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Reviewer: Allison42 Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 01, 2025 7:23 pm Title: CHAPTER 2: CHAMPAGNE DREAMS and THWARTED WISHES

I just want to say that I love your sympathetic portrayal of Mel. I love Melanie Marcus. She is one of my favorite characters on the show. A lot of fans don’t feel that way because she and Brian have a contentious relationship, but I just love her so much. So thank you for that.

Reviewer: Allison42 Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 01, 2025 6:26 pm Title: CHAPTER 2: CHAMPAGNE DREAMS and THWARTED WISHES

I just want to say that I love your sympathetic portrayal of Mel. I love Melanie Marcus. She is one of my favorite characters on the show. A lot of fans don’t feel that way because she and Brian have a contentious relationship, but I just love her so much. So thank you for that.

Reviewer: cullengirl08 Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 10, 2021 5:54 pm Title: CHAPTER 5: PROMISES

This was great!! Like Justin, it was terrible how Michael and Lindsay were planning his life, far away from Brian. I cannot wait to read where Brian fills Lindsay in on a few hard truths; her and Michael both!!

Reviewer: coleamber Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 03, 2020 2:25 am Title: CHAPTER 5: PROMISES

Love it

Reviewer: mamab Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 26, 2019 5:37 pm Title: CHAPTER 5: PROMISES

Finally made it to the end.  Wonderful story. Fantastic writing as always.  Will start the next one soon.  Have a good weekend.

Reviewer: mamab Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 25, 2019 11:42 am Title: CHAPTER 4: WHITE DIAMONDS Part 2: SIDE TO SIDE

Wow,no wonder you had to get this story out of your thoughts.  It is fantastic.  Love the writing, but then I love everything you write.  I am slow at reading right now, but I will get caught up.  Take care and keep writing.

Reviewer: mamab Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 21, 2019 3:01 am Title: CHAPTER 2: CHAMPAGNE DREAMS and THWARTED WISHES

Have read two chapters.  Sorry I am late in doing so.  I have been playing at writing a B and J story.  I am not a writer, but this crazy story has refused to leave my brain. I write it as a reader, not a writer.  It has gotten so long that it makes me nuts, but I see an end in sight.  As to this story, I love it.  Wonderful writing as always.  Hope all is well with you.  

Reviewer: Deb Tanner Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 04, 2019 6:56 am Title: CHAPTER 5: PROMISES

Woah! Another very hot scene!

"Quick, Brian, blow me!" LOL! I love Justin's request to prove he's not dreaming.

Hahaha! Justin's reasoning that Brian called him a puppy - I love it! And Brian's response "Well, you are really soft and pettable." LOL!

I can certainly see them getting married this way. That's perfect for them!

Really looking forward to the next story!



Reviewer: Deb Tanner Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 04, 2019 6:45 am Title: CHAPTER 4: WHITE DIAMONDS Part 2: SIDE TO SIDE

Really love how they decided to not only stay together and how they discussed the ‘trial period' but also how they decided who they could trust with ‘all' the information and ‘some' of the information. Vic would always keep their truth to himself until he's told otherwise; so would Jennifer. I think Ted would even if Brian didn't threaten him. LOL!

Love the Prince siblings. They certainly know Lindsay! And poor Stephanie (or is it Josie?), drooling over both Justin and Brian without a chance in the world; just like the rest of us. LOL!

Lindsay claiming Justin was in a semi-abusive relationship?! What a bitch! Can't wait for Brian to hear about that!

"foreign asses" I love that!!! It is so Brian!

I do believe that Brian and Justin are going to fit in perfectly at DPAA.

Loving this fic!



Reviewer: Fantgirl Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: Oct 03, 2019 7:13 pm Title: CHAPTER 5: PROMISES

Loved this can't wait for installment two Yeh!

Reviewer: sophiesmom Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 03, 2019 11:58 am Title: CHAPTER 5: PROMISES

Can't wait. Fireworks indeed. Ha!

Reviewer: Kinneysbitch Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 02, 2019 11:39 pm Title: CHAPTER 5: PROMISES

Omg that was amazing can’t wait for the next instalment.... Thanks so much

for sharing.

Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 02, 2019 5:12 pm Title: CHAPTER 5: PROMISES

Brian is being considerate of Justin but Justin wants think of himself first to finally take the time to contemplate his feelings about being married and what he wants from this marriage.

Brian and Justin may have gotten married quickly but they both know what they want and then being away from Pittsburgh will help them decide what they are willing to accept as a married couple and what they won't.

