Date: Aug 30, 2019 1:02 am Title: Chapter 4 - Out Of The Ordinary
Hazy is good. Great chapter. Wow, this story is powerful in a good way. Terrific writing.
Date: Aug 29, 2019 10:38 pm Title: Chapter 4 - Out Of The Ordinary
Well, now you have me confused. I was thinking that being Justin seemed to have a connection with the baby, that it had to be Gus. But why would he hate Gus? And Justin doesn't come from a poor family, so how could he be jealous of what the baby will have? So, now I'm wondering just who the baby in the carriage with the see-through plastic is.
Then, once again, Claire was mentioned... I know, I'm just speculating...
The church... was Brian at Christmas Mass? I'm still thinking Brian is kind of aware of Justin's 'power'... and they are connecting. But, does Daphne know about Justin being an empath?
Father Francis... I thought it would be Father Butterfield. Maybe then Brian wouldn't mind going to church.
Loved the jealous Mikey... criminy... he's even jealous of baby Gus! (keep it coming!) Makes for humorous reading!
I love all the mystery surrounding this. Thanks again for the quick update.
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Aug 29, 2019 8:37 pm Title: Chapter 4 - Out Of The Ordinary
Being an empath is not easy. Hope Justin able to figure out what is going on or going to happen. I like the dream sequence. Who is this mystery person Justin see it through?
Daphne's great friend, but Daph, Jus don't have any baby fetish. ðŸ˜Lol, their banters are amusing.
Kudos to your writing. I enjoyed reading it. Looking forward for More. ⤠:)
Date: Aug 29, 2019 8:20 pm Title: Chapter 3 - Real Life
Kid in the stroller must be Gus. Even in show that connection between Justin and Gus was established at very first time with Brian.
Dick** is really dick-less idiot. Always enjoyed Justin telling him off.
The way you written Justin prediction dreams are beautiful. Wonderful update. 🙂
Date: Aug 29, 2019 7:40 pm Title: Chapter 4 - Out Of The Ordinary
It's getting really weird! Poor Justin, his northern head is going to explode!
Is Justin having flashbacks from Brian's early life and seeing moments happening in the present?
One great thing is that Daphne is here and I love that!
A few adjectives I found in Reverso: foggy, vague, fuzzy, blurred, misty, blurry, unclear, nebulous, cloudy, faint, muddled, obscure, smoky, muzzy, uncertain, veiled, indistinct, ill-defined, dim, confusing, mixed-up, garbled, confused, confounded, murky, turbid, unconscious, ambiguous, imprecise, muddy, loose, bleary, clouded, shadowy, cloaked, opaque, overcast, smoke, dark, addle, cloud, smoggy, filmy, atmospheric
Author's Response:
Ooooo - thank you for all those lovely adjectives! TAG
Date: Aug 29, 2019 7:03 pm Title: Chapter 3 - Real Life
It's great to read that Justin decided to fight Dixon back and filed a complaint. Too bad he can't do anything for Chris.
Date: Aug 28, 2019 12:48 pm Title: Chapter 3 - Real Life
Interesting take on what happened. But who is the kid in the stroller? Hopefully not Gus.
Date: Aug 28, 2019 8:10 am Title: Chapter 3 - Real Life
It's not so slow! And Justin has sweet dreams. Except the one with the baby devil. Thanks for the update.
Date: Aug 28, 2019 4:01 am Title: Chapter 3 - Real Life
Same highschool drama for our Justin. Same bastard of a father too.
Seeing Brian in his dreams, not a bad thing. Wouldn't mind that myself. Ha!
Wonder why he would have such negative feelings towards a baby. Not like him at all. What has Brian been up to since Justin hasn't been around. Missing his stalker?
Date: Aug 27, 2019 11:56 pm Title: Chapter 3 - Real Life
Hmm... evil baby? I guess I wasn't reading your mind as well as you thought! I thought the beautiful scene in Justin's daydream was going to show us something about Brian, about why he is emotionally closed off from Justin and that HE was the baby. But I guess we're looking at little Hobbs???
Already waiting for the next chapter!
Date: Aug 27, 2019 11:50 pm Title: Chapter 3 - Real Life
Great chapter as always. Sorry I am just getting to read it. RL sometimes intrudes into reading time, along with looking at all the pics & videos from the LA event and annoying Donny doolittle with tweets he probably never reads, but make me feel better. Think was a great way to set the scene. Fantastic writing.
Date: Aug 27, 2019 11:21 pm Title: Chapter 3 - Real Life
Ooh, I loved this... this is my kind of story!!! But then, I don't think I have not liked anything you've written. Justin was super funny. I loved his *dreams* ... you have a knack for it... sexy, yet funny.
Yay for Justin writing the school board. Another circumstance that should have been in the show.
Thanks to you... all boys now know how to get out of grounding...
The baby dream... a premonition about the kidnapping? And shame on you... we didn't get a description of the person pushing the stroller... I have my suspicions but I'm not sure I should say... Hmm, but I want to... talk about that mousy... nope not saying nothing!!!
