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Reviewer: BritinDynasty Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 28, 2019 8:01 pm Title: CHAPTER 3: WHITE DIAMONDS

*Super blushing* That was AMAZING *HOT.

Fantastic written. Their Observations about everyone are Correct.

Love the fact that Brian & Justin are having time of their life, without any worries. Keep it cumming on & on & on.

Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 28, 2019 4:59 pm Title: CHAPTER 3: WHITE DIAMONDS

Justin as the outsider truly does see what Michael, Deb and Lindsay are like they all have their own little fantasies and without Brian to rescue or blame they have no more excuses to avoid the truth glaring back at them through the mirror.

It is so sad that Brian allowed himself to be subjected to their abuse just to hold onto their version of love, but thanks to Justin he is seeing that love comes in many forms and that though it may not be easy at least it doesn't come with thousands of conditions.

Mel not marrying Lindsay is smart but it comes with major problems that she will need to face without seeing Brian as the villain in her story.

With time Mel could be one Hell of a lawyer but she needs to get over her insecurities that all men are out to get her, cause while most would enjoy seeing her fail Brian could care less, he isn't out, has never been out to sabotage her that she can do herself, he just wants everyone to reach their potential.

Maybe now she is ready to see that Lindsay isn't a saint but a Wasp Princess who wants the life she was born to have, but it won't be with Brian because he is Without a Doubt Gay and that one night of sex with Lindsay does not make him bisexual, I mean if he was then he wouldn't have waited this long to sleep with Lindsay again, that is just Lindsay's fantasy which will never happen because Brian doesn't settle for boring when he can have Unbelievable Every Night with Justin.

Everything Justin said about The Whiny Three is dead on accurate and getting away from Pittsburgh is the only way Brian can breathe so why not make it a permanent move?

Ted, Emmett and maybe even Vic might enjoy the freedom of living in a new environment without being told consistently that they are okay but not good enough to succeed.

Keeping Lindsay out of his business will drive her crazy along with Michael and probably Deb cause Jennifer will know everything.

Brian and Justin Are So Hot That Sun Blushes!!! lol

Thanks For the Update 😃

Reviewer: Deb Tanner Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 28, 2019 12:49 pm Title: CHAPTER 3: WHITE DIAMONDS

Well damn! That was hot, Hot, HOT!!! I'm sure the rest of their time there was just as hot! Whew! Need to cool down. Lol!

Glad to see the munchers didn't get hitched after all. Although sorry that all the gang's work putting it together was for naught.

Looking forward to seeing how Justin handles his interview and how Lindsay will handle not getting the updates she will be expecting it Justin accepts their offer.

And also can't wait to see Michael & Lindsay's reactions to Brian's move.

Looking forward to the next installment.



Reviewer: bksbracelet Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 28, 2019 11:19 am Title: CHAPTER 3: WHITE DIAMONDS

Wow a lot of porn and some deep conversation wonderful combination 

Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 28, 2019 10:49 am Title: CHAPTER 3: WHITE DIAMONDS

I really enjoyed the enlightening conversation at the restaurant. Justin laid out some hard truths... and it once again showed Brian's maturity that he sat and listened. The idea that the company can NOT utter a word to Lindsay, will be a very good negotiation. But come on... did you REALLY have to say: If you were the two of them... I know... inconsequential... but thinking of Brian being either of them/like them... shudder. And a thought passed through my mind about the wedding. I think the reason Lindsay was so anxious to have Brian walk her down the aisle... was to also feed into that fantasy of "Here Comes the Bride" ... with whom she feels is her true intended/or who she WANTS to have as her intended.

Their arrival in Palm Springs was HOT! Could you picture Mikey in that scenario? Nah... me neither. I mean... there is a REASON Brian has chosen to partake of one tantalizing morsel and not the defunct one.

And, what's this crap about Deb and Lindsay calling for a week? Debbie, probably because he bugged out of the wedding... but Lindsay should be smart enough to leave him alone! What is she hoping to accomplish? I'm lost...

I wonder if Debbie is aware of their schemes and manipulations.

HUGS  ~Cathy

Reviewer: marie-france Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 28, 2019 8:16 am Title: CHAPTER 3: WHITE DIAMONDS

It was hot especially the second part of course. I think I like their discussion so much. We see that they are very realistic with what is going on with their friends and family. They will take Lindsay and Michael to their own game and I feel like I'm going to love it! Another wonderful chapter. I really like this story.