Time for them to make their own rules and to.He'll with the opinion of others who don't or can't keep a relationship.

Justin right again about Lindsay and Michael they both consider Justin not worthy of a man like Brian while also refusing to see that they themselves will never measure up to the caliber Brian is.

Being a Wasp does not mean Lindsay is Brian's equal because she wants a life where money is at her disposal anytime she wants and where she is in control of everyone around her and she is the woman behind the man pulling the strings.

Michael wants someone who will allow him to remain the child while he spends money and flaunts his life to everyone who looks down on him.

Basically Lindsay and Michael want the same life with Brian as the puppet they control, while Brian wants someone who is his equal in everything and who will fight for him as well as beside him.

Even if Justin had never shown up they still wouldn't be in the same level as Brian they want to be taken care of and applauded for being near Brian, while Justin wants to take care of Brian while also earning his own way and also maintaining his own individuality.

Justin was able to support himself at seventeen while Michael still had Deb wiping his Ass and Lindsay can't stand anyone who outshines her because it reinforces that the best she can ever achieve is mediocrity and even that is above her. lol

Brian and Justin were so HOT in that parking lot I am surprised the building didn't melt...WOWWW!!!

Thanks For the  excuse for a Cold Shower and the Update 😃


Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 02, 2019 3:30 pm Title: CHAPTER 5: PROMISES

Great chapter, but I couldn't tell if they were in Pitts or California.

Reviewer: nickknack Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 02, 2019 10:12 am Title: CHAPTER 5: PROMISES

This is so so so good :-)

Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 02, 2019 5:11 am Title: CHAPTER 5: PROMISES

Voila! And they got marrrrried!

I was sitting here at almost 1:00 AM... TRYING... to write a sex scene... when this pops up. I surely can't compete. I just hope they didn't ruin the trunk of the RENTED Jaguar F-TYPE R convertible. Shame on them. Hot though!

Even though $30k is quite a bit of money for a nineteen-year-old (+bonuses) if Justin wasn't going to live with Brian...he still might have had it a little tight living in California. But, yeah... much more money than Mikey... hehe...

I LOVED their conversation while on E. Maybe Jag had it mixed with some type of new bliss drug.

So looking forward to where you are going to take this. Because if these two are in California... how are they going to watch the fireworks in Pittsburgh? or therefore Portland?

You did a great job with the Mercury Retrograde... Thanks!

HUGS  ~Cathy

Reviewer: Tudortears Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 01, 2019 6:09 pm Title: CHAPTER 1

I've always enjoyed your writing but this one in particular is so much fun!   Can't wait to read more!   

Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 01, 2019 5:48 pm Title: CHAPTER 4: WHITE DIAMONDS Part 2: SIDE TO SIDE

Well I like Dee and DeMarcus they are honey straightforward people who don BS about who they want working for their company.

Brian and Justin Wil fit in well here because they enjoy being around people strive for success instead of expecting it to be handed o them just by association.

Lindsay is going to be the biggest problem when she finds out the door to Brian's coffers will be shut off towards her and Ted should be in charge of the money for Gus and Only Gus.

Plus Justin is going to achieve the kind of success Lindsay never could because she is too lazy to work for it, but she will bust her flat Ass to manipulate a situation for her own Happiness and selfish goals.

The amount of effort she and Michael expelled to get rid of Justin could be used to forge their own success instead of trying to ride on Brian's coattails and assume a position by his side that neither are qualified for.

Brian and Justin will be able to breathe in California instead of being strangled by others selfish demands.

Cynthia will enjoy California!

It is beyond time for Brian to figure out that Lindsay and Michael should have been regulated to his past, they are much to needy and self-absorbed  to realize that Brian never needed them but they can't function without him.

And it is time to deal with Deb and her need to blame everyone for Michael's selfish behavior plus her need to bully Brian until he bends to get will, it is time to cut the dead weight and move forward cause Deb, Michael and Lindsay would rather see Brian drown than leave them behind.

Justin's assessment of who to tell about their marriage is accurate let Lindsay, Michael and Deb to flounder trying to find out what is going on while they get everything set up in California and for their friends.

Thanks For the Update 😃

Reviewer: The SNO Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 01, 2019 3:17 pm Title: CHAPTER 4: WHITE DIAMONDS Part 2: SIDE TO SIDE

I love how you describe Emmett when he spills the beans and gets people around him so confused that they forget what he just said.

