by Justin then they won't have a crumb left. roflmao
Craig, Michael, Lindsay, Deb and Everyone aren't done yet but they are going to wish when they lose everything that they had stopped and just accepted the L.
Michael isn't even done spewing everything he heard from Deb she gave him years of ammunition to use against Liberty Avenue and Brian, Emmett, Ted, Melanie, Vic so stand back because Michael is going to erupt and Deb is the who is going to drown without one offer of help or condolences.
Mel is seeing that her life can be different if she looks past Lindsay's misconceptions to the truth of who Brian really is and that love doesn't have to be painful but a celebration of mutual love and respect that is even not one sided.
Thanks For the Update 😃
Date: Feb 01, 2020 5:19 pm Title: CHAPTER THREE: A FLASH OF US: A NEW NORMAL
these chapter just get better and better... and seriously I LOVE Cinder-fucking-Mella!!! lol
Date: Feb 01, 2020 12:17 pm Title: CHAPTER THREE: A FLASH OF US: A NEW NORMAL
So much going on and I can't wait to find out what Justin has planned for the Petersons and how Mel takes on the legal world in stunning fashion. So if you please give us more on this soon!
Date: Feb 01, 2020 9:35 am Title: CHAPTER THREE: A FLASH OF US: A NEW NORMAL
Amazing chapter on many levels. The way Mel is finally realizing that Brian is not the asshole she always thought he is and also that she wants to be with Leda again. The way Brian realizes that Justin is a mastermind and quick thinking genius.
These quotes are my favorites:
- "I realize the one thing that would have made me physically ill just nine months ago… I need Brian Kinney."
- "Well what did he expect from two people who seem to share the IQ of a raindrop and all the charm of a wet noodle?"
and the last one "So it will be called Taylor-KINNEY Electronics".
Date: Jan 30, 2020 3:11 am Title: CHAPTER TWO: DID THAT JUST REALLY HAPPEN?
Lindsay is a conniving bitch and she really has no respect for Brian. Serves her right to be in jail for trying to run his life and make it the one she wants not the one Brian wants or deserves. Michael, is as always a whining, baby who pitches a fit just like a two year old when he doesn't get his way. So sad that he is going to take Debbie down with him. Hopefully , she will wise up before it is too late, but I don't think she will.
Date: Jan 27, 2020 4:39 pm Title: CHAPTER TWO: DID THAT JUST REALLY HAPPEN?
I marvel at the web you're weaving for Ted... paper trails were mentioned... is this going to come back and bite some Pittsburgh residents in their asses? The fact that even though they are based in Atlanta... Wertschafter is in Pittsburgh... so, it seems like there will be a connection. Also, the fact that this area is brought into the story, almost confirms that the plot is just starting...
Lindsay: I almost want to smile, thinking of all the hoops my parents will jump through to keep my name out of the papers and off a court docket…
Wouldn't it be something if it's discovered that Mumsie and Daddy Peterson were involved in the money trail... or are you going to sink Lindsay even further?
Boy, what can I say about Michael? The diarrhea mouth is certainly running! But, was Deb shocked and embarrassed because that is something she has said in Michael's presence in the past? or, just the fact he would spew such venom, which discounts everything she has worked towards for gay rights on Liberty Avenue? Her flushed red cheeks could be for either reason.
BUT WHY... did she not just let him be picked up with the rest of the garbage? Could you imagine being dumped in the back of a huge truck filled with all the unimaginable refuse? One thing I'm sure of: they wouldn't put him in the recyclables.
“Is it wrong to feel relieved?” Brian asks in response. This was sad... Brian was dealt shitty parents, only to find a replacement family, only to be shit on again. I'm amazed at the man he has turned out to be. Definitely NOT a product of his environment. But other that... YES, WE ARE ALL RELIEVED!
I have a feeling that this will definitely be one of our more eventful assignments to date.” DEFINITELY... Michael doesn't know what NO means... let the fun ensue.
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Jan 23, 2020 8:34 am Title: CHAPTER TWO: DID THAT JUST REALLY HAPPEN?
thanks for update
Date: Jan 22, 2020 6:28 pm Title: CHAPTER TWO: DID THAT JUST REALLY HAPPEN?
I Wish I could feel A modicum of sympathy for Deb but she made Michael what he is by over-indulging him to the point where he mentally never progressed beyond infancy with her and fourteen with Brian (Cause thats when he had Brian all to himself) so she needs to see that Michael will throw anyone including his own mother under the bus to keep Brian focused on him and only him.
I wouldn't be surprised if what Michael shouted outside is just the start of what he is about to do to get Brian back by his side and under his feet, Deb said a lot of stuff over the years in front of Michael and Vic about everyone who entered The Diner, she told secrets they didn't want shared with anyone with her son who can now use it to make everyone suffer, while Vic never would because he knows the value of trust not information to use later, Michael could possibly go up and down Liberty Avenue spilling dirt on not just Brian, Ted and Emmett but everyone and he wouldn't care one iota.
Everyone in the diner who recorded what happened can see that Deb didn't deny what which shows that whatever they innocently said in front of Deb was stored for ammunition later, just like they witness her do to Brian over the years and later other members of the supposed family.
If the Petersons were smart they would change their number and ignore Lindsay ever existed, but since they aren't smart I hope they also are ready to reap what they have down helping Lindsay, she is about to cost them more than they have ever realized cause it does not sound like Lynette and her husband will be running to their rescue.
I wonder if the person being investigated in Atlanta has tied to certain people in Pittsburgh?
Guess Lindsay's sources weren't as good as she and probably Michael were paying them for?
Ted is free to make quite a name for himself now in accounting circles and with Brian and Justin backing him it won't be long
Daph associates with very interesting and smart people who with all these brains could make Liberty Avenue not only the most happening place to be anyone gay, lesbian, bi, transgender and undecided but they will be making money hand over fist.
Daphne could be quite a force at anything she wants to do first with improving the diner then who knows?
Yes, It Just Got More Interesting!!
Thanks For the Update 😃
Date: Jan 22, 2020 3:47 pm Title: CHAPTER TWO: DID THAT JUST REALLY HAPPEN?
Poor Debbie; she deserves what is coming to her, but having Michael yelling this is the nail missing to her coffin.
Date: Jan 22, 2020 1:25 pm Title: CHAPTER TWO: DID THAT JUST REALLY HAPPEN?
I love every bit of this. Who is going to deliver whiner boys set down ?
Date: Jan 22, 2020 1:08 pm Title: CHAPTER TWO: DID THAT JUST REALLY HAPPEN?
Love this chapter especially Ted's POV.