Reviewer: Auggie Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 27, 2019 10:28 pm Title: CHAPTER 1

Of course I love everything you this is great. I even read your reviews of other authors because sometimes your reviews are as good as a story. Pleas keep writing.

Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 27, 2019 5:06 pm Title: CHAPTER 2: CHAMPAGNE DREAMS and THWARTED WISHES

I love the fact that two people who can't make a decision without getting Brian's opinion first think they know what is best for Brian or Justin.

They are too self-absorbed to realize that Brian doesn't need their advice and that Justin surpassed them into adulthood when he was ten.

Lindsay's only success was being a teacher to those with talent while Justin was born with it and Michael is still fourteen waiting for that unfinished handjob.

Lindsay got off Lucio cause I would have brought that mansion down on her head but the words I would've used to render her deaf, dumb and mute.

Michael and Lindsay can take their opinions and shove them up their non-existed Asses.

Brian and Justin getting out of Pittsburgh is the right thing for them I just worry about Gus who will be used to get Brian to bend??

Yeah You Hooked...Damn You! 😆😆😆

Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 27, 2019 4:26 pm Title: CHAPTER 2: CHAMPAGNE DREAMS and THWARTED WISHES

I am almost ready to cry... you took this simple plot... and made it phenomenal! I am so very proud of you! HAPPY TOO!

For not really putting ANTI in the category... you sure wrote like an Anti little beaver! hehe...

Between the title (Thwarted Wishes) and the door slamming upstairs is almost making me think Mel might have walked out... all the time rethinking some of her own decisions of late. And Lindsay's: rethinking? You can’t mean… Yep, dear, little Lindsay... I DO think she rethought about marrying a manipulative bitch, whose real dreams are wanting Brian and the white picket fence.

And Brian... I'm liking the more grown-up way of thinking and also realizing that Justin is a sure and good thing. And Emmett sounds like a very good friend... and Brian sees that too: wrapping his arm loosely around the neck of one of his closest friends. It will be interesting to see how Ted comes into play.

I just have one request: please, please, please, please... let us be privy to the conversation Brian has with Michael.

It will be interesting to see what the decision about the job in California entails... but knowing it wasn't offered on Justin's merits and credentials, I can't really see him accepting it.

I did read the reviews from the first chapter, and it seemed everyone's interested in how the wedding came about. Four words to those in question: READ PLOT BUNNIES, PEOPLE!


HUGS  ~Cathy

Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 27, 2019 2:55 pm Title: CHAPTER 1

Where do I start? WOW! You grouped me - little 'ol ME - with Deb Tanner! Can I kiss you? I was so happy to see this one! And, can't wait to see which others will be chosen. (and - ooh - I have a couple others I was wondering about posting... which one of them just might work with 'Retrograde' :)

Anyway... imagine when I checked my spam folder today before deleting it... and found THIS in there... I raced right over.

I LOVE the idea of this being current day... marriage is probably legal.

I loved your characterizations of Michael, Lindsay, and Deb. Demanding. June Cleaver. Taking care of widdle Mikey! You sure had all of them pegged! But, am I sorry Michael is in Portland? Hell NO! But, he will probably be back for the wedding and put his two-cents worth in about Justin going to the White Parties.

I could definitely see Brian and Justin working together... they both are career-driven and smart. Is Brian still supposed to be with Ryder or has Vangard taken over?  But, maybe they should start Kinnetik... because if they are off to another state... what about Gus?

Thankfully it was Mel and NOT Lindsay barging in... but seriously... how can Melanie have any illusions of Justin being INNOCENT... when he's been hooked up with Brian for a year? (Sorry... that just really hit me funny!)

So,  btw... If anyone gives you heck about starting a new story... send them to me. What they may not realize is that when you have multiple stories going... you have the option to write on the one that you have ideas on how to go forward. And, I for one, never mind going back and rereading a small portion to get back into the groove. And hey... Look on the bright side folks... we are STILL being highly entertained here!

HUGS  ~ Cathy

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 27, 2019 12:33 pm Title: CHAPTER 2: CHAMPAGNE DREAMS and THWARTED WISHES

Darn we still don't know how they ended up married.  You corrected one of the storylines that always bothered me and gave us an Em to die for.  Loved it.

Reviewer: BritinDynasty Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 27, 2019 9:40 am Title: CHAPTER 2: CHAMPAGNE DREAMS and THWARTED WISHES

NOR Lindsay NEITHER Michel ever came across as good or concerning friends as I watched 8 times after watching 1st time. Their thoughts are pointless & petulant.

Justin & Brian are right to live their life their way. Its non of family buisinees As That family put bet on their happiness & love.