It's great that they are thinking to get Ted on board; that would avoid the crystal period.

These quote are genius:

“Portfolio, passport, wallet, overnight bag, laptop, suit, lube… you,” Justin answered

“Briefcase, garment bag, passport, wallet, reservations for the hotel and car, laptop, condoms… you,” Brian answered.

It's rare when Brian acknowledges Justin's resilience, emotional strength and maturity.

Justin's words for Brian are also impressive: "with that innate grace and power, Brian Kinney was a walking, talking aphrodisiac", "He was as potent as one dose of Viagra, and dangerous to peace of minds everywhere."

Justin is also noticing things that he wouldn't have a few months ago: the "Keurig" he would like to buy.

"unattached and eager to escape a semi-abusive relationship": this one is going to bite Lindsay in her flat ass!

It's great that DPAA were already looking for both Justin and Brian, due to Liberty Air ad.

“Who the fuck are you?” is my favorite quote from Brian; he really is bold. I would say that the rest is history because it seems that he already has the job even before the interview.

DeMarcus is pretty accurate: "as much as you and Justin are alike, you are also very different.”

The fact that DeMarcus is sitting across from Brian on another sofa instead of the other side of his desk says a lot about how he sees Brian: already as a partner, not as a candidate.

I already told you several times: I LOVE your style and your stories!!!

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 01, 2019 1:46 pm Title: CHAPTER 4: WHITE DIAMONDS Part 2: SIDE TO SIDE

I'm looking forward to seeing how they let Vic, Emmett and Ted in on the secret.  It looks like QAF is moving to California. 

Reviewer: marie-france Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 01, 2019 8:21 am Title: CHAPTER 4: WHITE DIAMONDS Part 2: SIDE TO SIDE

it's going to be so much fun to see the reaction of Lindsay and Michael when they realize that not only is Justin staying in LA the way they want, but Brian too. It's good that Dee and Demarcus know Lindsay they will certainly be able to help. Awesome chapter!

Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 01, 2019 4:22 am Title: CHAPTER 4: WHITE DIAMONDS Part 2: SIDE TO SIDE

This was such an awesome update! I chuckled through so much of it...I found the part with Emmett - although very true - fairly funny. And you already know my feelings on *cooing*... but yes, Ted needs all the preparation and ammunition he can in order to deal with Lindsay accordingly.

When DeMarcus got into Brian's car... I laughed outright at Brian's comment about how Justin felt about foreign asses... that was classic.

It was SO nice to see DeMarcus and Dee have Lindsay's number. But, when it's actually disclosed about Brian being a partner in the firm - that Lindsay and Michael believe they got Justin's foot in the door at - well, let's just say, we better all get earplugs. Them thinking they were removing Justin from Brian's orbit - only to find he landed smack in the middle - yep... going to be fun!

So, what's all happening in Pittsburgh?

HUGS  ~Cathy

Reviewer: The SNO Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 29, 2019 7:01 pm Title: CHAPTER 3: WHITE DIAMONDS

Whoa, that was hot!!! It's been a long time since such a scene has been written on KD, not that aren't other hot ones. They are burning when together, but add a very willing third and the temperature is up to the roof if there was any where they are in PS.

I love this story because of the premises making Justin quite an equal to Brian, who is enabling it, promoting it. Their display during this night is just the best ad they could have written to promote themselves, not that they needed it to shine and to be noticed. If someone from the team they will meet later is in the crowd, I hope it won't interfere with their future.

It's funny that Brian mocked Justin when he came from the parlor with his nipple ring and now he can't help it: he knows how Justin reacts to it and how it enhanced their foreplays.

Amazing job Nichelle!

Reviewer: The SNO Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 29, 2019 2:19 pm Title: CHAPTER 2: CHAMPAGNE DREAMS and THWARTED WISHES

That's indeed a good question!

I'm impressed by Lindsey's level of plotting. Brian must feel so bad to realize what his best friends are trying to do.

Is Mel going to pursue the wedding ceremony?

Reviewer: The SNO Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 29, 2019 6:26 am Title: CHAPTER 1

Great beginning! Justin going to a trip with Brian could be a life changing event.

I bet that Justin appreciated his birthday gift on his 18th! I don't think Brian could have come with a better one.

I can only imagine this scene: "begin singing YMCA at the top of my lungs while swinging from the fucking chandelier", then Melanie's look of horror or envy to this one "the upclose and personal view of my dick".

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