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Aug 27, 2019 11:49 am Title: Chapter 2 - Face Of God
Hmm I am very interested in this AU it is very intriguing
Author's Response:
Thanks. Hope I can keep you interested as we go along. TAG
Date: Aug 27, 2019 2:05 am Title: Chapter 2 - Face Of God
Interesting to include Claire in the scenes at the hospital. I'm already suspicious!
And I can understand why, as an empath, Justin would move on after being rebuffed by Brian after their night together. But could it be that Brian somehow knows Justin is an empath? And that was a bigger motivation for Brian to cut Justin off?
Can't wait to see where this goes next!
Author's Response:
Stop reading ahead in my brain! Lolz. TAG
Date: Aug 26, 2019 1:27 pm Title: Chapter 2 - Face Of God
I bet Brian gets sorry that he let Justin slip through his fingers. Especially if Mikey keeps reminding him how lucky he is that Justin is no longer around.
Author's Response:
You might be onto something there with Brian being sorry he let Justin go . . . *wink* TAG
Date: Aug 26, 2019 7:59 am Title: Chapter 2 - Face Of God
So the canon is finished. I can not wait to see where you take us next! Thanks for the update.
Author's Response:
All the places I want to take you . . . That's the best part of writing! Enjoy! TAG
Date: Aug 26, 2019 3:48 am Title: Chapter 2 - Face Of God
I really like this feature that allows Justin to read people!
The 2 moments are the key to the next parts I guess, Claire being the potential opening to a few turnmoils in Brian's mind?
Author's Response:
You might just be right, but I'm not going to give away any more clues for now. You'll just have to keep reading. LOL. TAG
Date: Aug 26, 2019 1:10 am Title: Chapter 2 - Face Of God
Okay, you derailed a little, but I can totally understand why.
But, what I'm wondering with Brian... is he scared of the connection with the blond, or can he sense something that he can't put his finger on, thus, warning him to keep his distance.
I'm really looking forward to how you set everything else up. How long before Justin has to come back into the picture, how he's brought into the picture, how is Justin contacted, and who's responsible for Justin having to come back into the picture.
I was a little disappointed thinking Michael's jealous animosity might come forth more, or Lindsay's swooning when Brian held the baby. And unfortunately, we didn't get any meeting at the diner. I would have loved Emmett's and Ted's thoughts on the blond. Hmm, maybe being an empath wouldn't be such a great thing to be.
Great, great, story.
HUGS ~Cathy
Author's Response:
I think both is true for Brian. He's scared of being emotionally open and maybe senses that Justin threatens his nice, neat, close little world. For all the rest, you'll just have to keep reading and see. *wink* TAG
Date: Aug 25, 2019 11:49 pm Title: Chapter 2 - Face Of God
Wow. Justin didn't need to be an empathy to know what the feelings were in Lindsay's room. All the emotions there for anyone to see.
Brian was running scared. Almost like he knew Justin was looking for something Brian definitely did not want him to find.
Justin may have given up for now, but he'll get to Brian one way or another.
Author's Response:
My Brian isn't that different from canon Brian - he was always running away from his feelings. Only now, this Justin can sense that more distinctly. Off to write more. Enjoy! TAG
Date: Aug 25, 2019 1:48 am Title: Chapter 1 - A Blankness
I'm happy to read any story your muse tells you to write!
Interesting start to this one!
Author's Response:
Awwww! Thank you. Hope you enjoy it! TAG
Date: Aug 24, 2019 7:20 pm Title: Chapter 1 - A Blankness
I love the start of this story. Can’t wqit to read more. You are a terrific writer
Author's Response:
Thank you. That was just the boost I needed this afternoon. Now, off to finish Chapter 2. 😊 TAG
Date: Aug 24, 2019 8:04 am Title: Chapter 1 - A Blankness
Interesting beginning. Justin who can read people! I can not wait to see what he's going to read from Michael and Lindsay. But first he must read Brian's body since his mind is barricaded. I love that!
Author's Response:
I always figured Justin was a bit empathic - this story will just enhance those abilities. But there's a fun plot added in as well to spice things up. Happy Reading! TAG
Date: Aug 23, 2019 5:36 pm Title: Chapter 1 - A Blankness
Intriguing beginning! This new quality suits Justin just fine.
Justin can't read Brian's mind, but I'm pretty sure he will read his body very thoroughly, deep into the night :)
I love this reverse "And that’s when it happened; when HE came along."!
Author's Response:
I used this line about 'reading Brian's body' in the second chapter. Thanks for the suggestion. TAG
Date: Aug 23, 2019 2:57 pm Title: Chapter 1 - A Blankness
Looking forward to seeing where you take us. Also learning how he reads Mikey and Lindsay.
Author's Response:
That's what a story-teller does - takes you all sorts of crazy places. Hang on, here we go! TAG
Date: Aug 23, 2019 4:38 am Title: Chapter 1 - A Blankness
Intresting plot. Love it.
Justin being an empath suits him cause Justin is the only one who helped everyone without taking any credits. That's why Brian can't resist attraction towards Sunshine beauty & kindness.
I'm sooo onto this new one. :)
Author's Response:
Thank you! I agree that Justin was the only choice for who my Empath would be. Let's see where it takes us... TAG