Curious to read MORE. ðŸ™‚

Reviewer: BritinDynasty Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 27, 2019 9:32 am Title: CHAPTER 1

*I'M ONTO IT ❤Totally & desperately. They are in characters, beautiful & perfect. Immperasive written. :)

Reviewer: cookiebun Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 27, 2019 9:20 am Title: CHAPTER 2: CHAMPAGNE DREAMS and THWARTED WISHES

I seriously hope you are writing this quickly... I want more NOW NOW NOW... please lol 


I really like the characterization of "the gang" in this story... Brian is more mature (even if in his own thoughts mostly) and calling out Lindsay on her BS just makes me happy... and having Mel see it without as much fight is always great!

Reviewer: marie-france Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 27, 2019 8:30 am Title: CHAPTER 2: CHAMPAGNE DREAMS and THWARTED WISHES

Michael and Lindsay are still so evil but fortunately Brian and Justin see their games. I expect more when they know that Brian and Justin are married. They will stay married is not it? It's so funny when they surprise everyone by living their life as they want. Nobody decides for them. Great chapter!

Reviewer: bksbracelet Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 27, 2019 8:04 am Title: CHAPTER 2: CHAMPAGNE DREAMS and THWARTED WISHES

Omg I am so dammed loving this series I love all the slam downs of the evil twins, I cannot wait for another glimpse into our boys lives 

Reviewer: Deb Tanner Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 27, 2019 5:19 am Title: CHAPTER 2: CHAMPAGNE DREAMS and THWARTED WISHES

This was a fun chapter. I love the way Emmett is looking out for Brian and not putting him down with regard to taking care of Gus. He's just concerned about it being for a longer stretch of time. And that can be difficult on anyone, even those who are full-time 24/7 parents.

Really enjoyed the whole take on Brian giving them the tickets for their honeymoon. Now I'm wondering if the munchers really did get hitched in your story. LOL! Wouldn't that just chap Lindsay's ass for Mel to call off the wedding only to find out that Brian and Justin are married. LOL! Can't wait to find out Michael's reaction and what Lindsay and Michael will both do when they find out both Brian and Justin will be in California reagarding jobs!

Looking forward to much more!



Reviewer: Deb Tanner Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 27, 2019 4:32 am Title: CHAPTER 1

Woo Hoo! I'm dangerous! LOL! The last time anyone referred to me as dangerous was my kids whenever I was in the kitchen! I love it and can't wait to see which bunnies inspired you!

I am loving this fic. Brian and Justin are so much more intune with each other yet still working things out. What's really great is that they are doing all that together.

Mel barging in was a surprise. But it was a good surprise! So glad it wasn't Michael! I laughed out loud when she rushed out of the loft so she could preserve her image of Sunshine's innocence.

I think this is going to be another wonderful fic!



Reviewer: wellreadbunny Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 27, 2019 4:00 am Title: CHAPTER 2: CHAMPAGNE DREAMS and THWARTED WISHES

Wow that was not expected.  Still not sure how they ended up married.  Can't wait to find out. 

Reviewer: chadmom63 Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 27, 2019 2:02 am Title: CHAPTER 1

Nice start!

Reviewer: smoxen Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 27, 2019 12:42 am Title: CHAPTER 1

Great start! I’m excited to see where this goes. I do think Brian and Justin are stifled in the Pitts so I love the idea of them getting out.

Reviewer: Fantgirl Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 26, 2019 11:20 pm Title: CHAPTER 1

Sounds like fun Brian and Justin get married I'm all for that

Reviewer: bksbracelet Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 26, 2019 7:57 pm Title: CHAPTER 1

Lol that was awesome and I loved Justin being nervous at first on how to manage his future prospects and keep a hand on the KOM! Then as they talked things over Brian and Justin realised how strong they are. However as they knew when the work together they can manage anything 

Reviewer: cookiebun Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 26, 2019 2:42 pm Title: CHAPTER 1

I'm going to enjoy this series VERY much... I can tell... and thank you for making them mostly short and/or one shots. I have a better shot of getting to them that way since I don't like to read a WIP.. this covers me :) 

great chapter!  looking forward to more!

Reviewer: marie-france Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 26, 2019 8:00 am Title: CHAPTER 1

 I really like this beginning that mixes part of the series and twists it for your vision of what could have happened. But I can not wait to see how Justin and Brian got married, but I guess that's the whole story. Thank you for this new story even if there are others but you are right it is you who decide following your inspiration and I will always be there to read all that you can give. Thank you.

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